Page of CR-0015 STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE TASK: HOW TO SET UP A TABLE FOR A PRIVATE DINING ROOM TASK NUMBER: DEPARTMENT: DATE ISSUED: CR-0015 F&B – Chinese Restaurant Jan 2005 GUEST EXPECTATION: That the tables are set in a consistent manner with clean table cloth and complete settings to be ready for the guest to be seated and to start their meal 20 minutes TIME TO TRAIN: Why is this task important for you and our guests? Answers: To maximize guest satisfaction To ensure the private dining room table are set consistently To ensure the tables are set with clean linen and equipment Page of CR-0015 STEPS HOW/ STANDARDS TRAINING QUESTIONS Follow the same step as the SOP “How to set a table for the main dining room” Ref: CR-0014 1) Equipment Equipment used will differ between the individual hotels 2) Couch seating Ensure the couches are checking on stains and spots Ensure couch pillows are in place and neatly organized Ensure sufficient ashtrays on the side tables Consider a special chair for the VIP or other means of making the seat special 3) Beverage Ensure a beverage display is set up with a range of beverages Now ask the Trainee to practice the whole task from start to end to test competency Summary questions: CR-0015 Why should you wipe the table with a cloth? Why should you? PHOTO INDEX #01 Page of ... special chair for the VIP or other means of making the seat special 3) Beverage Ensure a beverage display is set up with a range of beverages Now ask the Trainee to practice the whole task from...Page of CR-0015 STEPS HOW/ STANDARDS TRAINING QUESTIONS Follow the same step as the SOP ? ?How to set a table for the main dining room” Ref: CR-0014 1) Equipment... individual hotels 2) Couch seating Ensure the couches are checking on stains and spots Ensure couch pillows are in place and neatly organized Ensure sufficient ashtrays on the side tables Consider a