Materials for language teaching Adapting published material Group 6 1 Tran Thi Tam Linh 2 Tran Thi Trang Loan 3 Nguyen Thi Xuan Mai 4 Le Dieu Ha May 10, 2012 Presentation 1 Why adapt course Despite the range and variety of published material on the market, it is rare to find a perfect fit between needs and course requirement In addition, every learningteaching situation is unique and depends on factos such as these + The dynamics of the classroom + The personalities involved + The constraints i.
May 10, 2012 Presentatio n Adapting published material Group Tran Thi Tam Linh Tran Thi Trang Loan Nguyen Thi Xuan Mai Le Dieu Ha Why adapt course Despite the range and variety of published material on the market, it is rare to find a perfect fit between needs and course requirement In addition, every learning/teaching situation is unique and depends on factos such as these: • + The dynamics of the classroom • + The personalities involved • + The constraints imposed by syllabuses • + The availability of resources • + The expectations and motivation of the learners Material can nearly always be improved by being adapted to suit the particular situation where it is being used • When to adapt • • • • • Adapting materials involves one or more of the following: + leaving out some parts of the material + adding material (published or your own) + replacing material with something more suitable + changing the published material to make it more suitable for your use • The following diagram will help in deciding whether to adapt an exercise or other activity: Objective of activity suitable? yes no Methods appropriate? ye s yes Use as it stands Omit or replace no Content/topic suitable? Change or replace no Keep method and objective but change content or topic SUPPLEMENTING AND REPLACING MATERIAL • A Course book may need supplementing in a number of different areas, • but among the commonest are: • Reading • Listening • Pronunciation • Vocabulary • Grammar Advantages of using books which focus on such skills is easy to find exercises at a lower or higher level than regular course book being used It base on the learner level + Supplementary pronunciation learning material It is used in Books such as English Aloud and 2(Haycraft), Elements of Pronunciation (Moretimer 1985)…All of which due which aspects of pronunciation at different levels + Supplementary vocabulary learning materials The learner can have opportunity to widen their vocabulary in connection with topic which interest them + Supplementary grammar learning materials Many students will benefit from additional material that gives explanations and rules in straightforward language together with practice exercises on each grammar point 4 A new role for the course book: inspiration and creativity Strengths and weaknesses of the coursebooks Adaptation and possibilities of further development Contain a lot of good ideas for teaching (the actual examples may not be quite right for a particular class) A new role for the course book: inspiration and creativity • Teacher can base the development of their own materials on ideas from the book • Teacher can work in more personal and creative way, with confident and originality 4 A new role for the course book: inspiration and creativity • A positive approach to publish materials involves looking below the surface for underlying ideas that are good and can be developed further If the basic idea is good, it can probably be used with different subject matter, with different contextualization or with a different skills focus SOME EXAMPLE OF ADAPTING MATERIALS • 5.1 Personalizing drills to make them more relevant • - The drill is straightforward and gives adequate practice in the mechanics of using with present and future reference • - Taking the drill as a starting point by personalizing the content, whilts keeping the forcus on the structure • - The important points are that students are talking about their own experiences in reak life, and are communicative with one another through English • Ex: Give some answers like the ones in the box: • Do you have to water the flowers taday? • Yes, I have to water it today I will have to water it tomorro, too • Do you have to help your mother taday? • Do you have to your homework today? • … • 5.2 Using authentic content • - Authentic content is using real facts and information instead of made up content • - Using the ideas and the activites with some authenic content which will be interesting to the students and provide the opportunity to learn • - The important thing is to learn what students are intrested in and build on that • Ex: Reading information about river Thames, answer the following questions: • River Thames • One of the most famous rivers in the world, the Thames runs for 216 miles from source to sea and is steeped in lore along virtually its entire route • Rights of navigation were laid down in Magna Carta, but the river's history extends much further Festivals and rituals such as the Boat Race, Henley Regatta and the annual Swan Upping imbue a character found nowhere but Old Father Thames • Under the authority of the Environment Agency, the non-tidal Thames can be navigated for 135 miles from Cricklade to Teddington Lock, passing through 44 picturesque locks and near almost 150 wildlife sites You can discover it by boat or from the Thames Path, one of Britain's most popular National Trails • Where does the Thames flow into? • Can you discover the Thamse by boat? • … • 5.3 Making dialogues communicative • - Dialogue work is a necessary part of language and helps to develop a degree of fluency, particularly in the semi – automatic aspects of language use, such as routine exchanges • - The participants in the dialouge are told what to say, and more or less how to say it, giving them little freedom for self expression • - Turning the dialouge into a pair of cue card is very simple which make students can fill in it more easily • Ex: complete the dialouge • A: …………… • B: Me, in New York • A:………………,too • B: Yes, they were • A:……………… • B: At school?well, I was not very good • Adapting outdated coursebook Teacher and student around the world often find themselves having to use coursebooks which are old and outdated in content But some of these coursebook s contain sound ideas which we can use until now • For example: the book “ Guided composition exercises (Spencer 1967): • Write the following passage out again, adding, in the spaces indicated by numbers, one verb from the lists with the corresponding numbers given below the passage In each group of three verbs one is more appropriate in the context than the other two: • The boy (1) the wall to (2)the apple He (3) half-adozen and (4) them in his pocket As he was (5) down again he slipped and (6) The fruit in his pockets was squashed He did not (7) himself, but he could not (8) the apples either He (9) home and (10) his coat pockets • Adapting outdated coursebook Climbed, leapt, ascended Discover, reach, inspect Plucked, seized, picked Hid, put, laid Jumping, slipping, falling Slid, collapsed, fell Wound, hurt, cut Ear, taste, use Marched, limped, ran 10 Cleaned, washed, changed This exercise teaches the learner’s ability to use appropriate vocabulary items, selected according to different criteria ... ideas for teaching (the actual examples may not be quite right for a particular class) A new role for the course book: inspiration and creativity • Teacher can base the development of their own materials. .. material that gives explanations and rules in straightforward language together with practice exercises on each grammar point 4 A new role for the course book: inspiration and creativity Strengths... confident and originality 4 A new role for the course book: inspiration and creativity • A positive approach to publish materials involves looking below the surface for underlying ideas that are good