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Bài tập câu gián tiếp trong tiếng anh download vn

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  • Day 1:

  • Bài tập câu gián tiếp trong tiếng Anh

    • I. Lý thuyết câu gián tiếp trong tiếng Anh

      • Bài 1: Bài tập chia động từ thì quá khứ đơn 

      • Bài 2: Chuyển những câu dưới đây từ hiện tại đơn sang quá khứ đơn

      • Bài 4: Chia động từ ở thì quá khứ đơn

    • 1. Câu tường thuật ở dạng câu mệnh lệnh




    • 116 câu luyện tập về dạng bị động hay có đáp án

    • Bài tập trắc nghiệm bị động có đáp án

Nội dung

Day 1: Bài tập câu gián tiếp tiếng Anh I Lý thuyết câu gián tiếp tiếng Anh Định nghĩa - Câu trực tiếp: Câu trực tiếp lời nói xuất phát trực tiếp từ người nói thường đặt dấu ngoặc kép Ví dụ: "I am hungry", Bob said - Câu gián tiếp: Câu gián tiếp hay gọi câu tường thuật thuật lại lời nói người khác, khơng thuật lại đầy đủ từ ngữ ý nghĩa giữ nguyên khơng nằm dấu ngoặc kép Ví dụ: Bob said he was very hungry Cách biến đổi câu trực tiếp sang câu gián tiếp (câu tường thuật) *Những thay đổi động từ Thì câu trực tiếp Hiện đơn (Simple Present) Ex: “I work for a post office”, she said Hiện tiếp diễn (Present Continuous) Ex: “I am feeling ill” Tom said to me Hiện hoàn thành (Present Perfect) Ex: Tom said: “I haven’t done it” Hiện hoàn thành tiếp diễn Ex: “I’ve been waiting for hours”, Jack said Thì câu gián tiếp Quá khứ đơn (Simple Past) She said she worked for a post office Quá khứ tiếp diễn (Past Continuous) Tom told me that he was feeling ill Quá khứ hoàn thành (Past Perfect) Tom said he hadn’t done it Quá khứ hoàn thành tiếp diễn Jack said he had been waiting for hours Quá khứ đơn (Simple Past) Quá khứ hoàn thành (Past Perfect) Ex: “I didn’t it”, he said He said he hadn’t done it Quá khứ tiếp diễn (Past Quá khứ hoàn thành tiếp diễn ( Past perfect Continuous) Continuous) Ex: “I was lying”, he said He said he had been lying Quá khứ hoàn thành (Past Perfect) Quá khứ hoàn thành (Past Perfect) Ex: “I had already done my Ex: Bob said he had already done his homework”, Bob said homework 8.Tương lai đơn (Simple Future) Tương lai khứ (Future in the past) Ex: “I’ll buy it”, Tom said Tom would buy it Ngồi ra, cịn có số thay đổi với động từ khiếm khuyết (modal verbs) Câu trực tiếp Câu gián tiếp Can Could Must/ have to Had to May Might Will Would Shall/ Should Should Needn’t Didn’t have to *Chuyển trạng từ nơi chốn thời gian theo quy luật: Câu trực tiếp Câu gián tiếp This That Ex: “I want to buy this pen.” She said she wanted to buy that pen These Those Ex: “I want to buy these pens.” She said she wanted to buy those pens Here There Ex: “I want to sit here.” Ex: She said she wanted to sit there Now Ex: “I am sitting in front of TV now.” Then She said she was waiting in front of TV then Today That day Ex: “Today I have a test” She said she had a test that day Yesterday The day before/ The previous day She said she Ex: “I had a test yesterday.” had a test the day before Tomorrow The next day/ The following day She said she Ex: “I’ll have a test tomorrow.” would have a test the next day Ago Before Ex: “I had a test days ago.” She said she had had a test days before Last night The night before/ The previous night Ex: “I watched TV with my She said she had watched TV with her mother the mother last night.” night before Next week The following week/ The week after Ex: “I will go on a picnic next She said she would go on a picnic the following week.” week The day before yesterday Ex: “I had a test the day before yesterday.” Two days before/ earlier She said she had had a test days before Bài tập đơn + qua khứ đơn: Bài 1: The flight (start) starts at a.m every Thursday I like Math and she (like)likes Literature I (bake) bakes cookies twice a month My best friend (write) _writes to me every week Jane always takes care (take care) of her sister My family (have)…has…….a holiday in December every year Martha and Kevin swim _ (swim) twice a week She helps (help) the kids of the neighborhood Mike (be) is humour He always _tells (tell) us funny stories 10 Tiffany and Uma (be) are my friends Bài Điền dạng động từ “to be”: My dog _is _small She _is _ a student We _are ready to get a pet My life _is so boring I just watch TV every night My husband is from California I am _from Viet Nam We aren’t (not/be) late Emma and Betty(be)_are _ good friends _Is she (she/be) a singer? His sister(be) is _seven years old 10 Trixi and Susi(be) are my cats Bài 1: Bài tập chia động từ khứ đơn I (eat) ate _ dinner at six o’clock yesterday A: _did _ Helen (drive) _drive to work? – B: Yes, she _did My neighbor (buy) _bought a new car last week They (go) _went to Italy on their last summer holiday _did they (swim) swim _ at the beach? – B: No, they didn’t My family and I (see) saw a comedy movie last night First, we (do) _did _ exercise, and then we (drink) drank_ some water Suddenly, the animal jumped and (bite) bit _ my hand What time (do) did _ you (get up) got up this morning? 10 The Wright brothers (fly) flew _ the first airplane in 1903 11 I think I (hear)_heard _ a strange sound outside the door one minute ago 12 When I was ten years old, I (break) broke my arm It really (hurt) _hurt_ 13 The police (catch) _caught all three of the bank robbers last week 14 How many times (do) _did you (read) read that book? 15 Unfortunately, I (forget) _forgot to (bring) _ my money Bài 2: Chuyển câu từ đơn sang khứ đơn He goes to the swimming pool because he likes swimming  He went to the swimming pool because he likes swimming They have dinner at nine o´clock  They had dinner at nine o´clock Helen eats too many sweets  Helen ate too many sweets I buy the newspaper in the shop  I bought the newspaper in the shop We get up at eight o´clock and go to school  We got up at eight o´clock and go to school Does she buy the newspaper in the shop over there?  Did she buy the newspaper in the shop over there Do they their homework in the evening?  Did they their homework in the evening Do they have a good holiday?  Did they have a good holiday Do they find any animal in the forest?  Did they find any animal in the forest 10 Is it dark when she gets up in the morning? Was it dark…… Bài 4: Chia động từ khứ đơn It was warm, so I took off my coat (take) Took The film wasn’t very good I didn’t enjoy it very much (enjoy) I knew Sarah was very busy, so I didn’t disturbed … her (disturb) I was very tired, so I left … the party early (leave) The bed was very uncomfortable I didn’t slept … very well (sleep) The window was open and a bird …flew into the room (fly) The hotel wasn’t very expensive It …didn’t cost very much (cost) I was in a hurry, so I …didn’t had time to phone you (have) It was hard carrying the bags They were… very heavy (be) DAY 2: I Câu gián tiếp với câu hỏi với yes/no question S + asked + if/ whether + mệnh đề lùi VD: “Do you speak English?" =>He asked me if/whether I spoke English Làm tập: "Are you British or American?" He asked me => he asked me if I was british or American "Is it raining?" she asked me => she asked me if it was raining "Did you come by train?" He asked me => he asked me if I had come by train "Have you been to Bristol before?" he asked me => he asked me if I had been to Bristol before II Câu tường thuật dạng câu mệnh lệnh: Câu tường thuật dạng câu mệnh lệnh a Khẳng định: S + told + O + to-infinitive Ex: "Please wait for me here, Mary" Tom said -> Tom told Mary to wait for him there b Phủ định: S + told + O + not to-infinitive Ex: “Don’t talk in class”, the teacher said to us –>The teacher told us not to talk in class Bài tập: “Open the door,” he said to them - He told them to open the door “Bring it back if it doesn’t fit”, I said to her =>I told her to bring it back if it didn’t fit “Don’t try to open it now,” she said to us => She told us not to try to open it then “Don’t stay out late, Ann” Tom said => Tom told Ann not to stay out late, Ann Don’t leave the window open, Mary”, I said => I told Mary not to leave the window open Một số câu tường thuật nâng cao: a câu tường thuật đặc biệt: + SHALL/ WOULD dùng để diễn tả đề nghị, lời mời Tom asked: "Shall I bring you some tea?" -> Tom offered to bring me some tea Tom asked: "Shall we meet at the theatre?" -> Tom suggested meeting at the theatre + WILL/ WOULD/ CAN/ COULD dùng để diễn tả yêu cầu Tom asked: "Will you help me, please?'" -> Tom asked Jane asked Tom: "Can you open the door for me, Tom?" -> offered b tường thuật với warn: cảnh báo S+ warned + sb+ to V + O + not to V + O Hoặc S + Warned sb against Ving: cảnh báo làm (khơng làm) Ex: “Don’t play ball near the restricted area.” I said to the boy => c Câu gián tiếp với ADVICE: Lời khuyên - S+ should/had better/ought to + V - If I were you, I would + V - Why don’t you + V >S +advised +sb +to V/not to V: khun nên( khơng nên ) làm Ex: + "You should drink more water" The doctor said to her => the doctor advised her to drink more water + “If I were you, I wouldnt buy that book" my friend said =>my friend advised me not to buy that book d câu gián tiếp với promise: hứa S+ will/won't + V >S +promised+sb+to + V / not to V: hứa làm Ex: " I will never this again " He said to her => he promised her to that again e câu gián tiếp với suggest: - Shall we+ V - Let's+ V - How/What about+ Ving - Why don’t we + V >S+ suggested+ Ving= S+ suggested+ that+ S+ should/shouldn't+ Vđề nghị làm hoặcd diều nên đc làm Ex: "Why don’t we go out for a walk?” said the boy => f Câu gián tiếp với Congratulate: chúc mừng S+ congratulated+ sb+ on+ Ving : chúc mừng điều Ex: “I’m happy to know that you win the game Congratulations!” Jim said to Mary => g Câu gián tiếp với accuse : buộc tội S+ accused+ sb+ of (not) + Ving Ex: "You stole my bike " He said h Câu gián tiếp với ADMIT : thừa nhận S+ admitted+ Ving: thừa nhận làm Ex: “I’ve made the wall dirty” said one student => i Câu gián tiếp với APOLOGISE : xin lỗi S+ apologized+ to+ sb+ for (not)+ Ving xin lỗi làm (khơng làm) Ex: Ann said to her boss: “I’m sorry I’m late” => Bài tập làm sau buổi học: Bài 1: “Thanks for helping me.” Mary said Mary thanked me to help her “I’ll drive you to the airport I insist.” John said to Linda John insisted on driving linda to the airport “I’m happy you have passed the final exams Congratulations!” Jim said to you Jim congratulated me on passing the final test “It was nice of you to invite me to the dinner Thank you.” Miss White said to Peter Miss White thanked peter to invite her to the dinner “I’m sory I didn’t phone you earlier.” Margaret said to you Margaret apologized to me for not phoning you earlier “I have always wanted to be a pilot.” Paul said to you Paul has always dreamed of “You didn’t what I said.” the mother said to her son The mother accused her son of not doing what the mother had said She said “Children, stay away from the water.” She warned children to stay away from the water “You damaged my bicycle, John!” Said Margaret Margaret accused john of damaging Margaret’s bicycle 10 "If I catch the plane, I'll be home by five." he said He said that if he caught the plane, he would be home by five 11."You should stay in bed if you feel unwell." my mother said My mother advice me to stay in bed if I felt unwell 12 "What would you if you were having a problem with grammar, Jane?" Ann asked jane what he would if jane had been having a problem with grammar 13 "If I'd had my mobile yesterday, I could have contacted you." Matthew said to Jane Matthew said to jane if I’d had my mobile yesterday, me could had contacted you 14 "If I don't practice my English, I won't get any better." she said She said me didn’t practice my English, me wouldn’t get any better 15 "If you press this switch, the computer will come on." he said to his students He said to his students if they pressed this switch, the computer would come on 16 "I'd have been in bad trouble if you hadn't helped me." he said to his friends he said to his friends he had been in bad trouble if hadn’t helped him 17 "If the door is clocked, what shall I ?" she said to herself She wondered if the door was clocked, what should I 18 "If I were you, I'd read the exam questions very carefully." said the teacher to us The teacher advised us to read the exam questions very carefully 19 "It’s better to have the theater built next to the town hall." they said They offered My wife wants you to come to dinner You were speaking to my wife 10 The last man has just returned from the farm I want to talk to him at once 11 The students will be awarded the present The students' reports are very valuable 12 The book was a lovely story I was reading it yesterday 13 The botanist will never forget the day He found a strange plant on that day 14 Someone is phoning you He looked for you three hours ago 15 The man works for my father's company The man's daughter is fond of dancing V Rewrite the following sentences by using relative clauses He worked for a woman She used to be an artist They called a doctor He lived nearby I wrote an email to my sister She lives in Italy Linh liked the waiter He was very friendly We broke a car It belonged to my uncle Ba dropped a cup It was new Nam loves books They have happy endings I live in a city It is in the north of Vietnam The man is in the class He is wearing a blue hat 10 The woman works in a hospital She is from India 11 My sister has four sons She lives in Japan 12 The man was rude He was wearing a red shirt 13 The phone is on the table It belongs to An 14 The TV got broken It was my grandfather’s 15 The radio was stolen It was bought 35 years ago 16 The girl gave Binh his phone She is his daughter 17 This is the laptop My mother has just bought it 18 That’s the man His car is a Ferrari 19 I know the woman She lives upstairs 20 It’s the dog I always talk to him at night 21 She opened the cupboard She kept her best glasses in there 22 This is the house General Giap lived here 23 The flight was canceled We were going to take it 24 I saw the lady in the shop She was Vicki Zhao 25 The man is a director His dog is sick 26 My violin is missing It was my birthday present 27 I first learn English from a book I’ve just reread it 28 The police officer has just arrested a man He robbed the bank 29 These are the shoes I bought them in HCMC VI Combine two sentences by using reduced relative clauses She bought the car Her father had recommended it He lost the pen I had given it to him We called the delivery company Nga often uses it Lam met a girl I used to employ her Chi called the lawyer My mother knows him He brought a woman I worked with her last year We employed the pianist Hai introduced her The cake is on the table I bought it The book belongs to Lan An found it under the chair 10 The food was delicious Huy cooked the food 11 The bike was stolen My parents gave me the bike 12 The man was arrested I reported him to the police 13 The teacher was right Ngan asked him about her problem 14 The writer was very pretty My brother dated her 15 The secretary is in the office Dzung likes her 16 We ate the food I bought the food VII Make one sentence from two Use who/ which/ that/ where … I went to see a doctor She had helped my father I went to see the doctor _ A woman wrote to me She wanted my advice The woman Mary was wearing the red dress It was made in France Mary was wearing the red dress We stayed at Sofitel hotel Mark recommended it to us We stayed at Sofitel hotel _ John is one of my closest friends I have known him for three years John is one of my closest friends New York is one of the largest cities in the USA My sister is living there New York is one of the largest cities in the USA _ Ann talked to a man He won a lot of money Ann talked to the man _ The couple has got a married again Their divorce was in the newspapers The couple _ He is an architect He designed the new city library He is the architect _ 10 Jerry sent me a letter It was very funny Jerry sent me the letter VIII Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentences Nam Dinh province, _ my uncle lives, often has hurricanes A.when B.where C.which D.that I think doctors _work in disaster areas are both unselfish and very brave A.who B.which C.they D.those 2005 was the year _there was a big earthquake in Indonesia A.which B.where C.who D.when Mai is the girl _mother is an architect A.who B.whose C.which D.that A snake or a spider is the animal _she’d like to keep as a pet A.where B.what C.that D.when My older brother, was twenty-two last month, has gone to work in India A.who B.that C.he D.which India is the country he spent the early years of his life A.at which B.on which C.that D.where The girls and flowers he painted were vivid A.who B.that C.whose D.which Children always want to know the reason things are as they are A.why B.whom C.which D.who 10 Is the first of March the day the astronaut will come and give a speech at our school? A.that B.what C.which D.when 11 There was a storm _I had never experienced before A.such as B.as which C.which D.for which 12 There are several reasons _Adam is not chosen for the school football team A.from then B.why C.for what D.explaining IX Chọn đáp án Mr Ken, is living next door, is a dentist A that B who C whom D what Her computer was my friend’s got broke A which B whom C who D that The man _ she wanted to see her family A which B where C whom D who Her grandmother, _ is 70, often takes exercise A what B who C where D which The woman _ came here two days ago is her professor A who B that C whom D what The really happy people are those ……enjoy their daily work A what B who C which D where Freedom is something for millions have given their lives A which B where C whom D who My girlfriend loves tokbokki, _ is Korean food A which B where C whom D who Blair has passed the exam last week, is great news A who B that C which D whom 10 The book is in the car is his brother’s A who B that C which D whom 11 The man _ lives behind my house is a doctor A.that B who C which D whom 12 Peter, _ I played video games with on the weekend, was younger than me A.that B who C which D whom 13 The old building is in front of my house fell down A of which B which C whose D whom 14 We’ll come in July the schools are on holiday A that B where C which D when X Viết lại câu cho nghĩa không đổi The man is her father You met him last week _ Zoe likes the blue T-shirt My sister is wearing it _ Show me the new hats You bought them last night _ Zoe has a sister Her sister’s name is Juma _ That is a company It produces rings _ The children were attracted by the show It was performed so many _ My best friend can compose songs Ly sings folk songs very well _ Tet is a festival Tet often happens in late January or early February _ Zoe bought a new phone yesterday I can use it to send and receive messages _ 10 Jack is the boy He is giving my mom a gift XI Combine the following sentences using relatives pronouns Al Gore gave a long and boring speech He won the Nobel Prize Social network sites will definitely change business They are very popular Last week, Jim Taylor interviewed Sally Thomson She is my neighbour Whiting House is an important local monument It was built in 1856 John F Kennedy was assassinated in 1963 He was president of the USA VII Make one sentence from two Use who/ which/ that/ where … I went to see a doctor who/ that had helped my father The woman who/ that wrote to me wanted my advice Mary was wearing the red dress which/ that was made in France We stayed at the Sofitel hotel which/ that Mark recommended to us John is one of the closest friends whom I have known for three years New York is one of the largest cities in the USA where my sister is living Ann talked to the man who/ that won a lot of money The couple whose divorce was in the newspapers has got married again He is the architect who/ that designed the new city library 10 Jerry sent me the letter that/ which was very funny ... verbs) Câu trực tiếp Câu gián tiếp Can Could Must/ have to Had to May Might Will Would Shall/ Should Should Needn’t Didn’t have to *Chuyển trạng từ nơi chốn thời gian theo quy luật: Câu trực tiếp Câu. .. book d câu gián tiếp với promise: hứa S+ will/won't + V >S +promised+sb+to + V / not to V: hứa làm Ex: " I will never this again " He said to her => he promised her to that again e câu gián tiếp. .. => f Câu gián tiếp với Congratulate: chúc mừng S+ congratulated+ sb+ on+ Ving : chúc mừng điều Ex: “I’m happy to know that you win the game Congratulations!” Jim said to Mary => g Câu gián tiếp

Ngày đăng: 19/06/2022, 00:19




