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SOP Intercontinental Group Chinese Restaurant How to serve MaoTai41639

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Page of CR-0020 STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE TASK: HOW TO SERVE “MAO TAI” TASK NUMBER: DEPARTMENT: DATE ISSUED: CR-0020 F&B – Chinese Restaurant Jan 2005 GUEST EXPECTATION: That Mao Tai wine is served following the Chinese customs, efficiently by friendly, knowledgeable staff with a smile TIME TO TRAIN: 20 minutes Why is this task important for you and our guests? Answers: To To To To maximize guest satisfaction ensure the guest receives the wine on time ensure the service staff is knowledgeable and confident serving Mao Tai ensure the proper customs of serving this wine is followed Page of CR-0020 STEPS HOW/ STANDARDS 1) Order the wine Order the wine through the POS system and pick it up from the bar 2) Proceed to the table With the bottle and wine pot on a service tray Move to the host of the table and show the bottle of wine with the label facing the guests TRAINING QUESTIONS Why should you order though the POS System? (DRILL LANGUAGE) Why should you take all equipment to the table? Why should you use a service tray? Why should you show the bottle to the host? Say: “Here is your Mao Tai sir / madam or Mr / Mrs XXX” 3) Open the bottle The bottle should be opened in front of the guest after the label is shown Why should the bottle be opened in front of the guests? Cut the foil, remove the cork and wipe the top of the wine bottle with waiter’s towel Pour Mao Tai into wine pot 4) Serve the wine Stand on the right hand of the guests Use waiter’s towel to absorb the Why should you stand on the right? Why you use a waiters’ cloth? Page of CR-0020 dripping 5) Finish Place the wine pot on the table or side station When would you put the bottle on the table or when on the side station? Now ask the Trainee to practice the whole task from start to end to test competency Summary questions: Why should you order though the POS System? Why should you take all equipment to the table? Why should you use a service tray? Why should you show the bottle to the host? Why should the bottle be opened in front of the guests? Why should you stand on the right? Why you use a waiters’ cloth? When would you put the bottle on the table or when on the side station? PHOTO INDEX #01 ... remove the cork and wipe the top of the wine bottle with waiter’s towel Pour Mao Tai into wine pot 4) Serve the wine Stand on the right hand of the guests Use waiter’s towel to absorb the Why should... ask the Trainee to practice the whole task from start to end to test competency Summary questions: Why should you order though the POS System? Why should you take all equipment to the table? Why... CR-0020 STEPS HOW/ STANDARDS 1) Order the wine Order the wine through the POS system and pick it up from the bar 2) Proceed to the table With the bottle and wine pot on a service tray Move to the host

Ngày đăng: 12/03/2022, 10:59

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