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7 After Mrs wang rl,s the first time (A) had retumed to her house from work she was cooking (D) r (B) r* l?u,,* (B) (c) (c) er:::: (D) After he graduates from university, he joined the army (c) (D) L0 up to now there had been no woman being chosen the us president (A) (B) (A) 11' I (B) (c) (D) think I won't come to the Party because I will have an interview for a job with (A) G) (c) a 1n) publishing firrn 12 I{hen you will cor"ne to Da La! next summer, I will take you round the city (A) (B) (c) (D) 13 She said that she will be in paris on Monday (B) (D) 14 He wrote his diary in code so that his wife won,t be able to read it (A) (B) (c) (D) 15 I haven't finished the report before she visited me (A) (A) (c) (B) PART 4: SUBJEGT AND VERB AGREEMENT (SU HOA HgP GII./A GHU NGI./ VA I'ONG TI./) A LY THLrIfT : NouN + AND + NouN -+ PLURALVERB Ex: - Water and oil not mix The teacher and the principal qre Tuy nhi2n: - : \OUN (v sdnhibu) in the hctu My friend and teacher ls Tom (Chi mQt nguoi) + OF + NOUN LIKE WITH ALONG WITH TOGETHER WITH IN ADDITION TO + VERB AS WELL AS BESIDES OR ACOMPANIED BY 101 T,OT fiauow ' iJ n?\ 'g r BUAA UVfNDNIS + A A ndda q, *,,r, I " ''Papaql'ddduq ar, ?u[q aql ,qrp aq1 ,rood fiapung uo '-1 o4 og o4 gUiIA lYUnfd 'Paaps aq Ti- ^-1 -!- ?C 'FI (loa[qns) NNON 'fit+uapuadrprl r"l uvrnDNJS +- unou ruln8urs + lraaa f ';I :xl + uflgl{nN AHr TVUnfd + dO UggWnN V '9 ol nl\s + Eg Ytom ol sI nofr uo poog ifid! + EUIIHI 1ooqa@ fiq@ -:xJ t U!THIIET{ (lI 9s qra^) gUiIA UYfNDNIS nqrHN gS + cr HNVcr rl 9s cr + {o \ HNvcr ,/ UIIHIIiI + AUEAE HfVlI v fr"dduqoSp4nqJaa4aq+WqS+uapn}Sa41frtLl0Jo1V.o-_ \ I II _ TaWf ^SrHi+ o+ryM IINO ON ,ACIO saw o S 'aN OANY ,ACIO gA uaA ,q ,P 'S :x1 'p '_') m anql :x7 sassatp asar7 {o 'sautom 04 uatrsll J , Tqrua + (INV + unou rulngurs + d.ra,ra 'a f 'fI g qm1ry,*7 uopoqrs o4og e(nqrqu os unou) NSON ''l t_': @@ guil^ UVfnSNIS 1pualry 'alqel uaq)lDl raq uo l/v\oq qsryplo8 fr{,'LT i'v 'I :9 S1ISIJU1IXA sralplos aql Jo sa'rnlrrd aL{I '02 :aq )J '9I )'v t[L '7r V ,}^I'TI V )N'ZI araql sI 'c 'sl'Y 'sE1v\'g 'rurou sse.r3 Suqea alllPf '6I 'sI araql 'v 'are araql 'B 'arE'J aJa/v\'c 'araql arP 'J M'II salels 'pa1ras a.re sraBrnqtuer{ araq/v\ s}uerne}sar pooJ lspJ 'LIJIL{M srC 'sr qJrrI1v\'J - palyn aql lnoq8norlll 'B 'arE 'uaaq a^er{'c 'uaaq a^eq'c ' sl e- 'tuns 3rq 'aJa1v\'c OI V a^eq'c Y slr'{ 'pa>lsE 'B ser{'J spuauJ '>laam lsEI aJtns asIJ e Jo, )rLL 'g V lh^g.'/ 'aIa1vI'J paJrtar aq uat{lvr salqqoq sratl+PJpuu;3 dtu parrordurl si'3 parrordurr aJE c 'uaaq p€q'C V '9 V )EA'g Y aN'7 '8urryorur lou'Cl )AA'Z I'9I 'sl'v rou tuoJ raLI}laN 'rI '{se 'v sJa>lJoM Jo 'aJe Jaqunu V 'gI 'g 'sazrorduilg 'se1v|V sa}ou raded pue sulor p1o 3unra11o)'ZT 'aaordun'y 'pulru rnor( pue dpoq rnod aslJJaxg 'II '{Jorvr },uop 'V ')rom l,usaop 'g '>lJozvr ol lou'J rnor{ 1l auoqd dru asn uPJ no1 '0I 'sl'v 'are'g 'se1!1.'J tq8poi dlrBd ar{l o} Suro8 'ra8eueur raq qtlm 3uo1e 'ssal13E aqJ, '6 'puads'y 'spuads'g '1uads sr'3 '1uads are'C 3ur4oo1ara1v\ c dauour ]o ioi V '8 'read d;aaa Sursqraape uo 3ur1oo1arE 'J '3uo1oo1sB1v\'g '3ur1oo1 sry - 'g f/ 'v - 'ara1!r'c V uQ'g 'araM 'arP'g 'se,^/\'J paTSE 'v 'lI srEIIop puesnoql a^I{ '91 'tq8p tsel araql 'pa>lsP 'v urE P- 'lq8ru 1se1d1red ,drelN 'are 'g 'f '81 sJlruouoJil 'sB1v\'g - 'alal!\') V '6 'sl 'aJror{f, Jo aJuarJs aql V OIAtr alrl) auo plos uaaq 1sn[ a't'eq '3 plos araM 'v pios uaaq 1sn[ peq'q plos arP 'g )N'9I ILLL Jo :arualues qrua alaldruo) ol uopdo lsaq ar{l i'v fL e- du''V '/v\ou leurturJf, ar{l roJ 'ara1vl'c 'sl'g - 'SP1V\'J 'tq8p lsel Suqaau aql le aldoad t dit - ot ? Euyu lo uyq 03 uvral P "(1uo arrlod aLLL '/ 'are'v tlttv 8tt?4 cly4clryEu Lplt{l araqJ '9 ?y!8 la uBn ft khangaietbo ok,cotn,un 2.Every love needs B mery women and children needs A mary woman and child One of the girls who like are B day More men than A woman are C work / is D work lare the film C is like was D are like is C days were D were C womell are D women is left handed B woman is Every one of the students on time for class B are B There C were B \\rere C have beerl information about taxes A were C is D, are in the bowl on the table A looks B smells Writing D is heIptul B have been 10 The vegetables A letter D have been some monev on the table A are 11 my nlece the same as the before A days was This D, men, women and children need B likes Each A C man, woman and child need in this office A works I is B 'works / Neither Lan nor her parents A - DT : (02I) 391 0351 - [)oA 3"xlr:,r-1: fresh C are D is C letter make D letters make her happy makes B letters makes 12 None of the money robbed from the banks last year A has been found B have been found C has found 13 My father and mother for the same company A works B work C is workirg 14 The elderly this kind of music, but the young A don't like / does B doesn't like / Collecting old coins and paper he retired 15 A 16 is B are Neither you nor I _ A are B C, don't like / D have found D has worked D doesn't tike / one of my father's hobbies when notes C was D were responsible for the bad result be Fifty thousands dollars A were B has been 17 Neither oil nor coal A was B are 18 does yet C am D is stolen C have beer1 D are used to produce electricity C is D were 111

Ngày đăng: 14/03/2022, 01:10
