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A study on liquid industrial wastage processing procedure at kanetsu bussan company in saitama, japan

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THAI NGUYEN UNIVERSITY UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE AND FORESTRY DAM THI HOA A STUDY ON LIQUID INDUSTRIAL WASTAGE PROCESSING PROCEDURE AT KANETSU BUSSAN COMPANY IN SAITAMA, JAPAN BACHELOR THESIS Study mode : Full-time Major : Environmental Science and Management Faculty : Advanced Education Program Office Batch : 2014 – 2018 Type : On-the-Job Training (OJT) Thai Nguyen, 2019 DOCUMENTATION PAGE WITH ABSTRACT Thai Nguyen University of Agriculture and Forestry Degree Program Bachelor of Environmental Science and Management Student name Dam Thi Hoa Student ID DTN1454290013 A study on liquid industrial wastage processing procedure at Thesis title Kanetsu Bussan Company in Saitama, Japan Supervisor Assoc Prof Phan Dinh Binh Supervisor’s signature Abstract: The purpose for study is find information about the industrial wastewater treatment processes of Kanetsu Bussan, Saitama, Japan Learn about the origin of waste water, components of waste water, wastewater treatment processes, treatment systems, operating principles of the system, field observations and based on Environmental Standards of Japan and around the world to evaluate the safety of wastewater before discharging into the environment Water environment, water quality, treatment, method, Key words: environmental standards Number of pages: 43 Date of 04/2019 Submission: i ACKNOWLEDGEMENT After six months for studying and working at Kanetsu Bussan Company in Saitama, Japan, I have applied the knowledge to study in the field and got much more experience for myself in the work of future In order to successfully complete the internship, I would like to express my gratitude to the teachers in the Advanced Education Programs for teaching and imparting knowledge and skills to a stable and confident student during the internship I would like to thank my gratitude to my supervisor, Assoc Prof Phan Dinh Binh for his invaluable useful comments, remarks, motivate and engagement through the learning process of this graduated thesis I also thank the support of Thai Nguyen University of Agriculture and Forestry, the coordinators and program managers for their support and assistance I am using this opportunity to express my gratitude to my classmates, who supported me throughout this course, by their aspiring guidance, invaluable constructive criticism, and friendly advice I am sincerely grateful to them for sharing their truthful and illuminating views on a number of issues related to my thesis I also would like to express my sincere thanks to Mr Hayasaka (Executive Director of company in Saitama Prefecture) and his colleagues in the factory for helping me to create favorable conditions for me to complete my on-the-job training Finally, I sincerely thank the members of Chikyujin in Japan (Chikyujin Study Abroad in Japan Program) for helping me with my studies and work at the company ii Due to the limited knowledge, the practical experience is not much, so my report still has many shortcomings and limitations So I hope the teachers in the faculty and the colleagues in the training organization contribute ideas to complete my report Thank you all very much! Sincerely yours, Dam Thi Hoa iii TABLE OF CONTENT ACKNOWLEDGEMENT i LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ii CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION 1.1 Rationale 1.2 Objective 1.3 Contents of work 1.4 Profile of the cooperating agency 1.5 Description of my activities 1.6 Timeline CHAPTER II: LITERATURE REVIEW .5 2.1 International literature review 2.1.1 Water resources in the world 2.1.2 Water resources and situation of water pollution in the world 2.1.3 Scientific background 2.2 National literature review 12 2.2.1 Water resource in Japan 12 2.2.2 Water resource in Vietnamese 15 CHAPTER III: STATUS OF THE CONSIDERED ISSUE AT THE TRAINING AGENCY 19 3.1 Object and scope of the study 19 3.1.1 Object of study .19 3.1.2 Scope of the study 19 iv 3.2 Location and time conduct 19 3.2.1 Location 19 3.2.2 Time 19 3.3 Research contents .19 3.4.Method 20 3.4.1 Method of collecting secondary information 20 3.4.2 Survey method 20 3.4.3 Comparative method .20 3.5 Waste water treatment system at Kanetsu Bussan Company in Saitama, Japan .20 3.5.1 Introduction to processing systems 20 3.5.2 Explain of the processing system .24 3.5.3 Main construction items 26 CHAPTER IV: DISCUSSION AND KNOWLEDGE ACQUISITION .35 4.1 Discussion 35 4.1.1 Overview in the SBR process 37 4.1.2 Incidents and solutions 38 4.2 Knowledge acquisition .39 CHAPTER V: 40 CONCLUSION 40 REFERENCES 41 APPENDIX v LIST OF TABLES Table 1.5: Diary of training Table 2.1: Water reserves in the world .6 Table 3.1.1: Items related to the protection of human health 22 Table 3.1.2: Items related to the protection of the living environment 25 Table 4.1: Some indicators and solutions 38 vi LIST OF FIGURES Figure 2.1: The water in the world Figure 3.5: Waste water treatment system of Kanetsu Bussan Company in Saitama 20 Figure 3.5a: Pump station 26 Figure 3.5b: Flow equalization tank 27 Figure 3.5c: Disinfection tank 28 Figure 3.5d: SBR tank ( aeration stage ) 29 Figure 3.5e: SBR tank ( settle stage ) .29 Figure 3.5f: SBR operating princeple .30 Figure 3.5g: Excess Sludge Tank 32 Figure 3.5h: Thickened sludge 32 Figure 3.5i: Screenings grinder 33 Figure 3.5k: Garbage 33 Figure 3.5l: Filter presses sludge 34 Figure 3.5m: Dry sludge 34 vii LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS Abbreviations Meaning DO Dissolved Oxygen COD Chemical Oxygen Demand BOD Biochemical Oxygen Demand EIA Environmental Impact Assessment ISO International Organization for Standardization SBR Sequencing Batch Reactor TCVN Vietnam standard TSS Total suspended solids viii CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1.1 Rationale In recent years, the economic and social development of our country has made remarkable achievements, many lives have been improved Our country is in the process of industrialization, development, and modernization and achieving great success in many areas In addition, international relations, international cooperation is very important strategies of Vietnam Japan is a partner, especially cooperation in the field of education According to the Ministry of Education and Training, the number of Vietnamese students in Japan increased 12 times compared to the last six years The figure is up to 54,000 as reported by the Japan Student Association (April 2018 data) To validate the knowledge that has been trained at the university in practical work and to strengthen the relevant technical knowledge, to apply the knowledge learned in practice, along with access to new technology in wastewater treatment in Japan Therefore, I chose the topic: A study on liquid industrial wastage processing procedure at Kanetsu Bussan Company in Saitama, Japan 1.2 Objective Find some information about source of wastewater, wastewater treatment process at Kanetsu Bussan Company Saitama, Japan : - System diagram - Functional components in the system NH4 + O2 → NO2 - + H2O + 2H+ (Nitrosomonas) NO2 - + O2 → NO3 – (Nitrobacter) In this period, it is necessary to control input indicators such as DO, BOD, COD, N, P, aeration intensity, temperature, pH, to be able to produce activated sludge effectively for later settle Settle: In this phase, it is prevented from discharging wastewater into SBR tank, not blowing air and stirring in this phase for the purpose of settling in water in a completely static environment This is also the time for denitrification in the tank with high efficiency The time is about hours The result of this process is to create layers in the tank, the above phase separation layer and the sediment is the bottom mud layer Draw: Water deposited will be removed by the water collection system without settle by the Decantor device Draw water for about 0.5 hours Idle: Waiting to load new batches, the waiting time depends on the 4-phase operating time and on the number of tanks, the order of loading the source water into the tank The characteristics of the SBR process are that there is no need for activated sludge circulation Both reaction and settle processes take place right in a tank, activated sludge does not diminish at the reaction stage and does not have to circulate activated sludge from settling tank to keep concentration The structure is simpler and more durable Due to automatic system operation, it is easy to operate and reduce the requirement of human power but this is also a major drawback 31 because it requires high technical skills Easily integrate nitrate/nitrification and phosphorus removal The phases change alternately but not lose BOD removal capacity by 90-92% Reduce construction costs of settling tanks, transmission and pump piping systems Simple installation and easy expansion Excess sludge treatmen Handling and disposal of solid and sludge arising from wastewater treatment is one of the most important technologies Concentration technology is used to reduce the volume of sludge Water separation technology is also used to reduce the volume of sludge Figure 3.5g: Excess Sludge Tank Figure 3.5h: Thickened sludge The main purpose of sludge dewatering/sludge activity reduces the volume of sludge, thereby reducing the scale and capacity required of stages and equipment for sludge treatment later In addition, reducing the water content also reduces the 32 power consumption when heating the mud in a heating furnace The performance of draining water in the mud depends on the type of equipment and the quality of the mud Figure 3.5i: Screenings grinder Waste water leading to industrial wastewater treatment systems must first go through the garbage Here, large-sized components (garbage) such as rags, garbage, cans, leaves, plastic bags, etc are retained So avoid blocking the pump, pipe or stretching channel This is an important step to ensure safe and favorable working conditions for both wastewater treatment systems Figure 3.5k: Garbage Depending on the size of the gap, the garbage can be divided into coarse, medium and smooth But the coarse garbage bar has a distance between 60 - 100 mm bars and it is fine but there are 10 to 25 mm between bars According to the 33 shape, it can be divided into garbage and garbage screens But the garbage can also be fixed or mobile Figure 3.5l: Filter presses sludge Figure 3.5m: Dry sludge To dewatering, the system uses filter presses sludge, screenings and grinder to separate the waste water from solid materia The press plate pieces will use compressive force to penetrate the water through the filter and retain the waste on it The waste water is separated through the filter plate and returned to the raw sewage tank for treatment The sludge after leaving the frame mud press machine has a very high dryness, ranging from 35% to 75% depending on the requirements and mud properties Mud reduces most of the volume, becomes thin, light, easily broken by hand, easy to transport and consumes less fuel to burn if in case of carrying it for destruction Much will be provided to the composting plant 34 CHAPTER IV DISCUSSION AND LEARNED LESSON 4.1 Discussion Nowadays, the growing acceptance of sustainable development as an overarching policy goal has stimulated interest in assessing the impact of particular interventions on sustainable development at aggregate, sector project levels (Centre for Good Governance, 2006) Wastewater has high organic content (from 50 to 55%) with many microorganisms, including some pathogenic microorganisms such as: total coliforms from 106 to 109 MPN/100ml, fecal coliform from 104 to 107 MPN/ 100ml According to environmental expert of Japan International Cooperation Organization (JICA) in Vietnam, Mr Yutaka Matsuzawa: Waste water is the most frightening environmental pollutant To solve the problem of pollution, currently in the world, especially in developed countries and tissues Centralized and unfocused wastewater treatment models have been studied and selected technologies for wastewater treatment to protect the environment, especially with wastewater in unfocused residential areas or places Cramped space is not suitable for installing bulky (concentrated) processing systems or high population density to recreate water sources Many studies (DWP, 2005) show that the form of wastewater treatment at the source has many advantages and overcome the limitations of the centralized wastewater treatment model such as: - Can use technology flexibly, suitable for each specific condition, thereby promoting high efficiency in the processing process 35 - Can be applied separately with each household, each residential cluster or combined with the office areas (schools, hospitals ) to ensure continuity in operation; - Moreover, this model is based on the principle that users and capital investments, thereby reducing the initial investment burden for the participants and avoiding the initial large investment capital; If improved technology can be combined with organic waste (organic waste) in processing to reuse biogas, energy, heat, "clean" water, thereby creating a most income for investors and support operating costs Currently there are the following popular upstream wastewater treatment systems in the world: *JOHKASOU Technology: JOHKASOU Technology from Japan are one of the most common types of water treatment system in the world, because they use aerobic treatment, anaerobic combined biological filter The system incorporates many tanks and technological processes to create a lot of mud The system has many advantages such as energy saving, high efficiency and easy control However, the system also has some disadvantages: large investment costs, occupy a lot of space, require high concentration and flow of water input JOHKSOU technology, which used for wastewater treatment in Japan since the end of the 20th century, declining water pollution in the 50s and 60s Since 2001, improved technology can handle both black wastewater (toilets) and gray sewage (bath wash) thanks to biological filters Currently, about 23% of the Japanese population uses this model 36 * Korea's Bio-Sac technology: The second selected treatment system is Korea's Bio-Sac technology The system combines anaerobic, anaerobic and adhesion technology to reduce the time of water retention, compact, less impact on the input water source and reasonable price In Germany, Switzerland as well as in many European countries, the source wastewater treatment model with many different processes has also been prioritized, especially in unfocused residential areas In many states in the United States, the source of wastewater treatment at the source has also been developed and applied According to statistics, up to 75 million households in this country install a home wastewater treatment system with many different technologies Thus, waste water treatment at source not only brings economic efficiency, high processing efficiency but also has important significance in educating the awareness of environmental protection of the whole society Currently this model has been implemented and applied in many developed countries with many different technologies 4.1.1 Overview in the SBR process - The outstanding feature of the SBR process is that there is no need for activated sludge circulation Both reaction and settling processes take place in one tank, activated sludge is not wasted at the reaction stage and no need to circulate the activated sludge from the settling tank to keep the concentration - Simple and sustainable texture 37 - Due to automatic system operation, it is easy to operate and reduce human power but requires high level of staff - Easy to carry out nitrate reduction and phosphorus removal - The phase changes continuously but does not lose BOD removal capacity 90 – 92 % - Simple installation, can upgrade expansion and reduce construction costs 4.1.2 Incidents and solutions Stop working There are many reasons to stop operations: repairing, troubleshooting machines, upgrading systems When there is no wastewater, it is necessary to maintain a good activity of the sludge: keep the waste water in the reservoir for a long time, keep the value of DO in SBR tank stable from 1.5 to 2.5 mg/l, add nutrients nourish if necessary SBR incidents and solutions Table 4.1: Some indicators and solutions No Expression Reason Solution The design Amount of water is 200m3 / day, so in Adjust the amount data when case the data is too much, it is not enough of water used and using BOD time to separate the sludge and water, so temporarily stop the 0.8 mg/l the sludge is discharged The amount When treating waste water, the amount of Only waste water is of microorganisms will be reduced so that to not enough to use a microorganis reduce the amount of waste treatment will vacuum ms increases be reduced out with excess sludge, but the discharge excess sludge to reduction is less but the mourning is too much, so there is the discharge of sludge 38 4.2 Knowledge acquisition During the months for studying and working at the Kanetsu Bussan Company in Saitama, Japan, I have gained many experiences and lessons for myself: - Apply some knowledge learned in the field: field survey, public consultation method, etc - Planning work so that saves time and efficiency, improve the ability to work independently as well as teamwork - Learn experiences in work and in life - Improve my ability to communicate and give opinions in front of the crowd 39 CHAPTER V CONCLUSION Nowadays, industrial zones are growing more and more, along with the development of such storms, the amount of waste water discharged into the environment is increasing, making the living environment seriously polluted Therefore, the demand for industrial wastewater treatment is an indispensable thing here In industrial zones, waste water consists of two main types: waste water from manufacturing factories in industrial zones and domestic wastewater generated from dining areas, toilets, offices, etc Domestic wastewater is often very stable in composition, but the production wastewater often changes in properties and composition Domestic wastewater mainly pollutes by parameters COD, BOD, fat, etc., while for production wastewater in industrial parks, it is only identified in each production item Therefore, for factories, factories need to build a wastewater treatment system before discharging wastewater into the drainage system of the industry 40 REFERENCES I Vietnamese Reference Assoc Tran Ngoc Dam, 07/2017, Plasma Energy and Environment Research CES Division, Ho Chi Minh City University of Technical Education (CES Plasma-UTE) http://cesti.gov.vn/UPLOADS/XUHUONGCONGNGHE/OVERVIEW/2017 11130602261390Tongquan_Ky%205_XulynuocthaibangCNPlasma_181020 17.pdf Date of accessed: 18/04/2019 Nguyen Duc An, March 19, 2015, " Overview of wastewater " https://giaiphapmoitruong.net/ky-thuat-moi-truong/tong-quan-ve-nuoc-thai.html Date of accessed: 15/01/2019 Ngo Xuan Binh (2002), "Adjusting the macroeconomic policy of Japan science and technology and environment aspects", Japanese and Northeast Asian Research Journal, No (41), p 10-16 Toàn A,( May 3,2018) https://toana.vn/chat-luong-nguon-nuoc-va-cach-xu-ly/ Date of accessed: 12/01/2018 Le Quoc Tuan, (4/2013), Water Resources and the status of water's use Le Thi Thuy, (2011), Internship report of wastewater treatment at Binh Hung plant II English Reference 41 General Information on Solids by Sheila Murphy ,April 23, 2007 http://bcn.boulder.co.us/basin/data/NEW/info/TSS.html ISO 14001:2015 International Organization for Standardization https://www.iso.org/standard/60857.html Textile industry wastewater discharge quality standards 2015 https://www.roadmaptozero.com/fileadmin/pdf/WastewaterQualityGuidelineLitRev iew.pdf Date of accessed : 17/04/2019 Trần Thanh Lâm,June 2011, Social Sciences Information Review, Vol.5, No.2 http://www.vjol.info/index.php/ssirev/article/viewFile/8461/7838 Ministry of the Environment Government of Japan (JCN1000012110001), October 21, 2015 http://www.env.go.jp/en/water/wq/nes.html Date of accessed : 20/04/2019 Water and statistical data _ Department of water resources management 03/2018 World Water Assessment Programme (UNESCO WWAP) 2009 Environment, Land, Water and Planning 2017 III Internets Reference "Development and Environment Series 6, Environmental Law in Developing Countries, Southeast and East Asia" (1994) Institute of Developing Economics https://www.env.go.jp/earth/coop/coop/document/10-eiae/10-eiae-2.pdf 42 Outline of the Water Resources Policy in Japan by Kunihiro MORIYASU, Deputy Director, Water Resources Planning Division, November 2006 http://www.narbo.jp/event/materials/twwa03/tw03_09_02.pdf Water Resources in relation to Major Agro-Environmental Issues in Japan Kingshuk Roy, College of Bioresource Sciences, Nihon University 1866 Kameino, Fujisawa-shi, Kanagawa 252-8510, Japan royk@brs.nihon-u.ac.jp http://www.nourin.tsukuba.ac.jp/~tasae/Japan.pdf Website : Kanestu Bussan Company in Saitama, Japan http://kan-etsu.com/contact/ Water resource in Japan, 2018 http://siteresources.worldbank.org/INTEAPREGTOPENVIRONMENT/Resources/ WRM_Japan_experience_EN.pdf 43 APPENDICES Table 1: Indicators before and after treatment of wastewater treatment system at Kanetsu Bussan Company, Saitama, Japan in 2017 Months 10 11 12 Before 18 10 8 35 28 22 After 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 Before 9,1 10,2 7,0 9,7 9,6 9,9 10,0 7,8 8,8 10,5 7,0 7,0 After 7,4 7,6 7,4 7,5 7,1 7,2 7,3 7,3 7,4 7,6 7,0 7,1 Before 2,4 ≥1 1,4 ≥1 ≥1 ≥1 ≥1 ≥1 2,9 1,7 After 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 Time for work (h) 11,9 14,2 15,1 17,3 18,0 24,0 33,0 34,0 18,4 20,8 29,7 13,8 For hour m3/h 14 14 11 11 11 10 12 15 15 15 15 15 167 199 166 190 198 240 396 510 276 312 446 207 Indicators Transparency (cm) pH BOD (mg/l) Clean water volume (m3) Table 2: Indicators before and after treatment of wastewater treatment system at Kanetsu Bussan Company, Saitama, Japan in 2018 Months Indicators 10 11 12 Before 12 10 6 10 10 - After 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 - Before 7,1 8,8 6,8 8,1 11,2 10,1 7,7 9,1 9,6 8,9 9,0 - After 7,4 7,5 7,3 7,3 7,4 7,3 7,4 7,3 7,3 7,3 7,2 - Before 1,4 1,3 1,7 1,2 2,9 3,5 2,9 1,6 3,3 - - - After 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 - - - Time for work(h) 12,5 12,9 18,5 23,9 15,7 16,1 17,5 16,2 16,9 17,3 14,7 - For hour (m3/h) 14 14 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 - 175 181 278 359 236 242 263 243 254 260 221 - Transparency (cm) pH BOD (mg/l) Clean water volume (m3) ... Iruma-gun, Saitama Prefecture 415-1), Japan - Learn about the source of wastewater at Kanetsu Bussan Company in Saitama, Japan - Learn about wastewater processes and wastewater treatment data 19 3.4... collecting secondary information Reference, collect materials related to internships, processes taking place in SBR tanks, wastewater treatment systems at Kanetsu Bussan Company in Saitama, Japan Data... in wastewater treatment in Japan Therefore, I chose the topic: A study on liquid industrial wastage processing procedure at Kanetsu Bussan Company in Saitama, Japan 1.2 Objective Find some information

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