Use an appropriate design tool to design a relational database system for a substantial problem. Design a relational database system using appropriate design tools and techniques, containing at least four interrelated tables, with clear statements of user and system requirements.
For more than a century now, human resource management, as a discipline and practice in the management of people in an organization, has evolved and developed into different areas
The evolution of human resource management has been shaped by a continuous process of trial and error, theory development, and practical testing by both managers and academics This discipline has primarily been influenced by environmental factors and an ongoing pursuit for improved methods of acquiring and utilizing labor effectively.
The evolving marketplace demands that managers enhance efficiency in production and service delivery by adopting effective people management practices Implementing employee management techniques can boost productivity, lower service costs, and ensure a consistent supply of skilled personnel within the organization.
This study focuses on delivering a comprehensive human resource management system that explores the evolution and development of human resource management, as well as its impact on people management in modern organizations.
System description
Human resources management system (HRMS) was created to include the best practices for service human resources departments within the company and is the work of all employees department
The target group of the system that serves the human resource procedures is special for theemployees and managers
The system is categorized based on various staff branches and departments, reflecting the functions of multiple systems Additionally, it is structured around personnel management, including promotions, bonuses, training, and benefits.
This work area system simplifies the daily tracking of employee movements and efficiently organizes holiday schedules, whether by day or hour It generates comprehensive and precise monthly reports detailing all staff movements within a specified timeframe, comparing required work against actual work performed.
The proposed system will allow improve perform the job functions of the employees departmentand faculty by provide system allows:
- Tasks are dispensed paper charged for the time and effort
- Keep electronic records of employee's information, benefits, education, adjustments, evaluations and requests instead of paper files that need extra space
- Electronic working will be easy to completion tasks
- Also there are data facilitates retrieval and interact with them
- The system flexible to add, delete, edit for employee record and all information belong to human resources management.
Problem definition
This study aims to develop an efficient human resources management system that enhances performance, ensures safer decision-making, and promotes institutional advancement The researcher will analyze the requirements of existing human resource management systems in various companies to effectively construct a new system.
We will build a web-based human resource management system (HRMS) to increase the performance and organization of the entire range of human resources management services by developing these sections:
- Compute the net salary after adding salary, promotions percentage and loans.
1 Increased performance of the entire range of human resources management services.
2 Provide a single point of contact for customers to take human resources managementsystem (HRMS) procedures or to request any clarification.
3 Expand the coverage of the human resources management system (HRMS) to include theentire human resources services, including human resources management system (HRMS)planning, performance management and Internet recruitment systems.
4 The human resources management system (HRMS) will allow for trend analysis andreporting.
This table will present all activities that will be developed on the human ressystem, objective of every activity and the target audiences for each activity
Table (1.1): Organization chart and responsibilities
Question Objective Activity Target Audiences
How to control on the access of the system?
Making saved authentication to the system
HRMS give employee rules to access any par of the system
How to Compute the net Salary for the employees?
To compute the net salary for everyone on the system
Computing net Salary after adding Salary, promotions percentage and loans
HRMS compute net salary for all employees on the system
Detailed information about any part of the system?
To get detailed reports about any part of the system
HRMS will extract all data on the system
How to make direct communicate with the employees?
To communicate with all employees quickly
Managing communication with whole system members
Employees who are members on human resource management system (HRMS)
How to realize the change of data on the system?
To represent all data on thesystem
Representing data on the system in graphs and statistics
All data on the system stored on database.
Feasibility study
Information has been collected by reference to sources, written references and informationpublished in scientific, research and literary sites on the Internet
Human resources management general rules
The human resources management team provides strategic guidance to the management team on effectively utilizing employees as valuable business resources This encompasses overseeing recruitment and hiring processes, coordinating employee benefits, and recommending training and development strategies By implementing these practices, the team ensures adherence to essential human resources management principles.
1 Human resources provide benefits to an organization in a fashion similar to the manner in which financial and physical resources provide benefits.
2 The benefits associated with both conventional assets and human resources have value to the organization because these benefits contribute in some way to the accomplishment of the organizational goals.
3 The acquisition of human resources typically involves an economic cost and the benefits associated with such resources can personally be expected to contribute to the economic effectiveness It follows, therefore, that these benefits are essentially economic in nature and are subject to measurement in financial terms.
4 Since the usual accounting definition of an asset involves the right to receive economic benefits in the future, human assets are appropriately classified as accounting assets.
5 It is theoretically possible to identify and measure human resource cost and benefits within an organization.
6 Information with respect to human resource costs and benefits should be useful in the process of planning, controlling, evaluating and predicting organizational performance.
literature review
Human resources refer to the individuals who constitute the workforce of an organization, economy, or business sector While often used interchangeably with "human capital," the latter term specifically emphasizes the knowledge and skills that individuals possess, as well as their contribution to economic growth Other synonymous terms may also be employed in this context.
“human resources” one include "talent", "manpower", "labor", "people" or "personnel"
Human resources departments are responsible for managing various employment aspects, including compliance with labor laws, recruitment, dismissal, and employee benefits administration HR managers focus on identifying staff needs, hiring and training qualified employees, supervising their performance, managing employee relations, and overseeing payroll and compensation They ensure adherence to regulations, promote equal opportunities, address discrimination, and enhance employee motivation To streamline these processes, HR managers may utilize tools like draw pro software for creating essential human resources-related drawings.
The human resources flowcharts solution in ConceptDraw Pro offers a vast collection of HR-themed icons, connectors, and images from its stencil libraries, enabling users to effectively create flowcharts, infographics, and workflow diagrams.
This solution effectively maps human resource management processes across all phases, including recruitment, hiring, payroll systems, and overall human resource management.
Page 10 resource development, the human resources managers, same as man other managers, such as the project ones, may achieve more in their work spending less time on their tasks
1.6.2 Human resource information systems types:
An operational human resources management system (HRMS) equips managers with essential data to facilitate routine HR decisions Various operational-level information systems are utilized to gather and report critical human resource information.
These systems include information about the organization’s positions and employees and about governmental regulations
The human resource department is responsible for maintaining comprehensive employee information to support various decision-making and reporting needs A key component of this system is the collection of human resource profile records for each employee.
An employee profile typically includes essential personal and organizational details, such as the individual's name, address, gender, minority status, marital status, and citizenship It also encompasses information on years of service, education and training, previous experience, and employment history within the organization Additionally, the profile outlines salary rates, wage grades, and choices regarding retirement and health plans.
The employee inventory may also contain data about employee preferences for geographical locations and work shifts
An employee skills inventory is a crucial component that compiles detailed information about each employee, including their work experience, preferences, test scores, interests, and specialized skills or proficiencies.
A job is typically defined as a collection of similar positions, each comprising specific tasks carried out by an individual worker The position control system aims to identify every position within the organization, classify it under the appropriate job title, and track the employee assigned to that position.
Reference to the position control system allows a human resource manager to identify the details about unfilled positions Applicant selection and placement information systems
Once job roles and their requirements are established, and a qualified pool of candidates is recruited, the next step involves screening, evaluating, selecting, and placing candidates into the available positions.
The primary purpose of the applicant selection and placement information system is to assist human resource staff in these tasks
Performance management information systems include performance appraisal data and productivity information data Performance management information systems data is frequently used as evidence in employee grievance matters
Careful documentation of employee performance was measured and reported is critical to acceptance of appraisal information in grievance hearings
This kind of systems can lead to a number of decisions beyond merely supporting the operational decision to retain, promote, transfer, or terminate a single employee FPT University reporting and compliance information systems
FPT University reporting and compliance information systems provide information needed both to maintain compliance with government regulations and to improve productivity and reduce costs associated with employees
Database Development and Evaluation
Code Snippets to create each table for database Human Resources Managerment
2.1.1 Create table Department create table Departments (
Department_ID int primary key not null, Department_title varchar(20),
2.1.2 Create table Employees create table Employees(
The employee database schema includes an Employee_ID as the primary key, which cannot be null It also features fields for Employee_password, Employee_Email, Employee_Name, Employee_Address, and Employee_Mobile, with respective character limits Additionally, the Department_ID is defined as a foreign key that references the Department_ID in the Departments table, establishing a relationship between employees and their respective departments.
2.1.3 Create table Logins create table Logins(
Username varchar (50) primary key not null, [Password] varchar (50),
[Role] bit, Employee_ID int FOREIGN KEY REFERENCES Employees(Employee_ID) )
2.1.4 Create table Attendances create table Attendances(
ID int primary key not null, Att_Type varchar (50), Att_time_date datetime, Employee_ID int FOREIGN KEY REFERENCES Employees(Employee_ID)
2.1.5 Create table Evaluations create table Evaluations (
Eval_ID int primary key not null, Eval_value float,
Notes text, Employee_ID int FOREIGN KEY REFERENCES Employees(Employee_ID) ) go
2.1.6 Create table Salaries create table Salaries(
ID int primary key not null, Salary flo0at,
Bonus float, Loan float, Last_update Date, Employee_ID int FOREIGN KEY REFERENCES Employees(Employee_ID) ) go
2.1.7 Create table Employee_Vacations create table Vacations(
The Vacation table is structured with a primary key, Vacation_ID, and includes essential fields such as Vacation_Total_Day, Vacation_from_date, and Vacation_to_date It also establishes relationships through foreign keys, linking Employee_ID to the Employees table and VA_DE_ID to the Employee_Vacations table, ensuring data integrity and facilitating efficient vacation management for employees.
2.1.8 Create table Vacations create table Employee_Vacations(
VA_DE_ID int primary key not null, Vacation_title varchar(50),
2.1.9 Create table Trainings create table Tranings (
Training_ID int primary key not null, Training_title varchar (20),
Training_description text, Employee_ID int FOREIGN KEY REFERENCES Employees(Employee_ID) )
Code snippets to insert some sample data for each table
INSERT [dbo].[Departments] ([Department_ID], [Department_title]) VALUES (11, N'Giám d?c')
INSERT [dbo].[Departments] ([Department_ID], [Department_title]) VALUES (12, N'nhân s?')
INSERT [dbo].[Departments] ([Department_ID], [Department_title]) VALUES (13, N'k? toán')
INSERT [dbo].[Departments] ([Department_ID], [Department_title]) VALUES (14, N'Kinh doanh' )GO
INSERT [dbo].[Employees] ([Employee_ID], [Employee_password], [Employee_Email],
[Employee_Name], [Employee_Address], [Employee_Mobile], [Department_ID]) VALUES (333, N'12345', N'', N'trung', N'Qu?n 1', N'98754321', 11)
INSERT [dbo].[Employees] ([Employee_ID], [Employee_password], [Employee_Email],
[Employee_Name], [Employee_Address], [Employee_Mobile], [Department_ID]) VALUES (444, N'12345', N'', N'ngoc', N'Qu?n 2', N'98754321', 13)
INSERT [dbo].[Employees] ([Employee_ID], [Employee_password], [Employee_Email],
[Employee_Name], [Employee_Address], [Employee_Mobile], [Department_ID]) VALUES (555, N'12345', N'', N'hoang', N'Qu?n 3', N'98754321', 12)
INSERT [dbo].[Employees] ([Employee_ID], [Employee_password], [Employee_Email],
[Employee_Name], [Employee_Address], [Employee_Mobile], [Department_ID]) VALUES (666, N'12345', N'', N'thuy', N'Qu?n 4', N'98754321', 14)
INSERT [dbo].[Employees] ([Employee_ID], [Employee_password], [Employee_Email],
[Employee_Name], [Employee_Address], [Employee_Mobile], [Department_ID]) VALUES (777, N'12345', N'', N'linh', N'Qu?n 5', N'98754321', 13)
INSERT [dbo].[Employees] ([Employee_ID], [Employee_password], [Employee_Email],
[Employee_Name], [Employee_Address], [Employee_Mobile], [Department_ID]) VALUES (888, N'12345', N'', N'nam', N'Qu?n 6', N'98754321', 13)
INSERT [dbo].[Employees] ([Employee_ID], [Employee_password], [Employee_Email],
[Employee_Name], [Employee_Address], [Employee_Mobile], [Department_ID]) VALUES (999, N'12345', N'', N'thinh', N'Qu?n 7', N'98754321', 11)
INSERT [dbo].[Employees] ([Employee_ID], [Employee_password], [Employee_Email],
[Employee_Name], [Employee_Address], [Employee_Mobile], [Department_ID]) VALUES (1110, N'12345', N'', N'trinh', N'Qu?n 8', N'98754321', 12)
INSERT [dbo].[Employees] ([Employee_ID], [Employee_password], [Employee_Email],
[Employee_Name], [Employee_Address], [Employee_Mobile], [Department_ID]) VALUES (1221, N'12345', N'', N'nam', N'Qu?n 9', N'98754321', 11)
INSERT [dbo].[Employees] ([Employee_ID], [Employee_password], [Employee_Email],
[Employee_Name], [Employee_Address], [Employee_Mobile], [Department_ID]) VALUES (1332, N'12345', N'', N'long', N'Qu?n 10', N'98754321', 13)
INSERT [dbo].[Employees] ([Employee_ID], [Employee_password], [Employee_Email],
[Employee_Name], [Employee_Address], [Employee_Mobile], [Department_ID]) VALUES (1443, N'12345', N'', N'thang', N'Qu?n 11', N'98754321', 13)
INSERT [dbo].[Employees] ([Employee_ID], [Employee_password], [Employee_Email],
[Employee_Name], [Employee_Address], [Employee_Mobile], [Department_ID]) VALUES (1554, N'12345', N'', N'thanh', N'Qu?n 12', N'98754321', 13)
INSERT [dbo].[Employees] ([Employee_ID], [Employee_password], [Employee_Email],
[Employee_Name], [Employee_Address], [Employee_Mobile], [Department_ID]) VALUES (1665, N'12345', N'', N'tân', N'Qu?n 13', N'98754321', 13)
INSERT [dbo].[Employees] ([Employee_ID], [Employee_password], [Employee_Email],
[Employee_Name], [Employee_Address], [Employee_Mobile], [Department_ID]) VALUES (1776, N'12345', N'', N'm?t', N'Qu?n 14', N'98754321', 11)
INSERT [dbo].[Employees] ([Employee_ID], [Employee_password], [Employee_Email],
[Employee_Name], [Employee_Address], [Employee_Mobile], [Department_ID]) VALUES (1887, N'12345', N'', N'lam', N'Qu?n 15', N'98754321', 13)
INSERT [dbo].[Employees] ([Employee_ID], [Employee_password], [Employee_Email],
[Employee_Name], [Employee_Address], [Employee_Mobile], [Department_ID]) VALUES (1998, N'12345', N'', N'nhi', N'Qu?n 16', N'98754321', 12)
INSERT [dbo].[Employees] ([Employee_ID], [Employee_password], [Employee_Email],
[Employee_Name], [Employee_Address], [Employee_Mobile], [Department_ID]) VALUES (2109, N'12345', N'', N'hi?n', N'Qu?n 17', N'98754321', 13)
INSERT [dbo].[Employees] ([Employee_ID], [Employee_password], [Employee_Email],
[Employee_Name], [Employee_Address], [Employee_Mobile], [Department_ID]) VALUES (2220, N'12345', N'', N'khoi', N'Qu?n 18', N'98754321', 13)
INSERT [dbo].[Employees] ([Employee_ID], [Employee_password], [Employee_Email],
[Employee_Name], [Employee_Address], [Employee_Mobile], [Department_ID]) VALUES (2331, N'12345', N'', N'minh', N'Qu?n 19', N'98754321', 13)
INSERT [dbo].[Employees] ([Employee_ID], [Employee_password], [Employee_Email],
[Employee_Name], [Employee_Address], [Employee_Mobile], [Department_ID]) VALUES (2442, N'12345', N'', N'ninh', N'Qu?n 20', N'98754321', 12)
INSERT [dbo].[Employees] ([Employee_ID], [Employee_password], [Employee_Email],
[Employee_Name], [Employee_Address], [Employee_Mobile], [Department_ID]) VALUES (2553, N'12345', N'', N'hat', N'Qu?n 21', N'98754321', 14)
INSERT [dbo].[Employees] ([Employee_ID], [Employee_password], [Employee_Email],
[Employee_Name], [Employee_Address], [Employee_Mobile], [Department_ID]) VALUES (2664, N'12345', N'', N'ca', N'Qu?n 22', N'98754321', 14)
INSERT [dbo].[Employees] ([Employee_ID], [Employee_password], [Employee_Email],
[Employee_Name], [Employee_Address], [Employee_Mobile], [Department_ID]) VALUES (2775, N'12345', N'', N'thiên', N'Qu?n 23', N'98754321', 14)
INSERT [dbo].[Employees] ([Employee_ID], [Employee_password], [Employee_Email],
[Employee_Name], [Employee_Address], [Employee_Mobile], [Department_ID]) VALUES (2886, N'12345', N'', N'thân', N'Qu?n 24', N'98754321', 12)
INSERT [dbo].[Employees] ([Employee_ID], [Employee_password], [Employee_Email],
[Employee_Name], [Employee_Address], [Employee_Mobile], [Department_ID]) VALUES (2997, N'12345', N'', N'tu?n', N'Qu?n 25', N'98754321', 14)
INSERT [dbo].[Employees] ([Employee_ID], [Employee_password], [Employee_Email],
[Employee_Name], [Employee_Address], [Employee_Mobile], [Department_ID]) VALUES (3108, N'12345', N'', N'mây', N'Qu?n 26', N'98754321', 14)
INSERT [dbo].[Employees] ([Employee_ID], [Employee_password], [Employee_Email],
[Employee_Name], [Employee_Address], [Employee_Mobile], [Department_ID]) VALUES (3219, N'12345', N'', N'lành', N'Qu?n 27', N'98754321', 14)
INSERT [dbo].[Employees] ([Employee_ID], [Employee_password], [Employee_Email],
[Employee_Name], [Employee_Address], [Employee_Mobile], [Department_ID]) VALUES (3330, N'12345', N'', N'tru?c', N'Qu?n 28', N'98754321', 14)
INSERT [dbo].[Employees] ([Employee_ID], [Employee_password], [Employee_Email],
[Employee_Name], [Employee_Address], [Employee_Mobile], [Department_ID]) VALUES (3441, N'12345', N'', N'nh?', N'Qu?n 29', N'98754321', 14)
INSERT [dbo].[Employees] ([Employee_ID], [Employee_password], [Employee_Email],
[Employee_Name], [Employee_Address], [Employee_Mobile], [Department_ID]) VALUES (3552, N'12345', N'', N'giàu', N'Qu?n 30', N'98754321', 14)
INSERT [dbo].[Employees] ([Employee_ID], [Employee_password], [Employee_Email],
[Employee_Name], [Employee_Address], [Employee_Mobile], [Department_ID]) VALUES (3663, N'12345', N'', N'nhân', N'Qu?n 31', N'98754321', 14)
INSERT [dbo].[Employees] ([Employee_ID], [Employee_password], [Employee_Email],
[Employee_Name], [Employee_Address], [Employee_Mobile], [Department_ID]) VALUES (3774, N'12345', N'', N'hoòa', N'Qu?n 32', N'98754321', 14)
INSERT [dbo].[Employees] ([Employee_ID], [Employee_password], [Employee_Email],
[Employee_Name], [Employee_Address], [Employee_Mobile], [Department_ID]) VALUES (3885, N'12345', N'', N'hùng', N'Qu?n 33', N'98754321', 14)
INSERT [dbo].[Employees] ([Employee_ID], [Employee_password], [Employee_Email],
[Employee_Name], [Employee_Address], [Employee_Mobile], [Department_ID]) VALUES (3996, N'12345', N'', N'tí', N'Qu?n 34', N'98754321', 14)
INSERT [dbo].[Logins] ([Username], [Password], [Role], [Employee_ID]) VALUES (N'user01', N'12345', 1, 333)
INSERT [dbo].[Logins] ([Username], [Password], [Role], [Employee_ID]) VALUES (N'user02', N'12345', 0, 444)
INSERT [dbo].[Logins] ([Username], [Password], [Role], [Employee_ID]) VALUES (N'user03', N'12345', 1, 555)
INSERT [dbo].[Logins] ([Username], [Password], [Role], [Employee_ID]) VALUES (N'user04', N'12345', 0, 666)
INSERT [dbo].[Logins] ([Username], [Password], [Role], [Employee_ID]) VALUES (N'user05', N'12345', 1, 777)
INSERT [dbo].[Logins] ([Username], [Password], [Role], [Employee_ID]) VALUES (N'user06', N'12345', 0, 888)
INSERT [dbo].[Logins] ([Username], [Password], [Role], [Employee_ID]) VALUES (N'user07', N'12345', 1, 999)
INSERT [dbo].[Logins] ([Username], [Password], [Role], [Employee_ID]) VALUES (N'user08', N'12345', 1, 1110)
INSERT [dbo].[Logins] ([Username], [Password], [Role], [Employee_ID]) VALUES (N'user09', N'12345', 0, 1221)
INSERT [dbo].[Logins] ([Username], [Password], [Role], [Employee_ID]) VALUES (N'user10', N'12345', 1, 1332)
INSERT [dbo].[Logins] ([Username], [Password], [Role], [Employee_ID]) VALUES (N'user11', N'12345', 0, 1443)
INSERT [dbo].[Logins] ([Username], [Password], [Role], [Employee_ID]) VALUES (N'user12', N'12345', 1, 1554)
INSERT [dbo].[Logins] ([Username], [Password], [Role], [Employee_ID]) VALUES (N'user13', N'12345', 0, 1665)
INSERT [dbo].[Logins] ([Username], [Password], [Role], [Employee_ID]) VALUES (N'user14', N'12345', 1, 1776)
INSERT [dbo].[Logins] ([Username], [Password], [Role], [Employee_ID]) VALUES (N'user15', N'12345', 0, 1887)
INSERT [dbo].[Logins] ([Username], [Password], [Role], [Employee_ID]) VALUES (N'user16', N'12345', 1, 1998)
INSERT [dbo].[Logins] ([Username], [Password], [Role], [Employee_ID]) VALUES (N'user17', N'12345', 0, 2109)
INSERT [dbo].[Logins] ([Username], [Password], [Role], [Employee_ID]) VALUES (N'user18', N'12345', 1, 2220)
INSERT [dbo].[Logins] ([Username], [Password], [Role], [Employee_ID]) VALUES (N'user19', N'12345', 0, 2331)
INSERT [dbo].[Logins] ([Username], [Password], [Role], [Employee_ID]) VALUES (N'user20', N'12345', 1, 2442)
INSERT [dbo].[Logins] ([Username], [Password], [Role], [Employee_ID]) VALUES (N'user21', N'12345', 0, 2553)
INSERT [dbo].[Logins] ([Username], [Password], [Role], [Employee_ID]) VALUES (N'user22', N'12345', 1, 2664)
INSERT [dbo].[Logins] ([Username], [Password], [Role], [Employee_ID]) VALUES (N'user23', N'12345', 0, 2775)
INSERT [dbo].[Logins] ([Username], [Password], [Role], [Employee_ID]) VALUES (N'user24', N'12345', 1, 2886)
INSERT [dbo].[Logins] ([Username], [Password], [Role], [Employee_ID]) VALUES (N'user25', N'12345', 0, 2997)
INSERT [dbo].[Logins] ([Username], [Password], [Role], [Employee_ID]) VALUES (N'user26', N'12345', 1, 3108)
INSERT [dbo].[Logins] ([Username], [Password], [Role], [Employee_ID]) VALUES (N'user27', N'12345', 0, 3219)
INSERT [dbo].[Logins] ([Username], [Password], [Role], [Employee_ID]) VALUES (N'user28', N'12345', 1, 3330)
INSERT [dbo].[Logins] ([Username], [Password], [Role], [Employee_ID]) VALUES (N'user29', N'12345', 0, 3441)
INSERT [dbo].[Logins] ([Username], [Password], [Role], [Employee_ID]) VALUES (N'user30', N'12345', 1, 3552)
INSERT [dbo].[Logins] ([Username], [Password], [Role], [Employee_ID]) VALUES (N'user31', N'12345', 0, 3663)
INSERT [dbo].[Logins] ([Username], [Password], [Role], [Employee_ID]) VALUES (N'user32', N'12345', 1, 3774)
INSERT [dbo].[Logins] ([Username], [Password], [Role], [Employee_ID]) VALUES (N'user33', N'12345', 0, 3885)
INSERT [dbo].[Logins] ([Username], [Password], [Role], [Employee_ID]) VALUES (N'user34', N'12345', 1, 3996)
INSERT [dbo].[Attendances] ([ID], [Att_Type], [Att_time_date], [Employee_ID]) VALUES (325, N'yes', CAST(N'2020-04-06T00:00:00.000' AS DateTime), 333)
INSERT [dbo].[Attendances] ([ID], [Att_Type], [Att_time_date], [Employee_ID]) VALUES (326, N'yes', CAST(N'2020-04-19T00:00:00.000' AS DateTime), 444)
INSERT [dbo].[Attendances] ([ID], [Att_Type], [Att_time_date], [Employee_ID]) VALUES (327, N'yes', CAST(N'2020-04-24T00:00:00.000' AS DateTime), 555)
INSERT [dbo].[Attendances] ([ID], [Att_Type], [Att_time_date], [Employee_ID]) VALUES (328, N'yes', CAST(N'2020-04-09T00:00:00.000' AS DateTime), 666)
INSERT [dbo].[Attendances] ([ID], [Att_Type], [Att_time_date], [Employee_ID]) VALUES (329, N'yes', CAST(N'2020-04-10T00:00:00.000' AS DateTime), 777)
INSERT [dbo].[Attendances] ([ID], [Att_Type], [Att_time_date], [Employee_ID]) VALUES (330, N'yes', CAST(N'2020-04-11T00:00:00.000' AS DateTime), 888)
INSERT [dbo].[Attendances] ([ID], [Att_Type], [Att_time_date], [Employee_ID]) VALUES (331, N'yes', CAST(N'2020-04-12T00:00:00.000' AS DateTime), 999)
INSERT [dbo].[Attendances] ([ID], [Att_Type], [Att_time_date], [Employee_ID]) VALUES (332, N'yes', CAST(N'2020-04-29T00:00:00.000' AS DateTime), 1110)
INSERT [dbo].[Attendances] ([ID], [Att_Type], [Att_time_date], [Employee_ID]) VALUES (333, N'yes', CAST(N'2020-04-14T00:00:00.000' AS DateTime), 1221)
INSERT [dbo].[Attendances] ([ID], [Att_Type], [Att_time_date], [Employee_ID]) VALUES (334, N'yes', CAST(N'2020-04-29T00:00:00.000' AS DateTime), 1332)
INSERT [dbo].[Attendances] ([ID], [Att_Type], [Att_time_date], [Employee_ID]) VALUES (335, N'Khá', CAST(N'2020-04-16T00:00:00.000' AS DateTime), 1443)
INSERT [dbo].[Attendances] ([ID], [Att_Type], [Att_time_date], [Employee_ID]) VALUES (336, N'No', CAST(N'2020-04-29T00:00:00.000' AS DateTime), 1554)
INSERT [dbo].[Attendances] ([ID], [Att_Type], [Att_time_date], [Employee_ID]) VALUES (337, N'No', CAST(N'2020-04-18T00:00:00.000' AS DateTime), 1665)
INSERT [dbo].[Attendances] ([ID], [Att_Type], [Att_time_date], [Employee_ID]) VALUES (338, N'No', CAST(N'2020-04-06T00:00:00.000' AS DateTime), 1776)
INSERT [dbo].[Attendances] ([ID], [Att_Type], [Att_time_date], [Employee_ID]) VALUES (339, N'No', CAST(N'2020-04-20T00:00:00.000' AS DateTime), 1887)
INSERT [dbo].[Attendances] ([ID], [Att_Type], [Att_time_date], [Employee_ID]) VALUES (340, N'No', CAST(N'2020-04-06T00:00:00.000' AS DateTime), 1998)
INSERT [dbo].[Attendances] ([ID], [Att_Type], [Att_time_date], [Employee_ID]) VALUES (341, N'No', CAST(N'2020-04-22T00:00:00.000' AS DateTime), 2109)
INSERT [dbo].[Attendances] ([ID], [Att_Type], [Att_time_date], [Employee_ID]) VALUES (342, N'No', CAST(N'2020-04-23T00:00:00.000' AS DateTime), 2220)
INSERT [dbo].[Attendances] ([ID], [Att_Type], [Att_time_date], [Employee_ID]) VALUES (343, N'yes', CAST(N'2020-04-24T00:00:00.000' AS DateTime), 2331)
INSERT [dbo].[Attendances] ([ID], [Att_Type], [Att_time_date], [Employee_ID]) VALUES (344, N'yes', CAST(N'2020-04-25T00:00:00.000' AS DateTime), 2442)
INSERT [dbo].[Attendances] ([ID], [Att_Type], [Att_time_date], [Employee_ID]) VALUES (345, N'yes', CAST(N'2020-04-12T00:00:00.000' AS DateTime), 2553)
INSERT [dbo].[Attendances] ([ID], [Att_Type], [Att_time_date], [Employee_ID]) VALUES (346, N'yes', CAST(N'2020-04-27T00:00:00.000' AS DateTime), 2664)
INSERT [dbo].[Attendances] ([ID], [Att_Type], [Att_time_date], [Employee_ID]) VALUES (347, N'yes', CAST(N'2020-04-12T00:00:00.000' AS DateTime), 2775)
INSERT [dbo].[Attendances] ([ID], [Att_Type], [Att_time_date], [Employee_ID]) VALUES (348, N'yes', CAST(N'2020-04-29T00:00:00.000' AS DateTime), 2886)
INSERT [dbo].[Attendances] ([ID], [Att_Type], [Att_time_date], [Employee_ID]) VALUES (349, N'yes', CAST(N'2020-04-12T00:00:00.000' AS DateTime), 2997)
INSERT [dbo].[Attendances] ([ID], [Att_Type], [Att_time_date], [Employee_ID]) VALUES (350, N'yes', CAST(N'2020-05-01T00:00:00.000' AS DateTime), 3108)
INSERT [dbo].[Attendances] ([ID], [Att_Type], [Att_time_date], [Employee_ID]) VALUES (351, N'yes', CAST(N'2020-04-12T00:00:00.000' AS DateTime), 3219)
INSERT [dbo].[Attendances] ([ID], [Att_Type], [Att_time_date], [Employee_ID]) VALUES (352, N'yes', CAST(N'2020-05-03T00:00:00.000' AS DateTime), 3330)
INSERT [dbo].[Attendances] ([ID], [Att_Type], [Att_time_date], [Employee_ID]) VALUES (353, N'yes', CAST(N'2020-04-29T00:00:00.000' AS DateTime), 3441)
INSERT [dbo].[Attendances] ([ID], [Att_Type], [Att_time_date], [Employee_ID]) VALUES (354, N'yes', CAST(N'2020-04-12T00:00:00.000' AS DateTime), 3552)
INSERT [dbo].[Attendances] ([ID], [Att_Type], [Att_time_date], [Employee_ID]) VALUES (355, N'yes', CAST(N'2020-05-01T00:00:00.000' AS DateTime), 3663)
INSERT [dbo].[Attendances] ([ID], [Att_Type], [Att_time_date], [Employee_ID]) VALUES (356, N'yes', CAST(N'2020-04-12T00:00:00.000' AS DateTime), 3774)
INSERT [dbo].[Attendances] ([ID], [Att_Type], [Att_time_date], [Employee_ID]) VALUES (357, N'yes', CAST(N'2020-05-03T00:00:00.000' AS DateTime), 3885)
INSERT [dbo].[Attendances] ([ID], [Att_Type], [Att_time_date], [Employee_ID]) VALUES (358, N'yes', CAST(N'2020-04-29T00:00:00.000' AS DateTime), 3996)
INSERT [dbo].[Evaluations] ([Eval_ID], [Eval_value], [Notes], [Employee_ID]) VALUES (1, 3.9, N'tot',
INSERT [dbo].[Evaluations] ([Eval_ID], [Eval_value], [Notes], [Employee_ID]) VALUES (2, 1.3, N'kem',
INSERT [dbo].[Evaluations] ([Eval_ID], [Eval_value], [Notes], [Employee_ID]) VALUES (3, 3.9, N'tot',
INSERT [dbo].[Evaluations] ([Eval_ID], [Eval_value], [Notes], [Employee_ID]) VALUES (4, 3.9, N'tot',
INSERT [dbo].[Evaluations] ([Eval_ID], [Eval_value], [Notes], [Employee_ID]) VALUES (5, 1.6, N'kem',
INSERT [dbo].[Evaluations] ([Eval_ID], [Eval_value], [Notes], [Employee_ID]) VALUES (6, 1.7, N'kem',
INSERT [dbo].[Evaluations] ([Eval_ID], [Eval_value], [Notes], [Employee_ID]) VALUES (7, 4.2, N'tot',
INSERT [dbo].[Evaluations] ([Eval_ID], [Eval_value], [Notes], [Employee_ID]) VALUES (8, 4.5, N'tot',
INSERT [dbo].[Evaluations] ([Eval_ID], [Eval_value], [Notes], [Employee_ID]) VALUES (9, 2, N'Kha',
INSERT [dbo].[Evaluations] ([Eval_ID], [Eval_value], [Notes], [Employee_ID]) VALUES (10, 3.9, N'tot',
INSERT [dbo].[Evaluations] ([Eval_ID], [Eval_value], [Notes], [Employee_ID]) VALUES (11, 2.2, N'Kha',
INSERT [dbo].[Evaluations] ([Eval_ID], [Eval_value], [Notes], [Employee_ID]) VALUES (12, 2.3, N'Kha',
INSERT [dbo].[Evaluations] ([Eval_ID], [Eval_value], [Notes], [Employee_ID]) VALUES (13, 4.2, N'tot',
INSERT [dbo].[Evaluations] ([Eval_ID], [Eval_value], [Notes], [Employee_ID]) VALUES (14, 2.5, N'Kha',
INSERT [dbo].[Evaluations] ([Eval_ID], [Eval_value], [Notes], [Employee_ID]) VALUES (15, 3.9, N'tot',
INSERT [dbo].[Evaluations] ([Eval_ID], [Eval_value], [Notes], [Employee_ID]) VALUES (16, 4.2, N'tot',
INSERT [dbo].[Evaluations] ([Eval_ID], [Eval_value], [Notes], [Employee_ID]) VALUES (17, 2.8, N'Kha',
INSERT [dbo].[Evaluations] ([Eval_ID], [Eval_value], [Notes], [Employee_ID]) VALUES (18, 2.9, N'Kha',
INSERT [dbo].[Evaluations] ([Eval_ID], [Eval_value], [Notes], [Employee_ID]) VALUES (19, 3, N'Kha',
INSERT [dbo].[Evaluations] ([Eval_ID], [Eval_value], [Notes], [Employee_ID]) VALUES (20, 3.1, N'Kha',
INSERT [dbo].[Evaluations] ([Eval_ID], [Eval_value], [Notes], [Employee_ID]) VALUES (21, 3.9, N'tot',
INSERT [dbo].[Evaluations] ([Eval_ID], [Eval_value], [Notes], [Employee_ID]) VALUES (22, 3.3, N'Kha',
INSERT [dbo].[Evaluations] ([Eval_ID], [Eval_value], [Notes], [Employee_ID]) VALUES (23, 3.9, N'tot',
INSERT [dbo].[Evaluations] ([Eval_ID], [Eval_value], [Notes], [Employee_ID]) VALUES (24, 3.5, N'tot',
INSERT [dbo].[Evaluations] ([Eval_ID], [Eval_value], [Notes], [Employee_ID]) VALUES (25, 3.6, N'tot',
INSERT [dbo].[Evaluations] ([Eval_ID], [Eval_value], [Notes], [Employee_ID]) VALUES (26, 3.7, N'tot',
INSERT [dbo].[Evaluations] ([Eval_ID], [Eval_value], [Notes], [Employee_ID]) VALUES (27, 3.8, N'tot',
INSERT [dbo].[Evaluations] ([Eval_ID], [Eval_value], [Notes], [Employee_ID]) VALUES (28, 3.9, N'tot',
INSERT [dbo].[Evaluations] ([Eval_ID], [Eval_value], [Notes], [Employee_ID]) VALUES (29, 4, N'tot',
INSERT [dbo].[Evaluations] ([Eval_ID], [Eval_value], [Notes], [Employee_ID]) VALUES (30, 4.1, N'tot',
INSERT [dbo].[Evaluations] ([Eval_ID], [Eval_value], [Notes], [Employee_ID]) VALUES (31, 4.2, N'tot',
INSERT [dbo].[Evaluations] ([Eval_ID], [Eval_value], [Notes], [Employee_ID]) VALUES (32, 4.3, N'tot',
INSERT [dbo].[Evaluations] ([Eval_ID], [Eval_value], [Notes], [Employee_ID]) VALUES (33, 4.4, N'tot',
INSERT [dbo].[Evaluations] ([Eval_ID], [Eval_value], [Notes], [Employee_ID]) VALUES (34, 4.5, N'tot',
INSERT [dbo].[Salaries] ([ID], [Salary], [Bonus], [Loan], [Last_update], [Employee_ID]) VALUES (1,
INSERT [dbo].[Salaries] ([ID], [Salary], [Bonus], [Loan], [Last_update], [Employee_ID]) VALUES (2,
INSERT [dbo].[Salaries] ([ID], [Salary], [Bonus], [Loan], [Last_update], [Employee_ID]) VALUES (3,
INSERT [dbo].[Salaries] ([ID], [Salary], [Bonus], [Loan], [Last_update], [Employee_ID]) VALUES (4,
INSERT [dbo].[Salaries] ([ID], [Salary], [Bonus], [Loan], [Last_update], [Employee_ID]) VALUES (5,
INSERT [dbo].[Salaries] ([ID], [Salary], [Bonus], [Loan], [Last_update], [Employee_ID]) VALUES (6,
INSERT [dbo].[Salaries] ([ID], [Salary], [Bonus], [Loan], [Last_update], [Employee_ID]) VALUES (7,
INSERT [dbo].[Salaries] ([ID], [Salary], [Bonus], [Loan], [Last_update], [Employee_ID]) VALUES (8,
INSERT [dbo].[Salaries] ([ID], [Salary], [Bonus], [Loan], [Last_update], [Employee_ID]) VALUES (9,
INSERT [dbo].[Salaries] ([ID], [Salary], [Bonus], [Loan], [Last_update], [Employee_ID]) VALUES (10,
INSERT [dbo].[Salaries] ([ID], [Salary], [Bonus], [Loan], [Last_update], [Employee_ID]) VALUES (11,
INSERT [dbo].[Salaries] ([ID], [Salary], [Bonus], [Loan], [Last_update], [Employee_ID]) VALUES (12,
INSERT [dbo].[Salaries] ([ID], [Salary], [Bonus], [Loan], [Last_update], [Employee_ID]) VALUES (13,
INSERT [dbo].[Salaries] ([ID], [Salary], [Bonus], [Loan], [Last_update], [Employee_ID]) VALUES (14,
INSERT [dbo].[Salaries] ([ID], [Salary], [Bonus], [Loan], [Last_update], [Employee_ID]) VALUES (15,
INSERT [dbo].[Salaries] ([ID], [Salary], [Bonus], [Loan], [Last_update], [Employee_ID]) VALUES (16,
INSERT [dbo].[Salaries] ([ID], [Salary], [Bonus], [Loan], [Last_update], [Employee_ID]) VALUES (17,
INSERT [dbo].[Salaries] ([ID], [Salary], [Bonus], [Loan], [Last_update], [Employee_ID]) VALUES (18,
INSERT [dbo].[Salaries] ([ID], [Salary], [Bonus], [Loan], [Last_update], [Employee_ID]) VALUES (19,
INSERT [dbo].[Salaries] ([ID], [Salary], [Bonus], [Loan], [Last_update], [Employee_ID]) VALUES (20,
INSERT [dbo].[Salaries] ([ID], [Salary], [Bonus], [Loan], [Last_update], [Employee_ID]) VALUES (21,
INSERT [dbo].[Salaries] ([ID], [Salary], [Bonus], [Loan], [Last_update], [Employee_ID]) VALUES (22,
INSERT [dbo].[Salaries] ([ID], [Salary], [Bonus], [Loan], [Last_update], [Employee_ID]) VALUES (23,
INSERT [dbo].[Salaries] ([ID], [Salary], [Bonus], [Loan], [Last_update], [Employee_ID]) VALUES (24,
INSERT [dbo].[Salaries] ([ID], [Salary], [Bonus], [Loan], [Last_update], [Employee_ID]) VALUES (25,
INSERT [dbo].[Salaries] ([ID], [Salary], [Bonus], [Loan], [Last_update], [Employee_ID]) VALUES (26,
INSERT [dbo].[Salaries] ([ID], [Salary], [Bonus], [Loan], [Last_update], [Employee_ID]) VALUES (27,
INSERT [dbo].[Salaries] ([ID], [Salary], [Bonus], [Loan], [Last_update], [Employee_ID]) VALUES (28,
INSERT [dbo].[Salaries] ([ID], [Salary], [Bonus], [Loan], [Last_update], [Employee_ID]) VALUES (29,
INSERT [dbo].[Salaries] ([ID], [Salary], [Bonus], [Loan], [Last_update], [Employee_ID]) VALUES (30,
INSERT [dbo].[Salaries] ([ID], [Salary], [Bonus], [Loan], [Last_update], [Employee_ID]) VALUES (31,
INSERT [dbo].[Salaries] ([ID], [Salary], [Bonus], [Loan], [Last_update], [Employee_ID]) VALUES (32,
INSERT [dbo].[Salaries] ([ID], [Salary], [Bonus], [Loan], [Last_update], [Employee_ID]) VALUES (33,
INSERT [dbo].[Salaries] ([ID], [Salary], [Bonus], [Loan], [Last_update], [Employee_ID]) VALUES (34,
INSERT [dbo].[Employee_Vacations] ([VA_DE_ID], [Vacation_title]) VALUES (123, N'ngh? d?')
INSERT [dbo].[Employee_Vacations] ([VA_DE_ID], [Vacation_title]) VALUES (124, N'di choi voi nguoi yeu')
INSERT [dbo].[Employee_Vacations] ([VA_DE_ID], [Vacation_title]) VALUES (125, N'cham vo de')
INSERT [dbo].[Employee_Vacations] ([VA_DE_ID], [Vacation_title]) VALUES (126, N'lay vo')
INSERT [dbo].[Vacations] ([Vacation_ID], [Vacation_Total_Day], [Vacation_from_date],
[Vacation_to_date], [Employee_ID], [VA_DE_ID]) VALUES (1, N'12', CAST(N'2020-10-20' AS Date), CAST(N'2020-11-01' AS Date), 333, 123)
INSERT [dbo].[Vacations] ([Vacation_ID], [Vacation_Total_Day], [Vacation_from_date],
[Vacation_to_date], [Employee_ID], [VA_DE_ID]) VALUES (2, N'12', CAST(N'2020-10-21' AS Date), CAST(N'2020-11-02' AS Date), 444, 124)
INSERT [dbo].[Vacations] ([Vacation_ID], [Vacation_Total_Day], [Vacation_from_date],
[Vacation_to_date], [Employee_ID], [VA_DE_ID]) VALUES (3, N'12', CAST(N'2020-10-22' AS Date), CAST(N'2020-11-03' AS Date), 555, 125)
INSERT [dbo].[Vacations] ([Vacation_ID], [Vacation_Total_Day], [Vacation_from_date],
[Vacation_to_date], [Employee_ID], [VA_DE_ID]) VALUES (4, N'12', CAST(N'2020-10-23' AS Date), CAST(N'2020-11-04' AS Date), 666, 123)
INSERT [dbo].[Vacations] ([Vacation_ID], [Vacation_Total_Day], [Vacation_from_date],
[Vacation_to_date], [Employee_ID], [VA_DE_ID]) VALUES (5, N'12', CAST(N'2020-10-24' AS Date), CAST(N'2020-11-05' AS Date), 777, 124)
INSERT [dbo].[Vacations] ([Vacation_ID], [Vacation_Total_Day], [Vacation_from_date],
[Vacation_to_date], [Employee_ID], [VA_DE_ID]) VALUES (6, N'12', CAST(N'2020-10-25' AS Date), CAST(N'2020-11-06' AS Date), 888, 125)
INSERT [dbo].[Vacations] ([Vacation_ID], [Vacation_Total_Day], [Vacation_from_date],
[Vacation_to_date], [Employee_ID], [VA_DE_ID]) VALUES (7, N'12', CAST(N'2020-10-26' AS Date), CAST(N'2020-11-07' AS Date), 999, 123)
INSERT [dbo].[Vacations] ([Vacation_ID], [Vacation_Total_Day], [Vacation_from_date],
[Vacation_to_date], [Employee_ID], [VA_DE_ID]) VALUES (8, N'12', CAST(N'2020-10-27' AS Date), CAST(N'2020-11-08' AS Date), 1110, 124)
INSERT [dbo].[Vacations] ([Vacation_ID], [Vacation_Total_Day], [Vacation_from_date],
[Vacation_to_date], [Employee_ID], [VA_DE_ID]) VALUES (9, N'12', CAST(N'2020-10-28' AS Date), CAST(N'2020-11-09' AS Date), 1221, 125)
INSERT [dbo].[Vacations] ([Vacation_ID], [Vacation_Total_Day], [Vacation_from_date],
[Vacation_to_date], [Employee_ID], [VA_DE_ID]) VALUES (10, N'12', CAST(N'2020-10-29' AS Date), CAST(N'2020-11-10' AS Date), 1332, 123)
INSERT [dbo].[Vacations] ([Vacation_ID], [Vacation_Total_Day], [Vacation_from_date],
[Vacation_to_date], [Employee_ID], [VA_DE_ID]) VALUES (11, N'12', CAST(N'2020-10-30' AS Date), CAST(N'2020-11-11' AS Date), 1443, 124)
INSERT [dbo].[Vacations] ([Vacation_ID], [Vacation_Total_Day], [Vacation_from_date],
[Vacation_to_date], [Employee_ID], [VA_DE_ID]) VALUES (12, N'12', CAST(N'2020-10-31' AS Date), CAST(N'2020-11-12' AS Date), 1554, 125)
INSERT [dbo].[Vacations] ([Vacation_ID], [Vacation_Total_Day], [Vacation_from_date],
[Vacation_to_date], [Employee_ID], [VA_DE_ID]) VALUES (13, N'12', CAST(N'2020-11-01' AS Date), CAST(N'2020-11-13' AS Date), 1665, 123)
INSERT [dbo].[Vacations] ([Vacation_ID], [Vacation_Total_Day], [Vacation_from_date],
[Vacation_to_date], [Employee_ID], [VA_DE_ID]) VALUES (14, N'12', CAST(N'2020-11-02' AS Date), CAST(N'2020-11-14' AS Date), 1776, 124)
INSERT [dbo].[Vacations] ([Vacation_ID], [Vacation_Total_Day], [Vacation_from_date],
[Vacation_to_date], [Employee_ID], [VA_DE_ID]) VALUES (15, N'12', CAST(N'2020-11-03' AS Date), CAST(N'2020-11-15' AS Date), 1887, 125)
INSERT [dbo].[Vacations] ([Vacation_ID], [Vacation_Total_Day], [Vacation_from_date],
[Vacation_to_date], [Employee_ID], [VA_DE_ID]) VALUES (16, N'12', CAST(N'2020-11-04' AS Date), CAST(N'2020-11-16' AS Date), 1998, 123)
INSERT [dbo].[Vacations] ([Vacation_ID], [Vacation_Total_Day], [Vacation_from_date],
[Vacation_to_date], [Employee_ID], [VA_DE_ID]) VALUES (17, N'12', CAST(N'2020-11-05' AS Date), CAST(N'2020-11-17' AS Date), 2109, 124)
INSERT [dbo].[Vacations] ([Vacation_ID], [Vacation_Total_Day], [Vacation_from_date],
[Vacation_to_date], [Employee_ID], [VA_DE_ID]) VALUES (18, N'12', CAST(N'2020-11-06' AS Date), CAST(N'2020-11-18' AS Date), 2220, 125)
INSERT [dbo].[Vacations] ([Vacation_ID], [Vacation_Total_Day], [Vacation_from_date],
[Vacation_to_date], [Employee_ID], [VA_DE_ID]) VALUES (19, N'12', CAST(N'2020-11-07' AS Date), CAST(N'2020-11-19' AS Date), 2331, 123)
INSERT [dbo].[Vacations] ([Vacation_ID], [Vacation_Total_Day], [Vacation_from_date],
[Vacation_to_date], [Employee_ID], [VA_DE_ID]) VALUES (20, N'12', CAST(N'2020-11-08' AS Date), CAST(N'2020-11-20' AS Date), 2442, 124)
INSERT [dbo].[Vacations] ([Vacation_ID], [Vacation_Total_Day], [Vacation_from_date],
[Vacation_to_date], [Employee_ID], [VA_DE_ID]) VALUES (21, N'12', CAST(N'2020-11-09' AS Date), CAST(N'2020-11-21' AS Date), 2553, 125)
INSERT [dbo].[Vacations] ([Vacation_ID], [Vacation_Total_Day], [Vacation_from_date],
[Vacation_to_date], [Employee_ID], [VA_DE_ID]) VALUES (22, N'12', CAST(N'2020-11-10' AS Date), CAST(N'2020-11-22' AS Date), 2664, 123)
INSERT [dbo].[Vacations] ([Vacation_ID], [Vacation_Total_Day], [Vacation_from_date],
[Vacation_to_date], [Employee_ID], [VA_DE_ID]) VALUES (23, N'12', CAST(N'2020-11-11' AS Date), CAST(N'2020-11-23' AS Date), 2775, 124)
INSERT [dbo].[Vacations] ([Vacation_ID], [Vacation_Total_Day], [Vacation_from_date],
[Vacation_to_date], [Employee_ID], [VA_DE_ID]) VALUES (24, N'12', CAST(N'2020-11-12' AS Date), CAST(N'2020-11-24' AS Date), 2886, 125)
INSERT [dbo].[Vacations] ([Vacation_ID], [Vacation_Total_Day], [Vacation_from_date],
[Vacation_to_date], [Employee_ID], [VA_DE_ID]) VALUES (25, N'12', CAST(N'2020-11-13' AS Date), CAST(N'2020-11-25' AS Date), 2997, 123)
INSERT [dbo].[Vacations] ([Vacation_ID], [Vacation_Total_Day], [Vacation_from_date],
[Vacation_to_date], [Employee_ID], [VA_DE_ID]) VALUES (26, N'12', CAST(N'2020-11-14' AS Date), CAST(N'2020-11-26' AS Date), 3108, 124)
INSERT [dbo].[Vacations] ([Vacation_ID], [Vacation_Total_Day], [Vacation_from_date],
[Vacation_to_date], [Employee_ID], [VA_DE_ID]) VALUES (27, N'12', CAST(N'2020-11-15' AS Date), CAST(N'2020-11-27' AS Date), 3219, 125)
INSERT [dbo].[Vacations] ([Vacation_ID], [Vacation_Total_Day], [Vacation_from_date],
[Vacation_to_date], [Employee_ID], [VA_DE_ID]) VALUES (28, N'12', CAST(N'2020-11-16' AS Date), CAST(N'2020-11-28' AS Date), 3330, 123)
INSERT [dbo].[Vacations] ([Vacation_ID], [Vacation_Total_Day], [Vacation_from_date],
[Vacation_to_date], [Employee_ID], [VA_DE_ID]) VALUES (29, N'12', CAST(N'2020-11-17' AS Date), CAST(N'2020-11-29' AS Date), 3441, 124)
INSERT [dbo].[Vacations] ([Vacation_ID], [Vacation_Total_Day], [Vacation_from_date],
[Vacation_to_date], [Employee_ID], [VA_DE_ID]) VALUES (30, N'12', CAST(N'2020-11-18' AS Date), CAST(N'2020-11-30' AS Date), 3552, 125)
INSERT [dbo].[Vacations] ([Vacation_ID], [Vacation_Total_Day], [Vacation_from_date],
[Vacation_to_date], [Employee_ID], [VA_DE_ID]) VALUES (31, N'12', CAST(N'2020-11-19' AS Date), CAST(N'2020-12-01' AS Date), 3663, 123)
INSERT [dbo].[Vacations] ([Vacation_ID], [Vacation_Total_Day], [Vacation_from_date],
[Vacation_to_date], [Employee_ID], [VA_DE_ID]) VALUES (32, N'12', CAST(N'2020-11-20' AS Date), CAST(N'2020-12-02' AS Date), 3774, 124)
INSERT [dbo].[Vacations] ([Vacation_ID], [Vacation_Total_Day], [Vacation_from_date],
[Vacation_to_date], [Employee_ID], [VA_DE_ID]) VALUES (33, N'12', CAST(N'2020-11-21' AS Date), CAST(N'2020-12-03' AS Date), 3885, 125)
INSERT [dbo].[Vacations] ([Vacation_ID], [Vacation_Total_Day], [Vacation_from_date],
[Vacation_to_date], [Employee_ID], [VA_DE_ID]) VALUES (34, N'12', CAST(N'2020-11-22' AS Date), CAST(N'2020-12-04' AS Date), 3996, 123)
INSERT [dbo].[Tranings] ([Training_ID], [Training_title], [Training_description], [Employee_ID]) VALUES (23, N'ban hang', N'ban hang', 333)
INSERT [dbo].[Tranings] ([Training_ID], [Training_title], [Training_description], [Employee_ID]) VALUES (24, N'ban hang', N'ban hang', 444)
INSERT [dbo].[Tranings] ([Training_ID], [Training_title], [Training_description], [Employee_ID]) VALUES (25, N'ban hang', N'ban hang', 999)
INSERT [dbo].[Tranings] ([Training_ID], [Training_title], [Training_description], [Employee_ID]) VALUES (26, N'ban hang', N'ban hang', 777)
INSERT [dbo].[Tranings] ([Training_ID], [Training_title], [Training_description], [Employee_ID]) VALUES (27, N'ban hang', N'ban hang', 2442)
INSERT [dbo].[Tranings] ([Training_ID], [Training_title], [Training_description], [Employee_ID]) VALUES (28, N'ban hang', N'ban hang', 2442)
INSERT [dbo].[Tranings] ([Training_ID], [Training_title], [Training_description], [Employee_ID]) VALUES (29, N'ban hang', N'ban hang', 2997)
INSERT [dbo].[Tranings] ([Training_ID], [Training_title], [Training_description], [Employee_ID]) VALUES (30, N'ban hang', N'ban hang', 333)
INSERT [dbo].[Tranings] ([Training_ID], [Training_title], [Training_description], [Employee_ID]) VALUES (31, N'thi truong', N'thi truong', 444)
INSERT [dbo].[Tranings] ([Training_ID], [Training_title], [Training_description], [Employee_ID]) VALUES (32, N'thi truong', N'thi truong', 999)
INSERT [dbo].[Tranings] ([Training_ID], [Training_title], [Training_description], [Employee_ID]) VALUES (33, N'thi truong', N'thi truong', 777)
INSERT [dbo].[Tranings] ([Training_ID], [Training_title], [Training_description], [Employee_ID]) VALUES (34, N'thi truong', N'thi truong', 2442)
INSERT [dbo].[Tranings] ([Training_ID], [Training_title], [Training_description], [Employee_ID]) VALUES (35, N'thi truong', N'thi truong', 2442)
INSERT [dbo].[Tranings] ([Training_ID], [Training_title], [Training_description], [Employee_ID]) VALUES (36, N'thi truong', N'thi truong', 2997)
INSERT [dbo].[Tranings] ([Training_ID], [Training_title], [Training_description], [Employee_ID]) VALUES (37, N'thi truong', N'thi truong', 333)
INSERT [dbo].[Tranings] ([Training_ID], [Training_title], [Training_description], [Employee_ID]) VALUES (38, N'thi truong', N'thi truong', 444)
INSERT [dbo].[Tranings] ([Training_ID], [Training_title], [Training_description], [Employee_ID]) VALUES (39, N'thi truong', N'thi truong', 999)
INSERT [dbo].[Tranings] ([Training_ID], [Training_title], [Training_description], [Employee_ID]) VALUES (40, N'HR', N'HR', 777)
INSERT [dbo].[Tranings] ([Training_ID], [Training_title], [Training_description], [Employee_ID]) VALUES (41, N'HR', N'HR', 2442)
INSERT [dbo].[Tranings] ([Training_ID], [Training_title], [Training_description], [Employee_ID]) VALUES (42, N'HR', N'HR', 2442)
INSERT [dbo].[Tranings] ([Training_ID], [Training_title], [Training_description], [Employee_ID]) VALUES (43, N'HR', N'HR', 2997)
INSERT [dbo].[Tranings] ([Training_ID], [Training_title], [Training_description], [Employee_ID]) VALUES (44, N'HR', N'HR', 333)
INSERT [dbo].[Tranings] ([Training_ID], [Training_title], [Training_description], [Employee_ID]) VALUES (45, N'HR', N'HR', 444)
INSERT [dbo].[Tranings] ([Training_ID], [Training_title], [Training_description], [Employee_ID]) VALUES (46, N'HR', N'HR', 999)
INSERT [dbo].[Tranings] ([Training_ID], [Training_title], [Training_description], [Employee_ID]) VALUES (47, N'Tuyen Dung', N'Tuyen Dung', 777)
INSERT [dbo].[Tranings] ([Training_ID], [Training_title], [Training_description], [Employee_ID]) VALUES (48, N'Tuyen Dung', N'Tuyen Dung', 2442)
INSERT [dbo].[Tranings] ([Training_ID], [Training_title], [Training_description], [Employee_ID]) VALUES (49, N'Tuyen Dung', N'Tuyen Dung', 2442)
INSERT [dbo].[Tranings] ([Training_ID], [Training_title], [Training_description], [Employee_ID]) VALUES (50, N'Tuyen Dung', N'Tuyen Dung', 2997)
INSERT [dbo].[Tranings] ([Training_ID], [Training_title], [Training_description], [Employee_ID]) VALUES (51, N'Tuyen Dung', N'Tuyen Dung', 333)
INSERT [dbo].[Tranings] ([Training_ID], [Training_title], [Training_description], [Employee_ID]) VALUES (52, N'Tuyen Dung', N'Tuyen Dung', 444)
INSERT [dbo].[Tranings] ([Training_ID], [Training_title], [Training_description], [Employee_ID]) VALUES (53, N'Tuyen Dung', N'Tuyen Dung', 999)
INSERT [dbo].[Tranings] ([Training_ID], [Training_title], [Training_description], [Employee_ID]) VALUES (54, N'Tuyen Dung', N'Tuyen Dung', 777)
INSERT [dbo].[Tranings] ([Training_ID], [Training_title], [Training_description], [Employee_ID]) VALUES (55, N'Tuyen Dung', N'Tuyen Dung', 2442)
INSERT [dbo].[Tranings] ([Training_ID], [Training_title], [Training_description], [Employee_ID]) VALUES (56, N'Tuyen Dung', N'', 2442)
INSERT [dbo].[Tranings] ([Training_ID], [Training_title], [Training_description], [Employee_ID]) VALUES (57, N'Tuyen Dung', N'', 2997)
INSERT [dbo].[Tranings] ([Training_ID], [Training_title], [Training_description], [Employee_ID]) VALUES (58, N'HR', N'', 333)
INSERT [dbo].[Tranings] ([Training_ID], [Training_title], [Training_description], [Employee_ID]) VALUES (59, N'HR', N'', 444)
INSERT [dbo].[Tranings] ([Training_ID], [Training_title], [Training_description], [Employee_ID]) VALUES (60, N'HR', N'', 999)
INSERT [dbo].[Tranings] ([Training_ID], [Training_title], [Training_description], [Employee_ID]) VALUES (61, N'HR', N'', 777)
INSERT [dbo].[Tranings] ([Training_ID], [Training_title], [Training_description], [Employee_ID]) VALUES (62, N'HR', N'', 2442)
INSERT [dbo].[Tranings] ([Training_ID], [Training_title], [Training_description], [Employee_ID]) VALUES (63, N'thi truong', N'', 333)
INSERT [dbo].[Tranings] ([Training_ID], [Training_title], [Training_description], [Employee_ID]) VALUES (64, N'thi truong', N'', 444)
INSERT [dbo].[Tranings] ([Training_ID], [Training_title], [Training_description], [Employee_ID]) VALUES (65, N'thi truong', N'', 999)
INSERT [dbo].[Tranings] ([Training_ID], [Training_title], [Training_description], [Employee_ID]) VALUES (66, N'thi truong', N'', 777)
INSERT [dbo].[Tranings] ([Training_ID], [Training_title], [Training_description], [Employee_ID]) VALUES (67, N'thi truong', N'', 2442)
User Interface And Querries
Querri to support the functionalties Insert data
INSERT [dbo].[Departments] ([Department_ID], [Department_title]) VALUES (11, N'Giám d?c')
INSERT [dbo].[Employees] ([Employee_ID], [Employee_password], [Employee_Email],
[Employee_Name], [Employee_Address], [Employee_Mobile], [Department_ID]) VALUES (333, N'12345', N'', N'trung', N'Qu?n 1', N'98754321', 11)
Querri to support the functionalties Update Data
CODE SNIPETS UPDATE update Employees set Employee_Mobile = '1111111111', Employee_password = '%5!Aphasic' where Employee_ID = 333 update Employees set Employee_Mobile = '22222222222', Employee_password = '%5!Aphasic' where Employee_ID = 444
Querri to support the functionalties DELETE Data in table
The code snippets demonstrate how to delete records from the Logins table based on specific criteria related to the Employees table The first snippet removes entries from Logins where the Employee_ID matches 777, while the second snippet deletes Logins entries for employees whose names contain the substring 'nh'.
Querri to support the echancement of the interface to the above functionalities SEARCH validate Data in
3.4.1 List All Employee belong Departments select E.Department_ID, E.Employee_Name, E.Employee_password,
E.Employee_Email,E.Employee_Mobile, D.Department_title from Employees E, Departments D where E.Department_ID = D.Department_ID go
3.4.2 Total Salary of all employee select e.Employee_Name, e.Employee_Address, e.Employee_Mobile, s.Salary, s.Bonus, s.Loan, (s.Salary+s.Bonus-s.Loan) as Total from Employees E, Salaries S where E.Employee_ID = S.Employee_ID go
3.4.3 Total Salary of all employee use ORDER BY select e.Employee_Name, e.Employee_Address, e.Employee_Mobile, s.Salary, s.Bonus, s.Loan, (s.Salary+s.Bonus-s.Loan) as Total from Employees E, Salaries S where E.Employee_ID = S.Employee_ID
ORDER BY e.Employee_Name, SALARY go
3.4.4 Select TOP 10 select TOP 10 e.Employee_Name, e.Employee_Address, e.Employee_Mobile, s.Salary, s.Bonus, s.Loan, (s.Salary+s.Bonus-s.Loan) as Total from Employees E, Salaries S where E.Employee_ID = S.Employee_ID go
Create Store Procedures
AS select e.Employee_Name, e.Employee_Address, e.Employee_Mobile, s.Salary, s.Bonus, s.Loan, (s.Salary+s.Bonus-s.Loan) as Total from Employees E, Salaries S where E.Employee_ID = S.Employee_ID
3.5.3 Employee have SALRAY elong TOP 10
AS select top 10 e.Employee_Name, e.Employee_Address, e.Employee_Mobile, s.Salary, s.Bonus, s.Loan, (s.Salary+s.Bonus-s.Loan) as Total from Employees E, Salaries S where E.Employee_ID = S.Employee_ID