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SCHOOL OF ASSIGNMENT COVER SHEET STUDENT DETAILS Student name: Nguyễn Trần Hải Băng Student ID number: UNIT AND TUTORIAL DETAILS Unit name: Academic English Tutorial group: Lecturer or Tutor name: Unit number: Tutorial day and time: WSU21000260 AEn-T122WSB-6 Gabriel Ryan ASSIGNMENT DETAILS The role of social media in new product marketing Title: Length Due Date : date: 11/4/2022 submitted: 11/4/2022 Home campus (where you are enrolled): Western Sydney Vietnam campus DECLARATION x I hold a copy of this assignment if the original is lost or damaged x I hereby certify that no part of this assignment or product has been copied from any other student’s work or from any other source except where due acknowledgement is made in the assignment x I hereby certify that no part of this assignment or product has been submitted by me in another (previous or current) assessment, except where appropriately referenced, and with prior permission from the Lecturer / Tutor / Unit Coordinator for this unit x x No part of the assignment/product has been written/produced for me by any other person except where collaboration has been authorised by the Lecturer / Tutor /Unit Coordinator concerned I am aware that this work will be reproduced and submitted to plagiarism detection software programs for the purpose of detecting possible plagiarism (which may retain a copy on its database for future plagiarism checking) NGUYEN TRAN HAI BANG AEn-T122WSB-06 WSU21000260 Student’s signature: Nguyen Tran Hai Bang Note: An examiner or lecturer / tutor has the right to not mark this assignment if the above declaration has not been signed In the technology era, social networks are developing over the decades and gradually become an indispensable part of people’s daily life According to Dentzel (2014), after work or class, people use their mobile devices to stay online anytime, anywhere instead of spending hours staring at computer screens It serves to communicate, study, work as well as entertain people More specifically in business, it plays an important role in helping businesses promote new products and bring products closer to customers The following essay will discuss three roles of social media in bringing products to market including providing necessary information about new products, making a good impression on customers, and increasing awareness of new products Firstly, providing product information to customers is extremely necessary to promote new products most effectively, and this is the role of social networks It can be seen that the speed of information transmission on social media is high, so posting details of new items on these networks helps companies popularize products and find the right customers through interactions According to How and Why Some Issues Spread Fast in Social Media (n.d.), the rapid rate of content delivery on social network sites is more dramatic than in other traditional transmissions Moreover, social networks are places for businesses to interact and deliver information directly to customers because this media has high traffic They have been utilized to facilitate communications and interactions between customers and businesses, and it is widely NGUYEN TRAN HAI BANG AEn-T122WSB-06 WSU21000260 regarded as a powerful tool for influencing customers' purchasing decisions and loyalty (Vu et al., 2021) Specifically, since its launch in Vietnam, the Samsung smartphone brand has amassed a sizable market share and has implemented several social media platforms to keep in touch with its consumers However, it is understandable that negative information about businesses will also be spread quickly and directly to their consumers as well as significantly affect the reputation of the business Lovering (2019) stated that this is a burden for many businesses because social networks are a large place where everyone can participate and see product information, so it is difficult for businesses to control negative opinions or even defamation about their products Admittedly, these risks cannot be avoided, but if the product quality is good, this information will be minimized Besides, directly contacting customers who have had a negative experience can help improve this issue To sum up, social networks play a major role in providing product information, but product quality is always at the forefront to determine the development of businesses Secondly, good online customer care service helps to leave a good view of products to customers In retail, customer service plays an important role which always has great advantages for the enterprise In detail, acting on feedback is the way to keep their wants to afford the company's products For instance, Adobe is one of the greatest companies in customer service by always responding to customers' complaints before they happen Moreover, posts with engaging content and vivid photos are factors affecting consumers' purchasing decisions Social media is the shortest way to impress potential clients By sharing the posts to their profile on social sites, the audience building and website traffic will be more attractive to the customers and the opportunities of affording products will be higher For example, Tiffany & co's Instagram site NGUYEN TRAN HAI BANG AEn-T122WSB-06 WSU21000260 which has more than 10 million followers posted its new collection on the site and it moved the audience into the brand's storytelling and modern visuals However, similar companies or product lines cannot avoid being copied Therefore, to avoid these cases, the marketing department must come up with unique and novel ideas according to the customer trends that they target In 2012, for example, ClickTale plagiarized the design and copy of a competitor's website (CrazyEgg) In short, advertising on social networks has the risk of being duplicated, so to attract and leave a good impression in the hearts of customers, a marketing strategy on social networks should be special and unique Thirdly, social media has always been the premier in information transmitting to increase customers’ awareness of new items Therefore, most companies would pay a massive amount of money to invest in advertising via social media to increase their new products' awareness In an effort to spread awareness effectively, Algorithms of advertising are used on social media to give recommendations in line with customers' demands For example, Facebook or Twitter might put posts from your closest friends and family front-and-center in your feed because those are the accounts you interact with most often Chances are you’ve been recommended videos to watch on YouTube This is again based on your behavior, digging into what you’ve watched in the past and what users like yourself are watching Elements such as categories, #tags, and keywords also factor into recommended content on any given network Another method to raise brand recognition and products awareness is to post short advertising videos created by influencers on social networks As people spend more time on social media, they’re also likely to spend at least some of that time interacting with influencers According to a May 2020 GlobalWebIndex NGUYEN TRAN HAI BANG AEn-T122WSB-06 WSU21000260 survey, 96% of US and UK consumers who followed influencers were engaging with them more or to the same extent as before the coronavirus outbreak It is argued that advertising algorithms still have gender and race discrimination Latanya Sweeney, a computer science professor, investigated the role of race in Google adverts She searched for common African-American names and took note of the advertisements that displayed alongside the results Ads offering to research prospective arrest records were more likely to appear when searching for blacksounding names However, according to the research by NIM-Nuremberg Institute for Market Decisions (2021), after digging through social media algorithms, this study found that they are not gender-biased as such, but that the economic forces that govern them can lead to unintendedly unequal results In brief, Advertising algorithms and interesting social media videos can increase customer awareness of branded products, but there are certain risks to these algorithms In conclusion, social network is an advertising platform that plays an important role in brand building and development All three roles of providing product information, creating impressive product images and raising awareness of new products have been directed towards the purpose of bringing new products to customers in the general market Although there are still risks that cannot be completely overcome, social networks are always an essential tool in businesses' business Therefore, investment in advertising on social networks is extremely necessary, especially in promoting new products NGUYEN TRAN HAI BANG AEn-T122WSB-06 WSU21000260 REFERENCE LIST Data Transmission: What Is It? Everything You Need to Know (2021, January 29) CDNetworks https://www.cdnetworks.com/enterprise-applications-blog/everything-you-need-to-knowabout-data-transmission/ Redirect Notice (n.d.) Www.google.com Retrieved April 10, 2022, from https://www.google.com/amp/s/sproutsocial.com/insights/social-media-algorithms/%3famp Intelligence, I (2021, July 27) Influencer Marketing: Social media influencer market stats and research for 2021 Insider Intelligence https://www.insiderintelligence.com/insights/influencer-marketing-report/ Adobe Publicly Apologizes About its Customer Service | CreativePro Network (2009, August 28) https://creativepro.com/adobe-publicly-apologizes-about-its-customer-service/ Examples of good customer service practices (2019, August) Qualtrics https://www.qualtrics.com/blog/customer-service-examples/ Dentzel, Z (2014) How the Internet Has Changed Everyday Life OpenMind https://www.bbvaopenmind.com/en/articles/internet-changed-everyday-life/ Why Copying Your Competitors is Ruining Your Content Marketing Strategy (n.d.) Social Media Today https://www.socialmediatoday.com/news/why-copying-your-competitors-isruining-your-content-marketing-strategy/517228/ NIM - Nuremberg Institute for Market Decisions (2021) Algorithm-Based Advertising: Unintended Effects and the Tricky Business of Mitigating Adverse Outcomes [online] Available at: https://www.nim.org/en/publications/gfk-marketing-intelligence-review/all6 NGUYEN TRAN HAI BANG AEn-T122WSB-06 WSU21000260 issues/dark-sides-digital-marketing/algorithm-based-advertising-unintended-effects-andtricky-business-mitigating-adverse Vu, T., Quynh, T., Thi, V., & Jönköping, P (2021) The Impact of Social Media Marketing on Brand Loyalty Case Study of Samsung Smartphones in Vietnam http://hj.divaportal.org/smash/get/diva2:1560522/FULLTEXT01.pdf Lovering, C (2019) Negative Effects of Social Media on Business Chron.com https://smallbusiness.chron.com/negative-effects-social-media-business-25682.html NGUYEN TRAN HAI BANG AEn-T122WSB-06 WSU21000260 ... extremely necessary, especially in promoting new products NGUYEN TRAN HAI BANG AEn-T122WSB-06 WSU21000260 REFERENCE LIST Data Transmission: What Is It? Everything You Need to Know (2021, January... facilitate communications and interactions between customers and businesses, and it is widely NGUYEN TRAN HAI BANG AEn-T122WSB-06 WSU21000260 regarded as a powerful tool for influencing customers' purchasing... opportunities of affording products will be higher For example, Tiffany & co's Instagram site NGUYEN TRAN HAI BANG AEn-T122WSB-06 WSU21000260 which has more than 10 million followers posted its new collection

Ngày đăng: 13/06/2022, 20:52

