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Untitled Standard Chartered Bank (Vietnam) Limited A挨n yêu c亥u Phát hành Th逢 B違o lãnh/Th逢 Tín d映ng D詠 phòng ("A挨n yêu c亥u”) Application for Issuance of Guarantee (BG) / Standby Letter of Cred[.]

Standard Chartered Bank (Vietnam) Limited n yêu c u Phát hành Th B o lãnh/Th Tín d ng D phịng (" n yêu c u”) Application for Issuance of Guarantee (BG) / Standby Letter of Credit (SBLC) (“Application”)  ánh d u đ ch n M i s a đ i ph i có ch ký (và đóng d u Cơng ty, n u có) b i Ng i ký có th m quy n c a Bên ngh phát hành Bên c b o lãnh N u không đ ch , đınh kèm m t t riêng đ c ký (và đóng d u Cơng ty, n u có) b i Ng i ký có th m quy n c a Bên ngh phát hành Bên c b o lãnh t t o thành m t ph n không th tách r i c a n yêu c u  Tick to select Any alterations must be signed (and affixed by the Company's seal, if any) by authorized signatories of the Applicant and the Guaranteed If insufficient space, attach a separate sheet signed (and affixed by the Company's seal, if any) by authorized signatories of the Applicant and the Guaranteed; that separate sheet will form an integral part of this Application Kính g i: Ngân hàng TNHH MTV Standard Chartered (Vi t Nam) ("Ngân hàng/Bên b o lãnh") Ngày/Date: / / _ To: Standard Chartered Bank (Vietnam) Limited ("the Bank/the Guarantor") Bên ngh phát hành (Tên & Applicant (Name & Address): a ch ) Ph n dành riêng cho Ngân hàng/For Bank Use S tham chi u c a Ngân hàng / Bank’s Ref No: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Bên c b o lãnh (Tên & a ch ) The Guaranteed (Name & Address): _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Ng S i Liên h /Contact Person: _ i n Tho i/Tel: _ Bên Nh n b o lãnh/Bên th h ng(Tên & a ch ) (trong Th B o lãnh/Th Tín d ng D phòng) Beneficiary (Name & Address)(as to appear in BG/SBLC): _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Ng i Liên h /Contact Person: _ S i n Tho i/Tel: _ Email: _ Page 1/7 © Copyright 2015 Standard Chartered Bank All rights reserved Appln_Issuance_BG_SBLC_(with_TSS)_ Vietnam_2015_v1.docx Ch th phát hành/Issuance Instructions Phát hành   Th B o lãnh  Guarantee Issue a  Th Tín d ng D phịng cho Bên Nh n b o lãnh theo n i dung nêu  n yêu c u  SBLC  in favor of the Beneficiary in accordance with this Application Ch th Ngân hàng sau phát hành   Th B o lãnh  Th Tín d ng D phòng cho Bên Nh n b o lãnh theo n i dung nêu  n yêu c u (ghi đ y đ tên ngân hàng, đ a ch , SWIFT BIC): _ _ _ _ Instruct the following bank to issue a  BG  SBLC to the Beneficiary in accordance with this application (provide full name, address, SWIFT BIC): _ _ _ _    Theo m u ký đính kèm theo đây/In the attached signed format   Theo m u chu n c a Ngân hàng /In the Bank’s standard format Ph ng th c phát hành B o lãnh (có th phát sinh m t s chi phí thêm)/Mode of Delivery to Beneficiary (additional charges may apply) i n Swift/SWIFT Ngân hàng Thông báo/Advising Bank: B ng th /Printed Paper _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Mã SWIFT/SWIFT BIC Code:  Gi   l i b n g c đ giao cho chúng tôi/ Hold for our collection ngh giao b n g c cho ng i có tên sau đây/Please deliver the original BG/SBLC to the following person: H tên/Full name: i n tho i/Tel No.: _ CMND/H chi u s /ID Card/Passport No.: _ a ch /Postal address: _ _ _ _ _ _ _  Các chı th khác (đ ngh ghi chi ti t) / Others (please specify) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Page 2/7 © Copyright 2015 Standard Chartered Bank All rights reserved Appln_Issuance_BG_SBLC_(with_TSS)_Vietnam_2015_v1.docx Các u kho n c a Th B o lãnh/Tín d ng d phòng/Key Terms in the BG / SBLC Theo i u kho n sau đây/Key Terms to be inserted: Ngày hi u l c (ngày/tháng/n m)/Effective date (dd/mm/yyyy): _ _ Lo i ti n & S ti n b ng s /Currency & Amount in figures: _ Lo i ti n & S ti n b ng ch /Currency & Amount in words: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Ngày H t h n (ngày/tháng/n m)/Expiry Date (dd/mm/yyyy): _ _ _ _ Th i h n yêu c u toán/Ngày h t h n yêu c u toán/Claim period/ Claim expiry date: _ _ Lo i b o lãnh: _ Type of guarantee: _ Ngh a v đ c b o lãnh: _ _ _ _ Guaranteed Obligation: _ _ _ _ Ngôn ng phát hành: Language in Letter of Guarantee/SBLC: Ti ng Vi t Ti ng Anh Ti ng Vi t Ti ng Anh  Vietnamese English Vietnamese & English Khác (ghi c th ): Others (pls specify): i u ki n th c hi n ngh a v b o lãnh: Nh qui đ nh m u Th B o lãnh Conditions for performance of the guaranteed obligation: As stated in the Guarantee Letter form Phí/Charges Yêu c u ghi n phí c a Ngân hàng phí c a ngân hàng đ i lý vào tài kho n c a tôi/chúng s :  Please debit your charges and your correspondent bank’s charges from my/our account No: _  Khác (ghi c th ):  Others (pls specify): Phí b o lãnh là: theo quy đ nh Th c p h n m c Tín d ng ho c theo th a thu n gi a hai bên Guarantee Fee: as per BFL or as per mutual agreement Phí b o lãnh đ c tr vào ngày phát hành ho c theo th a thu n gi a hai bên Guarantee fee payable on issuing date or as per mutual agreement Page 3/7 © Copyright 2015 Standard Chartered Bank All rights reserved Appln_Issuance_BG_SBLC_(with_TSS)_Vietnam_2015_v1.docx Ch th v Bi n pháp B o m /Instructions on Security Interest: ngh y quy n không h y ngang Ngân hàng/Request and irrecoverably authorize the Bank: (1) Ghi n vào tài kho n c a tôi/chúng s / Debit our account No. Phong t a kho n ti n g i có k h n c a chúng tơi cho m c đích ký qu cho B o lãnh/Th Tín d ng D phịng v i s ti n / Block our existing deposit for an amount as cash margin for this BG/SBLC (b ng ch /in words: _ _ _ _ _ _ _) (2) Bi n pháp b o đ m khác/ Other security interest [ ngh mô t c th /Please specify]: Bi n pháp b o đ m mà Bên đ c b o lãnh có ngh a v cung c p cho Ngân hàng liên quan đ n vi c phát hành Th B o lãnh/ Th Tín d ng D phịng theo n u c u s c n c vào qui đ nh t i Th C p H n M c Tín D ng ngày ký b i Ngân hàng Bên đ c b o lãnh b n s a đ i sau (n u có) (g i chung “Th C p H n M c Tín D ng”) Security Interests to be provided by the Guaranteed in relating to the Bank Guarantee/Standby Letter of Credit issued under the Application will be subject to the provisions of the Banking Facility Letter dated _ signed by the Bank and the Guaranteed and its amendments (if any) (collectively referred to as the “BFL”) (3) Ngân hàng ch phát hành Th B o lãnh / Th Tín d ng D phòng sau Bên c B o Lãnh hoàn thi n bi n pháp b o đ m (n u có) theo qui đ nh t i n yêu c u The Bank shall only issue the Bank Guarantee/Standby Letter of Credit after the Guaranteed has fully completed the perfection of Security Interests (if any) as stipulated in the Application, if required by the Bank Cam k t nh n n c a Bên đ c b o lãnh / Indebtedness of the Guaranteed  M t Ngân hàng th c hi n ngh a v b o lãnh (thanh toán s ti n b o lãnh cho Bên nh n b o lãnh) theo Th B o lãnh/Th Tín d ng D phịng, Bên đ c b o lãnh nh n n v i Ngân hàng s ti n b o lãnh mà Ngân hàng toán cho Bên nh n b o lãnh v i ti n lãi phát sinh (n u có) chi phí liên quan khác đ n vi c Ngân hàng toán s ti n b o lãnh đó) có ngh a v hồn tr l p t c s n cho Ngân hàng When the Bank performs its obligations under the Bank Guarantee/Standby Letter of Credit (i.e paying the guaranteed amount to the Beneficiary), the Guaranteed shall be indebted to the Bank of the amount that the Bank has paid to the Beneficiary plus interest incurred (if any) and any other expenses related to such payment by the Bank and shall immediately refund such debts to the Bank  N u Ngân Hàng ph i toán b t k kho n thu , l phí, phí t n ho c chi phí th c t ho c ti m tàng phát sinh t i và/ho c Vi t Nam liên quan đ n Th B o Lãnh/Th Tín D ng D Phịng, Bên đ c b o lãnh s b i hoàn toàn b đ y đ cho Ngân Hàng kho n thu , l phí, phí t n ho c chi phí If the Bank has to pay any taxes, imposts, levies or duties present or future of any nature outside and/or inside Vietnam in connection with the Letter of Guarantee or Standby Letter of Credit, the Guaranteed shall keep the Bank fully and completely indemnified from and against such taxes, imposts, levies or duties  Tr ng h p Bên đ c b o lãnh khơng có kh n ng tr l p t c toàn b ho c m t ph n s ti n n nói trên, s d n s đ c chuy n thành m t kho n vay b t bu c t Ngân hàng (“Kho n Vay”) v i k h n lãi su t Ngân hàng quy t đ nh Where the Guaranteed is not able to immediately pay all or part of the said debt, the outstanding debt will be automatically converted to a forced loan from the Bank (the "Loan") with a tenor and interest rate decided by the Bank  N u Bên đ c b o lãnh khơng tr Kho n Vay h n Bên đ c b o lãnh s ch u thêm ti n lãi h n đ i v i s ti n ch m toán v i lãi su t h n Ngân hàng quy t đ nh tính t th i m ngày đ n h n c a Kho n Vay đ n ngày Bên đ c b o lãnh toán cho Ngân hàng th c t If the Guaranteed fails to pay the Loan on time, the Guaranteed shall additionally pay an overdue interest on the overdue amount from its due date to the date of actual payment at an overdue interest rate decided by the Bank  T t c kho n Bên đ c b o lãnh toán cho Ngân hàng đ u s đ c tính đ c tr mà khơng ch u kh u tr b t k lo i thu ho c b t k kho n bù tr All payments by the Guaranteed to the Bank shall be calculated and be made without any deduction for any tax or set-off  B t k kho n toán lãi đáo h n vào ngày không ph i ngày làm vi c s đ c th c hi n vào ngày làm vi c k ti p, tr Các Bên có th a thu n khác Any interest payment which is due on a day that is not a business day shall be made on the next business day, unless otherwise agreed by the Parties Page 4/7 © Copyright 2015 Standard Chartered Bank All rights reserved Appln_Issuance_BG_SBLC_(with_TSS)_Vietnam_2015_v1.docx Lu t áp d ng gi i quy t tranh ch p / Governing Law and Dispute Resolution:  n yêu c u Ph l c đính kèm đ c di n gi i theo u ch nh b i pháp lu t Vi t Nam The Application and Appendices attached herein shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Vietnam  T t c tranh ch p phát sinh t ho c có liên quan đ n n yêu c u Ph l c đính kèm s đ c đ a gi i quy t t i Tịa án có th m quy n t i Vi t Nam All disputes arising out of or in relation to the Application and Appendices attached herein shall be finally settled by competent court(s) in Vietnam Th a Thu n Hi u L c C a Th a Thu n / The Agreement and Its Effectiveness   n yêu c u v i Ph l c đính kèm m t đ c Ngân hàng ký ch p nh n d i t o thành m t th a thu n th ng nh t ràng bu c gi a hai Bên (“Th a Thu n”) Th a Thu n có hi u l c k t ngày Ngân hàng ký ch p nh n This Application along with the attached Appendices once accepted by the Bank by signing below will constitute a binding agreement between the two Parties (the “Agreement”) The Agreement shall become effective from the date it is signed by the Bank n yêu c u đ c l p thành 02 b n g c song ng b ng ti ng Vi t ti ng Anh, có giá tr ngang nhau, Ngân hàng gi 01 b n, Bên c b o lãnh gi 01 b n Trong tr ng h p có s khơng nh t qn gi a v n b n ti ng Vi t ti ng Anh, v n b n ti ng Vi t s đ c u tiên áp d ng This Application shall be signed by the Parties in two (02) bilingual original copies of equal validity in Vietnamese and English The Bank and the Guaranteed shall each keep one (01) original copy In the case of any inconsistency between English and Vietnamese, Vietnamese language shall prevail đ Tôi/ Chúng theo yêu c u Ngân hàng *c p/yêu c u ngân hàng đ i lý c a i di n Bên ngh phát hành Bên c b o lãnh Ngân hàng *c p/nhân danh *tôi/chúng m t Th B o lãnh/ Th Tín d ng D On behalf of the Applicant and the Guaranteed phịng, có n i dung chi ti t nh qui đ nh n yêu c u M u Th B o (H tên, ch c v , ký, đóng d u)/(Name, title, signature & seal) Lãnh/Th Tín D ng D Phịng đính kèm ho c theo m u chu n c a Ngân hàng nh ch th *I/We hereby request you to *issue/request your correspondent bank to *issue/on *my/our behalf a *Letter of Guarantee/Standby Letter of Credit, details as follows and under the form attached or in the Bank’s standard BG/SBLC format as indicated above Ph n dành cho Ngân hàng For Bank Use  Theo yêu c u c a Bên c B o Lãnh /Bên ngh phát hành n yêu c u này/ At the request of the Guaranteed Party/Applicant in this Application;  C n c qui đ nh hi n hành c a Ngân hàng Nhà n c Vi t Nam v phát hành b o lãnh ngân hàng qui đ nh pháp lu t có liên quan khác/Pursuant to applicable regulations of the State Bank on bank guarantees and other relevant regulation;  C n c h n m c b o lãnh c p cho Bên đ c b o lãnh theo Th C p H n M c Tín D ng / In accordance with the guarantee limit provided to the Guaranteed under the BFL, Ngân hàng theo đ ng ý phát hành Th B o lãnh (“Th b o lãnh”)/Th Tín d ng D phịng (“Th Tín d ng D phòng”) cho Bên cB o Lãnh theo nh qui đ nh c a n yêu c u/ the Bank hereby agrees to issue a bank guarantee (“the Letter of Guarantee”)/a standby letter of credit (“the SBLC”) for the Guaranteed under the provisions of the Application mentioned above Ngày (Date): i di n Bên B o lãnh (H tên, ch c v , ký, đóng d u) On behalf of the Guarantor (Name, title, signature & seal) Ng i đ i di n theo pháp lu t/ i di n có th m quy n /Legal representative or delegates/ Page 5/7 © Copyright 2015 Standard Chartered Bank All rights reserved Appln_Issuance_BG_SBLC_(with_TSS)_Vietnam_2015_v1.docx PH L C S / APPENDIX 1: CAM K T B I HOÀN / INDEMNITY đ i l y vi c Ngân hàng đ ng ý theo yêu c u c a tôi/chúng c p ho c yêu c u ngân hàng đ i lý c a Ngân hàng c p đ a Th B o Lãnh ho c Th Tín D ng D Phịng cho Bên th h ng, đ c yêu c u m t tr c In consideration of your agreeing at my/our request to issue or to request your correspondent bank to issue and give a Letter of Guarantee or Standby Letter of Credit to the Beneficiary, as applied for overleaf Tôi/Chúng tôi, k c bên k nhi m bên nh n chuy n giao c a tôi/chúng theo đ ng ý cam k t b i hoàn cho Ngân hàng, bên k nhi m bên nh n chuy n giao c a Ngân hàng t i m i th i m b o đ m cho Ngân hàng đ c b i hoàn toàn b đ y đ t đ i v i m i trách nhi m yêu c u đ ngh , hành đ ng, th t c pháp lý, t n th t chi phí k c phí pháp lý t t c ngh a v khác có b t k tính ch t ho c đ c m có th đ c đ a ho c th c hi n đ i v i ho c b gánh ch u b i Ngân hàng liên quan đ n ho c phát sinh t Th B o Lãnh/Th Tín D ng D Phịng đ c nói b t k s a đ i, u ch nh c a Th B o Lãnh/Th Tín D ng D Phịng b t k th ho c tài li u đ c l p b sung c a Th B o Lãnh/Th Tín D ng D Phịng I / we, inclusive of my/our successors in title and assigns hereby agree and undertake to indemnify you, your successors and assigns and at all times to keep you fully and completely indemnified from and against all liabilities and claims and demands, actions and proceedings, losses and expenses including legal costs and all other liabilities of whatsoever nature or description which may be made or taken or suffered by you in relation to or arising out of the said Letter of Guarantee/Standby Letter of Credit and any amendments thereto, modifications thereof and any letter or documents made supplemental thereto Tôi/ Chúng b ng v n b n tuyên b cam k t r ng ngh a v c a Tôi/ Chúng đ i v i Ngân hàng theo Th a thu n (nh đ c đ nh ngh a t i n yêu c u) hoàn toàn riêng bi t đ c l p v i cam k t, th a thu n khác c a Tôi/ Chúng v i b t k bên th ba khác Các cam k t b i hồn c a Tơi/Chúng tơi cho Ngân hàng theo quy đ nh t i v n b n không s không ph thu c vào b t k cam k t, th a thu n ho c m i quan h ràng bu c khác gi a Tôi/ Chúng v i b t k bên th ba nào, bao g m nh ng không gi i h n th a thu n, cam k t v i Bên Th H ng cùa B o lãnh, b t k Th a Thu n vơ hi u, tr nên vơ hi u, khơng có giá tr ho c khơng có kh n ng thi hành ho c có b t k tranh ch p ho c u n i I / We hereby represent and undertake that my/our obligations with you under the Agreement (as defined in the Application) are entirely separate and independent from my/our commitments, agreements with any other third party My/our undertakings of indemnity provided herein are not and shall not be subject to any other commitment, agreement or underlying relationship with any other third party, including but not limited to any agreements/ commitment with the Beneficiary, regardless of such agreement being or becoming void, voidable, invalid, unenforceable, in dispute or any legal actions Tôi/Chúng th a nh n hi u r ng Th B o Lãnh/Th Tín D ng D Phịng nói đ c c p b i Ngân hàng, ngân hàng đ i lý c a Ngân hàng có th (tùy t ng tr ng h p) đ c yêu c u c p B o lãnh / Th Tín d ng D phịng c a ngân hàng đ i lý l i ích c a Bên th h ng ho c b sung xác nh n cho th b o lãnh/th tín d ng d phịng nói Ngân hàng c p theo u kho n u ki n mà Ngân hàng và/ho c ngân hàng đ i lý c a Ngân hàng có th cho phù h p tôi/chúng đ ng ý xác nh n r ng trách nhi m c a tôi/chúng theo cam k t b i hồn s khơng b nh h ng ho c t n h i d i b t k cách b ng vi c ngân hàng đ i lý c a Ngân hàng phát hành m t B o lãnh/Th Tín d ng d phịng nh v y ho c b sung xác nh n nh v y I/We acknowledge and understand that where the said Letter of Guarantee/Standby Letter of Credit is issued by you, your correspondent bank may (depending on each case) be required to either issue its own Guarantee/ Standby Letter of Credit in favour of the Beneficiary or add a confirmation to the said Letter of Guarantee/Standby Letter of Credit issued by you on such terms and conditions as you and/or your correspondent bank may deem fit and I / We agree and confirm that my/our liability under the aforesaid indemnity shall not be affected or prejudiced in any way by the issuance of such a Guarantee / Standby Letter of Credit or the addition of such confirmation by your correspondent bank Chúng đ ng ý r ng Ngân hàng có th tốn theo Th B o Lãnh/Th Tín D ng D Phịng nói b t k kho n ti n ho c ngu n ti n mà không yêu c u ho c ph i có đ c b t k b ng ch ng ho c ch ng c v th i gian ho c kho n ti n mà Bên th h ng yêu c u ho c đ ngh (thu t ng đ c hi u bao g m bên k nhi m bên nh n chuy n giao c a Bên th h ng) ho c kho n ti n Ngân hàng ph i toán đ n h n ph i tr cho Bên th h ng không c n b t k thông báo ho c ý ki n ho c th m quy n thêm t phía tơi/chúng tơi cho dù tơi/chúng tơi có th tranh ch p v hi u l c c a yêu c u, yêu c u ho c toán We agree that you may make payment under the said Letter of Guarantee/Standby Letter of Credit of any sum or sums of money without requiring or obtaining any evidence or proof that the amount claimed or requested by the Beneficiary (which expression shall include his successors and assigns) or the amount paid by you is due and payable to the Beneficiary and without any notice or reference to or further authority from me/us notwithstanding that I/we may dispute the validity of such claim, request or payment Tôi/Chúng th a nh n r ng theo nh ng u kho n c a Th b o lãnh/Th Tín d ng D phịng nói Ngân hàng có th theo quy t đ nh c a Ngân hàng ho c Ngân hàng đ c yêu c u toán kho n ti n đ c b o lãnh th i h n cho Bên th h ng m c dù Bên th h ng không yêu c u tốn theo Th B o Lãnh/Th Tín D ng D Phòng I/We acknowledge that under the terms of the said Letter of Guarantee/Standby Letter of Credit you may at your discretion or you may be required to pay timely guaranteed amount to the Beneficiary notwithstanding that the Beneficiary has not demanded payment thereunder Trong tr ng h p Th B o Lãnh/Th Tín D ng D Phịng nói đ c c p b i Ngân hàng ph i tuân theo đ c u ch nh b i pháp lu t c a m t n c không ph i Vi t Nam n u m t yêu c u sau đ c đ a b i Bên th h ng theo Th B o lãnh/Th Tín d ng D phịng nói trên, tơi/chúng đ ng ý y quy n cho Ngân hàng t i th i m đó, theo toàn quy n quy t đ nh c a Ngân hàng, đ t đ c ý ki n pháp lý v hi u l c kh n ng thi hành c a Th B o Lãnh/Th Tín D ng D Phịng nói trên, tr c Ngân hàng th c hi n toán theo yêu c u c a Bên th h ng Page 6/7 © Copyright 2015 Standard Chartered Bank All rights reserved Appln_Issuance_BG_SBLC_(with_TSS)_Vietnam_2015_v1.docx In the event that the said Letter of Guarantee/Standby Letter of Credit to be issued by you is subject to and is to be governed by the laws of a jurisdiction other than the Republic of Vietnam and should a demand be subsequently made by the Beneficiary under the said Letter of Guarantee/Standby Letter of Credit, I/we agree and authorize you to then, and at your own discretion, obtain an opinion from legal counsel on the validity and enforceability of the said Letter of Guarantee/Standby Letter of Credit, prior to your making payment in accordance with the Beneficiary’s demand Tôi/Chúng đ ng ý thêm r ng tôi/chúng s gánh ch u tồn b chi phí cho vi c Ngân hàng đ t đ c ý ki n nh v y r ng tơi/chúng tơi s b i hồn cho Ngân hàng b t k t n th t ho c chi phí mà Ngân hàng ph i gánh ch u b t k s ch m tr vi c toán s ti n b o lãnh cho Bên th h ng mà vi c Ngân hàng ph i có đ c ý ki n nh v y I/We further agree that I/we shall bear the entire cost of your obtaining such an opinion and that I/we shall indemnify you for any loss or expense whatsoever suffered by you due to any delay in the payment of the guaranteed sum to the Beneficiary caused by your having to obtain such an opinion Tôi/Chúng c ng đ ng ý r ng t i b t k th i m tôi/chúng s không nghi ng ho c thách th c giá tr pháp lý ho c nh ng v n đ khác c a b t k vi c toán nh v y b i Ngân hàng ho c t ch i b t k ngh a v theo v i lý vi c tốn ho c b t k ph n c a kho n toán Ngân hàng th c hi n không đ n h n ho c ph i toán b i Ngân hàng theo Th B o Lãnh/Th Tín D ng D Phịng nói ho c b t k lý khác I/We also agree that I /we shall not at any time question or challenge the legal validity or otherwise of any such payment made by you or deny any liability hereunder on the ground that such payment or any part thereof made by you was not due or payable by you under the said Letter of Guarantee/Standby Letter of Credit or on any ground whatsoever Và tôi/chúng đ ng ý thêm r ng trách nhi m c a tôi/chúng nh đ c nói khơng th h y ngang s trì hi u l c đ y đ cho đ n Th b o lãnh/Th Tín d ng D phịng đ c nói đ n Ngân Hàng đ a đ c gi i tr ho c h t h n ho c tr l i cho Ngân Hàng đ h y b trách nhi m c a Ngân Hàng theo Th B o Lãnh/Th Tín D ng D Phịng đ c gi i tr toàn b đáp ng yêu c u c a And I/we further agree that my/our liability aforesaid is irrevocable and shall remain in full force and effect until the said Letter of Guarantee/Standby Letter of Credit given by you is released or expired or returned to you for cancellation and your liability thereunder is fully discharged to our satisfaction i v i Th Tín d ng D phịng, chúng tơi đ ng ý r ng u kho n u ki n đ c quy đ nh Cam K t B i Hoàn s tuân th Quy T c Th c Hành Qu c T v Tín d ng D phịng c a Phòng Th ng M i Qu c T , n Ph m s 590 phát hành n m 1998 (“ISP”) ho c Quy T c Th c Hành Và Th ng Nh t Tín D ng Ch ng T c a Phòng Th ng M i Qu c T , n Ph m s 600 (“UCP”) ho c b t k s a đ i t ng lai c a ISP ho c UCP ngo i tr ph m vi đ c quy đ nh rõràng ISP/UCP tùy thu c vào vi c Th Tín d ng D phịng quy đ nh tn th theo Quy t c Nh ng u kho n đ c s d ng Cam K t B i Hồn s có ngh a gi ng nh đ c quy đ nh ISP/UCP In the case of Standby Letter of Credit we agree that the terms and conditions herein set out shall be subject to the International Standby Practices, ICC Publication No.590, 1998 (“ISP”) or Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits issued by International Chamber of Commerce Publication No 600 (“UCP”) or any future revisions thereof except so far as is expressly stated therein, depending on the stipulations of the Standby Letter of Credit on which rule will be applied The terms used herein shall have the same meanings as are set out in the ISP/UCP Khơng b nh h ng b i tính ch t chung c a Cam K t B i Hồn c a tơi/chúng tơi, tơi/chúng tơi theo u quy n cho Ngân hàng (1) tính phí cho tơi/chúng kho n ti n hoa h ng c a Ngân hàng t ng kho n ti n đ c b o lãnh h n n a (2) theo quy t đ nh c a Ngân hàng mà không c n tham kh o ý ki n c a tơi/chúng tơi đ b i hồn b t k kho n ti n thu c s h u c a tôi/chúng Ngân hàng n m gi đ ghi n đ i v i b t k tài kho n mà tôi/chúng hi n t i ho c sau có th có t i Ngân hàng cho dù Vi t Nam hay n c cho dù b ng ng Vi t Nam hay ngo i t khác, b t k kho n ti n ho c t ng s ti n mà Ngân hàng s toán đ i v i Th B o lãnh/ Th Tín d ng D phịng nói tôi/chúng y quy n cho Ngân hàng th c hi n b t k giao d ch hoán đ i ti n t liên quan đ n Th B o lãnh/ Th Tín d ng D phịng tơi/chúng tơi đ ng ý tr lãi b t k kho n ti n đ c Ngân hàng toán nh v y theo lãi su t th u chi thông th ng c a Ngân hàng ho c lãi su t có th áp d ng cho chúng tơi (theo tồn quy n quy t đ nh c a Ngân hàng) t ngày kho n toán đ n h n cho đ n Ngân hàng nh n đ c toán c a kho n lãi t tơi/chúng tơi Tôi /Chúng cam k t, theo yêu c u c a Ngân hàng, t o hi u l c cho đ m b o l i ích c a Ngân hàng, nh Ngân hàng có th yêu c u t i t ng th i m, ký k t, hoàn thành chuy n giao cho Ngân hàng tài li u mà Ngân hàng có th yêu c u t i t ng th i m Without prejudice to the generality of my/our aforesaid indemnity, I/we hereby authorise you (1) to charge me/us your commission on the guaranteed sum and further (2) at your discretion and without reference to me/us to set off any money in your hands belonging to me/us or to debit against any account which I/we now or may hereafter have with you whether in Vietnam or abroad and whether in Vietnamese Dong or a foreign currency any sum or sums of money which you may pay in respect of the said Letter of Guarantee/ Standby Letter of Credit and I/we authorise you to effect any exchange of currency in connection therewith and I/we agree to pay interest on any money so paid by you at your usual overdraft rates or such rate as may be applicable to us (which shall be determined at your discretion) from the date when payment is due until repayment thereof is received by you from me/us I/we undertake, at your request, to effect in your favour such security as you may require from time to time, and execute, complete and deliver to you such documentation as you may require from time to time Page 7/7 © Copyright 2015 Standard Chartered Bank All rights reserved Appln_Issuance_BG_SBLC_(with_TSS)_Vietnam_2015_v1.docx

Ngày đăng: 29/04/2022, 22:03