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(SKKN mới NHẤT) warming up listening lesson by listening short stories

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    • 1.1. Reasons for choosing the theme.

    • 1.2. The purpose of studying.

    • 1.3. Studying scope

    • 1.4. Methods of studying

  • 2. Contents of theme.

    • 2.1. Theoretical basis of the problem:

      • There are many ways to enhance the listening skill for students such as watching English films, talking with the foreigners, listening to music, listening the English tape lessons . Besides that, nowadays, there are also many kinds of books introducing the methods to improve listening skills : Tactics for listening – basic ( author- Jack C . Richards), Listen carefully (Jack C . Richards), Listen in ( David Nunan),Big Step Toeic (Kim Soyeong và Park Won)…..

    • 2.2. The reality of studying listening skill before applying to the theme

      • 2.2.1 To the students

      • 2.2.2 To the teachers

      • 2.2.3 To the school

    • 2.3. Solution and implementation

    • NAME:_____________________ DATE:___

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    • NAME:_____________________ DATE:___

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    • 3.1. Results

    • 3.2. General conclusion

    • 3.3. Proposals.


Nội dung

TABLE OF CONTENTS Page BACKGROUND .2 1.1 Reasons for choosing the theme .2 1.2 The purpose of studying 1.3 Studying scope 1.4 Methods of studying Contents of theme 2.1 Theoretical basis of the problem: .4 2.2 The reality of studying listening skill before applying to the theme 2.2.1 To the students 2.2.2 To the teachers 2.2.3 To the school 2.3 Solution and implementation 2.3.1 Solution………………………………………………………………6 2.3.2 Implementation………………………………………………………6 GENERAL CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 17 3.1 Results 17 3.2 General conclusion .1818 3.3 Proposals 1818 REFERENCE DOCUMENTS 1919 download by : skknchat@gmail.com BACKGROUND 1.1 Reasons for choosing the theme In the context of deeper integration, English has become an essential tool not only bring success in business, education, but also in life. As English has affirmed the role and the importance of improving their quality of teaching is the most important issue. Thus the task of every teacher is to innovate teaching methods, improving the quality of teaching and learning in their respective classes schools Learning each of any a different language requires learners to study four skills: listening, reading, writing,speaking and use them smoothly and fluently Through practice at high schools in Trieu Son district in general and at particular high school in my province, especially in mountainous areas, I see that almost teachers only focus on teaching grammar and ignore the studying of English skills, which is the reason why all of the students leaving the school can’t speak and listen English or communicate with foreigners by simple statements Because of these problems, I have been an English teacher for 10 years, I have thought about them so much and made decision to change the methods helping my students to focus on studying English skills and grammar simultaneously Listening is one of the most difficult skills for all students at high school I am teaching the 10th grade this year Whenever I give them listening lesson on textbook, they feel bored, tired and don’t have motivation to study because they can’t hear anything and can’t exercises To solve this problem, I decide to warm up them in listening part by letting them listen a brief of English story At first,I had a lot of difficulties because each unit on textbook has one listening lesson and I have to finish it within 45 minutes There are three periods per week for English subject, which is not enough time for me to focus only listening skill and to incorporate English stories Then I find a number of methods for positive, simple, easy to understand practical ensure science to develop thinking ability; speculation and creativity of students I choose a warm up for the listening lesson which is a short English stories from easy to difficulty.The students like this way and they feel excited and enthusiastic with the lesson In the process of teaching 10th grade English in the past year as well as during the school year I have studied the textbook program, instruction manuals and have related documents office, internet,discuss with experienced colleagues in professional meetings, summer training to find a way to overcome difficulties, to help them learn better, apply the knowledge learned to the exercises as required Based on the collected experience by myself and the knowledge gained through the references, I wrote this little theme to contribute to improving the quality of teaching of the subject, innovative teaching methods and learning With this small range of initiatives I boldly go into a problem “Warming up listening lesson by listening short stories” download by : skknchat@gmail.com 1.2 The purpose of studying The use of “Warming up listening lesson by listening short stories” that I give to help students be primarily interested in learning a foreign language and reduce the maximum inhibition in studying foreign language at high school Moreover, I wanted to stimulate learners to listen English, the active form of communication In addition, I want to enhance my professional work on my own, and to exchange experiences with my colleagues 1.3 Studying scope For foreign language lessons in grade 10 elementary 1.4 Methods of studying 1.4.1 Method of theoretical studies - Base on the documentation and innovation of high school education methods in English by the Department of Secondary Education - Ministry of Education and Training issued - Collect songs on the theoretical journal, the presentation on the Internet 1.4.2 Studying Methodologies include: observation, investigation, analysis, exchange, statistics, aggregation, comparison, summarization 1.4.3 Method specialists - Refer to the experience of a number of teachers who have a passion and experience in the use of modern methods in teaching subjects in English download by : skknchat@gmail.com Contents of theme 2.1 Theoretical basis of the problem: English, which is an international language is communicated all over the world One-fourth of the world population speaks English So teaching English is the most important issue in Viet Nam Actually, We haven’t had suitable methods to teach and study English, which results all of students in Viet Nam can’t communicate in English and always of talking with foreigners They are not confident enough to talk Because we often focus on teaching grammar and ignore teaching the skills and vocabulary Both teachers and students haven’t had motivation to develop the lessons To help students have amenities of studying, the teacher should change the different methods to inspire for students Listening, which is one of the most difficult skills to learners and teachers is easy to make students tired when studying Therefore, before starting listening unit, I motivate them by listening a short English story I think that an interesting English story will make them have amenities of lessons There are many ways to enhance the listening skill for students such as watching English films, talking with the foreigners, listening to music, listening the English tape lessons Besides that, nowadays, there are also many kinds of books introducing the methods to improve listening skills : Tactics for listening – basic ( author- Jack C Richards), Listen carefully (Jack C Richards), Listen in ( David Nunan),Big Step Toeic (Kim Soyeong Park Won)… I chose the English stories to stimulate my students to study listening skill 2.2 The reality of studying listening skill before applying to the theme 2.2.1 To the students English has become one of core subjects such as different subjects, but this subject is difficult, only a few students who can absord it easily Especially, those students in rural and moutainous areas learn English badly In recent years, according to program of new textbooks, new methods of teaching and learning, many students are interested in studying English, but some students ignore to study it and they don’t have inspiration in learning English Many weaker students don't understand the knowledge, they don’t have active learning methods, learn passively, wait for the results of his friend made In adddition, many children are afraid of speaking in class practices, afraid of saying before the class because they think it would be wrong Some of them have not read the written proficiency, not even record the material in class, homework This fact shows that this object is not a favorite subject of many students Some students, especially poor students, lack of sense of learning, lack of patience in learning, have not kept pace with new learning methods, they become confused with the acceptance and adoption of knowledge on practical skills Many download by : skknchat@gmail.com are unaware on this matter, not fully understand the meaning of the subject during the international integration Some of them learned is due to their curiosity, relaxation Therefore, they are not really serious about learning and trying I also have language lessons students feel depressed, tired, hard to acquire knowledge, even for those who are students with good and excellent Whenever I teach listening part, my students feel bored with it and they don’t like studying because they can’t hear anything and can’t the task They don’t know more new words and don’t focus on pronunciation, which is a reason makes them listen badly To improve their listening lesson Firstly, I inspire to them, stimulate them in each listening part by using the short English stories to warm them up Secondly, I teach them from easy to difficult  School year 2018 – 2019 I was assigned to teach two classes 10A and 10B Through practical investigation in the early year I obtained the following results: Total students Percentages of Students likes studying listening Very much Much Normal Hate/Scared Numb Numbe Numb Numbe % % % % er r er r 15 95 16% Advanced Numb % er 5% 20 22% 30 31% Learning capacity of students Proficient Developing Numbe Numb % % r er 15 16% 45 48% 30 31% Beginning Numbe % r 30 31% 2.2.2 To the teachers      Through practical projects at the time, there are a lot of teachers don’t renew their methods, change perceptions and teaching habits although they know that their students don’t like studying listening, even some teachers don’t teach listening part, only teach grammar, writing, reading, speaking.They think that their students can’t have the ability to listen When I gave my theme, some teachers strongly supported ,but others didn’t like They thought that it was a waste of time using this way and it made noise, which affected other classes They want to spend more time to focus on grammar because it serves their tests Through the exchange and survey from my colleagues I get the results Using English stories in warm up listening part Total teachers Often Numb % er Sometimes Numbe % r 17 17% % A little Numbe % r 33 % Never Numbe % r 33 % download by : skknchat@gmail.com 2.2.3 To the school Facilities not really full The outstanding teaching aids, reference books which serve lessons are limited This is an disadvantage for teachers and students 2.3 Solution and implementation 2.3.1  Solution: Before beginning each part of unit in the textbook, the teachers warm up the students by playing a game or ask some questions about things related to the lesson To listening skill, I often warm up my students by listening a short English story At first, some students don’t like because they can’t hear and can’t the task asked by me Gradually, I am still patient step by step ,I give them some stories from easy to difficult, which inspire them At the end of first term they are exciting about my listening strategy Each part of unit has to finish within 45 minutes So there are a lot of activities for it I try my best to plan and distribute suitably for each section: - Warm up: 10 minutes : listen the English story and a small task I give them the story on a sheet of paper with gap, they have to listen and fill the gap - Pre-listening: minutes: I often supply new words and phrases relating to the listening lesson, which helps them to listen and the task better - While-listening:21 minutes : I play the tape and conduct the student to listen and the tasks - Post-listening:7 minutes: ask students to review the lesson or the task, summarise the main points of the lesson and assign the homework 2.3.2  Implementation Within a short time in warm-up, It is difficult for me to choose the short and interesting English stories, which is suitable with their tastes and can inspire them.With the new method, I only give them a task while listening is filling the easy gap.The most important thing is to make them enhance their listening skill.There are 40 students in my class and the classroom is very large, I ask my headmaster for two good speakers and laptop to serve my teaching I also choose the easy stories with familiar words I hope that from my point of view, my students will like and improve listening skill Some methods of organizing the implementation of enhancing listening skill - Inspire for the students by using variety of English songs - Ask them to listen at home many times everyday because “ Practice makes perfect” - Watch English films, listen to music, talk with foreigner and listen to the tape from text book regularly, which also help them improve the listening skill - Ask them to remember the 10 principles of listening: + Stop talking download by : skknchat@gmail.com + Prepare yourself for listening + Put the speaker at ease + Remove distractions + Empathise + Be patient + Avoid personal prejudice + Listen to the tone + Listen for ideas – not just for words + wait and watch for non-verbal communications I gave my students each story sheet with 10 or 15 blanks in in every listening part of the textbook 10 and let them listen twice Each story included From to minutes While listening they had to fill the words into the gaps After that I would give them keys to check It was a new way to study with students in my school and in a year implementation, I realised that my students were interested in listening Within a short time I only give some stories as examples, which I use them to warm up my students in listening part Going into detail each Unit as follows: Unit 1: Part C: Listening - TextBook 10 I.Warm- up: 10 minutes NAME: _ DATE: _ Belling the cat Long ago, the mice a general council to consider what measures they could take outwit their common enemy, the Cat.Some this, and some said that; but at last a young mouse got up and said he had a proposal to make, he thought would meet the case."You all agree," said he, "that our chief danger consists in the sly and treacherous manner in which the enemy approaches us Now, if we could some signal of her approach, we could easily escape from her." "IT IS EASY TO PROPOSE IMPOSSIBLE REMEDIES." download by : skknchat@gmail.com KEY: 1.had to said which will receive Unit 2: Part C: Listening - TextBook 10 I.Warm- up: 10 minutes NAME: _ DATE: _ The rat and the elephant A Rat was along the King's highway He was a very Rat, considering his small size and the bad reputation all Rats have As Mr Rat walked along—he kept mostly to the ditch—he a great commotion up the road, and soon a grand procession came in view It was the King and retinue.The King rode on a huge Elephant adorned with the most gorgeous trappings With the King in his luxurious howdah were the royal Dog and Cat A great of people followed the procession They were so taken up with of the Elephant, that the Rat was not noticed His pride was hurt A resemblance to the great in some things does not make us great download by : skknchat@gmail.com KEYS: 1.traveling his proud Crowd Noticed admiration Unit 3: Part C: Listening - TextBook 10 I.Warm- up: 10 minutes NAME: _ DATE: _ The jay and the peacock A Jay venturing a yard where Peacocks used to , found there a number of feathers which had fallen the Peacocks when they were moulting.He tied them all to his tail and strutted down towards the Peacocks When he near them they soon discovered the cheat, and strid-ing up to him pecked at him and plucked away his borrowed plumes.So the Jay no better than go back to the other Jays, who had watched his behaviour from a distance; but they equally annoyed with him, and told him: 'It is not only fine feathers that make fine birds.' download by : skknchat@gmail.com KEYS: into walk came could From were Unit 4: Part C: Listening - TextBook 10 I.Warm- up: 10 minutes NAME: _ DATE: _ COST OF THE BELL Everyday, a shepherd used to his cows for grazing He had tied a bell to each of the he had so that he could know where they were grazing The best cow had a costly bell tied around her neck One day, a stranger was going the pasture Seeing the costly bell around the cow's neck, he went to the shepherd and asked if he would sell the bell Out of greed, the shepherd sold the bell But now he could not where his best cow was grazing On getting an opportunity, the stole the cow Thus, the shepherd lost his best cow just because of his 10 download by : skknchat@gmail.com Keys: 1.take cows through know stranger greed Unit 5: Part C: Listening - TextBook 10 I.Warm- up: 10 minutes NAME: _ DATE: _ THE MISCHIEVOUS DOG There was a Dog who was so ill-natured and mischievous that his Master had to fasten a heavy wooden clog about his neck to him from annoying visitors and neighbors But the Dog to be very proud of the clog and dragged it about noisily as if he wished to attract everybody's attention He was not able to anyone "You would be wiser," said an acquaintance, "to keep quietly out of sight with that clog Do you want everybody to know a disgraceful and ill-natured Dog you are?" Notoriety is not fame 11 download by : skknchat@gmail.com Keys: once impress keep old seemed what Unit 6: Part C: Listening - TextBook 10 I.Warm- up: 10 minutes NAME: _ DATE: _ NEVER TELL A LIE On his deathbed, a father his son to always speak truth The son that he would never a lie One day, while going to the city through a forest, he got by some robbers One of them asked, "What you have?" The boy answered, "I have fifty rupees." They searched him but couldn't anything When they were about to go, the boy called out, "I am not telling a lie See this fifty rupee note which I had hidden in my shirt." 12 download by : skknchat@gmail.com The leader of the robbers felt at the truthfulness of the boy, gave him hundred rupees as reward and went away KEYS: advised surrounded promised find promised pleased Unit 7: Part C: Listening - TextBook 10 I.Warm- up: 10 minutes NAME: _ DATE: _ The crow and the pitcher In a spell of dry , when the Birds could find very little to drink, a Crow found a pitcher with a little water in it But the pitcher was high and had a neck, and no matter how he tried, the Crow could not reach the water The thing felt as if he must die of thirst Then an idea came to him Picking up some pebbles, he dropped them into the pitcher one by one With each pebble the water a little higher until at last it was near enough so he could drink 13 download by : skknchat@gmail.com "In a pinch a good use of our wits may help us out." KEYS: weather poor thirsty small narrow rose Unit 8: Part C: Listening - TextBook 10 I.Warm- up: 10 minutes NAME: _ DATE: _ The two crabs One fine day two Crabs out from their home to take a stroll on the sand "Child," said the mother, "you are very ungracefully You should accustom yourself to walking straight forward twisting from side to " "Pray, mother," said the one, "do but set the yourself, and I will follow you." "Examples is the best precept" 14 download by : skknchat@gmail.com KEYS: came side walking without young example RESULTS Unit 9: Part C: Listening - TextBook 10 I.Warm- up: 10 minutes NAME: _ DATE: _ The Goose with the Golden Egg One day a going to the nest of his Goose found an egg all yellow and glittering When he took it up it was as as lead and he was going to throw it away, because he thought a trick had been played upon him But he took it home on thoughts, and soon found to his delight that it was an egg of pure gold Every morning the same thing occurred, and he soon rich by selling his eggs 15 download by : skknchat@gmail.com As he grew rich he grew greedy; and thinking to get at once all the gold the Goose could give, he killed it and it only to find, nothing Greed often overreaches itself KEYS: countryman second there became heavy opened GENERAL CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 3.1 Results Through the practical lessons ,poll the ideas of students and compare the quality of the class. During training I noticed they no longer have to worry when I give them listening lesson, they were excited and always expected the listening part It is different from these old days.English stories stimulated them to study with listening part of text book 10 My colleagues saw the advantages of using English stories to warm up the listening part Now they support my way and will follow it 16 download by : skknchat@gmail.com next year For me, I will try much more to renew my method and help my students to inspire with English 3.1.1  Results achieved through a school year 2018-2019 TT class sizes Pretty Good Average Unsatisfactory Percentages of Students likes studying listening Total Very much number Numb er 23 Much Numb % er 24% 42 Normal Numb % er 45% 25 Hate/scare Numb % er 26% % 5% Learning capicity of students Excelent 95 Numb er 15 Good Numb % er 16% 45 Avarage Numb % er 48% 25 Weak Numb % er 26% 10 % 10% 3.1.2 Compare Compare with the results of the first survey I saw Excelent students, increased: 11% Good students, increased relatively: 31% Avarage students, decreased : 22% Weak students, decreased:20% 3.2 General conclusion Learning is a long hard work for students. Thus teachers who has not only intensive knowledge but they also find ways to make lessons effective and attract syudents’ attention. Guidance for children how to learn is one of the most important methods, especially, it is necessary to encourage them to use English in your life. Learning a language is to practise communicating without fear. So I made some slight idea to help yourself find a method to develop listening skills for students at 17 download by : skknchat@gmail.com high school in general and students in particular grades 10 efficiently, help students achieve high academic quality  By applying this method, the teacher can stimulate their students with the listening part, they are excited to study.It will improve their interest as well as enhance listening skill Despite much effort, but there are certainly shortcomings. I welcome and appreciate the valuable suggestions of colleagues to this method which can be further improved 3.3 Proposals In the process of implementing, I have some proposals: - Providing enough facilities for teaching and learning of English at high schools - Create a budget to procure the kind of videos, pictures and content rich cultural mores, celebrity, festival, of the UK and the USA - Create favorable conditions for teachers to have access to information technology and application to serve better for the teaching of English These are the thoughts and practical work by myself to improve the quality of English teaching at high schools Omission is inevitable, I look forward to receive the comments of my colleagues at my school as well as in others for this initiative to be more perfect and is used widely Sincerely thank you! AFFIRMATION OF THE HEADMASTER Thanh Hoa, 10th May, 2019 I assure that this is my related learning experience, I not copy other people’s content Tran Thi Phuong REFERENCE DOCUMENTS I download songs on you tube web I have some links helping you to enhance listening skill for students : - National Public Radio Talk of the Nation - Audio news talk show Morning Edition - Morning news talk show All Things Considered - Audio talk show on a variety of topics Motley Fool Radio - Personal finance and investing talk show Car Talk - Talk show about cars and more 18 download by : skknchat@gmail.com This American Life - Life and culture NPR News NPR Music NPR Arts and Entertainment NPR Podcast Directory BBC Online BBC News Hour BBC Hard Talk - Journalists debate current events BBC Americana - Current issues in America BBC The Witness - Real-life accounts of major events Radio - Sports and news Radio - Talk, culture, literature, and news Radio Extra - Radio comedy, drama and programming for children Radio - Music and entertainment Radio - The latest music 19 download by : skknchat@gmail.com ... problem ? ?Warming up listening lesson by listening short stories? ?? download by : skknchat@gmail.com 1.2 The purpose of studying The use of ? ?Warming up listening lesson by listening short stories? ??... listen badly To improve their listening lesson Firstly, I inspire to them, stimulate them in each listening part by using the short English stories to warm them up Secondly, I teach them from... teachers warm up the students by playing a game or ask some questions about things related to the lesson To listening skill, I often warm up my students by listening a short English story At first,

Ngày đăng: 29/03/2022, 22:47
