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An attitudinal study on american and vietnamese governments reponse to the covid 19 pandemic in news reports

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MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING QUY NHON UNIVERSITY BÙI THỊ TÙNG THI AN ATTITUDINAL STUDY ON THE AMERICAN AND VIETNAMESE GOVERNMENTS’ RESPONSE TO THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC IN NEWS REPORTS Field: English Linguistics Code: 8220201 Supervisor: Võ Duy Đức, Ph.D BỘ GIÁO DỤC VÀ ĐÀO TẠO TRƯỜNG ĐẠI HỌC QUY NHƠN BÙI THỊ TÙNG THI PHÂN TÍCH NGUỒN NGỮ LIỆU THÁI ĐỘ TRONG CÁC BÀI BÁO THỂ HIỆN PHẢN ỨNG CỦA HAI CHÍNH PHỦ MỸ VÀ VIỆT NAM ĐỐI VỚI ĐẠI DỊCH COVID-19 Chuyên ngành Mã số : Ngôn ngữ Anh : 8220201 Người hướng dẫn: TS VÕ DUY ĐỨC i STATEMENT OF AUTHORSHIP I certify that the thesis An Attitudinal study on the American and Vietnamese governments' response to the COVID-19 pandemic in news reports is my work No other person's work has been used without acknowledgement in the paper This thesis has not been submitted for the award of any degree or diploma in any university Binh Dinh, 2021 Bùi Thị Tùng Thi ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS First of all, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to my thesis supervisor, Mr Vo Duy Duc, PhD for his experienced guidance and valuable comments on my work I am also indebted to him for his helpful and timely response to my questions I would also like to express my thank to the lecturers who have given me exciting knowledge and a great source of inspiration I am also grateful to Quy Nhon University, Post-graduate Department, and Foreign Languages Department for the administrative assistance Finally, I must express my very profound gratitude to my family and colleagues for providing me with unfailing support and continuous encouragement throughout the course and the study of this thesis iii ABSTRACT The study applied Appraisal Theory developed by Martin and White (2005) as a framework for the investigation into the American and Vietnamese governments' response to the COVID-19 pandemic in news reports The data comprises 40 news reports (20 in each language) downloaded from the New York Times and the Tuoi Tre The study sought to investigate the similarities and differences between the two languages regarding Attitudinal resources, namely Affect, Judgment, and Appreciation The findings showed that the deployment of the Attitudinal resources in the English and Vietnamese data shared certain similarities, such as the occurrence of all types of Attitudinal values and the more common use of Non-authorial and Explicit resources than Authorial and Implicit ones However, despite the similarities between the two languages, a number of subtle differences were also observed With regard to the differences in Positive and Negative Appreciation and In/Security Affect in the two languages, the writers indicated a radically dissimilar attitude to the pandemic of the American and Vietnamese governments Hopefully, the study offers language learners and teachers useful knowledge of Appraisal and the features of the evaluative language employed in English and Vietnamese news reports iv TABLE OF CONTENTS STATEMENT OF AUTHORSHIP i ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ii ABSTRACT iii TABLE OF CONTENTS iv LIST OF TABLES vi LIST OF FIGURES vii CONVENTIONS viii Chapter INTRODUCTION 1.2 AIMS AND OBJECTIVES 1.2.1 Aims 1.2.2 Objectives 1.3 RESEARCH QUESTIONS 1.4 SCOPE OF THE STUDY 1.5 SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY 1.6 ORGANIZATION OF THE STUDY …………………………………… Chapter LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 THEORETICAL BACKGROUND 2.1.1 Appraisal Theory 2.1.2 Attitude 2.1.3 Engagement 16 2.1.4 Graduation 18 2.2 RELATED STUDIES 19 Chapter RESEARCH METHODS AND PROCEDURES 23 3.1 RESEARCH METHODS 23 3.2 DATA COLLECTION 23 3.3 DATA ANALYSIS 24 3.4 RESEARCH PROCEDURES 24 v 3.5 RELIABILITY AND VALIDITY 24 3.6 SUMMARY 25 Chapter FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION 26 4.1 GENERAL FEATURES OF ATTITUDE IN THE NEWS REPORTS 26 4.2 AFFECT 27 4.2.1 Dis/inclination 28 4.2.2 Dis/Satisfaction 30 4.2.3 In/Security 31 4.2.4 Un/Happiness 32 4.2.5 Authorial and Non-authorial Affect 33 4.3 JUDGEMENT 38 4.3.1 Subtypes of Judgement 38 4.3.2 Explicit and Implicit Judgement 44 4.3.3 Positive and Negative Judgement 47 4.4 APPRECIATION 50 4.4.1 Subtypes of Appreciation 50 4.4.2 Positive and Negative Appreciation 56 4.5 SUMMARY 60 Chapter CONCLUSIONS AND IMPLICATIONS 61 5.1 CONCLUSIONS 61 5.2 IMPLICATIONS 64 5.3 LIMITATIONS 64 5.4 SUGGESTIONS FOR FURTHER RESEARCH 65 REFERENCES 66 APPENDIX vi LIST OF TABLES Table 2.1 Grammatical realizations of Affect 10 Table 2.2 Subtypes of Affect 11 Table 2.3 The system of Judgment 13 Table 2.4 Categories of Appreciation 15 Table 2.5 Subtypes of Appreciation 16 Table 2.6 Monogloss and Heterogloss 17 Table 4.1 Frequency of Attitude resources in ENRs and VNRs 26 Table 4.2 Distribution of Affect resources in ENRs and VNRs 28 Table 4.3 Authorial and Non-authorial Affect resources in ENRs and VNRs 33 Table 4.4 Positive and Negative Affect resources in ENRs and VNRs .36 Table 4.5 Distribution of Judgement resources in ENRs and VNRs 39 Table 4.6 Explicit and Implicit Judgement resources in ENRs and VNRs 44 Table 4.7 Positive and Negative Judgement resources in ENRs and VNRs 47 Table 4.8 Attribution of Appreciation resources in ENRs and VNRs 50 Table 4.9 Positive and Negative Appreciation resources in ENRs and VNRs 56 vii LIST OF FIGURES Figure 2.1 The language stratification and meta-functions Figure 2.2 Appraisal System .8 Figure 2.3 Sub-systems of Attitude Figure 4.1 Sub-types of Affect resources in ENRs and VNRs .28 Figure 4.2 Authorial and Non-authorial Affect resources in ENRs and VNRs 34 Figure 4.3 Positive and Negative Affect resources in ENRs and VNRs 36 Figure 4.4 Social Esteem and Social Sanction resources in ENRs and VNRs 38 Figure 4.5 Explicit and Implicit Judgement resources in ENRs and VNRs 45 Figure 4.6 Positive and Negative Judgement resources in ENRs and VNRs 48 Figure 4.7 Attribution of Appreciation resources in ENRs and VNRs 51 Figure 4.8 Positive and Negative Appreciation resources in ENRs and VNRs 57 viii CONVENTIONS Italics are used for quotes, technical terms, emphasis, and examples Bold is deployed to mark the first use of technical terms In the numbered examples: Bold marks the use of what is being demonstrated ENR (1-20): English data numbered from to 20 VNR (1-20): Vietnamese data numbered from to 20 58 Vabiotech triển khai với tài trợ Quỹ Đổi sáng tạo VinIF có triển vọng “về đích” sớm Dự án có ý nghĩa giới đối mặt với nguy sóng COVID-19 thứ Dự án nghiên cứu, sản xuất vắcxin phòng COVID-19 mà họ theo đuổi hướng cho kết bước đầu “4 tháng quên ăn quên ngủ đền đáp”- nhà nghiên cứu Vabiotech chia sẻ [VNR6] Both extracts are about the evaluation of the medical method used for COVID-19 treatment of the two countries However, the difference between them is that in Example 4.72, many negative items such as fake, improper, unproven are used to evaluate Trump‟s government‟s suggested chemicals for COVID-19 treatment, which are believed to be unsuitable and dangerous Meanwhile, in Example 4.73, with the same aim of evaluating the vaccine project made in Viet Nam, a set of positive values of Valuation and Composition such as triển vọng, có ý nghĩa, hướng, kết bước đầu is used to highlight the achievements of the project In addition, in the Vietnamese data, some words can denote different types of judgement under different circumstances, which is demonstrated in the following examples: In the two extracts below, the Valuation item lớn in Example 4.74 does a negative assessment of the massive quantity of masks exported to other countries within the context of a shortage of masks in Viet Nam Meanwhile, the Valuation item lớn in Example 4.75 is believed to be a positive one expressing Vietnamese people‟s trust in the government‟s administration in the fight against the pandemic as follows: [4.74] Theo ông Nguyễn Trung Thảo - phó chủ tịch UNND tỉnh Cao Bằng - cần xem xét việc xuất trang thiết bị y tế, có trang qua biên giới Theo đó, thời gian vừa qua có nhiều vụ xuất hàng số lượng lớn 59 “Nếu xuất số lượng q lớn trong nước khơng có hàng phải xem lại” - ơng Thảo nói [VNR2] [4.75] Nhận xét kết chống dịch, Thủ tướng Nguyễn Xuân Phúc cho nước, địa phương có dịch, bình tĩnh ứng phó với trách nhiệm cao đạt kết đáng mừng kiểm sốt tình hình Điều khiến cho xã hội có niềm tin lớn đạo Chính phủ phịng chống dịch [VNR18] To sum up, through the above analysis, there is a significant difference in the use of Negative and Positive Appreciation resources in the two corpora of news reports The frequency of occurrence of Positive Appreciation values outnumbers that of Negative ones in the Vietnamese data In contrast, writers of English news reports employed a higher rate of Negative items With the above difference, there is some likely explanation for the different evaluation of the writers to the pandemic situation and the two governments‟ activities to control and prevent the pandemic Firstly, by the time the data were collected, the situation of COVID-19 in the two countries had not been the same As of September 2020, the United States had the highest infection and death rate, with thousands of new infected cases and fatalities every day This rate was much higher than that of Viet Nam at that time – in other words, the coronavirus crisis in America was obviously more severe than that of Viet Nam and posed many real problems and challenges to the American government This partly accounts for why writers of English tend to use more Negative items in their news reports Secondly, the two governments adopted different measures to combat the virus Since the earliest days of the COVID-19 pandemic, Viet Nam is one of the countries in Asia that has been praised for its effective response and measures The country has successfully mobilized the strength and the participation of the 60 whole political system and community in making pandemic prevention a priority, preventing the risk from outside, zoning off areas, and sacrificing immediate economic benefits to protect people's health and lives Therefore, writers of the Vietnamese news reports used more Positive resources to emphasize what the Vietnamese government has done well so far and encourage Vietnamese people to believe in the government‟s administration and join hands to stamp out the pandemic Likewise, despite owning cuttingedge technology, a sound healthcare system and a high budget for combating the coronavirus, the US government seemed to take the missteps that doomed the country‟s early response to the virus The government chose to ignore lessons from other countries‟ successes in the fight against COVID-19 and scapegoat China instead, causing them to face the expanding epidemic 4.5 SUMMARY In summary, this chapter has presented the findings and discussions of Attitudinal resources employed in news reports about the American and Vietnamese governments‟ response to the COVID-19 pandemic based on the framework suggested by Martin and White (2005) The findings show that all three types of Attitude exist in the two corpora of data, and most are positive The results also show a similarity in the order of occurrence of frequency of Attitude sub-categories in the two corpora Appreciation resources make up the most considerable proportion Judgement resources rank second and Affect resources account for the least proportion This suggests that the two governments tend to evaluate things, products, and processes rather than human behaviour and emotional response The next chapter goes into detail about the findings' conclusion 61 Chapter CONCLUSIONS AND IMPLICATIONS Based on the data collected and analyzed, this chapter provides the findings and implications of the study, followed by limitations and suggestions for further research 5.1 CONCLUSIONS The research questions postulated in the introduction of this study are to investigate how the three values of Attitude in Appraisal theory, namely Affect, Judgement, and Appreciation are employed in two corpora of English and Vietnamese news reports, identify the frequencies of the occurrence of Attitudinal resources in the news, and then discover the similarities and differences between the American and Vietnamese governments' response to the pandemic in terms of three subtypes of Attitude Both quantitative and qualitative methods were adopted to study the forty news reports in English and Vietnamese from the two prestigious websites The results of the analysis show there are statistically significant similarities and differences in the occurrence of Attitudinal resources and in the ways the two governments respond to the pandemic The investigation into the Attitudinal resources shows the most common feature shared by the two languages; that is, all sub-types of Attitude occur in both English and Vietnamese news reports with an equivalent proportion in the order of occurrence Appreciation is uncovered to be most widely used in both corpora; Judgement takes the second place and Affect is the least frequently used This indicates that the writers tend to pay more attention to the evaluation of the situation and the governments‟ efforts and measures related to the COVID-19 pandemic than the evaluation of people‟s behaviour and their expressions of emotions 62 With respect to Appreciation, Valuation is the most mainly used of the three Appreciation‟s subtypes in both corpora of news reports This subtype‟s predominance in the two languages means that the authors want to focus on assessing factors affecting the two governments‟ fight against the pandemic, such as the implementation of socio-economic activities and pandemic preventive measures, the political relationship, the pandemic situation Except for that similarity, there is also a noticeable difference between the two data in terms of using positive and negative resources While writers of Vietnamese news reports tend to use more positive Appreciation items than negative ones to express evaluation toward objects, products or states of affairs, writers of English news reports have the tendency of employing more negative Appreciation resources than positive ones This may imply that although the theme of the news reports is about one of the most pressing issues for the time being, writers of Vietnamese news seem to view the issue remarkedly positively and turn the emphasis on the achievements, the strength of solidarity and patriotic tradition of the whole nation, thereby contributing to firmly consolidating the people's belief in the leadership of the government Regarding Judgement, both data involved all five subtypes, namely Normality, Capacity, Tenacity, Veracity, and Propriety Additionally, the occurrence rate of Judgement resources under Social Esteem is far higher than that under Social Sanction in both corpora, which suggests that authors assess the two governments‟ response to the pandemic from the perspectives of social ethics and the standard of appropriateness rather than legal or religious rules In addition, in terms of positive and negative Judgement, most of the evaluative items belonged to the positive category in both languages to judge the two governments‟ behaviour towards the pandemic One last thing in common between the two data in the use of Judgement is that the authors of 63 both ENRs and VNRs tend to evaluate human behaviour explicitly via lexical items containing Judgement values This means that the writers of both languages have a tendency of giving more assessments on human behaviour than implicit expressions to provide direct information about the pandemic to readers Among the subtypes of Judgement, the two groups of authors prefer the Capacity and Tenacity to the other kinds of Judgment However, in the Vietnamese data, Tenacity accounts for the highest proportion, while Capacity is utilized the most commonly in the English data This is the only dissimilarity between the two sources of data The results reveal that writers of Vietnamese pay much attention to the expression of the Vietnamese government‟s determination in implementing key tasks to achieve the ultimate goal of winning the fight against the pandemic, whereas writers of English news prioritize the assessment of the American government‟s capability in the struggle against the health crisis For Affect, it can be seen that the number of Affect resources in two corpora is nearly the same, which means the writers of both languages want to use feelings and emotions towards the two governments‟ response to the COVID-19 pandemic Regarding the subtypes of Affect, despite the fact that Dis/Inclination is the language resource most frequently used in two data, its rate of employed items in Vietnamese news is 11.5 % higher than that in English news This shows that Vietnamese authors intend to use more this type of Affect to show not only the government‟s inclination but their hope and desire to contain the outbreak as well Noticeably, concerning In/Security Affect, although there is an equivalent occurrence of In/Security in both data, most of the items of this subtypes are negative in English news and positive in Vietnamese ones This contrast indicates that English language writers heavily emphasize the American government‟s emotion of insecurity toward the pandemic This was due to the increasing disease-related problems the 64 American was facing, which evidently construed such negative emotional reactions In contrast, by using positive expressions, writers of Vietnamese news reports want to express the government‟s commitment to the success in the confrontation with this dangerous and mysterious epidemic sweeping the world Besides, Non-Authorial Affect is preferred Authorial Affect by two groups of authors This also affirms the statement on the Authorial and Nonauthorial voice in news reports that the writers put more focus on reporting the emotions of participants relating to the appraised targets instead of disclosing their feelings 5.2 IMPLICATIONS The analysis of the Attitudinal resources in English and Vietnamese news reports about the American and Vietnamese governments‟ response to the COVID-19 pandemic may have the following implications for teachers and learners of English and Vietnamese First, the findings provide English and Vietnamese teachers and learners with an overview of the language resources of Attitudinal evaluation in English and Vietnamese, specifically in news reports about the American and Vietnamese governments‟ response to the COVID-19 pandemic Second, for English teachers, the thesis may help them to be aware of the significance of evaluative language in teaching Finally, for English and Vietnamese learners, this thesis helps them enrich their knowledge of Attitudinal resources to express judgements and attitudes toward issues or events in their writings In other words, they can use English and Vietnamese effectively to convey their attitudes and opinions 5.3 LIMITATIONS This study applied the Appraisal Theory of Martin and White (2005) to analyze the news reports about the American and Vietnamese governments‟ response to the COVID-19 pandemic Nevertheless, there are some 65 limitations in the study due to practical constraints The first limitation is the number of samples as the data for the study consisted of only 20 English and 20 Vietnamese news reports Therefore, the study results would be limited, and we cannot generalize about the American and Vietnamese governments‟ attitude towards the pandemic The second limitation is the scope of the study because it only focuses on analyzing the Attitude system The other Appraisal sub-categories remain uncovered The last one is my lack of experience and limitation on related knowledge, which may cause some mistakes in explaining the results of data analysis 5.4 SUGGESTIONS FOR FURTHER RESEARCH Due to the limitations mentioned, further studies are recommended to investigate other resources of the Appraisal framework as follows: A study on Engagement resources in the American and Vietnamese governments‟ response to the COVID-19 pandemic in news reports; A study on 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https://www.nytimes.com /news/coronavirus-australia-chinaus/12225654/ ENR6: https://www nytimes.com/health/u-s-exit-who-will-jeopardizeglobal-fight-against-covid-n1233142/ ENR7: https://www.nytimes.com/news/2020-03-16-1440/trump-releasesguidelines-slow-coronavirus-spread-15-days-warns-crisis-could/ ENR8: https://www.nytimes.com/politics/trump-tells-americans-to-preparefor-a-very-painful-two-weeks-as-white-house-releases-extended-coronavirusguidelines/ ENR9: https://www.nytimes.com /2020/03/11/politics/donald-trumpcoronavirus-oval-office-speech/index.html ENR10: https:// www.nytimes.com /2020/03/11/politics/donald-trumpcoronavirus-oval-office-speech/index.html ENR11: https://www.nytimes.com/2020/03/18/us/politics/china-virus.html ENR12: https://www.nytimes.com/news/11211872/trump-blames-china-forcoronavirus-pandemic-and-says-world-is-paying-a-big-price-for-their-cover-up/ ENR13: https://www.nytimes.com/politics/us-officials-investigationcoronavirus-wuhan-lab/ ENR14: https:// www.nytimes.com/us-news/2020/mar/15/trump-offers-largesums-for-exclusive-access-to-coronavirus-vaccine/ ENR15: https://www.nytimes.com/politics/white-house-aides-rattled-afterpositive-coronavirus-tests-and-officials-send-mixed-message-on-how-torespond/ ENR16: https://www.nytimes.com/2020/07/18/world/coronavirus-news.html ENR17: https://www.nytimes.com/2020/07/28/world/coronavirus-covid19.html ENR18: https://www.nytimes.com/2020/06/26/politics/donald-trumpcoronavirus-protocols/index.html ENR19: https:// www.nytimes.com/2020/06/26/politics/donald-trumpcoronavirus-protocols/index.html ENR20: https://www.nytimes.com /politics/2020/09/16/trumps-chinesevirus-slur-makes-some-people-blame-chinese-americans-others-blame-trump/ APPENDIX B VIETNAMESE NEWS REPORTS VNR1: https://tuoitre.vn/thu-tuong-khong-chu-quan-nhung-khong-bi-quankhi-chong-dich-virus-corona-20200204102115133.htm VNR2: https://tuoitre.vn/pho-thu-tuong-vu-duc-dam-viet-nam-da-kiem-soatduoc-dich-20200225092847338.htm VNR3: https://tuoitre.vn/thu-tuong-vua-chong-dich-thanh-cong-vua-giuvung-kinh-te-xa-hoi-20200312094526792.htm VNR4: https://tuoitre.vn/thu-tuong-chong-ky-thi-nguoi-nhiem-covid-19-tangchi-cho-nguoi-cach-ly-20200316183510763.htm VNR5: https://tuoitre.vn/thu-tuong-nhac-quan-doi-tu-bao-ve-khong-de-dich- covid-19-lay-vao-luc-luong-20200322170821325.htm VNR6: https://tuoitre.vn/ong-vu-duc-dam-phia-truoc-con-kho-khan-nhung-tadang-kiem-soat-tot-dich-benh-20200323085918072.htm VNR7: https://tuoitre.vn/thu-tuong-cac-dia-phuong-tim-giai-phap-thuc-tien- nhat-de-chong-dich-covid-19-20200329105639285.htm VNR8: https://tuoitre.vn/thu-tuong-bao-dam-luong-thuc-du-da-cho-100-trieudan-20200331202415043.htm VNR9: https://tuoitre.vn/thu-tuong-chuan-bi-phuong-an-cho-lan-song-thu-2dich-covid-19-co-the-bung-phat-20200406152954915.htm VNR10: https://tuoitre.vn/viet-nam-lien-tuc-khong-co-ca-covid-19-moinhung-nguoi-dan-khong-nen-chu-quan-20200419202628338.htm VNR11: https://tuoitre.vn/thu-tuong-mo-dan-cac-duong-bay-quoc-te-duacong-dan-ve-nuoc-phai-co-lo-trinh-phu-hop-20200515102245483.htm VNR12: https://tuoitre.vn/thu-tuong-mot-bo-phan-chu-quan-phai-dieu-tra- duong-day-dua-nguoi-trai-phep-20200725154416211.htm VNR13: https://tuoitre.vn/thu-tuong-ca-the-gioi-suy-thoai-nang-ne-kinh-teviet-nam-tren-da-hoi-phuc-20200702101709176.htm VNR14: https://tuoitre.vn/thu-tuong-co-thai-do-dut-khoat-bien-phap-manhkhong-de-dich-bung-phat-2020072711272917.htm VNR15: https://tuoitre.vn/thu-tuong-nguyen-xuan-phuc-tinh-tao-thuc-hienmuc-tieu-kep-20200813073427616.htm VNR16: https://tuoitre.vn/thu-tuong-nguyen-xuan-phuc-som-sua-doi-chinhsach-ho-tro-nguoi-mat-viec-do-covid-19-20200821194510184.htm VNR17: https://tuoitre.vn/thu-tuong-dia-phuong-trang-bi-nhanh-cac-vat-tu-yte-nhung-khong-vuong-tham-nhung-20200807135707848.htm VNR18: https://tuoitre.vn/sap-co-chi-thi-moi-ve-phong-chong-covid-19trong-tinh-hinh-moi-20200827184144045.htm VNR19: https://tuoitre.vn/thu-phi-cach-ly-nguoi-nhap-canh-tu-1-9-nhanhmo-duong-bay-thuong-mai-voi-nhat-han-20200830161725611.htm VNR20: https://tuoitre.vn/thu-thu-tuong-ca-nuoc-hay-chia-se-bao-ve-nhungchien-si-ao-trang-tuyen-dau-chong-dich-20200804180753629.htm ... used in both English and Vietnamese news reports on the American and Vietnamese governments? ?? response to the COVID -19 pandemic The findings of the study show the Affectual items of Inclination... have been inspired to choose the topic An Attitudinal study on the American and Vietnamese governments? ?? response to the COVID- 19 pandemic in news reports as my research paper 3 1.2 AIMS AND OBJECTIVES... PROCEDURES The Attitudinal study on the American and Vietnamese governments? ?? response to the COVID- 19 pandemic in news reports was carried out as follows: + First, the topic for the investigation was

Ngày đăng: 17/02/2022, 20:16



