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SOP Intercontinental Group Chinese Restaurant How to present s bill41649

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Page of CR-0010 STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE TASK: HOW TO PRESENT A BILL TASK NUMBER: DEPARTMENT: DATE ISSUED: CR-0010 F&B – Chinese Restaurant Jan 2005 GUEST EXPECTATION: That the correct bill is presented without any mistakes in a clean folder and timely manner by a friendly and smiling staff TIME TO TRAIN: 20 minutes Why is this task important for you and our guests? Answers: To To To To To maximize guests satisfaction ensure the bill presented is the correct one ensure the bill folder is clean ensure the bill presented in a timely manner ensure the guest is thanked for coming to the restaurant Page of CR-0010 STEPS 1) Print out the bill from the POS machine HOW/ STANDARDS Use personal code/swipe card to obtain approval to access TRAINING QUESTIONS Why should you use your own card? Pick up table/bill number to print 2) Check the bill Check for the correct table, number of persons, food and beverage ordered items Add missing items if there is any Check if the typing is clear & tidy enough Why should you check the right table, etc? Why should you check the bill? Why should you check if the folder is clean? Why should you make sure the pen is working? Place bill into a clean bill folder with (working) pen and guest’s comments questionnaire 3) Present the bill Stand at the right side of the guest and say, “Excuse me; Mr./Mrs./Ms./Sir/Madam XXXX, here is your bill.” Put the bill in front of the guest, open the bill folder, put a pen on it, point at total amount, but not announce amount unless the guest asks you to so Return change/slip and say, “Mr / Mrs / Ms / Sir / Madam XXXX, this is your first and final copy, thank you.” (DRILL LANGUAGE) Why should you open the bill folder for the guest? Why should you not announce the amount in front of the guests? Why should you return the slip? Why should you ask the guest the fill out the questionnaire? Page of CR-0010 Leave the questionnaire and pen behind and say, “Can we take a minute of your time to fill out the questionnaire and give us your feedback on the dining experience in order for us to improve our product and services? Thank you.” STEPS HOW/ STANDARDS 4) Bid farewell Wish guest and say, “Have a pleasant day.” TRAINING QUESTIONS (DRILL LANGUAGE) Why should you bid the guests farewell? Now ask the trainee to practice the task from start to end to test competency Summary questions: Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why should should should should should should should should should you you you you you you you you you PHOTO INDEX #01 use your own card? check the right table, etc? check the bill? check if the folder is clean? make sure the pen is working? open the bill folder for the guest? not announce the amount in front of the guests? return the slip? ask the guest the fill out the questionnaire? CR-0010 Page of ... guests farewell? Now ask the trainee to practice the task from start to end to test competency Summary questions: Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why should should should should should should should...Page of CR-0010 STEPS 1) Print out the bill from the POS machine HOW/ STANDARDS Use personal code/swipe card to obtain approval to access TRAINING QUESTIONS Why should you use your own card?... order for us to improve our product and services? Thank you.” STEPS HOW/ STANDARDS 4) Bid farewell Wish guest and say, “Have a pleasant day.” TRAINING QUESTIONS (DRILL LANGUAGE) Why should you

Ngày đăng: 12/03/2022, 11:01

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