Tài liệu vấn đáp TACN2 đạt điểm cao, có thể sử dụng thi viết, mình thi đợt trước được 9,5 nhé mng Tài liệu soạn theo câu hỏi cô giáo cho và câu hỏi trong sách giáo trình chúc mọi người học tốt 1. What does the term “corporate finance” refer to? (Concept) CF is a broad term that is used to collectively identify the various financial dealings undertaken by a corporation.
1 What does the term “corporate finance” refer to? (Concept)
- CF is a broad term that is used to collectively identify the various financial dealings
undertaken by a corporation
2 What is one of the main functions of corporate finance?
- One of the core functions of reponsible CF is to make wise use of the financial
resources available to the company
3 What is the ultimate goal of corporate finance?
- The general goal of corporate finance is to ensure that the company is achieving the
maximum profits while incurring the minimum amount of expenditure
4 What does corporate finance include?
- Corporate finance includes planning, raising, investing and monitoring of finance in
order to achieve the financial objectives of the company
5 What sources of finance can financial managers of when they want to raise more
- Finance can be collected from many sources: banks, shares, debentures, financial
institutions, creditors, etc
6 How is the capital of a firm basically classified?
- There are 2 types of corporate capital: Fixed capital and Working capital
7 How is fixed capital and working capital often used?
- Fixed capital is used to purchase fixed assets like land, buildings, machinery, etc
- Working capital is used to purchase raw materials It’s also used to pay the
day-to-day expenses like salaries, rent, taxes, electricity bills, etc
8 What are the tasks of financial managers in planning the finance?
- The finance manager plans the finance of the company He takes decisions of
questions like:
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+ What are sources of finance?
+ How to use the finance profitably?
9 What are the tasks of financial managers in raising the finance?
- The finance managers raise finance for the company Finance can be collected from many sources: banks, shares, debentures, financial institutions, creditors, etc
10 What are the tasks of financial managers in investing the finance?
- The finance manager uses the finance to achieve the objectives of the company
11 What are the tasks of financial managers in monitoring the finance?
- The finance manager monitors the finance of the company He has to minimize: + the cost of finance
+ the wastage and misuse of finance
+ and the risk of investment of finance
- He also has to get maximum return of the finance and in general he has to make sure that there are assets on hand to maintain company operations
13 What are the objectives of corporate finance?
- Some main objectives of corporate finance are making wise financial resources, developing an operation budget for all financial needs of the company, working with other departments to track income generated from various operations and investments The general goal of corporate finance is to ensure that the company is achieving the maximum profits while incurring the minimum amount of
3 What are capital sources debt financing?
- A company can raise liabilities by issuing new bonds, using trade credit or
borrowing money from banks or other financial institutions
4 What are capital sources equity financing?
- A company can increase its equity by issuing new shares, using reinvested earnings
or selling parts of the company’s assets
5 What does the high/ low gearing mean?
- A high/low gearing ratio means the company has a greater/ smaller proportion of
long-term debt
6 How many forms of equity are there? (low gearing)
- 4 forms: owne’s capital, venture capital, unlisted security market, stock exchange
7 What are advantages and disadvantages of owner’s capital?
- Owner’s capital is the money invested by the owners of the company
- Advantage: In successful times, the owners have a claim on all the net profits of the company
- Disadvantage: Owner’s capital is the most exposed form of capital because: + A return is received only after all other calls on company profits have been satisfied
+ In the case of bankruptcy, the owner’s equity will be repaid only after everyone
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8 What are advantages and disadvantages of venture capital?
- Venture capital is provided by the venture firms interested in financing high-groth
9 What are advantages and disadvantages of unlisted securities market?
- Sometimes called the second or third market
- The unlisted securities market has the advantage of allowing a company to raise
money from outside investors without losing much control of the company
- However, this source of funds is available to small and medium companies
10 What are advantages and disadvantages of stock exchange? (listed security market)
- Stock exchange is available only to large companies
- Advantage: The listed security market has the advantage of providing the long-term opportunity of raising capital by issuing fresh shares
- Disadvantage: However, at least 25% of the equity must be in public hands there by reducing the control of the original owners
11 What are advantages and disadvantages of long-term loans?
- Long –term loans provide companies opportunities to raise more capital
- Advantages: In times of prosperity, long-term loans (a high gearing) can (will) give the owners much better returns because net profit will be a much higher percentage
of equity after interest payments, on the long term debt
- Disadvantages: However, in harder times, the owner’s earning will drop
dramatically because interest payment soaks up most of the company’s profits
12 Is the higher fearing helpful or harmful to companies?
- Both harmful and helpful
Trang 513 CFO obligations: Why is it necessary for the CFO to choose the proper gearing?
- To meet long-term need for funds
- To minimize the risks and losses to the Co., ensure its liquidity and debt repayment
- To maximize the profitability and owners’ wealth
14 What do finance managers need to do to ensure a company’s long-term survival and prosperity?
- Finance managers need to make decisions about the gearing of the company
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1 How is profitability determined?
- Profitability is determined in part by the way in which a company managers its working
2 What is one of the principal functions of financial management in managing
working capital?
- One of the principal functions of financial management is to provide the correct amount
of working capital at the right time and in the right place to realize the greatest return on
3 How can working capital initially broken down?/ How many types of working
capital are there?
- Working capital can be classified in 2 ways, they are permanent working capital and
temporary working capital Permanent working capital is tied up in keeping the business
flowing throughout the year While temporary working capital is needed from time to
take account of seasonal, cyclinal, unexpected, fluctuations in the business Both types of
working capital have three major applications: firstly inventories, secondly debtors and
finally cash
4 What is permanent working capital used for? (Purpose)
- Permanent working capital is tied up in keeping the business flowing throughout
the year
- Temporary working capital is needed from time to take account of seasonal,
cyclical or unexpected fluctuation in the business
- Temporary working capital
- 3 major applications: firstly inventories, secondly debtors and finally cash
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Trang 710.8 What are inventories further divided into?
- Inventories can be further divided into inventories of raw materials, work in progress and finished goods
- These three can soak up an enormous amount of excess working capital if not well managed
- The finance manager has to minimize:
+ the stocks of raw materials (lượng nguyên liệu thô)
+ the level of the work in progress (lượng bán thành phẩm)
+ the quantity of finished goods (lượng thành phẩm)
- Avoid the vicious circle in the business
- Debtors consits of payment due to supplier and payment owed by customers
- It’s the task of the finance manager to see that generous credit terms are negotiated with suppliers but minimal credit is offered to customers A balance must be achieved between getting and giving good credit terms to attract customers and maintain a positive relationship with suppliers on one hand, and minimizing cash
outlay on the other hand
- Cash is further divided into cash for normal and abnormal requirement
- It’s the task of the finance manager to ensure that adequate cash is always available for meeting the company’s day-to-day debts and that there is also a small reserve
on hand to meet contingencies
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- The vicious circle in the business includes over-stringent cost control, disruption in
production, failure to meet customer orders, loss of customer goodwill, and loss of
production or margins?
- There will be a drop in profit
controlled too stringently?
- Over-stringent control can lead to disruption in production caused by the delay in
receiving raw materials, a failure to take account of costly price rises in the pipeline, a
failure to keep the production volume required by future sales and resulting expensive
and damaging effects on customer goodwill
- The disruption in production caused by the delay in receiving raw materials
- The ‘just-in-time” philosophy, developed in Japan, is aimed at reconciling these often
conflicting interests and keeping inventory costs to a minimum
stringent cost control :Kiểm soát
Over-Disruption in production
Failure to meet customer orders
Loss of customer goodwill mất thiện chí
Loss of sales
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Trang 10+ The objective of marketing is understand the market demand, then develope and
create new products to satisfy customer’s needs and wants
2 Why should the production department understand the marketing concept?
- Because much of the work of marketing has been done before the final products or
sevices come to existence
3 What is selling concept?
- The selling concept assumes the resisting consumers have to be persuaded by vigorous
hard-selling techniques to buy non-essential goods and services Products are sold rather
than bought
4 What is marketing concept?
- The marketing concept, assumes that the producer’s task is to find the consumer’s
wants and fill them Producer makes products that will be bought In other words, you
don’t sell what you make, you make what will be bought
5 What are market opportunities?
- Market opportunities are a profitable possibility of filling unsatisfied needs andof
creating new ones in areas in which the company is likely to enjoy a differential
advantage, due to its distinctive competencies (the things it does particularly well)
- Market opportunities are generally isolated by market segmentation
6 Why must the companies consider the existence of competitors?
- Because competitors have to be identified, monitored and defeated in the search for
loyal customers
7 Why is market research important?
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Trang 11- Because it minimizes the risk of launching a product or service solely on the basis of
intuition or guesswork
8 How to conduct a market research?
- They collect and analyze information about the size of a potential market, about the
consumers’ reactions to particular product or service features, and so on
- Sales representatives, who also talk to customers, are another important source of
9 What is marketing mix?
- The mkt mix is all various elements of a mkt program, their integration, and the amount of effort that a company can expand on them in order to influence the target
10 How many elements of marketing mix are there?
- 4Ps in the marketing mix are product, place, promotion and price
+ Products include quality, feature, style, brand name, size, packaging, services and guarantee
+ Place in a marketing mix includes such factors as distribution channels, locations
of points of sale, transport, inventory size, etc
+ Promotion groups together advertising, publicity, sales promotion and personal selling
+ Price includes the basic list price, discounts, the length of the payment period, possible credit terms, and so on
11 What does producer market include?
- The producer market contains all the raw materials, manufactured parts and components that go into consumer goods, and services that are used in the production of other goods,
or in the supply of services to others
12 Why is the producer market larger than the consumer market?
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- Because, the producer market contains all the raw materials, … There is consequently more industrial than consumer marketing, even though ordinary consumers are seldom
exposed to it
13 Who can increase sales by changing the marketing mix?
- It is the job of a product manager or a brand manager to look for ways to increase sales
by changing the marketing mix
- How are prices set?
- Throughout most of history, prices were set by buyers and sellers negotiating with
each other Sellers would ask for a higher price than they expected to receive, and
buyers would offer less than they expected to pay Through bargaining, they would
arrive at an acceptable price
2 Why have non-price factors become relatively important in buyer-choice
Bcs non-price factors include the income, needs, taste, habit and preferences of
consumers, the natural factor and the brand loyalty that determine buyer-choice
behavior whether to buy or not
3 What are common mistakes when pricing?
- The most common mistakes are that:
+ Pricing is too cost oriented
+ Price is not revised often enough to capitalize on market changes
+ Price is set independently to the rest of the marketing mix
+ Price is not varied enough for different product items and market segments
4 How do organizations handle pricing?
- Companies handle pricing in many ways
- In small companies, prices are often set by top management rather than by the
marketing or sales department
- In large companies, pricing is typically handled by divisional and product-line
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- In some industries, where pricing is a key factor, pricing department is established to
set prices or assist others in determining appropriate prices
2.- Price has operated as the major determinant of buyer choice
- Price is the only element in the marketing mix that produces revenue, the other
elements represent costs
- Price remain one of the most important element of determining company market share
and profitability
6 What is the difference between setting prices now and in the past?
- In the past, prices were set by buyers and sellers negotiating with each other through
bargaining, they would arrive at an acceptable price
- However, now prices are determined by the demand and supply and are set for all buyers
- In order to handle pricing well, companies should consider prices in relation to other 3Ps in
mkt mix and avoid making vommom mistake in setting the price:
+ Ppricing should not be too cost oriented
+ Prices should be revised often enough to capitalize on market changes
+ Prices should be set in relation to the rest of the mkt mix Moreover, prices should be
varied enough for different product items and market segments
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1 What is accounting information?
- Accounting information is the means by which we measure and communicate
economic events
2 What is the accounting process?
- The accounting process produces accounting information used by decision makers in
making economic decisions and taking specific actions (basic purpose) These
decisions and actions result in economic activities that continue the cycle
3 What do you need to understand when using accounting information in making
business decisions?
- To understand and use accounting information in making economic decisions, you
need to understand the following:
+ The nature of economic activities that accounting information describes
+ The assumptions and measurement techniques involved in developing
accounting information
+ The most relevant in4mation for making various types of decisions
4 What is the input/ output of the accounting process?
- Input: economic activities
Output: accounting in4mation
5 How many types of accounting information are there?
- 3 types: financial accounting, management accounting and tax accounting
Financial accounting information Management accounting information
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Refer to?
refers to information describing the
financial resources, obligations, and
activities of an economic entity
(on the contrary) Involves the development and interpretation of accounting information
Purpose is designed primarily for many
purposes (to assist investors and
creditors in deciding where to place
their scarce investment resources) =>
general purpose.
Used only by company’s managers such
as running the business, setting the company’s overall goals, evaluating the performance of departments and individuals, deciding whether to introduce a new line of products and in making virtually all types of managerial decisions
Who uses? used by people both inside and
outside the company (creditors,
investors, auditors, competitors,…)
mainly by people outside
Used by people inside the company (managers, employees…)
Types of
balance sheet, income statement,
statement of cash flow, (footnotes:
thuyet minh bctc)
balance account report, inventory report, accounts payable report…
- Financial position describes an entity’s financial resources and obligations at one point
in time
- Result of operations describes its financial activities during the year
- Because they determine which companies and industries will receive the financial
resources necessary for growth, and which will not
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Trang 17The most challenging aspect of tax accounting is not the preparation of an income tax
return, but tax planning
- Tax planning means anticipating the “tax effects” of business transactions and
structuring these transactions in a manner that will minimize the income tax burden
11 What is tax accounting ?
- Tax accounting refers to the preparation of income tax returns
- The tax accounting information is often adjusted or reorganized to confirm with
income tax reporting requirements
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