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[...]... of writingassignments strongly influenced the writing outcomes" (27) A 2001 NAEP INational Writing Project study drew similar con clusions about the relationship between writingassignments and the success of student writers The study looked at writingassignments and the related writing that students composed, as well as at interview tran scripts of both students and teachers reflecting on the assignments. .. recently completed Each writing assignment should be part of a larger curricu lum that focuses on writing for a range of different audiences and pur poses In other words, designing effective writingassignments involves attention to the assignments that have come before and those that will come after The entire series of writingassignments matters Looking across the range of assignments, you should... challenges in the writing classroom 1 The Essentials of an Effective Writing Assignment know that good writingassignments result in good writing I've seen the ways that writers-me, my col1eagues, my classmates, the students whom I've taught-write stronger, more sophisticated papers when they are asked to respond to well-developed writingassignments When I first started teaching business writing, for... because of all the demands we face in (and out of) the classroom Designingwritingassignments is just one of the many tasks that we must complete as we teach, and of those tasks, designingwritingassignments is one of the more complicated jobs that we face Writing teachers face challenges similar to those that students face when composing a writing assignment We have to identify audience, purpose, and... our writingassignments to the spe cific group of readers in the classroom-to fit the message to the audi ence's needs The research by Storms, Riazantseva, and Gentile as well as the findings of the 2001 NAEP I National Writing Project study indicate that writingassignments need to contain adequate detail for students to understand and accomplish the writing task We need to match the writing assignments. .. my first graduate paper, "Designing WritingAssignments for a Composition Curriculum." I gathered a variety of books-peda gogical books that explained how to teach writing and textbooks that included example after example of writingassignments and response prompts I read extensively and did my best to learn as much as I could I thought I was ready I redesigned the writingassignments for the next... plans and teacher resources The time that I spent doing all that writing and re writing actually changed the way that I write I learned to write by writing- and that's how students in most effective writing classrooms learn to write Writing instruction needs to focus directly on writing, not on talking about writing or reading about writing The delivered curriculum needs to include many oppor tunities... motivated to do it." For a writing assignment, this means incorporating multiple op portunities for writing and encouraging students to write frequently A writing assignment may ask students to write a descriptive essay, an informative report, or a persuasive letter The best writing assignments, however, do not limit writing activities to a primary task As we design writing assignments, we need to structure... composing writingassignments is no simple charge Edward M White explains this challenge: "The construction of appropriate writingassignments is one of the hardest jobs for the teacher and is exacerbated by the dearth of supportive material available Every teacher should keep in mind that designingassignments is a particularly demanding form of writing, call ing for the teacher to use the entire writing. .. stronger writing I quickly learned that 2 Chapter 1 the more detail and attention I put into the writing assignments, the better students' writing was It's not that I was just lucky Research tells us that student suc cess in the writing classroom is directly related to the support and di rection provided in the assignments Barbara A Storms, Anastasia Riazantseva, and Claudia Gentile analyzed the writing .
classroom. Designing writing assignments is just one
of the
tasks that
complete as
of those tasks,
designing writing assignments.
Effective Writing Assignment
Beliefs into Practice
Designing Writing Assignments
Tasks for Standard Writing