Tài liệu tham khảo |
Loại |
Chi tiết |
[2] Backmund, M., Reimer, J., Meyer, K., Gerlach, J. T., and Zachoval, R. Hepatitis C virus infection and injection drug users : prevention, risk factors, and treatment. Clin Infect Dis 40 Suppl 5 (05), S330–S335 |
Sách, tạp chí |
Tiêu đề: |
Hepatitis C virus infection and injection drug users : prevention, risk factors, and treatment |
Tác giả: |
Backmund, M., Reimer, J., Meyer, K., Gerlach, J. T., Zachoval, R |
Nhà XB: |
Clin Infect Dis |
Năm: |
2005 |
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Sách, tạp chí |
Tiêu đề: |
Agent-based modeling : methods and techniques for simulating human systems |
Tác giả: |
Bonabeau, E |
Nhà XB: |
Proc Natl.Acad.Sci U.S A |
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2002 |
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Sách, tạp chí |
Tiêu đề: |
Chronic hepatitis C : treatments of the future |
Tác giả: |
Bourliere, M., Khaloun, A., Wartelle-Bladou, C., Oules, V., Portal, I., Benali, S., Adhoute, X., Castellani, P |
Nhà XB: |
Clin Res Hepatol Gastroenterol |
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2011 |
[6] Corson, S., Greenhalgh, D., and Hutchinson, S. Mathematically modelling the spread of hepatitis C in injecting drug users. Math.Med Biol 29, 3 (12), 205–230 |
Sách, tạp chí |
Tiêu đề: |
Mathematically modelling the spread of hepatitis C in injecting drug users |
Tác giả: |
Corson, S., Greenhalgh, D., Hutchinson, S |
Nhà XB: |
Math.Med Biol |
Năm: |
2012 |
[7] Corson, S., Greenhalgh, D., Taylor, A., Palmateer, N., Goldberg, D., and Hutchinson, S. Modelling the prevalence of HCV amongst people who inject drugs : an investigation into the risks associated with injecting paraphernalia sharing. Drug Alcohol Depend. 133, 1 (13), 172–179 |
Sách, tạp chí |
Tiêu đề: |
Modelling the prevalence of HCV amongst people who inject drugs : an investigation into the risks associated with injecting paraphernalia sharing |
Tác giả: |
Corson, S., Greenhalgh, D., Taylor, A., Palmateer, N., Goldberg, D., Hutchinson, S |
Nhà XB: |
Drug Alcohol Depend. |
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2013 |
[9] Hellard, M. E., Jenkinson, R., Higgs, P., Stoove, M. A., Sacks-Davis, R., Gold, J., Hickman, M., Vickerman, P., and Martin, N. K. Modelling antiviral treatment to prevent hepatitis C infection among people who inject drugs in victoria, australia. Med J Aust. 196, 10 (12), 638–641 |
Sách, tạp chí |
Tiêu đề: |
Modelling antiviral treatment to prevent hepatitis C infection among people who inject drugs in victoria, australia |
Tác giả: |
Hellard, M. E., Jenkinson, R., Higgs, P., Stoove, M. A., Sacks-Davis, R., Gold, J., Hickman, M., Vickerman, P., Martin, N. K |
Nhà XB: |
Med J Aust |
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2012 |
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Sách, tạp chí |
Tiêu đề: |
A national cross-sectional study among drug-users in France : epidemiology of HCV and highlight on practical and statistical aspects of the design |
Tác giả: |
Jauffret-Roustide, M., Le Strat, Y., Couturier, E., Thierry, D., Rondy, M., Quaglia, M., Razafandratsima, N., Emmanuelli, J., Guibert, G., Barin, F., Desenclos, J. C |
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BMC Infect Dis |
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2009 |
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Sách, tạp chí |
Tiêu đề: |
Estimation of HIV and hepatitis C prevalence among drug users in France, first results of the survey anrs-coquelicot 2011 survey |
Tác giả: |
Jauffret-Roustide, M., Pillonel, J., Weill-Barillet, L., L´ eon, L., Le Strat, Y., Brunet, S., Benoit, T., Chauvin, C., Lebreton, M., Barin, F |
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[12] Kielland, K. B., Skaug, K., Amundsen, E. J., and Dalgard, O. All-cause and liver-related mortality in hepatitis C infected drug users followed for 33 years : A controlled study. Journal of Hepatology 58 (13), 31–37 |
Sách, tạp chí |
Tiêu đề: |
All-cause and liver-related mortality in hepatitis C infected drug users followed for 33 years : A controlled study |
Tác giả: |
Kielland, K. B., Skaug, K., Amundsen, E. J., Dalgard, O |
Nhà XB: |
Journal of Hepatology |
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2013 |
[14] Martin, N. K., Vickerman, P., Grebely, J., Hellard, M., Hutchinson, S. J., Lima, V. D., Foster, G. R., Dillon, J. F., Goldberg, D. J., Dore, G. J., and Hickman, M. Hepatitis C virus treatment for prevention among people who inject drugs : Modeling treatment scale-up in the age of direct-acting antivirals. Hepatology 58, 5 (13), 1598–1609 |
Sách, tạp chí |
Tiêu đề: |
Hepatitis C virus treatment for prevention among people who inject drugs : Modeling treatment scale-up in the age of direct-acting antivirals |
Tác giả: |
Martin, N. K., Vickerman, P., Grebely, J., Hellard, M., Hutchinson, S. J., Lima, V. D., Foster, G. R., Dillon, J. F., Goldberg, D. J., Dore, G. J., Hickman, M |
Nhà XB: |
Hepatology |
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2013 |
[16] Matser, A., Urbanus, A., Kretzschmar, M., Xiridou, M., Buster, M., Coutinho, R., and M., P. The effect of hepatitis C treatment and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) co-infection on the disease burden of hepatitis C among injecting drug users in Amsterdam. Addiction 107, 6 (11), 614–623 |
Sách, tạp chí |
Tiêu đề: |
The effect of hepatitis C treatment and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) co-infection on the disease burden of hepatitis C among injecting drug users in Amsterdam |
Tác giả: |
Matser, A., Urbanus, A., Kretzschmar, M., Xiridou, M., Buster, M., Coutinho, R., M., P |
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Addiction |
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2012 |
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Sách, tạp chí |
Tiêu đề: |
Pr´ evalence des h´ epatites B et C en France en 2004 |
Tác giả: |
Meffre, C., Le Strat, Y., Delarocque-Astagneau, E., Antona, D., Desen- clos, J |
Nhà XB: |
Institut de veille sanitaire |
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2004 |
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[13] Le Page, A. K., Robertson, P., and Rawlinson, W. D. Discordant hepatitis C serological testing in australia and the implications for organ transplant programs. Journal of Clinical Virology 57 (13), 19–23 |
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[15] Mathers, B., Degenhardt, L., Bucello, C., Lemon, J., Wiessing, L., and Hick- man, M. Mortality among people who inject drugs : a systematic review and meta-analysis.Bull World Health Organ 91 (13), 102–123 |
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[18] OMS . H´ epatite C, aide m´ emoire num´ ero 64 ed., Avril 2014.http ://www.who.int/mediacentre/factsheets/fs164/fr/ |
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[19] Royston, P., Ambler, G., and Sauerbrei, W. The use of fractional polynomials to model continuous risk variables in epydemiology. International Journal of Epidemiology 28 (99), 964–974 |
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