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Discoveries activity book 1

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Trang 2


Trang 3



Trang 4

Kate Andy : Sue John /3/ Join the dots three six ° °

four five Hello Jả ® © Kix My name’s Cleo two / \ ` seVen

one » — ee g@ight (ay

yy % * Ề My name’s Big Ben VI 0 nho) he : F -

GY » '

Trang 6

/1/ This is Kate's family tree Complete the sentences fer This is Kate’s father ) | This is Kate's ee Mr Morgan Mrs Morgan

Write the names of:

yOuf mOtheF con nhe nhện your brother(s) 0.0 012 ccs cece nennhen hen hen

your father 0 eee eee ees YOU SÌSE€T(8) cành nen eee eee

/3/ Write the full form of these sentences:

1 m John 4, We're friends

3 (three)

Trang 7

(3) Find the words

SS TERBROTT Daas Oar HT HH mg Ho Đo R ĐK K Y tiy ky tin

Trang 8

[1] Write I, you, he, she, or we in the sentences 1 Im Peter 2 This is Mrs Brown - ‘s my teacher 3 Thịs is Amn ’s my sister

4, This is Mr Johnson ’s Peter’s father 5 This is Pat ‘re friends from school

6 ANN: HOW ar€ ?

PETER: ‘m OK, thanks

Trang 9

[ 4] Write the words from the box in the correct

“places in the passage

name friend twins nice cat called

school teacher and little dog

Jack AVA Tina are LUNs: They have a brother His is Max They have a cat and a dog too

The ‘s name is Snowy The ‘s name is Bertrand but he’s called Bert He is a very dog Miss Harris is Tina’s at her Tina has a

"—— called Pat Jack has a teacher Mr Green

Trang 10

Hị Write questions and answers

7 (seven)

[3] Write the answers

1 Are you five, Ellen?

Trang 11

[4] Listen to the people and complete the forms GIRL: Tina: It’s 50, Regent Rd, Dover GIRL: TINA: It’s Dover 47689 GIRL: TINA: Eleven

cirt: That's my favourite number too

Trang 12

From my mun and dad =— ( Senet Sed home ic pen culator note le rubb work comp phone cal cil com book tab er tele uter 9 (nine) [ 3j Write the answers 1 Is this a table? 5 Is this a stool? 6 Is this a desk?

Trang 13

Hj Crossword ị DOWN 2222 2 ì _— [ 2 / Write a or an in these ~ sentences 1 This is @ tiger 2 It’s G41 Indian tiger

3.IEs English sheep dog 4, This is Indian elephant

5 It’s 0 Chinese panda 6 It’s sheep dog 7 It’s panda

Trang 14


[1 Circle the correct answer / 3/ Write the names of the objects 1 Andy and Kate twins a) is (are c) am 2.A: Are you eleven? B: Y©8, a) lam b) you are c) it is 3 How old you? a) have b) is c) are / 4 a: What’s that? 8: It’s English sheep dog a) an b)a c) this 5 a: Where's the tiger from? BỊ a) It is India b) Indian

c) It’s from India 6 a: How old is she?

B: She’s

a) seventeen years b) seventeen years old c) seventeen year old [ 2) One word in the group is wrong Can you find it?

1 pen pencil rubber 2 book comic class notebook 3 telephone calculator computer house

4 tiger panda eagle lesson — ee eee ees 5 brother sister friend hundred

6 table ruler desk - stool OS

en es

Trang 15

/4/ Make these shadow pictures on a wall 1 A rabbit 3 A man 4 An eagle f /5/ Use your dictionary to find the names of these animais {A4 1 Đa ù psy yap ig Myo ee ⁄⁄ “*N, 2 ˆ idl Z [6] Read the passage and answer the questions

-Shỉ- Shi is a Chinese panda i in Walden Zoo aS

She's very young — only one year old :

_Shi-Shi has a brother, An-An, anda sister, ˆ

_Wa-Wa, An-An is four and Wa-Wa is six _Shi-Shi isn’t a pet — she’s a wild animal

Mark Ford’s pet is eight years old: He's

_an English sheep dog His name is Donald

“but he’s called Don The Fords have two - pets; a cat and a dog, but Don is Mark's a

favourite -


How old is Shi-Shi?

Trang 16

1j Write Who, What or Where in the sentences Veen ‘s that man? mm ’s he from? — ‘s your name? 4c nationality are you? Đ vu ese is it from?

6 cu eece “s that woman? Qui is she from?

Bee ’s your address?

[: 2j Correct these sentences

Trang 17

[ 1 ] Write the names of the countries

1 China 2 Greece 3 France 4, Britain 5 Brazil 6 Japan

7 Turkey 8 Spain 9 Italy 10 Argentina 11 USA

Het s° °

2j Write questions and answers

Trang 18

Hị Use the words in the box to complete the [: 2/ Complete the conversation

~ bubbles l ‘

Thanks very much Yes, please Sorry! Hi That’sOK That's OK

BOY: 0 saceceeeeeneeeeee 1 |OVE co

3/ Write a, an, or some and the name of the

Trang 19

soonest SES tS

[1] Answer the questions

1 What colour is your pencil? It’s "——— EEE EEE 2 What colour is your rubbet? nent tes

3 What colotr is your not€boOK? sec nàn nhe nh hhn hen kh th th kh he hen hhet 4 What colour are your teaCheff§ VâĐ? ke cnh hhn hen nh hinh he nh the net 5 What colour is your teachef“s haÌf? chen hnhhnhhhhehh tr nhe he nhe nhe 6 What colour is your best friend’s hair? à cà cehhhheehhnhhhrnemeeeneneeeerr 7 What are your favourite Colours? 05 e cee ce eee tet terete

[2] Write the names of your family Write the colour of their hair, their eyes, and their

~ favourite colour If you have no brothers and sisters, write about an uncle and an aunt

Colour of Colour of Favourite

Trang 20

LESSON ~ Roundup:

Hị Find the colours (There are nine.)

The words can go forwards or backwards ARWOLLEY| yellow red REDYEULB OPINKSET GREENOOL BORANGER ETIHWYXO BROWNIAN BBLACKEG mg /2/ Answer the questions, What colour:

are your eyes? eee rei is your hair? haste eee es isthe sear ee eee

isabananay Ừ isgrass? sees

is the telephone in your house?

/ 3) Write the correct endings for each "nationality Span Spze1 ï eee eee ees Germ Co rr Brit AN | sce c cece eee e eee e seen Indi, faeces " Japan iS | cece eee e eect eee ee ees Americ [ 4 | Write the missing words 1.4 you want a sweet? mm you English? 3 Where he from? 4 a: Thanks for the chocolate B: That’s vo BL AL ete you want a crisp? Bị Y€§, 6 A: Here you 8: Thanks 7 She from Italy 8 We French QD eee Japanese 10 They ten =


Trang 21

h 6] Colour the flags B = blue G = green R= red ’ W = white Y = yellow

[7 | Which country has which flag? Write the

~~ names of the countries in the boxes To help you, here is I love you in the language of

each country:

1 I love you 4 Tiamo 2 Je t’aime 5 Te amo

3 Ich liebe dich 6 Eu amo-te

[s 8/ Read the passage and circle the correct answers _ ”

The man in the picture is Max’s uncle: His name’s Patrick and he’s a teacher He’s thirty

Like Max, he has brown hair and green: eyes

The woman is Max’s aunt She’s thirty, too, She’s a doctor from Spain She has black hair and brown eyes Her name’s Rosa

She‘s Max's favourite aunt :

Trang 22

/ / Write the names of the clothes in the “boxes on the right

[2] Circle the correct words

1 Is this ‘(Are thes®your socks? 2 Is this / Are these your jacket?

3 Is this / Are these your blouse? 4 Is this / Are these your anorak? 5 Is this / Are these your shoes?

6 Is this / Ave these your trainers?

/3/ Write the answers

1 Whose pen is this?

2 Whose apples are these?

0 — n ects eee entree erecta eens

3 Whose tomatoes are these?

(Mr Green) cành nhe 4 Whose calculator is this?

Trang 23

Hj Write answers 1 [like John

3 I don’t like Lucy

(cheeky) uc chen hon hen

6 1 don’t like Barry Manilow

(horrible) cào he hheehnheheh nh

[3/ Write about what you like and don’t like

Write L (like), DL (don’t like),

Lo (ove) or H (hate) in the boxes bananas dogs sweets cats

pink socks homework icecream purple shirts chewing gum animals

ja) Now write four sentences, using the ~" gnformation from the boxes above

Trang 24

[3 1j Circle the odd one out 1 black — gold white

2 watch cheeky tent sleeping bag 3 awful horrible boring nice

4 football bike cloud stamp album 5 eyes hair aunt — ears

Trang 25

j1/ Write conversations

1 You / badges / nearly a hundred

a; Howe you gob any badges ?

My etarnp coilection is really

Ver wa nod Tye Qor ma

Fresen T + ex -

the USA, Bo mm Đưa


1 How many Italian stamps has she got? 40

2 How many Spanish stamps has she got? 3 How many French stamps has she got?

4 How many American stamps has she got? .:

Trang 26


Hị Write the correct form of have got in the


1 Have you gO% any foreign stamps?

2 Sarah hasn't got any friends 3L cu he any pictures of you 4.John cccceeeee any records

— eeeeeeeee an awful picture of

6 ệ Andy a camera?

[ 2 / Use the words in the box to complete the

“sentences Use all eight words my your his her mine yours his hers BE vu cveiie “s Mary 2 a: Is this my jacket?

8: No, it isnÍt jacket is over there

A: No, it isn’t That’s John’s

B: Oh, yes, iÍS Sorry 3 a: Where’s Dad’s book?

8: I think that’s book over there

4 a: Is Mary here?

8: I don’t know, but I think bike is here

A: No, that’s not It’s Susan’s

[3] Write Who or Whose 1 Who ’s that? are you? We sweater is this? “s Michael Jackson? tennis racket is this? 23 (twenty three) [4] Write which countries these stamps are from / 5) Write a or any

1 Have you got 4 camera? 2 Have you got VY records?

3 Have you got

4, Have you got 5 Have you got

6 Have you got

/6/ Write some or any a

got AAW postcards

2 Ứve got posters but I haven’t GOl oe pictures 3 I havent gọt chocolates but ve got crisps 4 thavent got photos but I've gọt badges

5, Ứve got T-shirts but I haven’t

Trang 27

[7 j The names of the objects in the picture all

~~" begin with the letter S Write the.words £T— Tp

J8ị 'What colour are your clothes? Complete

"the chart below: shirt / blouse trousers / skirt / dress shoes socks jacket / anorak / coat sweater trainers / shoes / boots T-shirt / 9] Read the passage and answer the questions ———

Tina and Jack Brown are members of an

international camping club — the Allstars

Each’member has got a tent, a sleeping bag

anda BMX bike They have camps in four

different countries: Britain, France; Spain and

Italy They have special clothes for camping:

sweaters, boots, socks; jeans and anoraks

Each camp has a special name ‘T-like the Music Camp,’ says Jack ‘We have videos and “records from all over the world,’ Tina’s

favourite ig the Sports Camp: ‘I think football

and tennis are great,’ she says

True or false? Put a tick (“) or a cross (>) in the boxes

1 Tina and Jack are members of the Allstars

2 The Allstars is a music club

Trang 28

Hj se Paul Harrisorfs report to complete the ˆ chart below 1 How many people are there ïn fo 6 Paul’s family? How many boys? How many girls? A | Got ho How many pets? How many uncles has he got? How many aunts? How many cousins? col ml} a] or How many people altogether?

(2) Now you complete this chart with answers

about your family 1 How many people are there in your family? How many boys? How many girls? How many pets? How many uncles have you got? ' How many aunts? How many cousins? col ME a} mpm] wl in How many people altogether? 25 (twenty five) [ 3/ “Use your answers to write a report like “~ Paul's /4) How many animals are there in this ~~ ‘picture?

Trang 29


1 j Write the names of the rooms above

2j Write sentences Say where the animals are in the house

3 } Put the apostrophe (’) in the correct place 1 Theres a radio in the bedroom

Trang 30

Hj Listen to Tina talking about her

room On the chart, write where

Trang 31

[i 1/ If you miss the spiders, you're OK If you “~~ hit the spiders, you're dead! Write your

answers on the chart L N 2 START] MOVE w@Be FINISH] OK OR DEAD? 3 No No 41 | Two South, two West, one South 30 OK

10 | TwoWest, four South.| 36 | dead 1 Four East, two South, one West 6 | One South, one East, two South 35 | One West, one North, one West

43 | One East, one North, one East, one South 49 | Three West, two North,

one East, one South

/ 3 / What do you know about your country?

How many are OK? Answer the quesHons How many are dead?

(Check your answers at the bottom of the 1 Are there any big ports in your country?

PA) ttt ttt err ttttteeeres

/ 2/ Draw a map of your country in your

~~" notebook, marking the important OWNS nắn

Write the position of the towns below

Trang 32


Hị Say where the spider is and complete the " sentences with the correct prepositions:

in, on, under, next to

r1 an


[2] Look at the house Complete these questions

and answers with there and the correct form of the verb to be


Blo vecceccee cee —

Trang 33

[4 / These words are things you find in a room ~~ but they are mixed up Match the two

halves of the words

Trang 34

Hị Complete the sentences with one word

3 Helo I Max’s mother A eee ue evening

5 a: Who's that?

BỊ c cvvvccc ’s Prince Charles

6 This is Sue She’s a friend school

2) Write the correct word

1 It’s an (Africa) African tion

2 Ïs an (England) sheep dog 3 It’s an ( ndia) tiger

4.1Us a (China} panda

5, IEs an (AmerlCa) ecc eagle Halfway Roundup [4] Write the words next to the pictures Do you want What colour a chocolate?

are you from?

Trang 35

[: 6] Write ten colours in the box pink / 7j Write questions

1 She’s got a lot of stamps

Has she got.a lot of stamps?

2 It’s Jack’s sweater

r a cupboard in the corner

3 khe a lot of flowers in the garden

— two beds in the bedroom ñ Hee a toilet upstairs

Ố Qu.u uc hxeey some stairs up to the attic

[ 9] Write some or any in the spaces

1 There are socks in the


2 Have you got - French stamps? 3 Are there students from Spain

in your school?

4 Ứve got records but I haven’t gỌt videos

5, Are there parks in your town? 6 There ar© ‹ pens in my desk

ho] Draw a plan of your bedroom below

Trang 36

/1/ Write questions and answers 2 My 3 You spell surname’s my name

[: 4 / Can you finish this sentence?


Trang 38

lay read listen watch What are you doing?

[2 j Listen to the people What are they

doing? Mark the correct answer

1@)I’'m playing my guitar

b) I’m watching TV

c) I’m playing football

2 a) I’m talking to a friend

b) I'm doing my homework

c) I'm listening to the radio

3 a) I’m climbing a rope

b) I’m reading a story

c) I'm playing the piano

4a) I'm making some toffee

b) I'm watching TV

c} I’m talking

5 a) I’m writing a letter

b) I'm listening to a cassette c) ’m making an omelette

[3 Find the words in the wordsnake There

Trang 39

'7/ Peter and Jane are watching their family and / 8 3 John / stand / on / head

friends Write the questions and answers

1 Pat / Jack / play / volleyball

/2/ Read Anna’s letter and the passage below,

“and write the people’s names in the picture

We've got three families in our house

just now My Unele Ben and Aunt Rita are here with their three children: William, Paul and Margaret Aunt Katherine is here with her two children, Carolyn and Marilyn, and there's me, my brother Mark, „ my sister Lizzie, Mum and Dad

Oh, my name's Annaecece

It is the afternoon and the family is at home

Anna’s mother and father are in the dining room, writing letters Her uncle and aunt are in the sitting room: Ben’s reading a book and

Rita's watching TV Katherine’s in the garden, playing football with Margaret and one of

Margaret's brothers Anna’s brother and sister are playing with their trains in the attic

William’s in the kitchen He’s making toffee

with two of his cousins Anna’s in her bedroom, reading a comic



/3 / Now correct the sentences

1 Anna’s reading a book

the cat


Trang 40

/ 1 ị Write the correct form of the verb in the

In your notebook, copy and complete the questions and answers Use the verbs in “Jetter to the Champions Competition in the box Dover asking if you can enter the competition | play listen watch do make cai Your address The date No, they Bee Mr Morgan the radio? No, he

In your letter, write: your name and age — they woes

the name of your school

our sports teacher's name -

` sou

two on three of your favourite sports 6 Andy cocci an omelette?

(and how well you can do them)

| any other sporting or artistic


Yes, he

y other spt iste at yoy can do (eg play the p

/ 2j Write the activities below in the two :

p d1 me

boxes In the first box write the activities that you can do in the house In the second box write those you can’t do indoors

play the piano use a computer ride a horse Your name

watch TV dive eat climb a tree write fly

row a boat swim run a race a

play football play volleyball '

knit do the long j al wre :

, 0 the Tong JUMP / 4; Write can or can’t in this conyersation

INDOORS vere, COM you play the piano?

play the piano JOHN: Y€8,Ï , butl play it very

wellL - you?

PETEk No,Ì , but my cousin Sally

KG | play the guitar

climb a tree JOMN: she play it well?

| perer: Yes, she „ and she sing

| too

Ngày đăng: 28/06/2022, 16:17
