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Enterprise Web Software Development Enterprise Web Software Development (Individual Report) Course : COMP1640 Enterprise Web Software Development Report Types : Individual Documentation Submitted by : Hashara EDIRIWEERA UoG Reg No : 001028024 Dated : 12th April 2018 Tasks : 1, 2, 3, Page Hashara EDIRIWEERA | 001028024 | COMP1640 | University of Greenwich - UK Enterprise Web Software Development Acknowledgement The success of this individual report required the help of many individuals I thank the module lecturer for guiding me and giving me the necessary directions to complete this on time Moreover, I thank the IDM and the UoG authorities for providing the necessary needs through the proceeding of the individual report Lastly, I thank my classmates and others for been an aid in making the individual report Page Hashara EDIRIWEERA | 001028024 | COMP1640 | University of Greenwich - UK Enterprise Web Software Development Table of Content Acknowledgement Table of Content List of Figures List of Tables Introduction of the University of Hartvak Introduction to the Project URL of Hosted Website URL of Screencast Group Common Email Login Credentials Different User Groups Login Credentials Evaluation for the Productive Outcome Use of the Project 10 Similar Sites Research 11 Description of Similar Sites 13 Evidences 13 Project Evidence 13 Product Evidence 13 Agile Methodology Usage Evidence (Phases not completed after the other) 13 Team and Self Evaluation 14 Team Weight Achievement 14 Team Contribution throughout the Project 15 Self-Evaluation throughout the Project 17 Critical Review 18 SWOT Analysis 18 Lesson Learnt Report (Individually) 19 Future Enhancement 20 Conclusion 20 APPENDIX A – Group Common Repository Drive with Login Credentials 21 Hosted Wed URL 21 Database SQL Commands 21 Project’s Group Documentation 21 Wireframes 21 Entity Relationship Diagram 22 Page Hashara EDIRIWEERA | 001028024 | COMP1640 | University of Greenwich - UK Enterprise Web Software Development Data Dictionary of the entire system 22 Meeting of Minutes 22 Sprints 22 Screenshots of System Interfaces 22 Entire Testing 22 UML Diagrams (Class, Use Case, Sequence, Activity Diagrams) 22 Other Diagrams 22 Screencast of the Presentation 23 Product Backlog 23 APPENDIX B – Team member names and their roles 23 APPENDIX C – Document’s Abbreviations 24 APPENDIX D - References 24 Page Hashara EDIRIWEERA | 001028024 | COMP1640 | University of Greenwich - UK Enterprise Web Software Development List of Figures Figure 1: a) Similar Site to UoH Site 11 Figure 2: b) Similar Site to UoH Site 11 Figure 3: c) Similar Site to UoH Site 12 Figure 4: Username & Password of the repository email in Appendix - A 21 List of Tables Table 1: Different User Groups Login Credentials Table 2: Evaluation for the Productive Outcome Table 3: Team Weight Achievement 14 Table 4: SWOT Analysis 18 Table 5: Lesson Learnt Report (Individually) 19 Table 6: Team member names and their roles 23 Page Hashara EDIRIWEERA | 001028024 | COMP1640 | University of Greenwich - UK Enterprise Web Software Development Introduction of the University of Hartvak The University of Hartvak (UoH) is large university in London This university was established in the year of 1977 The UoH provides the best educations and the most standard educational degrees for students Since, it is a large educational sector in London, it has mainly different streamed faculties They are IT, English, Biology, Engineering and Architecture faculties The population of the UoH is approximately 11,000 of students including both undergraduate and postgraduate students Recently the UoH required a web-enabled role-based system in order to increase the university productivity and for the improvement Introduction to the Project Nowadays, the technology has immensely been increased With the involvement of technology, the manual procedures are being automated and functions as computerized systems The majority of the universities and companies uses fully automated systems This leads to make the work effective and efficient When considering the present universities, almost all the universities has their own systems to proceed with whatever their procedures For example, students’ registrations, lecturers’ salary generations, lecture hours scheduling, students’ attendance, students’ evaluation results generation and etc all of these processes are being automated throughout an entire system The University of Hartvak requires a secure web-enabled role-based system which can also be accessed by a mobile device, in order to increase the productivity and for the improvements of the university This idea is much advantageous and beneficial because all students and staff members can get registered to the site and produce their own ideas or comments Moreover, since this is not a much complex task to everybody can register and proceed accordingly Page Hashara EDIRIWEERA | 001028024 | COMP1640 | University of Greenwich - UK Enterprise Web Software Development When describing about the requirements specification, there are number of requirements to be included while the system is in development stage The main objective is to provide the ability for the students and staff to provide their ideas in the site Those use groups can also provide their opinions by a thumb-up or a thump-down for the commented comments Here, the user groups have different privileges when dealing though the site, where students cannot view staff comments and only staff can view students and staff both user groups’ comments Moreover, there are more user group levels such as a quality assurance manager, the quality assurance coordinators and an administrator Here, the quality assurance manager can control and oversee the entire running of the system and all the departments And, the QA coordinators are being assigned to control and to oversee only their relevant departments Lastly, the administrator can proceed with all the modifications and all the functions with the entire system Covering all these requirements the website URL and the screencast will show, how the system will be functioned And all the other tasks included in the group report are linked below and in order to access all the tasks in the email drive, the email credentials are given below Page Hashara EDIRIWEERA | 001028024 | COMP1640 | University of Greenwich - UK Enterprise Web Software Development URL of Hosted Website http://www.jasontest.byethost32.com/Group%20Project%20Web%20Site/project/ URL of Screencast https://drive.google.com/file/d/1cDfRDrB8jYTh8wz3b1cnskFh3dGTpZ1n/view?usp= sharing Group Common Email Login Credentials Username : uogbit2018@gmail.com Password : uog@2018VHJT All the tasks including the diagrams in the group report are stored in the above email drive Below, in the appendix – A, all those diagrams are linked Different User Groups Login Credentials Table 1: Different User Groups Login Credentials User Groups User Credentials User Name Password Student arasteph@hotmail.com ara.64as Staff Member hashediri@gmail.com hash.42ed QA Manager hashedman@gmail.com man1000.hashed QA Coordinator edhash@yahoo.com edhh26.da Administrator hasharaadmin@gmail.com max04.admin Page Hashara EDIRIWEERA | 001028024 | COMP1640 | University of Greenwich - UK Enterprise Web Software Development Evaluation for the Productive Outcome Table 2: Evaluation for the Productive Outcome Objective: Similar university sites researches Task: Make researches on similar sites via internet in order to get clear idea on how the new system looks like Deliverables: Get a better idea on what the system is based on, how the system should look like and what the system should include Objective: Analyzing the requirements for the new university system Task: Collecting the right requirements by conducting requirement gathering techniques Deliverable: Get a better knowledge on what exactly the client requires Objective: New system designing Task: Designing the new system structure using UML diagrams, ER diagrams, wireframes and so on Deliverable: Makes it easy in developing the system Objective: New system development Task: Coding the program using an editor to bring the system into real word Deliverable: To produce a system which functions according to the gather reequipments Objective: New system testing Task: Creating a test schedule and test cases Deliverable: Test results and to get an error free system Objective: New system implementation Task: Finding the right hardware and software to run the new system Deliverable: To make sure the system operates within the implementation location Objective: New system maintenance Task: Creating a user manual for the new system Deliverable: To carry out the duties within the system in a correct manner Page Hashara EDIRIWEERA | 001028024 | COMP1640 | University of Greenwich - UK Enterprise Web Software Development Use of the Project Since, the world has immensely evolved, the technology has also parallelly increased The majority of the people are so much on to the technology, where they interact with new inventions and new innovations Most of the business organizations such as software firms, hospitals, banks, universities and etc the most of these firms consists of automated systems where they eliminate the manual procedures Using automated systems, it makes the work load to be carried out much effectively and efficiently When considering the newly implemented web-enabled roles-based system of the University of Hartvak, it is much more important and considerable, because it eliminates the manual procedures and functions many functionalities from that system, instead of having many categorized manual procedures Since the new system can cover an extensive number of requirements, it is also much easier for the users to handle many situations from that single system itself For example, providing comments, registration, liking, communications and so on In addition to that, the site is a well secured system where only the relevant person can see his or her personal information Therefore, on the other hand this system provides a well secured access as well So mainly, this system is implemented in order to increase the productivity and the improvement of the university including the above-mentioned points as well Page 10 Hashara EDIRIWEERA | 001028024 | COMP1640 | University of Greenwich - UK Enterprise Web Software Development Similar Sites Research Figure 1: a) Similar Site to UoH Site (education, 2018) Figure 2: b) Similar Site to UoH Site (STV Anglistik und Amerikanistik, 2018) Page 11 Hashara EDIRIWEERA | 001028024 | COMP1640 | University of Greenwich - UK Enterprise Web Software Development Figure 3: c) Similar Site to UoH Site (Uni Reviews, 2018) Page 12 Hashara EDIRIWEERA | 001028024 | COMP1640 | University of Greenwich - UK Enterprise Web Software Development Description of Similar Sites The above shows some figures of similar university websites of University of Hartvak In the above figures the main issue is that they cannot like or dislike any comments commented Where, our implemented system consists that functionality in order to get the users likes for a certain comment Moreover, when considering the website of the University of Deakin, it is not that much user friendly and lack the attraction towards the user Therefore, it is a necessity that the interfaces should be much colorful and pleasant to deal with Evidences Project Evidence http://www.jasontest.byethost32.com/Group%20Project%20Web%20Site/project/ Product Evidence See URL of Hosted Website See URL of Screencast Agile Methodology Usage Evidence (Phases not completed after the other) https://drive.google.com/file/d/1zkwWZtJGAyNBeE6BAgGloY0DDpnN1HEP/view? usp=sharing https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_egQgzWaRwSotkI2SVCIWeG0jaBHROt7/view?us p=sharing Page 13 Hashara EDIRIWEERA | 001028024 | COMP1640 | University of Greenwich - UK Enterprise Web Software Development Team and Self Evaluation Team Weight Achievement Table 3: Team Weight Achievement Excellent - (101 - 120) ⚫ Date: 14/03/2018 Performance Color Grades: Good – (81 - 100) ⚫ Neutral – (61 - 80) ⚫ Weak - (41 - 60) ⚫ Very Weak - (1 - 40) ⚫ Tasks ID 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 Team Members’ Names Tasks Hashara Jason Viyasika Tharuka Fathima 10 10 10 10 10 10 9 8 10 10 8 10 10 8 10 8 10 10 9 10 9 10 10 10 10 10 10 9 10 10 10 8 10 10 10 9 TOTAL 112 114 108 111 99 Performance ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ Working as a group Understanding the project Take responsibilities Work under pressure Produce completed tasks on time Accepts extra tasks Easy to work with Good problem solving Good communication Produce quality output Participation on scrum meetings until end Punctuality Page 14 Hashara EDIRIWEERA | 001028024 | COMP1640 | University of Greenwich - UK Enterprise Web Software Development The above table shows the team performance and how they contributed to the project I have calculated each person’s tasks by maximum 10 points And since there are 12 tasks, I have multiplied the number of tasks (12) by 10 And, rated for 120% in overall Team Contribution throughout the Project The team has decided to divided the work load, majorly into sprints and allocate the team members in the sprints Moreover, we have allocated scrum meeting for each sprint of the project This makes easy for the team members in carrying out the meeting on the relevant sprint only Below shows a detailed summary on how the team members contributed individually in my point of view In the 1st sprint there were tasks to be completed in 13 days They are, making researches on similar websites, analyzing the right requirements, sketching the rich picture, getting the requirements specification and then prioritize all the requirements according to MoSCoW prioritization and drawing wireframes of certain interfaces In consideration of researching similar sites, all the team members were engaged on that task and did different researches on similar sites Here, all the team members were able to get the most similar sites and to get a clear idea on how the system should look like and its content Since, I am the requirement analyzer I had to get the right requirement Therefore, I was able to get all the right requirements on time and to provide them to Tharuka who was the information architect He did a good job in prioritizing the requirements according to MoSCoW prioritization Since, we had a limited time duration, Tharuka was able to provide the prioritized requirement on time to the system developer Rich picture and wireframes were drawn by Viyasika who the front-end web designer was She also did a great job in analyzing the similar site and get a clear idea on how the wireframes should be drawn by herself She contributed greatly in all the other sprints where she had to draw wireframes Same with the rich picture drawn by Viyasika In the 2nd sprint it is all about designing the system’s structure There are tasks to be completed from 12 days Drawing UML diagrams, Database designing / developing, ERD, drawing wireframes, web designing and testing were the tasks Here, the UML diagrams were drawn by Viyasika and Tharuka where other members also gave them a Page 15 Hashara EDIRIWEERA | 001028024 | COMP1640 | University of Greenwich - UK Enterprise Web Software Development support They designed it on time so that here also it is easy to start the development The use case diagram was given lately since there were many areas to be clarified But, this wasn’t a big issue since the use case diagram was handed over before the 2nd sprint ends The database side was totally handled by Tharuka where everything was done perfectly He drew the ERD and he decided how the system database should look like and what it should consist In certain areas Tharuka was unable to contact via online to check his updates But it wasn’t an issue since he completed his task before the nd sprint ends Jason was another good team player where he was responsible in designing the website He was mainly stressed with his office matters but amidst those, he was able to complete the design of web on time and gather the team to illustrate his updates Fathima also provide the fullest support in testing responsive in that relevant sprint In sprints and 4, the tasks are same but the contents of the tasks changes Both have the development of CMS and a testing part Here, the mainly included team members are Jason and Fathima Once, Jason completed the development, Fathima was able to test the developed sessions accordingly Therefore, in the 3rd and 4th sprints, the tasks were run in a smooth manner covering days in each sprint, altogether 18 days The last sprint is the 5th sprint In this task, there were tasks to be completed within 12 days of time duration They are, implementation, user acceptance testing and the entire documentation In this sprint the implementation was done by Jason He sorted out the necessary software, hardware specifications and decided how to implement it He selected the most effective and efficient specifications for the implementation Moreover, Fathima carried out the user acceptance testing and she was also assigned for that role because she acted as the product owner, where the product owner does the user acceptance testing by the client’s party The documentation was completely done by me and Viyasika we had many discussions on how to proceed with the documentation Here, we did the documentation in a systematic manner where each and every point is clear for the reader to understand In overall, all the team members did a great job in completing this project on time There were no critical issues on members when dealing with them throughout the project, since all the team members had a better understanding and the gravity of this project Page 16 Hashara EDIRIWEERA | 001028024 | COMP1640 | University of Greenwich - UK Enterprise Web Software Development Self-Evaluation throughout the Project I was the scrum master, the team leader, the requirement analyzer and the documenter Since I acted for roles and responsibilities, I understood how I contributed in all the responsibilities When considering me as the scrum master and the team leader, I was able to oversee the entire running of the project and how to get the work done by the other team members in a motivative manner And whenever members question me on different issues, the way I gave them the right response, I thing I managed very well as a scrum master and a team leader to lead the team in achieving the goal Moreover, whenever the other members had different issues, I conducted meetings, so that it makes easier for them to clarify their doubts As the scrum master I also created the Gantt chart meeting minutes and etc to get proofs of all what we did Analyzing the requirements was another task done by me, where I specified only the required requirements I was able to get all the requirements and explain to the team members that this is what the university requires Therefore, there also I was able to give them the correct idea on what requirements the system should include Lastly, I had to handle with a section of the documentation, since the other part was covered by Viyasika I have included all what the document should consist And also, this is documented in systematic format where the reader can understand what I have included here Page 17 Hashara EDIRIWEERA | 001028024 | COMP1640 | University of Greenwich - UK Enterprise Web Software Development Critical Review SWOT Analysis Table 4: SWOT Analysis Strengths Strong Weaknesses Opportunities Stressed in certain To increase Threats There can be contribution by all phases due to university other university’s team member high work load productivity competitors, can Due to limited Unable to gather Better opportunity reduce the UoH time duration, team members to increase standards motivated due to leading, Demotivational members employment organizing, comments can Knowledgeable Most of the controlling skills lead to less team members members live far and etc productivity Obtained away, so Team can be well Upcoming issues marketed with a on social and higher demand political factors, To reduce the system to be Smaller categorized denied development manual functions team, unable to into a single spend more time system knowledge will be difficulties in helpful when gathering working in an organization Market and get a higher demand on similar sites on upgrades Users will move and change to new, updated, better systems Page 18 Hashara EDIRIWEERA | 001028024 | COMP1640 | University of Greenwich - UK Enterprise Web Software Development Lesson Learnt Report (Individually) Table 5: Lesson Learnt Report (Individually) Lesson PMBOK Learnt Management ID Classification Issues Why I How did I What could Problems I Faced overcome we have done Faced that the to overcome Problem Problem the Problem Time Unable to Running out Because Management complete of time and certain task less time to L1 on time Worked on Temporary I’m the project stop employed till late employment night and spend that involve on the project time to proceed with the project L2 Communication Difficulties Had to give Members Conducted Have a Management in leading instructions lived far random specific easily the team on each away from meetings to reachable since member on each other give advices place in order unable to different to gather the gather the times members team HR Management New joiner L3 Difficulties Joined Reschedules Recruit that after in assigning after each person in the week of related tasks weeks of member first stage of tasks and the project project starting duration assigned tasks newly Page 19 Hashara EDIRIWEERA | 001028024 | COMP1640 | University of Greenwich - UK Enterprise Web Software Development Future Enhancement The system was successfully being developed and implemented But, there are certain areas where the new system cannot cover certain requirements For example, there should be an Android application for the users to use it then and there once they have installed it It is a better enhancement for the user to use the system via an application likewise, because the user can directly access it Facebook is also another social media website where the majority of people have their accounts created Therefore, in such situation it is very advantageous to link a Facebook page to the new system so that the students and staff can also rate via Facebook and any other person interested can join to the university once they see the university ratings and comments Conclusion This newly implemented system includes almost all the requirements required from the UoH It is a pleasure that the system functions accordingly and with errors free In consideration of the individual report, it also consists of most of the tasks included in the group report All the required tasks are being linked in the Appendix-A This report includes specially an evaluation of the other team members on how they did contribute in working with the project until the final phase I was a better experience and a better opportunity to develop my skills of leading, organizing, controlling and etc In conclusion I feel very much satisfied in the completion of the group project successfully and to handover the system to the University of Hartvak Page 20 Hashara EDIRIWEERA | 001028024 | COMP1640 | University of Greenwich - UK Enterprise Web Software Development APPENDIX A – Group Common Repository Drive with Login Credentials Here, in the below links you can check all the diagrams which are been included in the group report All the diagrams are individually kept in drive folders in the below email address Below shows the email address and the password with the links Username : uogbit2018@gmail.com Password : uog@2018VHJT Figure 4: Username & Password of the repository email in Appendix - A Hosted Wed URL http://www.jasontest.byethost32.com/Group%20Project%20Web%20Site/project/?i= Database SQL Commands https://drive.google.com/file/d/1augnNCCmNSW0cVI1uvA9FDOPhZepcDq/view?usp=sharing Project’s Group Documentation https://drive.google.com/file/d/1KdNEttMe61k0XtO6dcxxLUttnYGJ7yr2/view?usp= sharing Wireframes https://drive.google.com/file/d/17wbqhB1lFr4lRHquuF0NvZKrbTGuZQY/view?usp=sharing Page 21 Hashara EDIRIWEERA | 001028024 | COMP1640 | University of Greenwich - UK Enterprise Web Software Development Entity Relationship Diagram https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Vfmj5gXLtr0Y4xkqP4aYkfbDea73F3Z/view?usp=sharing Data Dictionary of the entire system https://drive.google.com/file/d/1dRBS5YeSV1RQjecjkOU8v3Te405CZtFn/view?usp =sharing Meeting of Minutes https://drive.google.com/file/d/1zkwWZtJGAyNBeE6BAgGloY0DDpnN1HEP/view? usp=sharing Sprints https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_egQgzWaRwSotkI2SVCIWeG0jaBHROt7/view?us p=sharing Screenshots of System Interfaces https://drive.google.com/file/d/1igCLhLrheEc5tA1brn97ExV3BAENkkG/view?usp=sharing Entire Testing https://drive.google.com/file/d/19kZukUblxGERF9A1GpVrcXjWRlSkEiGr/view?usp =sharing UML Diagrams (Class, Use Case, Sequence, Activity Diagrams) https://drive.google.com/file/d/1brObdbYSX_63thsKvfiQ791LDaQqLgWP/view?usp =sharing Other Diagrams https://drive.google.com/file/d/1mheHvlpMbD1gs5bMVF6tj5Xd532AHZVn/view?us p=sharing Page 22 Hashara EDIRIWEERA | 001028024 | COMP1640 | University of Greenwich - UK Enterprise Web Software Development Screencast of the Presentation https://drive.google.com/file/d/1cDfRDrB8jYTh8wz3b1cnskFh3dGTpZ1n/view?usp= sharing Product Backlog https://drive.google.com/file/d/132z1aegfFdmTAJLc1GavHftfBR5XhMI8/view?usp= sharing APPENDIX B – Team member names and their roles Table 6: Team member names and their roles Member Names & Responsibilities UoG ID Hashara EDIRIWEERA Duties Leading the team creating • Scrum Master • Team Leader • Requirement Analyzer producing a well-structured • Documenter documentation Analyzing the Gantt chart, sprint plans, 001028024 meeting minutes and right requirements Jason de SILVA • Web Designer • Web Developer Designing and programing the 001006333 Tharuka MADHUSHAN • Database Administrator • Web Developer • Information Architect website as a whole Design, develop the entire system database and 000992645 programming the website Sets up information structure with the site Viyasika MANOHARAN • Front-end Web Designer • Documenter Designing the interfaces of the 001006331 well-structured document Fathima FAZMINA • System Tester • Product Owner website and also producing a Owner of the output and 001032993 handling testing of the entire system Page 23 Hashara EDIRIWEERA | 001028024 | COMP1640 | University of Greenwich - UK Enterprise Web Software Development APPENDIX C – Document’s Abbreviations QA : Quality Assurance UoH : University of Hartvak UoG : University of Greenwich APPENDIX D - References education, F (2018) Student reviews for University College Dublin - UCD [online] Educations.com Available at: https://www.educations.com/study-abroad/universitycollege-dublin/reviews [Accessed 24 Mar 2018] STV Anglistik und Amerikanistik (2018) Feedback and Improvement Form [online] Available at: https://sturepeastudies.wordpress.com/feedback-and-improvement-form/ [Accessed 24 Mar 2018] Uni Reviews (2018) Deakin University Reviews by Students | Uni Reviews [online] Available at: https://universityreviews.com.au/students/vic/deakin/ [Accessed 26 Mar 2018] Page 24 Hashara EDIRIWEERA | 001028024 | COMP1640 | University of Greenwich - UK

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