1.2.1 拒绝的定义
关于拒绝言语的定义有很多不同的看法: 词典上的定义
Từ điển tiếng Trung hiện đại - Tập hợp đầy đủ và thực dụng của Nhà xuất bản Nhân dân Yanbian định nghĩa từ "từ chối" là hành động không chấp nhận yêu cầu, ý kiến hoặc quà tặng.
The online Chinese dictionary, zdic.net, defines "refusal" as the act of not agreeing; it clearly indicates a willingness to decline an invitation, request, assistance, or offer.
《现代汉语语法词典-延边人民出版社》: 拒绝是不接受请求、意见或赠礼。
The "Modern Chinese Common Words Usage Dictionary" published by Beijing Language University defines refusal as the act of not accepting requests, opinions, or gifts.
《汉语大词典简编- 汉语大词典出版社》:拒绝是不接受,不答应。
Various Chinese dictionaries define "拒绝" (refuse) in similar terms While the definition from the online dictionary zdic.net is more detailed, others provide simpler explanations that convey the core meaning: to refuse is to be unwilling to accept an invitation, request, offer, or assistance.
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In her article "On Refusal Strategies from the Surface of Discourse," Ma Yuelan defines "refusal" as a common yet sensitive speech act Refusal occurs as the unexpected second part of adjacent discourse, opposing the social goals of establishing and maintaining politeness Essentially, it is considered impolite and poses a face-threatening act to the requester.
According to Yan Xiaochun's analysis of refusal speech acts, a refusal speech act is a verbal expression where one party responds negatively to another party's request, invitation, offer, or suggestion.
In her article "Refusal Strategies in Chinese Language Communication," Li Yingying defines refusal as a response by the speaker that negates the listener's suggestion to engage in a particular action.
In her article "Prototype Categories and Refusal Speech Acts," Tian Qiu Yue defines refusal as a speech act that falls within the realm of pragmatics, representing a universal communicative behavior shared across various social classes and groups Refusal is characterized as a "non-cooperative" response to various performative speech acts, such as invitations, requests, suggestions, and offers.
In her article "A Study on the Refusal Speech Acts of East Asian and Southeast Asian Students Learning Chinese," Ai Xiaoli emphasizes that refusal occurs as a response to other speech acts, such as invitations, offers, and requests, and fundamentally contradicts the intentions of the other party She argues that refusal is essentially a face-threatening behavior.
Different authors hold varying perspectives on the concept of refusal Ma Yuelan and Kui Xiaoli, in contrast to others, not only define refusal as the unwillingness to accept invitations, requests, offers, or suggestions but also explore it from additional viewpoints.
Refusal, from a discourse structure perspective, serves as an unexpected second part in adjacent exchanges and typically follows other speech acts According to theories of speech acts related to "face" and "politeness," refusals are inherently impolite and pose a threat to the requester’s face, representing a fundamental challenge to social norms of politeness.
Based on previous definitions of refusal as a speech act, I believe that "refusal" falls within the realm of pragmatics It occurs in response to other speech acts, such as invitations, suggestions, offers, and requests, and fundamentally contradicts the other party's intentions, thereby posing a threat to face. 拒绝与否定的界限
"Refusal" is a form of verbal communication that involves using language to express a denial or rejection of a request While many people equate "refusal" with simply saying "no," it is important to recognize that refusal and denial are not synonymous In a stricter sense, refusal encompasses a broader range of communicative behaviors beyond mere negation.
"Refusal" and "denial" are distinct concepts: denial pertains to propositions and involves rejecting a statement, while refusal relates to not fulfilling a specific request Not meeting a request does not equate to denying that request.
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(1) A: 去北京工作了吗?
The term "no" serves as a negative response to the question, effectively denying the implied proposition that "he went to Beijing for work." In essence, it means "he did not go to Beijing for work."
(2) A: 我们去游泳吧!
B: 不去, 我怕水。
1.3.1 上班族拒绝言语的定义
In the realm of pragmatics, refusal as a speech act is defined as a response that contradicts the other party's wishes, often threatening their face However, the refusal language used by office workers differs from general refusal language primarily in its audience Therefore, we can define office workers' refusal language as a specific type of speech act within pragmatics, limited to the context of office workers It occurs in response to other speech acts such as invitations, suggestions, offers, or requests, and fundamentally serves to oppose the intentions of the interlocutor, thereby posing a potential threat to their face.
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(丑女无敌- 第 6 集)
裴娜:家明, 家明!
裴娜:我车出了点状况, 你可不可以送我回家呀?
家明:亲爱的, 你忘了,我今天也有很重要的状况吗?
Jiaming: Today is a particularly important day for me, so I apologize, my dear Wish me luck, goodbye!
(丑女无敌- 第 6 集)
In a dialogue between Wu and Sasa, Wu expresses his need for someone to talk to, stating, "I feel uneasy and want to share my thoughts," but Sasa declines, saying, "I'm sorry, Wu, I'm very busy!" Similarly, in another instance, colleagues Jia Ming and Peina encounter each other on their way home Peina asks Jia Ming for a ride due to car troubles, but Jia Ming quickly reminds her, "Dear, you forgot that I also have an important situation today."
Despite not using explicit words of refusal, it is clear that Jiaming is rejecting Peina's request.
1.3.2 上班族拒绝言语的特点
In addition to the typical discourse structure and meaning associated with refusal language, workplace professionals exhibit distinct characteristics in their rejection communication.
The first aspect to consider is the target audience, which can be categorized into three levels within the working population: superiors, subordinates, and peers Studying the language of refusal among office workers involves examining how superiors reject subordinates, how subordinates refuse requests from superiors, and how colleagues at the same level interact with each other in terms of refusal.
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Director Zhang emphasized that politics is an integral part of the hospital environment, stating that without it, surgeries wouldn't happen He pointed out that even the best friend, Gu Mingdao, is involved in political maneuvering, as evidenced by his disruptive actions at the Pharmaceutical Affairs Committee and his involvement in the cardiopulmonary joint experiment Ultimately, he concluded that in the field of cardiac surgery, there is only one competitor who can rival Gu Mingdao.
李大夫:那现在一个都没了。 (下级拒绝上级)
(柳叶刀 - 第四集)
The head nurse offers two tickets to the play "Butterfly," knowing the recipient loves theater She expresses her desire to share the experience, suggesting they could enjoy the performance together if time permits.
(柳叶刀 - 第22集)
Dr Li stated that there is no need for discussion, expressing disinterest in the intentions of others He firmly requested that they leave the cardiac surgery department and the hospital room, emphasizing that the cardiac surgery team does not welcome them.
(柳叶刀 - 第22集)
The second aspect is the style of communication: it is well-known that an individual's language is influenced by their culture and education Most office workers are educated professionals, which leads them to employ more refined and indirect forms of refusal compared to other social classes, often incorporating polite expressions.
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(33) 周总:你能不能帮我解释一下儿?
Lawyer Zhao: Even as a potential representative, I must adhere to professional ethics and cannot disclose any information to you.
(34) 姜主任:你应该回到你的位置上,心外科才是你应该待的地方。
Director Jiang announced that he would gather all the emergency department colleagues for a farewell gathering to celebrate and send off a departing member.
Director Jiang expressed frustration over the suggestion to return to the cardiovascular department for outpatient services, questioning if this was intended as an insult He emphasized that such an approach is inappropriate and clearly designed to undermine someone, and he plans to address the issue with the relevant parties.
(柳 叶刀 - 第21集)
In example 33, Lawyer Zhao politely declines, stating, "I'm sorry, Mr Zhou, but I cannot answer you due to my professional stance," or "Even as a potential representative, I can only remain silent from an ethical standpoint." Conversely, example 34 demonstrates indirect communication, where Zhao expresses gratitude by saying, "Thank you, Director Jiang, but this is not a bother for you; I can handle this matter myself."
Refusal as a speech act falls within the realm of pragmatics It manifests in various linguistic contexts and plays a crucial role in communication dynamics Understanding the nuances of refusal can enhance interpersonal interactions and improve effective dialogue.
Expressions of refusal can be categorized into verbal and non-verbal forms By analyzing these methods, we can better understand the nuances of communication in rejecting requests or offers.
究 过 程 ,本 人发 现 对上班 族 来说, 非 语言类( 包括手 势、身体语 、面部 表情 等)
This article focuses exclusively on the expression of refusal in language, rather than exploring non-verbal forms of refusal It highlights the rarity of refusal expressions and emphasizes their frequent occurrence alongside verbal communication.
Based on the characteristics of refusal language used by office workers, this article categorizes common expressions of refusal in government and office settings into three main types: single direct refusals, multiple direct refusals, and indirect refusals This classification is derived from previous research and personal corpus analysis.
2.1.1 单项直接拒绝表达方式
Direct refusal is achieved through a straightforward and unequivocal approach, utilizing first-person negative statements to express the speaker's unwillingness and inability First-person negative sentences such as "I do not " convey the speaker's intent to decline, while expressions of unwillingness include phrases like "I do not want to " or "I am not willing to " Additionally, the expression of inability can be illustrated with terms like "cannot " or "unable to ", indicating the speaker's lack of capacity to accept a particular action.
In a car repair shop, a male employee and a female employee, both named A and B, are experiencing conflicts due to their strong personalities.
硬,所以在甲拜托乙帮忙的时候,乙已经直 接拒绝:
甲: 有个事求你!
(我的青春谁做主, 第三集)
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Xiaokong and Jianjia are two young female editors who share a close relationship, yet they occasionally face misunderstandings.
简佳对小西无言无语, 下面是她们俩的会话:
(新结婚时代, 第十三集)
(37) 甲、乙是一个杂技社的两个演员,煮好了一锅面条,甲叫乙过来吃:
甲: 王儿, 吃了吗?
甲: 再来一根儿刚出锅的。
乙: 吃不下了。
从第 35 到 37 例子轮流是第一人称否定句“我不干”,否定意愿“我不想跟你谈”, 否定能力“吃不下了”。在“35 例子”,会话中的两个人物的关系因为有点紧张,所以当甲 说“有个事求你”,乙虽然不知道他请求的是什么事,仍然干脆、强烈地拒绝“我不干”。 此种毫无保留的态度一般来说将打破双方的关系。第 36例子是“否定愿意”的代表,当小 西想向简佳解释清楚她们之间的误解,简佳已经直接拒绝 “我不想跟你谈”,这句话将让 双方的关系不只不能解决而且进入不能补救的地步。第37例子跟前两个不一样,此例子 中的两个人不仅是好同事而且是好邻居,她们之间的关系非常友好。当甲请乙:“再来一 根儿刚出锅的”,乙以“否定能力”来直接拒绝:“吃不下了”。
This article analyzes that in situations where there are conflicts, the relationship between parties is very close, and a straightforward attitude is expressed, office workers often resort to a firm and direct refusal Generally, Eastern cultures, particularly among Chinese people, place a high value on politeness, making such unequivocal refusals quite rare In a study of 300 instances, this type of simple direct refusal was observed only 27 times, accounting for just 9% of the total.
2.1.2 多项直接拒绝表达方式
In addition to direct rejections of individual items, there is a total of 25% that combines direct rejections with other indirect rejections This approach is referred to as the multiple direct rejection method, which encompasses several subcategories.
TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com 单项直接拒绝+ 道谢表达方式
This expression conveys both a firm refusal and a polite demeanor, typically used to decline someone's offer of assistance It can be employed in interactions between individuals of different social statuses, whether a lower-ranking person refusing a higher-ranking one, or vice versa, as well as among peers The structure of such sentences generally follows a specific pattern.
(38) 赵律师:对不起,我妈出事了,我得马上走。
赵律师:不用了, 谢谢啊!
Yuxin, a graduate from a foreign language university, starts her career as a translator at an international trade company Meng Hao, a young professional at the same company, works alongside her.
孟皓:太晚了, 还是我送你比较安全。
雨馨:真的不用了, 谢谢您的款待!
(钻石王老五的艰难爱情, 第二集)
In example 38, Lawyer Zhao directly declines Mr Zhou's offer of assistance, saying, "No, thank you," reflecting her strong personality and preference for straightforward communication Additionally, due to an urgent family matter, she needs to leave immediately, leaving no time for further discussion This response also signifies their equal status in the conversation.
在第 39 例子中,根据一系列客套话可以发现雨馨和孟皓的社会权力是不同等级 的。“真的不用了,谢谢您的款待”是雨馨拒绝孟皓的提供帮助“太晚了, 还是我送你比 较安全”,此句子的结构是先直接拒绝后表示感谢,先用“真的不用了”再一次肯定她不要 帮忙,后用“谢谢您的款待”是补救前分句所带来的不良效果。
TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com 单项直接拒绝+设定条件表达方式
This expression conveys a firm refusal while setting conditions for agreement, typically used to decline requests or proposals from individuals of higher social status or authority The structure usually combines a sentence indicating disagreement, such as "no" or "cannot," with a conditional agreement clause, like "if it weren't for" or "if not " For example:
I have a suggestion: let's sign a three-month agreement I will pay you for twenty days of rent upfront, and we can settle everything after our performance.
补 助 词 语 尽管 不独 立出 现 , 但在 表达 拒绝 意思 中, 它却 具有 重要 的作 用。
This article conducts an independent study, building on previous research findings and actual investigations to supplement the analysis.
This article focuses on analyzing the differences between office workers and other groups, rather than delving into their general characteristics.
The use of titles and forms of address can signify that both the speaker and the listener belong to the same social group or share commonalities.
The proximity between both parties highlights the importance of strengthening close relationships, indicating that a "rejection" is a necessary decision Due to individual characteristics and circumstances, maintaining professional boundaries is essential.
In many cultures, the terms of address used within families differ significantly from those used for others, with a predominant reliance on titles rather than personal names For instance, individuals often refer to each other by their professional titles, showcasing a preference for formality and respect in familial interactions.
玉屏: 不用!不用!钱总,已经够麻烦您的了。你们回去吧,我们自己有车。
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(丑女无敌,第 六 集)
The use of honorifics like "Mr Qian" and "Mr Wu" in the examples softens the tone of refusal, making it easier for the recipient to accept In terms of frequency, office workers rarely use these titles; out of 300 instances analyzed, only 15 contained honorifics, accounting for just 5% of the total.
Hedge words often serve as a precursor to refusal, functioning as markers of hesitation These terms lack semantic content and
只有 4条语气词,占总数的 1.3%。例如:
小雨:哦,谢谢您, 可是今天是星期天, 我, 我跟我男朋友都约好了。
孟总:噢, 好, 那我们就改天, 再见!
The director inquires about availability for the evening, mentioning that he has a dinner appointment with a major advertising client and is open to having company if anyone is free.
雨馨:哎呀,你看主人实在是不巧, 我晚上已经有约了。
In addition to appearing at the beginning of a sentence, modal particles can also be placed at the end These words serve to soften or negate the tone of the statement.
(80) 顾 大 夫 : 薛 老 师 的 意 思 也 是 让 您 来 做 这 个 手 术 , 您 是 这 类 手 术 的 专 家 。
Vice Dean Zhang expressed urgency regarding a critically ill patient, emphasizing the necessity of addressing both the aorta and mitral valve With extracorporeal circulation already initiated, he stressed that any delay could jeopardize the patient's condition.
Bank President Liu expressed regret to General Manager Li, stating that the bank is unable to assist with the company's issues, emphasizing that Li should be more aware of the situation than anyone else.
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Office workers typically use simpler interjections compared to other groups that may employ more complex exclamatory phrases.
In summary, office workers differ from other groups in their language use, favoring "address terms" and "modal particles" while rarely resorting to profanity This tendency reflects their serious work environment, where most individuals are cultured, influenced by personal traits and specific circumstances Additionally, maintaining a certain distance in interpersonal relationships is essential in this professional setting.
上班 族的 拒绝 言语 在句 法方 面上 常使 用陈 述句 、疑 问句 、转 折句 ;很 少用
In a professional environment where clarity and efficiency are essential, the use of concise sentences and the avoidance of passive voice are crucial Employees often prefer to eliminate unnecessary information to enhance communication and productivity.
In the context of refusal, there are two forms of transition sentences One effective approach is to express gratitude, emotional agreement, or praise before gently introducing the refusal For example, this technique allows for a polite and considerate way to convey a negative response while maintaining a positive tone.
The effectiveness of verbal communication is the result of the interplay among various factors, each of which influences the communication process Compared to other communicative behaviors, the factors affecting the refusal speech acts of office workers include both subjective and objective elements Subjective factors encompass the relationship between communicators, social status, emotions, personality, age, and gender, while objective factors involve the context of the conversation—whether it occurs in person or over the phone, in public or private settings—as well as the complexity of the refusal situation Based on individual research goals, each person selects relevant controlling factors Through the process of collecting data, it has been determined that for office workers, social status, the emotions of the refuser, and their personality are the most significant influencing factors.
2.3.1 社会地位因素
Chinese culture places great importance on establishing social order and harmony This harmony in the world can be achieved through the dynamics of hierarchical relationships, where individuals determine their roles based on their position relative to others in the social hierarchy.
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In hierarchical relationships, individuals in subordinate positions often show obedience or respect to those in superior roles Consequently, communication styles vary based on the power dynamics between individuals Superiors typically employ direct refusals when interacting with subordinates, while subordinates tend to use indirect refusals when addressing superiors.
(85) 经理:晚上咱们得加班!
(86) 方菲:“我就快到海洋夜总会登台,演出方菲音乐会 ,你捧捧我的场成不成?
Zhao Yibo opened his bag and placed five thousand on the table, stating, "I don't have time to attend your event; consider this as my contribution to the banquet expenses."
The article discusses two examples of refusal expressions in hierarchical relationships The first example illustrates how subordinates express refusal to superiors in a polite and indirect manner, while the second example shows how superiors convey refusal to subordinates in a more assertive and direct way These examples highlight the typical ways in which refusal is communicated between different levels of authority.
A person's personality significantly influences their choice of rejection strategies Extroverted and humorous individuals tend to use joking as a way to express refusal, while those with a more assertive personality often communicate rejection more directly and authentically than their gentle and reserved counterparts Assertive individuals are less likely to use techniques such as delaying or providing explanations, preferring instead to refuse outright In contrast, those with a more subtle personality typically opt for indirect and tactful approaches when declining.
(87) 护士长:你中午好像没吃饭?
(柳叶刀, 第十七集)
(88) A: 现在是午休时间,我请你吃个便饭。
B: 谢了,我刚啃了个三明治, 一会儿还有工作呢。
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When declining an invitation, individuals express their refusal in distinct ways that reflect their personalities A straightforward person might say, "I said I don't want to eat," while a more reserved individual might respond, "Thanks, I just had a sandwich, and I have work to do soon."
People's judgments vary depending on their emotional states, whether they are feeling sorrow, joy, love, or hate An individual may interpret and evaluate the same "rejection" message differently due to fluctuating emotions This includes differing feelings towards various subjects of rejection as well as changing emotions towards the same subject over time.
(89) 主任: 我们要商量商量!
In this scenario, an employee firmly rejects a request from their supervisor, demonstrating that, although refusals are typically expected to be polite, her negative emotions lead her to respond assertively regardless of the person's position This highlights the impact of personal feelings on professional interactions.
Xiaokong and Jianjia are colleagues working in two different editorial departments, and there have been no misunderstandings between them.
① 小西:我来是想跟你说件事。
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In examples ① and ②, the conversation between Xiaoxi and Jianjia illustrates how the emotional context influences the way refusals are expressed When there is no conflict between the two, the refusal is more polite, as seen in the phrase, "Let's discuss it after I finish work." However, once a disagreement arises, the refusal becomes much more forceful, exemplified by the statement, "I don't want to talk to you." This highlights the impact of emotional states on communication dynamics.
总 之 , 在 上 述 的 三 种 拒 绝 影 响 因 素 中 , 情 感 和 性 格 主 要 同 说 话 者 自 身 有
The degree of control over speech varies significantly depending on the speaker's individual circumstances, often resulting in a more random nature of communication.
Social status is more objective and is influenced by the relationships between individuals, changing with their social connections It tends to exhibit greater stability and is more controllable compared to other factors.
Modern Chinese expressions of refusal commonly used in offices can be categorized into direct single refusals and direct multiple refusals.
There are three main types of refusal expressions: direct refusal, indirect refusal, and conditional refusal Among these, "direct refusal" involves straightforwardly stating a denial or disagreement without ambiguity.