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marketing plan sevice “stress relief room” of f5 company

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UNIVERSITY OF FINANCE – MARKETING Faculty of Marketing - - FINAL REPORT MARKETING MANAGEMENT MARKETING PLAN SEVICE “STRESS RELIEF ROOM” OF F5 COMPANY Teacher advisor: Mr Dang Huynh Phuong Group F5 HO CHI MINH CITY, 2021 UNIVERSITY OF FINANCE – MARKETING Faculty of Marketing - - FINAL REPORT MARKETING MANAGEMENT MARKETING PLAN SEVICE “STRESS RELIEF ROOM” OF F5 COMPANY Members of group NGUYỄN VIỆT KHÁNH – 2021007853 HUỲNH LÊ ĐỨC NAM – 2021008482 NGUYỄN HOÀNG Y MINH NGỌC – 2021008496 ĐỖ THỊ XUÂN THẮM – 2021008553 NGUYỄN TRIỆU VI – 2021008591 Evaluate the level of NAME completion NGUYỄN VIỆT KHÁNH – 2021007853 100% HUỲNH LÊ ĐỨC NAM – 2021008482 100% NGUYỄN HOÀNG Y MINH NGỌC – 2021008496 100% ĐỖ THỊ XUÂN THẮM – 2021008553 100% NGUYỄN TRIỆU VI – 2021008591 100% TEACHER’S COMMENT …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… STRESS SERVICE MARKETING PLAN- F5 COMPANY TABLE OF CONTENTS PART I: SUMMARY PART II: CONTENT PART I: SUMMARY .7 PART II: CONTENT CHAPTER 1: COMPANY AND PRODUCT OVERVIEW 1.1 COMPANY OVERVIEW 1.2 PRODUCT OVERVIEW CHAPTER 2: ANALYSIS OF MARKETING ENVIRONMENT 11 2.1 MAJOR ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS 11 2.1.1 Politics and Law .11 2.1.2 Economy 11 2.1.3 Society and Culture 12 2.1.4 Technology .12 2.2 MICROENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS ……………………… 12 2.2.1 Supplier strength .13 2.2.2 Customer power … 13 2.2.3 The level of competition of competitors in the industry 14 2.3 SWOT ANALYSIS .14 2.3.1 Strength ……………… 14 2.3.2 Weakness……… .14 2.3.3 Opportunity 14 2.3.4 Threats .14 CHAPTER 3: MARKETING OBJECTIVES .15 3.1 POSITIONING STRATEGY .15 3.1.1 MARKET SEGMENTS 15 Segmentation by age .15 Geographic Segmentation 15 Segmentation by income .15 Psychographic segment 15 3.1.2 SELECTING TARGET CUSTOMERS 16 3.1.3 POSITIONING STRATEGY 16 3.2 MARKETING OBJECTIVES .16 3.2.1 QUALITATIVE GOALS 17 3.2.2 QUANLITAIVE OBJECTIVES 17 CHAPTER 4: ACTIVITIES PLAN .18 4.1 MARKETING PLAN 18 4.1.1 Before opening 18 4.1.2 Grand opening 18 4.1.3 After opening .18 4.2 STAFFING PLAN 18 4.3 FANANCCIAL PLAN 19 4.3.1 Capital Structure 21 4.3.2 Expected repayment plan .23 Expected sales for first year 24 Determation of project costs .24 4.3.3 Analysis of the projects financial performance indicators 24 CHAPTER 5: ASSESSMENT OF MARKETING PLAN & PREVENTION PLAN 25 5.1 ASSESSMENT OF MARKETING PLAN 25 5.1.1 HOW TO EVALUATE THE TOOLS USED 25 5.1.2 HOW TO EVALUATE GOALS : .26 5.2 CONTINGENCY PLAN 27 5.2.1 THE PRODUCT 27 5.2.2 MEDIA ACTIVITIES .27 5.2.3 DISTRIBUTION CHANNEL 28 APPENDIX 29 PART I: SUMMARY The model of stressful social services in Vietnam is considered to be unpopular with high potential for development With an increasingly busy life, it is easy to see and suffer from stress According to statistics in April 2021 of the Institute of Mental Health - Bach Mai Hospital, in Vietnam, about 30% of the population has mental disorders, of which the rate of depression accounts for 25% Every year, the number of people who commit suicide due to depression in our country ranges from 36,000 to 40,000 people, all of the above cases are related to stress Grasping this situation, in 2021 F5 company decided to offer the service "Community stress room " Taking advantage of competitive advantage as a new service in Vietnam, F5 identifies target customers who need to relieve pressure at work and in life It is expected that Marketing activities in 2020 will use more than billion budgets, 80% of target customers know about the service, with 50% of which use the service As the service's first year in the market, the goal of promoting the service will be at the forefront Here are the details of the 2021 Marketing plan for the service "Stress community room " PART II: CONTENT CHAPTER 1: COMPANY AND PRODUCTS OVERVIEW 1.1 COMPANY OVERVIEW Due to the newly established F5 company, the theoretical position of the company in the industry is not high, it is necessary to learn and learn more to understand the attitude and satisfaction of customers However, this is the essence of the problem The service business model is still quite new, but not much has changed in our market and there doesn't seem to be any competition, so the company is in a very favorable position to dominate the market in the future near the Objectives: The company sets for itself short-term goals to dominate the market in Ho Chi Minh City in the near future as it is one of the largest cities in the country and therefore is synonymous with being Social progress develops and creates a lot of competition and pressure for many target customers such as students, students and working people The company's business development strategy is to always be creative and bring values beyond what customers expect from us 1.2 PRODUCT OVERVIEW With the understanding and survey of the behaviors that customers often exhibit in stressful situations, the company has launched various types of services and products in the immediate future to serve customers to satisfy their desires when they are company experience Currently, the company F5 is oriented to market the following types: • De-stress with a stress-relieving room The stress room is so called because the main function of the room is to reduce stress You can go into the room blowing leaves, shouting, punching, crying or selfish, taking selfies as you like without worrying about being criticized or disturbed Therefore, it can help you to relieve your frustrations and worries On the other hand, it can also help you avoid some social trouble when the mood is good These can be the differences between one room and another • De-stress with a room with dummies and you want to box to vent your anger on those dummies Everyone has times when they are depressed, extremely happy every day, every week, or simply "itchy feet, itchy hands" In this case, they often use strong body movements to “share” their feelings, such as banging a table, hitting a pillow, or slamming the people around them Based on the above facts, our company came up with the idea of using soft materials to make puppets with interesting shapes such as soft rubber, cotton for martial artists, and a muscle gathering mechanism and convert energy into electricity When you need to relieve stress, share your frustration and you want to use boxing to vent your anger on those dummies, these dummies will be filled with a lot of energy To make it even more appealing, our company added a punch meter to let people know how much energy their punch is "worth" This way of collecting energy not only entertains people, but the design of the energy harvesting mechanism is also very simple, low investment At the same time, creates the best comfort for you after work Stress helps you regain confidence and lead a better life, not only that, but it can also contribute a small part to society and repel this stress disease • Release stress with massage room Relaxing massage room is a perfect space, round tone just quiet enough, a little gentle, deep and clear There, our company has a team of professional massage staff who are well-trained, knowledgeable in physical therapy, open and gentle communication, suitable for customers of many ages, professions, different income levels… Bring a feeling of absolute relaxation With an average income, customers can still enjoy the feeling of relaxation in any professional salon The amazing benefits of massage: Massage therapy offers many important health benefits, including: Improve blood circulation Relax your body Increase levels of endorphins (chemicals in the body that help you feel better) • Build a room with fresh natural scenery with many open windows and serve stress-reducing drinks When people are under pressure, the scene has a great impact on their emotions Usually, they will choose places with cool scenery, green trees, quiet to meditate, think, breathe fresh and cool air When under stress, the heart rate of people sitting in a room with a window overlooking the green nature tends to quickly return to normal In addition, the company also serves customers with affordable drinks to help relieve fatigue and anxiety such as: herbal tea, green tea, fresh fruit juice, warm milk, • The campus has many green trees for exercise to reduce stress Exercise has the ability to reduce stress in the body because it reduces cortisol – this is a hormone produced by the adrenal glands during times of stress, anxiety, anger or fear In addition, cortisol can increase blood pressure, increase blood sugar levels and decrease the body's immunity Therefore, the company has built a small campus planted with many trees so that customers can experience the freshness and coolness to relieve stress by exercising, or jogging, 10 Features of this customer - Long working hours: This is the most typical feature, an 8-hour working day is almost not enough for them because they have to work overtime, leave early and leave late - Great work pressure - Little rest time: Through regular overtime, many people take advantage of the weekend to catch up, but also lose the opportunity to participate in fun activities, life becomes cramped and increased occupational diseases Too much work causes them to suffer many occupational diseases such as high blood fat, liver fat, stomach and digestive problems Computers, air conditioners, eye diseases are also "uninvited" - There is a distance from relatives: for single people, it takes a long time to visit their parents, for married people, it starts early in the morning I left the house before I woke up, when I got home I was already asleep - Small exchange opportunities: In addition, the company's customers are middle- and high-income customers, so depending on the income and characteristics of the customer, the company will offer certain products and services meet customer requirements 3.1.3 Positioning strategy As far as we know, the stress relief model established in Japan is also very successful This model is too new in Vietnam and no other model can meet this demand Modern life with so much pressure and worries about work has become a "fertile ground" for stress Diseases caused by stress have the ability to proliferate and proliferate Not stopping at popular therapies such as massage, spa, yoga, now our company's stress relief service also offers many unique stress relief services (smashing TVs, cups, plates, ) From the above analysis, the company would like to propose the positioning for the new service as follows: "The stress-relieving room service is the first room in Vietnam to help customers eliminate stress and fatigue quickly" 16 3.2 MARKETING OBJECTIVES 3.2.1 Qualitative goals _ Create great popularity for the service - Increase the level of customer support - Expanding new distribution channels in other big cities 3.2.2 Quantitative Objectives - Service popularity: 80% of target customers - Service support level: 75% of the target customers know about the service 17 CHAPTER 4: ACTIVITIES PLAN 4.1 Marketing plan 4.1.1 Before opening - Advertise on social networking sites, make an introductory video about the play center on youtobe, facebook such as music clips, introduce services such as soundproofing rooms, smashing rooms, massage rooms, etc - Set up Facebook to share stress problems, stories, ways to relieve stress, articles about the consequences of stress and ways to relieve stress such as funny photos, jokes, introduce the company's services with friends Reasonable price package - Gift vouchers at schools, office buildings, companies - Contact clinics and hospitals to donate vouvher 4.1.2 Grand Opening - Organizing a promotion of 20-30% of the first customers will be able to use the service for free First week 10% off service price - Organize competitions such as fastest ball smasher, frog slayer with the reward of free stress-relief days - With balloon smashing games, record the gifts inside the smashed balls or draw prizes for the store's gifts - Organize a shouting contest - Hold a talk about stress, its harmful effects, and how to deal with it - There are service packages for adults such as massage, relaxing sauna at affordable prices 4.1.3 After opening - For regular customers, you can make a vip card to reduce prices for all stress relief services - Survey, poll customers 18 - 10%-20% promotion during off-peak periods or days of the month like 6/6 or 11/1 - Organize a lucky draw with bills over 100,000 VND 4.2 STAFFING PLAN - Contact job centers, universities, and counseling centers to find out which employees are right for your specific requirements - Flexible hiring form, some full-time, some part-time, shift - Minimum staff includes: ▪ consultants ▪ receptionist ▪ ticket cashier position ▪ massage staff ▪ serving positions ▪ guard ▪ manager 4.3 Financial plan STT Property type Unit Area Unit price into money Architectural buildings Storehouse m2 600 5,400 Central control room m2 20 1,000 20,000 Living room m2 15 800 12,000 Consulting room m2 15 1,000 15,000 Toilet m2 20 500 10,000 Oxygen bedroom m2 15 800 12,000 Massage room m2 20 1,000 20,000 Room smashing, screaming m2 30 1,000 30,000 19 Karaoke room, movie screening m2 30 1,000 30,000 10 Security room – room m2 500 4,000 total 158,400 Estimated design and installation table for the project Unit: 1000 VND Estimation of equipment for the project Unit: 1000 VND STT Device SL Unit price into money first Desktop 5,000 25,000 Air conditional 4,000 36,000 Projectors 15,000 15,000 Karaoke 15,000 15,000 Air purifier 5,000 10,000 Phone: desktop, mobile 10,000 total 110,000 Estimated source of funds for the project Unit: 1000 VND STT Content into money first Land rental capital (1 year) 480,000 Design and installation capital 158,400 Equipment capital 110,000 Material capital (1 year) 102.606 Other costs 30,000 total 881.006 20 15% reserve 132.150 Total capital of the project 1.013,156 4.3.1 Capital structure: • Total project investment capital 1,013,156,000 VND • Contributed capital: 215,000,000 VND • Bank loan: 800,000,000 VND • Driving rate 11%/year • Loan term: years • Payment method: principal + interest each year 4.3.2 Expected repayment plan expected Year Debt payment within the year debt at the Outstanding balance beginning of Repayments Interest total at the end of the year the year Interest rate 11% 800,000,000 266,666.667 88,000,000 354.666,667 445.333,333 445.333,333 266,666.667 48,986.667 315.653,334 129,679,999 129,679,999 266,666.667 14,264,799 280,931.466 Expected sales for the first year billion/year, the remaining investment capital will be recovered in the following years Determination of project costs Includes: 21 + Cost of input materials quantity STT Name of materials Unit the for whole year Unit price (without VAT) into money Cups, plates, bowls Kg 10,000 3,000 3,000,000 Dummy pc 100 70,000 7,000,000 VND Comedy DVD 100 6,000 600,000 Comedy Book 200 10,000 2,000,000 Electricity KW 45.375 1.058 48,006,750 Communications Month 12 1,000,000 Other materials 12,000,000 VND 30,000,000 VND total 102.606.750 + Paying employees salary: 90,000,000 VND + Repair cost: 30,000,000 VND + Investment loan interest payment: 151,251,466 VND Year 1: 88,000,000 VND Year 2: 48,986,667 Year 3: 14,264,799 + Land rental cost: 480,000,000/year + Administration expenses: 1% of revenue = 12,000,000 VND + Advertising costs: 10% of revenue = 120,000,000 VND 22 TT Content first Materials Labor cost Repair Year 102.606.750 102.606.750 102.606.750 102.606.750 90,000,000 90,000,000 90,000,000 90,000,000 VND VND VND VND 30,000,000 30,000,000 30,000,000 VND VND VND 48,986.667 14,264,799 cost 30,000,000 (depreciation) Interest Year VND payment 88,000,000 expenses VND Cost of land rent Management costs Advertising costs total Year Year Year 102.606.750 90,000,000 30,000,000 480,000,000 480,000,000 480,000,000 480,000,000 480,000,000 VND VND VND VND VND 12,000,000 14,000,000 14,000,000 14,000,000 VND VND VND VND 120,000,000 140,000,000 160,000,000 100,000,000 VND VND VND VND 1,040,606.750 905.593.417 850.871.549 816,606.750 14,000,000 90,000,000 806,000,000 Table of determining annual business operating expenses TT Indexing Year2 year first Year3 Year Year5 total 1,000,000,000 1,200,000,000 1,400,000,000 1,600,000,000 revenue VND VND VND VND 905.593.417 850.871.549 816,606.750 806,000,000 294.406,683 549.128,451 783,393,250 994,000,000 total cost 1,040,606.750 Income taxes -40,606.750 23 1,800,000,00 Income Tax Net profit 73,601,646 137.282.113 195,848,313 248,500.000 -40,606.750 220.805.012 441,846.338 587,554,973 745.500.000 Profit and loss forecast table 4.3.3 Analysis of the project's financial performance indicators Payback period The payback period of a project is the time it takes for the project to recoup its costs, in other words, the payback period is the time it takes to wait before the project starts to make a profit Determine payback period: * Method that does not take into account the time value of money: Return on investment from net profit: We have : Inside : Ti: payback time K: total investment capital LR:annual net profit LR = ( -40606750 + 220805012+441846338+587554973+745500000) / = 391019914.6 (VND) Ti = 1,013,156,000 / 391,019,914.6 = 2,591 (years) • Return on investment from net profit and depreciation: Ti = With a fixed asset depreciation rate of 10%/year, the total depreciation: KH = 268,400,0000.1 = 134, 200,000 (VND) Payback time: Ti = 1,013,156,000/ ( 391,019,914.6 + 134,200,000) = 1,929 (years) 24 CHAPTER 5: ASSESSMENT OF MARKETING PLAN & PLAN PREVENTIVE 5.1 ASSESSMENT OF MARKETING PLAN 5.1.1 How to evaluate the tools used Tools Evaluation method Evaluate effectiveness by basic criteria such as: - Views, interactions, access to articles, Digital Marketing/PR videos of KOL on Facebook, - The number of likes, comments, shares of Instagram and Youtube videos, review articles, reviews about the services of the business - The number of people interested and remember the message that the business PR conveys on social networking sites - The number of people who recognize the business's brand through its non-profit community support activities 25 - Number of people interested in, sharing and participating in events organized by the business Sale Promotion - Number of service tickets sold in promotions created by the business - Number of people knowing about services Sponsorship and brands through sponsorship programs of enterprises 5.1.2 How to evaluate goals: Targets Evaluation method The level of product awareness in the target customer group Service support level (Percentage of customers Through surveys of target customers and from market reports who will consider using the service when needed) Service usage rate in the target customer group Distribution channel coverage Data and information from distribution channel management 26 software 5.2 CONTINGENCY PLAN This is a new type of service, there are almost no businesses or companies dealing in this service, so in the early stages, we will not have much experience and encounter many obstacles and difficulties in many problems topics such as products, communication activities, distribution channels Here are some preventive measures to fix it: 5.2.1 About products and services - Create surveys for the target customer group, from which to analyze and calculate the obtained data to capture the needs, characteristics and desires of customers Thereby, we can develop and create products and services that meet the needs of our customers - Constantly innovating and creating more services such as stress relief combos for people or groups of or more people - Going to learn more new types of entertainment and apply it to our business such as swing room, mini golf, swimming river, food room, yoga class - Always give the best attention to customers When customers come to the company, they will enjoy services such as receiving congratulatory letters on birthdays, holidays, Tet, ways to practice to regain balance between work and life - Train qualified staff and always give customers a considerate attention Contributing to helping customers regain confidence and joy in life as well as work 5.2.2 About media activities 27 - Create unique, curious promotional videos or hire famous people to promote services and brands - Design articles and videos about the harmful effects of stress on people's daily work - Strengthen PR activities on sharing the benefits of proper stress relief - Cooperate with other companies and businesses to promote this service to attract office workers, large and small businesses 5.2.3 About the distribution channel - Organize more activities at facilities to increase brand awareness - Strengthen communication activities for distribution channels - Promote small establishments at the head office, for example, when customers come to the headquarters to use the service, they will receive a discount combo applied at other establishments 28 APPENDIX REFERENCES LAO DONG newspaper: https://laodong.vn/y-te/benh-tam-than-lien-quan-denstress-tram-cam-dang-bao-dong-897233.ldo The strength of customer community: https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.brandsvietnam.com%2 F12493-Suc-manh-cua-cong-dong-khachhang%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR1MR_uBMhkzMxDKZYiogckwly_aKoddv8Uw8Flyo7Rl45c0xvvvMhHLcw&h=AT0mbqMu bpJyz6pnqAgK-WJEjfQ3KifC3KCM5es4J-8bGKh5d739zJlF3d2uTYl7k6oYDYvALTMGKi7EAh23audC2iMghVC7qEAP_FlVaB9d KlWBY2qgNwm5HuMc4H4qsP9ajYo7UihsmbSX_gnYw 29 30 ...UNIVERSITY OF FINANCE – MARKETING Faculty of Marketing - - FINAL REPORT MARKETING MANAGEMENT MARKETING PLAN SEVICE “STRESS RELIEF ROOM” OF F5 COMPANY Members of group NGUYỄN VIỆT... Determation of project costs .24 4.3.3 Analysis of the projects financial performance indicators 24 CHAPTER 5: ASSESSMENT OF MARKETING PLAN & PREVENTION PLAN 25 5.1 ASSESSMENT OF MARKETING PLAN. .. SERVICE MARKETING PLAN- F5 COMPANY TABLE OF CONTENTS PART I: SUMMARY PART II: CONTENT PART I: SUMMARY .7 PART II: CONTENT CHAPTER 1: COMPANY AND PRODUCT OVERVIEW 1.1 COMPANY

Ngày đăng: 28/04/2022, 16:59

