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Monitoring, Veri cation,
and Accounting
of CO
Geologic Formations
First Edition
This report was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of the United States
Government. Neither the United States Government nor any agency thereof, nor any of
their employees, makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legal liability or
responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information, apparatus,
product, or process disclosed, or represents that its use would not infringe privately owned
rights. Reference therein to any specific commercial product, process, or service by trade name,
trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement,
recommendation, or favoring by the United States Government or any agency thereof. The views
and opinions of authors expressed therein do not necessarily state or reflect those of the United
States Government or any agency thereof.
Monitoring, Verication, andAccounting
of CO
StoredinDeepGeologic Formations
January 2009
National Energy Technology Laboratory
Table of Contents
List of Acronyms and Abbreviations _________________________________________________________________ iv
List of Tables ________________________________________________________________________________________ vii
List of Figures ______________________________________________________________________________________ viii
Executive Summary _______________________________________________________________________________ ES-1
1.0 Introduction ______________________________________________________________________________________ 1-1
1.1 Importance of CO
Monitoring andAccounting Protocols _____________________________________________ 1-1
1.2 Regulatory Compliance _________________________________________________________________________ 1-2
1.3 Objective and Goals of Monitoring ________________________________________________________________ 1-2
1.4 Monitoring Activities ___________________________________________________________________________ 1-3
1.5 Need for Multiple Projects with Varying Geologic Characteristics ______________________________________ 1-3
2.0 Monitoring Techniques _____________________________________________________________________________ 2-1
3.0 Developments in Monitoring Techniques from DOE Supported and Leveraged Monitoring Activities ___________ 3-1
3.1 Core R&D _____________________________________________________________________________________ 3-1
3.1.1 Atmospheric Monitoring Methods Developments ________________________________________________ 3-1
3.1.2 Near-Surface Monitoring Methods Developments ________________________________________________ 3-2
3.1.3 Subsurface Monitoring Methods Developments _________________________________________________ 3-4
3.1.4 Enhanced Coalbed Methane Methods _________________________________________________________ 3-6 Near-Surface Monitoring Methods ______________________________________________________ 3-6 Subsurface Monitoring Methods ________________________________________________________ 3-6
3.2 Core R&D Test Locations ________________________________________________________________________ 3-7
3.3 International Projects ___________________________________________________________________________ 3-9
3.4 Regional Carbon Sequestration Partnerships ______________________________________________________ 3-10
3.5 Applicable Core R&D, International, and Regional Carbon Sequestration
Partnership Program Monitoring Eorts __________________________________________________________ 3 -11
3.5.1 Simulation ______________________________________________________________________________ 3 -11
3.5.2 Geophysical Approaches ___________________________________________________________________ 3-12
3.5.3 Crustal Deformation ______________________________________________________________________ 3-14
3.5.4 Geochemical Methods _____________________________________________________________________ 3-15
3.5.5 Surface Monitoring _______________________________________________________________________ 3-15
4.0 Review of EPA Permitting Requirements _______________________________________________________________ 4-1
4.1 RCSP Project UIC Classication Summary __________________________________________________________ 4-2
4.2 UIC Mandatory Requirements ____________________________________________________________________ 4-3
4.3 EPA’s 2008 Proposal for Developing New Requirements for CO
Injection for GS __________________________ 4-3
5.0 Addressing the Objectives and Goals of Monitoring _____________________________________________________ 5-1
5.1 Role of Primary Technologies ____________________________________________________________________ 5-1
5.2 Role of Secondary MVA Technologies _____________________________________________________________ 5-1
5.3 Role of Potential Additional MVA Technologies _____________________________________________________ 5-1
5.4 Application of Monitoring Techniques and Regulatory Compliance ____________________________________ 5-2
5.5 Pre-Operation Phase ___________________________________________________________________________ 5-6
5.5.1 Pre-operation Monitoring ___________________________________________________________________ 5-7
5.6 Operation Phase ______________________________________________________________________________ 5-10
5.6.1 Operation Monitoring _____________________________________________________________________ 5-10
Table of Contents
5.7 Closure Phase ________________________________________________________________________________ 5-13
5.8 Post-Closure Phase ____________________________________________________________________________ 5-14
5.9 Application of MVA Technologies at GS Field Projects _______________________________________________ 5-14
6.0 MVA Developments for Large-Scale Tests in Various Settings _____________________________________________ 6-1
6.1 Gulf Coast Mississippi Strandplain Deep Sandstone Test (Moderate Porosity and Permeability) _____________ 6-5
6.1.1 Target Formation __________________________________________________________________________ 6-5
6.1.2 Site Characterization _______________________________________________________________________ 6-6
6.1.3 Risk Assessment and Mitigation Strategy _______________________________________________________ 6-6
6.1.4 MVA Activities _____________________________________________________________________________ 6-6
6.2 Nugget Sandstone Test (Signicant Depth, Low Porosity and Permeability) ____________________________ 6 -10
6.2.1 Description of Target Formation _____________________________________________________________ 6 -10
6.2.2 Risk Assessment and Mitigation Strategy ______________________________________________________ 6 -11
6.2.3 MVA Activities____________________________________________________________________________ 6 -11
6.3 Cambrian Mt. Simon Sandstone Test (Moderate Depth, Low Porosity and Permeability) _________________ 6 -11
6.3.1 Target Formation _________________________________________________________________________ 6 -11
6.3.2 Site Characterization ______________________________________________________________________ 6 -12
6.3.3 Risk Assessment Strategy __________________________________________________________________ 6 -13
6.3.4 MVA Activities ____________________________________________________________________________ 6 -14
6.4 San Joaquin Valley Fluvial-Braided Deep Sandstone Test (High Porosity and Permeability) _______________ 6 -16
6.4.1 Target Formation _________________________________________________________________________ 6-16
6.4.2 Site Characterization ______________________________________________________________________ 6-17
6.4.3 Risk Assessment and Mitigation Strategy ______________________________________________________ 6 -17
6.4.4 MVA Activities ____________________________________________________________________________ 6-18
6.5 Williston Basin Deep Carbonate EOR Test _________________________________________________________ 6-23
6.5.1 Description of Target Formations ____________________________________________________________ 6-23
6.5.2 Regional Characterization _________________________________________________________________ 6-24
6.5.3 Site Development _________________________________________________________________________ 6-24
6.5.4 Risk Assessment and Mitigation Strategy ______________________________________________________ 6-25
6.5.5 MVA Activities ____________________________________________________________________________ 6-26
6.6 Impact of Secondary and Potential Additional MVA Technologies on Large-Scale Storage ________________ 6-27
6.7 Future Implications from Case Study MVA Packages ________________________________________________ 6-28
References _________________________________________________________________________________________ R-1
Appendix I _________________________________________________________________________________________AI-1
Appendix II ________________________________________________________________________________________ AII-1
Appendix III ______________________________________________________________________________________ AIII-1
Appendix IV ______________________________________________________________________________________ AIV-1
Appendix V________________________________________________________________________________________ AV-1
Appendix VI ______________________________________________________________________________________ AVI-1
List of Reviewers _________________________________________________________________________________ LoR-1
Table of Contents
List of Acronyms and Abbreviations
Acronym/Abbreviation Denition
2-D ________________________________________ Two-Dimensional
3-D _______________________________________Three-Dimensional
4-D _______________________________________Four-Dimensional
AC ________________________________________Accumulation Chamber
ADRS ______________________________________Amargosa Desert Research Site
ANSI _______________________________________ American National Standards Institute
AoR _______________________________________Area of Review
API ________________________________________American Petroleum Institute
Ar _________________________________________Argon
ARI ________________________________________Advanced Resources International
ASTM ______________________________________American Standard Test Method
BEG _______________________________________ Bureau of Economic Geology
BGS _______________________________________British Geological Survey
Big Sky_____________________________________Big Sky Carbon Sequestration Partnership
BLM _______________________________________Bureau of Land Management
BNL _______________________________________Brookhaven National Laboratory
C _________________________________________Carbon
Ca ________________________________________Calcium
CASSM _____________________________________Continuous Active Seismic Source Monitoring
CBL _______________________________________Cement Bond Log
CBM _______________________________________ Coalbed Methane
CCS _______________________________________ Carbon Capture and Storage
CCX _______________________________________Chicago Climate Exchange
CES _______________________________________ Clean Energy Systems
CGM _______________________________________Craig-Geen-Morse Water Flooding Model
CIR ________________________________________Color Infrared
Cl _________________________________________Chlorine
CL ________________________________________ Cathodoluminescense
cm ________________________________________centimeter(s)
CMG ______________________________________Computer Modeling Group
________________________________________Carbon Dioxide
CO2CRC ____________________________________Cooperative Research Centre for Greenhouse Gas Technologies
CRT _______________________________________Cathode Ray Tube
CSLF ______________________________________Carbon Sequestration Leadership Forum
DIAL _______________________________________Dierential Absorption LIDAR
DOE _______________________________________ U.S. Department of Energy
DTPS ______________________________________Distributed Thermal Perturbation Sensor
EC ________________________________________ Eddy Covariance
EDS _______________________________________Energy Dispersive X-Ray Spectroscopy
ECBM ______________________________________Enhanced Coalbed Methane
EELS _______________________________________Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy
EMIT ______________________________________Electromagnetic Induction Tomography
EOR _______________________________________Enhanced Oil Recovery
EPMA ______________________________________Electron Probe Microanalyzer
EM ________________________________________Electromagnetic
EPA _______________________________________U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
ERT _______________________________________Electrical Resistivity Tomography
List of Acronyms and Abbreviations
Acronym/Abbreviation Denition
ES&H ______________________________________Environmental, Safety, and Health
ft _________________________________________Feet
FE _________________________________________DOE’s Oce of Fossil Energy
FLOTRAN ___________________________________Flow and Transport Simulator
g _________________________________________Gram(s)
GFZ _______________________________________ GeoForschungsZentrum
GHG _______________________________________Greenhouse Gas(es)
GIS ________________________________________Geographic Information System
GPR _______________________________________Ground Penetrating Radar
GPS _______________________________________ Global Positioning System
GS ________________________________________Geological Storage/Sequestration
O _______________________________________Water
S ________________________________________Hydrogen Sulde
______________________________________Sulfuric Acid
He ________________________________________Helium
HC ________________________________________Hydrocarbon
HCl ________________________________________Hydrogen Chloride
HVAC ______________________________________Heating, Ventilation & Air Conditioning
Hz ________________________________________Hertz
IEA GHG ___________________________________ IEA Greenhouse Gas Programme
in _________________________________________Inch(es)
IR _________________________________________Infrared
IRGA ______________________________________ Infrared Gas Analyzer
IEA ________________________________________International Energy Agency
IOGCC _____________________________________ Interstate Oil & Gas Compact Commission
IP _________________________________________Induced Polarization
ISO ________________________________________International Organization for Standardization
IPCC _______________________________________Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
km ________________________________________Kilometer(s)
Kr _________________________________________ Krypton
KHz _______________________________________Kilohertz
LANL ______________________________________Los Alamos National Laboratory
LBNL ______________________________________Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
LCD _______________________________________Liquid Crystal Display
LEERT ______________________________________Long Electrode Electrical Resistance Tomography
LIDAR ______________________________________ Light Detection and Ranging
LLNL ______________________________________ Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
LVST _______________________________________Large Volume Sequestration Test
MDT _______________________________________Modular Dynamic Tester
m _________________________________________Meter(s)
mi ________________________________________Mile(s)
mg ________________________________________ milligram(s)
Mg ________________________________________Magnesium
MGSC _____________________________________Midwest Geological Sequestration Consortium
MIT _______________________________________ Mechanical Integrity Test
MVA _______________________________________Monitoring, Verication, and Accounting
MRSCP _____________________________________Midwest Geological Carbon Sequestration Consortium
NaCl _______________________________________ Sodium Chloride
List of Acronyms and Abbreviations
Acronym/Abbreviation Denition
N _________________________________________ Nitrogen
Ne ________________________________________Neon
NETL ______________________________________National Energy Technology Laboratory
NNSA ______________________________________National Nuclear Security Administration
ORD _______________________________________NETL’s Oce of Research and Development
ORNL ______________________________________Oak Ridge National Laboratories
OST _______________________________________ DOE’s Oce of Science and Technology
P _________________________________________ Pressure
PC ________________________________________Pulverized Coal
PCOR ______________________________________Plains CO
Reduction Partnership
PFC _______________________________________ Peruorocarbon(s)
PFT _______________________________________Peruorocarbon Tracers
PNC _______________________________________ Pulsed Neutron Capture
ppm _______________________________________Parts per Million
ppmv ______________________________________Parts per Million by Volume
psi ________________________________________Pounds per Square Inch
PTRC ______________________________________Petroleum Technology Research Centre
QC ________________________________________Quality Control
R&D _______________________________________Research and Development
RCSP ______________________________________Regional Carbon Sequestration Partnership
RGGI ______________________________________Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative
Rn ________________________________________Radon
RST _______________________________________Reservoir Saturation Tool
S __________________________________________Sulfur
SAPT ______________________________________Standard Annular Pressure Test
SAR _______________________________________Synthetic Aperture Radar
scfd _______________________________________Standard Cubic Feet per Day
SDWA _____________________________________Safe Drinking Water Act
SECARB ____________________________________Southeast Regional Carbon Sequestration Partnership
________________________________________ Sulfur Hexauoride
SNL _______________________________________Sandia National Laboratory
SP ________________________________________Self-Potential/Spontaneous Polarization
STEM ______________________________________Scanning Transmission Electron Microscope
SWP _______________________________________ Southwest Regional Partnership
T __________________________________________Temperature
TAME ______________________________________The Andersons Marathon Ethanol (Plant)
TDS _______________________________________ Total Dissolved Solids
USDW _____________________________________Underground Sources of Drinking Water
UIC ________________________________________Underground Injection Control
USGS ______________________________________U.S. Geological Survey
USIT _______________________________________Ultrasonic Imaging Tool
VDL _______________________________________Variable Density Log
VSP _______________________________________Vertical Seismic Prole
WestCarb __________________________________West Coast Regional Carbon Sequestration Partnership
Xe ________________________________________Xenon
ZEPP-1 _____________________________________Zero-Emissions Power Plant
ZERT ______________________________________Zero Emission Research and Technology
List of Acronyms and Abbreviations
List of Tables
Table 1-1: DOE MVA Goals Outline and Milestones _________________________________________________________ 1-2
Table 2-1: Comprehensive List of Proposed Monitoring Methods Available for GS Projects_________________________ 2-1
Table 3-1: Classication of Primary Models Used by RCSPs __________________________________________________ 3-12
Table 4-1: Breakdown of RCSP (Phase II and Phase III) UIC Permits by Sink Type __________________________________ 4-2
Table 4-2: Summary of Current Mandatory Technical Requirements for for Class I, Class II,
Class V, and Class VI (Proposed) UIC Injection Wells ________________________________________________ 4-4
Table 5-1: List of RCSPs’ Monitoring Tools for Phase II and Phase III Projects _____________________________________ 5-3
Table 5-2: MVA Technologies that Enable Recognition of Leakage to the Atmosphere and Shallow
Subsurface in Order to Ensure 99 Percent Retention of CO
_________________________________________ 5-16
Table 6-1: Comparison of Site Geology for Each Case Study Project ___________________________________________ 6-3
Table 6-2: Comparison of MVA Tools Used by Each of the Selected Case Studies _________________________________ 6-4
Table 6-3: Summary of MVA Plans for Gulf Coast Mississippi Strandplain Deep Sandstone Test _____________________ 6-9
Table 6-4: Summary of MVA Program to be Implemented at Large-Scale Injection Sites __________________________ 6-15
Table 6-5: Basic and Enhanced Monitoring Packages and a Comparison to the Proposed Monitoring Program _______ 6-21
Table 6-6: Summary of the Potential Risks Associated with Large-Scale Injection of CO
__________________________ 6-25
List of Tables
List of Figures
Figure 3-1: Amplitude dierence map at the Midale Marly horizon for the Weyburn Monitor 1 (a)
and 2 (b) surveys relative to the baseline survey. The normalized amplitudes are RMS values
determined using a 5-ms window centered on the horizon. ________________________________________ 3-13
Figure 3-2: δ
} in produced uids at Weyburn. The well locations (black dots) represent the
locations of data points that are used to produce the contour plots. Values are per mil
dierences in the ratio of
C to
C relative to the PDB standard. ____________________________________ 3-13
Figure 3-3: Time lapse seismic data collection and interpretation from large CO
injection projects. Three
successive seismic volumes from the Sleipner project, Norway. Upper images are cross-sections
through the injection point; the lower images show impedance changes at the top of the CO
plume. Injection began in 1996, between the rst two surveys. _____________________________________ 3-14
Figure 5-1: Decision tree for pre-operational and operational phase monitoring techniques for
GS project based on mandatory monitoring requirements and proposed Class VI requirements.
Primary technologies are listed with black text and solid gure lines, whereas Secondary and
Potential Additional Technologies are listed with red text and dashed gure lines. Light-grey lines
depict proposed UIC regulatory changes for Class VI Wells. _________________________________________ 5-5
Figure 5-2: Decision tree for post-injection monitoring techniques for a GS project based on mandatory
monitoring requirements. Primary technologies are listed with black text and solid gure lines,
whereas Secondary and Potential Additional Technologies are listed with red text and dashed
gure lines. Light-grey lines depict proposed UIC regulatory changes for Class VI Wells. __________________ 5-6
Figure 5-3: Potential leakage pathways along an existing well: between cement and casing (Paths a and b),
through the cement (c), through the casing (d), through fractures (e), and between cement and
formation (f). ______________________________________________________________________________ 5-12
Figure 6-1: Hierarchical Monitoring Strategy _______________________________________________________________ 6-7
Figure 6-2: Example of contingency plans for Gulf Coast Mississippian uvial sandstone injection during
initial injection period. Major risks during injection period: pressure and buoyancy-driven ow
through damaged wells or fracture networks. Probability increases over time as CO
and pressure increases and as AoR increases. _____________________________________________________ 6-8
Figure 6-3: Schematic Showing Overall Monitoring Approach for Saline Formation LVST __________________________ 6-20
Figure AIII-1: Crustal deformation survey interpretations. (Left) Tiltmeter array interpretation from an oil
eld operation, revealing the location of a small change in surface elevation. Image courtesy
of Pinnacle Technologies, Inc. (Right) InSAR dierence map showing complex subsidence (red)
and uplift (blue) associated with oil eld production near Bakerseld, California, from
August 1979 to September 1999. Color bands show roughly 60 millimeters of change from
red to blue; resolution is one millimeter deformation. The image shows large oil elds and
illustrates how faults can aect the distribution of deformation. ____________________________________AIII-9
Figure AIII-2: Schematic Drawing of the U-Tube Sampling Technology _________________________________________ AIII-11
List of Figures
[...]... maximize understanding ofCO2 behavior and determine what monitoring tools are most effective across different geologic regimes, as opposed to tailoring a site-specific MVA package ES-4 1.0 Introduction Monitoring, Verification, andAccountingofCO2StoredinDeepGeologicFormations 1.0 Introduction Atmospheric levels ofCO2 have risen significantly from preindustrial levels of 280 parts per million... Cruz, and LBNL The program addresses optimization of ECBM recovery using CO2, in addition to monitoring, verification, and risk assessment ofCO2 GS in coalbeds A numerical modeling study is using a state -of- the-art CBM simulator to 3.0 Developments in Monitoring Techniques from DOE Supported and Leveraged Monitoring Activities define the physical and operational boundaries and tradeoffs for safe and. .. transparency, and credibility in GHG quantification, monitoring, reporting, and verification 2 ISO 14065 specifies principles and requirements for bodies that undertake validation or verification of GHG assertions 1-1 like oil, gas, andCO2In principle, storage indeep brine-filled formations is the same as storage in oil or gas reservoirs, but the geologic seals that would keep the CO2 from rapidly rising... being extensively monitored to observe the movement of the CO2 Before injection, several monitoring techniques were executed, including baseline aqueous geochemistry, wireline logging, crosswell seismic, crosswell EM imaging, and vertical seismic profiling (VSP), along with hydrologic testing and surface water and gas monitoring Monitoring was periodically repeated during injection and is continuing... approximate depth of 650 meters in the saline Stuttgart Formation The CO2SINK project deploys numerous monitoring and measurement technologies that are focused on increasing the understanding of subsurface transport ofCO2in saline formationsIn particular, the application of surface and wellbore seismic, wellbore logging, electrical resistivity tomography, geochemical sampling, and thermal logging provide... Summary This document should be of interest to a broad audience interested in reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions to the atmosphere It was developed for regulatory organizations, project developers, and national and state policymakers to increase awareness of existing and developing monitoring, verification, andaccounting (MVA) techniques Carbon dioxide (CO2) sinks are a natural part of the carbon... various geologicand regional settings The program’s core R&D agenda focuses on increased understanding ofCO2 GS, MVA technology and cost, and regulations through field testing of GS technologies A major portion of DOE’s Core R&D is aimed at providing an accurate accountingofstoredCO2and a high level of confidence that the CO2 will remain permanently sequestered MVA research is being developed at... Joaquin Valley Fluvial-Braided Deep Sandstone Test (High Porosity and Permeability): Large-scale injection ofCO2 into a deep saline formation beneath a power plant site (the Olcese and/ or Vedder sandstones of the San Joaquin Valley, California) 5 Williston Basin Deep Carbonate EOR Test: CO2 sequestration and enhanced oil recovery (EOR) in select oil fields in the Williston Basin, North Dakota A minimum... Quantifying inter-well interactions as large plumes develop, focusing on interaction of pressure, heterogeneity, and gravity as controls on migration • Better understanding pressure and capillary seals • Developing and assessing the effectiveness of existing and novel monitoring tools • Assessing how these monitoring tools can be used efficiently, effectively, and hierarchically in a mature monitoring... tests, including the Frio Brine Pilot, West Pearl Queens Field Test, and the Weyburn Field test Frio Brine Pilot, Texas – The Frio Brine Pilot in Texas is a project testing MVA techniques (Hovorka et al., 2005) This is the first field test in the United States to investigate the ability of brine formations to store CO2 Phase I of the project involved the injection of 1,600 tons ofCO2 into a mile-deep . Monitoring, Veri cation,
and Accounting
of CO
Stored in Deep
Geologic Formations
First Edition
This. reflect those of the United
States Government or any agency thereof.
Monitoring, Veri cation, and Accounting
of CO
Stored in Deep Geologic Formations