Bài tập lớn Tiếng Anh chuyên ngành ở Tiểu học. Bài tập liên quan đến bài tập ra trường của sinh viên sư phạm. Question 1 (2.0 points): What are the skills of a good primary school teacher? (Answer in approx. 1520 sentences). Question 2 (2.0 points): COVID19 is a pandemic that has serious impact on human life around the world. In about 500 words, describe what you do as a primary school teacher to help prevent the spread of it.
ỦY BAN NHÂN DÂN THÀNH PHỐ HÀ NỘI TRƯỜNG ĐẠI HỌC THỦ ĐÔ HÀ NỘI TRUNG TÂM PHÁT TRIỂN NGHỀ NGHIỆP - - BÀI TẬP LỚN HỌC PHẦN TIẾNG ANH CHUYÊN NGÀNH Ở TIỂU HỌC Hà Nội, tháng 10, năm 2021 ỦY BAN NHÂN DÂN THÀNH PHỐ HÀ NỘI TRƯỜNG ĐẠI HỌC THỦ ĐÔ HÀ NỘI TRUNG TÂM PHÁT TRIỂN NGHỀ NGHIỆP - - BÀI TẬP LỚN HỌC PHẦN TIẾNG ANH CHUYÊN NGÀNH Ở TIỂU HỌC Họ tên học viên : Ngày sinh: Mã sinh viên: Lớp: Giáo viên dạy học phần: Hà Nội, tháng 10, năm 2021 Trần Mạnh Phúc 03/11/1996 Hoài Đức Question (2.0 points): What are the skills of a good primary school teacher? (Answer in approx 15-20 sentences) Answer Many people believe that working as a teacher is simple However, each occupation has its own requirements and standards and the work of teachers has its own too There are some essential skills that any primary school teachers should not ignore if they want to become a good teacher The first I would like to mention is observation skill Teachers must regularly observe students so that they can make the most correct, objective and fair assessment In this way, parents can grasp their children's learning progress Secondly, communication skills are a must-have for any teacher Teachers not only communicates with students in terms of lesson content, but also has to deal with different languages arising inside and outside the school, communicate with students' parents, With each associates, teachers must choose an appropriate communication style to both maintain a good relationship and keep their pedagogical style that follow the standard of pedagogical mannerand the standard writing and knowledge for teachers, self-innovation in teaching In addition, the teacher also has skills in informatics, organization of activities, skills in handling situations occurring in the classroom, basic first aid skills, and emergency exit The most important thing that a teacher needs is to always listen, be patient and understand students All these skills will help the teacher a lot on his educational path Question (2.0 points): COVID-19 is a pandemic that has serious impact on human life around the world In about 500 words, describe what you as a primary school teacher to help prevent the spread of it Answer As people around the world have been taking preventive measures to protect themselves, their families and the community from the acute respiratory infection (Covid-19) caused by the Corona virus Ensuring all children’s uninterrepted learning in a welcoming, respectful, inclusive and supportive environment is very important In this, schools and teachers play a key role As a primary school teacher, sharing accurate and scientific information about COVID-19 will help reduce fear and anxiety about the disease and enhance children's ability to cope with indirect impacts of the epidemic on daily life The following are some suggestions to help students: - Listen and answer children's questions in an age-appropriate manner; Avoid providing too much information that can overwhelm children Encourage children to express and share their feelings Discuss with children about the Trần Mạnh Phúc 03/11/1996 Hoài Đức feelings they are experiencing, explain to them that these are normal feelings in the face of unusual current situations - Emphasize that children can a lot to protect themselves and those around them For example, introduce children to the concept of keeping a safe distance in public (stay away from friends, avoid crowds, don't touch others unnecessarily, etc.) At the same time, focus on communicating healthy behaviors such as covering your mouth and nose when coughing and sneezing with your elbow and washing your hands often - Help children understand the basic concepts of disease prevention and control Use some activities to illustrate how bacteria spread For example, you can pour colored water into a spray bottle, then spray colored water on a blank sheet of paper so your child can see how far the drop can spread - Illustrate why washing hands with soap for 20 seconds is so important For example, pour some emulsion on a student's hand, and ask the child to wash their hands only with water to see how much emulsion is left on their hands Then ask the child to wash their hands again with soap and water for 20 seconds to see how the emulsion on the hands is washed off - Ask students to read a passage, then analyze the behaviors that lead to high risk of infection in that passage and suggest ways to change the behavior For example, a teacher came to school with a cold He sneezed and covered his nose and mouth with his hand Teacher shakes hands with colleagues After that, the teacher wiped his hands with a handkerchief and went to class What did the teacher that led to the high risk of infection? What should teachers do? The above are my suggestions in propagating to students to prevent the spread of disease Question (2.0 points): In most countries, it is compulsory for children to receive primary education at school, though in many jurisdictions it is permissible for parents to provide it at home Discuss both views and give your opinions (about 500 words) ABOUT TEACHING AT SCHOOL AND HOME (or SCHOOLING, HOMESCHOOLING AND UNSCHOOLING) Regarding students going to school, studying with their teachers is not only learning knowledge alone, but they will also be equipped with soft skills, which can only be found in practice If they study at home, students cannot have these things, because they are only surrounded by walls, and people from the same family Trần Mạnh Phúc 03/11/1996 Hoài Đức Going to class, students will learn how to behave through social interactions, with teachers and friends, learn a lot of things (positive and negative, of course), not just knowledge through textbooks Regarding the curriculum, the school curriculum may be outdated and overloaded, but due to the rapid progress of human science and technology, or at least the program is compiled by leading experts, as well as will be better than the program set by the parents for the children to study second point of view studying at home with parents I think there are more negatives than positives Studying at home with young parents may get more specific attention from their parents, but the child does not have a social environment Parents can teach their children the appropriate knowledge more clearly and selectively, but with the basic knowledge they will have limitations in teaching their children skills as well as choosing the right book curriculum for their children Staying at home can save travel time for both parents and students but it is difficult for parents to arrange a suitable time for themselves because they have to go earn money for other jobs One of the points that I think that Unschooling is more dominant than schooling is that it completely actively breaks down all barriers and avoids many limitations that exist when everything is forced to comply with a certain system for schooling A lot of anti-educational things happening in the heart of schooling today create pressures that greatly affect the learning spirit of children today - all due to the negligence and lack of understanding (if any) of the students a large number of people who are directly involved in education work - and make an impact on other non-specialists are parents So personally, if the mother/father is people who are intelligent and have a high self-study ability, their decision to engage in teaching young children is an action worthy of encouragement and facilitation NO ONE can education with all sincerity like a mother and father And if there is more insight, then that education will go to the depth needed to create a GOOD PERFECT PEOPLE In the end in my opinion The fact that students study at home with their parents without going to school still faces many shortcomings because parents are not experts in that field Only advanced countries in the world, in a force majeure condition, can apply distance learning programs, studying at home is not the best option for students to go to school A small child who is receptive, goes to kindergarten early will always communicate, speak faster than a child who is only cared for at home Trần Mạnh Phúc 03/11/1996 Hoài Đức Finally, according to me, I should not replicate the self-study model at home “This model can exist in the world, but it is a very special case, and we should not individualize such things as common in our country.” Question (2.0 points): Find 100 words about the topic: “Natural science in primary education” Translate these words into Vietnamese 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 Acid rain: mưa axit Air pollution: nhiễm khơng khí Reproductive cell: tế bào sinh sản Salivary glands: tuyến nước bọt Alveoli: phế nang Analyze: phân tích Ancestry: nguồn gốc, tổ tiên Respiration system: hệ hô hấp Antibiotic: chất kháng sinh Antibody: kháng thể Antiseptic: thuốc sát trùng Bacteria: vi khuẩn Blood: máu Blood detoxification: giải độc máu Bond: liên kết Cancer: ung thư Cell respiration: hô hấp tế bào Cellular change: thay tế bào Cellular immune response: sức đề kháng Cell wall: thành tế bào Characteristic: tính chất, đặc tính Chemical reaction: phản ứng hóa học Chlorophyll: diệp lục tố Chloroplast: lạp lục Chromosome: nhiễm sắc thể Venus:Kim tinh Comet: chổi Mercury : Thủy tinh Earth :Trái đất Pluto: Diêm Vương Tinh Saturn : Thổ tinh Asteroid: tiểu hành tinh Mars: Hỏa tinh Neptune: Hải Dương Tinh Sun: Mặt trời Trần Mạnh Phúc 03/11/1996 Hoài Đức 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 Uranus: Thiên vương tinh Jupiter: Mộc tinh Orbit : Quỹ đạo, quay quanh Star: Ngôi New moon: Trăng non/trăng tròn Asteroid: Tiểu hành tinh Galaxy Dải ngân hà Constellation Chòm Solar/lunar eclipse :Nhật/nguyệt thực Comet: Sao chổi Earth: Trái đất Sun :Mặt trời Solar eclipse: Nhật thực Moon : Mặt trăng Lunar eclipse: Nguyệt thực Aerospace: Không gian vũ trụ Airship (n): Khí cầu Alien (n): Người ngồi hành tinh Asteroid: Tiểu hành tinh Atmospheric (adj): Khí Blimp (n): Khí cầu nhỏ Craft (n): Phi thuyền Crew (n): Phi hành đoàn Blood vessel: mạch máu Heart: trái tim Oxygen gas: khí oxi Carbon dioxie: khí cacbonic Capillaries: mao mạch Heart – related diseaes: bệnh tim mạch Sore throat: viêm họng Tonsillitis: viêm amidan Urinary system: hệ tiết Kidney: Thận Urinals: ống dẫn nước tiểu Urethra: ống đái Pee: bóng đái Nervous system: hệ thần kinh Skull: hộp sọ Brain: não Spinal cord: tủy sống Nerves: dây thần kinh Vertebrae: đốt sống Trần Mạnh Phúc 03/11/1996 Hoài Đức 78 Neural activity: hoạt động thần kinh 79 Generations: hệ 80 Agnate: họ nội 81 Maternal surname: họ ngoại 82 Sister: chị/em gái 83 Brother: anh/em trai 84 Relative: họ hàng 85 Fire protection: phòng cháy 86 School activities: hoạt động trường 87 Gymnastics ensemble: đồng diễn thể dục 88 Study: học tập 89 Play: vui chơi 90 Agricultural activities: hoạt động nông nghiệp 91 Protect the forest: bảo vệ rừng 92 Adopt fish: nuôi cá 93 Commercial activities: hoạt động thương mại 94 Industrial activities: hoạt động công nghiệp 95 Steel making: luyện thép 96 Knitting: dệt kim 97 Village: làng quê 98 Urban: đô thị 99 House: nhà cửa 100 Streets: đường sá 101 Traffic activities: hoạt động giao thông 102 Environment: môi trường 103 Trash: rác thải 104 Pond: ao 105 Lake: hồ 106 River: sơng 107 Fuse: ngịi Question (2.0 points): Lesson plan: The Story of a Mother by Hans Christian Andersen THE MOTHER I Objective: A Reading Practice: 1) Practice reading out loud: - Pay attention to the words: panic, overcoat, entreat, stream down, cold - Can read and discriminate the narrator’s voice with the character’s voices (mother, Dark God, bush, lake, The Death), read silently, and understand basic ideas Practice reading comprehension skills: Trần Mạnh Phúc 03/11/1996 Hoài Đức - Understand the words of the story, especially the annotated words: several nights , fall asleep, entreat, stream down - Understand the content of the story: the mother loves her kids so much, because of them, she can everything B Storytelling: Practice speaking skills: students have to know how to replay the story in the role with the appropriate tone of each figure Practice listening skills: Students focus on watching their friend’s reconstruction, comment, and appreciate correctly II Teaching tool: - The illustrations of the reading in the textbook - The writing paragraph sub-table for students to practice reading - Some tools for students to reconstruct the story by role: a scarf for the mother, a black shawl for the Dark Spirit, a scythe (symbol as a spoon) for The Death III The teaching activities: Teaching Teacher Activities Activities of process students Reading The teacher calls students to read -3 students read and Practice again the story of the Mantra and the answer questions Bang Lang flower A Old post - Answer about the content of the (3 minutes) story -Review old post B New post -Mother Introduction -Title (2 minutes) 2.1 Teacher reads as a sample 2.1 Teacher guides students to Reading practice reading, and explains the practice (15-20 meaning of some words minutes) a Read the next sentence -Students read the sentence for the first time -Practice to read difficult words: panic, fall asleep, overcoat, entreat, stream down, cold -Students reread the sentences b Read the next paragraph -Students consecutively read paragraphs in the reading - student reads note -Students pay attention to listen -Read the next sentence in line -4 students read -1 student reads Trần Mạnh Phúc 03/11/1996 Hoài Đức - Teacher further explains: frantic: means panic, hurry c Read passage in group d Read in chorus - Students in lines read paragraphs sequentially -Comment and analyze the story -Students silently read paragraph + Briefly tell what happened in paragraph 1? 3.Learn lesson (15 minutes) - Read in unison in groups -Silently read paragraph - The mother stays up a few nights to look after her sick baby Too tired, she fell asleep Woke up, and found that she had lost her child, and she completely panicstricken found her child The God of the Darkness said: her son was taken away by the Death She begged the God of the Darkness to show her the way to chase the death nd -1 student reads out loud the paragraph, read silently and answer - student reads paragraph - The class read silently +What does the mother to let the bush show her the way? +The mother accepts the request of the thorns: embrace the scratching dust to warm it, make it sprout and blossom the middle of the winter - Quietly read paragraph -The whole class read paragraph silently Trần Mạnh Phúc 03/11/1996 Hoài Đức Practice reading (15-18 minutes) + What does the mother to let the lake show her the way? -The mother obeys the request of the lake: cry so much that her eyes fell into the lake, turning into pearls -1-2 students read paragraph 4, the whole class watches the textbooks - 1-2 students read paragraph 4, followed by class + What is the attitude of the Death when seeing the mother? - Surprised, not know the reason why the mother has come to his place + How does the mother respond? - She replies: because she is a mother, a mother can everything for her son and she wants the death to return her child -Read the post silently Discuss in pairs, choose the right ideas and speak up the ideas -Students read the whole article silently, exchange in pairs to choose the best idea to tell the story -Teacher concludes: all ideas are correct because the mother is very brave, loves her son very much, but the best idea is 3: the mother can everything for her child -Teacher re-reads paragraph -Guide students to read the 4th paragraph, express the character correctly, pay attention at breaks, words need to be emphasized: - Seeing her / The Death asked surprisingly: // -How can you come to this place? // The mother replies: -Because I am a mother // Give me my son // (Mother's voice is calm, humble, but resolute, decisive) -3-4 students compete in reading paragraph - Group activities, assign roles to read stories - The groups take the reading exam according to the role Trần Mạnh Phúc 03/11/1996 Hoài Đức B Storytelling (18-20 minutes) -Hold a reading competition in groups of children, self-assigning (narrator, Death, mother, Night God, bush, lake) -The groups re-read the story by role -The whole class and teachers comment and vote for the best reader, the best reading group - Listen, comment, vote for best reader, best reading group -1.Teacher gives the task: Students will tell the story, reconstruct the story in the role (without books) - Listen, comment, vote for friends, group reconstruct the best story, most vividly - Students answer Guide students to reconstruct the story by role -Teacher reminds students: repeat the character’s speech according to memory, not look at the book, maybe with movements, gestures, as if they are playing a small play -Students compete in reconstructing a story by role, if the class is weak, in the first time, the teacher will match the narration, students are characters, the next time, students play all the roles -The whole class and teachers commented and voted for the group reconstructing the best and most interesting story 5.Consolidationrecommendation (2 minutes) - Through the story, what you understand about the mother's heart? Summary: The mother loving her children, is very brave, she can everything for her children, she sacrifices herself to make her children live -Comment periods 10 -The students listen attentively - Practice reconstructing the story and retelling in the role -Listen to teacher Trần Mạnh Phúc 03/11/1996 Hoài Đức - Tell students to go home to practice telling the story Prepare the following lesson: Mother is away from home on stormy day 11 ... TRƯỜNG ĐẠI HỌC THỦ ĐÔ HÀ NỘI TRUNG TÂM PHÁT TRIỂN NGHỀ NGHIỆP - - BÀI TẬP LỚN HỌC PHẦN TIẾNG ANH CHUYÊN NGÀNH Ở TIỂU HỌC Họ tên học viên : Ngày sinh: Mã sinh viên: Lớp: Giáo viên dạy học phần:... học Chlorophyll: diệp lục tố Chloroplast: lạp lục Chromosome: nhiễm sắc thể Venus:Kim tinh Comet: chổi Mercury : Thủy tinh Earth :Trái đất Pluto: Diêm Vương Tinh Saturn : Thổ tinh Asteroid: tiểu. .. Uranus: Thiên vương tinh Jupiter: Mộc tinh Orbit : Quỹ đạo, quay quanh Star: Ngơi New moon: Trăng non/trăng trịn Asteroid: Tiểu hành tinh Galaxy Dải ngân hà Constellation Chòm Solar/lunar eclipse