Sơ đồ công nghê, sơ đồ thuật toán dự án thực tế nhà máy xử lý nước thải thực tế ,lập trình PLC ,quy trình giải quyết bài toán PLC trong thực tế ,các bước thực hiện dự án ,bản vẽ hệ thống nhà máy xử lỹ nước thải ,lập trính PLC cho dự án thực tế ,quy trình thiết kế ,bước thiết kế một dự án về tự động hóa
Work ID Work No Document No Rev S150101300 S-000-1227-002-0 0D Customer's Order No CUSTOMER Size:A4 : HUE CITY WATER ENVIRONMENT IMPROVEMENT PROJECT MANAGEMENT UNIT END USER : PROJECT : HUE CITY WATER ENVIRONMENT IMPROVEMENT PROJECT CONTRACT NO H/ICB/1A-WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT, PUMP STATIONS AND TRANSMISSION MAINS TO TREATMENT PLANT WITH OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE Control Narrative / Control System Concept D REVISED 12-Feb-2019 T.V.Loi B.V.Cuong N.V.Dong C REVISED 11-Dec-2018 T.V.Loi B.V.Cuong N.V.Dong B REVISED 02-Nov-2018 T.V.Loi B.V.Cuong N.V.Dong A REVISED 01-Nov-2018 T.V.Loi B.V.Cuong N.V.Dong REVISED 09-Jul-2018 N.X.Tam N.V.Dong N.V.Dong REVISED 02-Apr-2018 N.X.Tam N.V.Dong N.V.Dong DATE MADE CHKD APVD REV DESCRIPTION History : DESCRIPTION REV DATE 23 Jan 2017 First Issue 24 Mar 2017 Revised based on the results of the meeting with ENGINEER on 7-8 Feb 2017 A 01 Nov 2018 Revised B 02 Nov 2018 Revised C 11 Dec 2018 Revised D 12 Feb 2019 Revised G G P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P Sheet No Type 00 -001 GN 00 -002 GN 01 -001 TK 01 -002 PN 01 -003 PU 01 -005 LG 01 -006 LG 01 -101 SC 01 -201 OD 01 -301 CR 02 -001 TK 02 -002 PN 02 -003 PU 02 -005 LG 02 -006 LG 02 -101 CS 02 -102 CS 02 -103 LG 02 -201 OD 02 -301 CR 04 -001 TK 04 -002 PN 04 -003 PU 04 -005 LG 04 -006 LG REVISED CS REVISED CS 04 -103 LG 04 -201 OD 04 -301 CR 05 -001 TK 05 -002 PN 05 -003 PU 05 -005 LG 05 -101 SC 05 -201 OD 05 02 Nov 2018 CR 06 11 Dec 2018 TK 06 -002 PN 06 -003 PU 06 -005 LG 06 -101 SC 06 -201 OD 06 -301 CR 07 -001 TK 07 -002 PN 07 -003 PU 07 -005 LG 07 -101 SC 07 -201 OD 08 -001 TK 08 -002 PN 08 -003 PU 08 -004 LG P 08 -005 LG P P P P P P P 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 -006 -101 -102 -103 -201 -301 -302 LG CS CS LG OD CR CR System PS No.1 Pump System PS No.1 Screen System PS No.1 Odor Control System Others PS No.2 Pump System PS No.2 Screen System PS No.2 Odor Control System Others PS No.4 Pump System PS No.4 Screen System Title / Equipment General (1/2) General (2/2) Overflow Chamber and Wet Well Inlet Penstock-Pump Station Inlet Lift Pump PS No.1 Pump System Logic PS No.1 Penstock System Logic Basket Screen Odor Control System Electric Jib Hoist Overflow Chamber and Wet Well Inlet Penstock-Pump Station Inlet Lift Pump PS No.2 Pump System Logic PS No.2 Penstock System Logic Mechanical Bar Screen Screen Conveyor PS No.2 Screen System Logic Odor Control System Electric Jib Hoist Overflow Chamber and Wet Well Inlet Penstock-Pump Station Inlet Lift Pump PS No.4 Pump System Logic PS No.2 Penstock System Logic Mechanical Bar Screen Screen Conveyor PS No.4 Odor Control System Others PS No.5 Pump System PS No.5 Screen System Rev A Rev B Rev C PS No.6 Screen System PS No.6 Odor Control System Others PS No.7 Pump System PS No.7 Screen System PS No.7 Odor Control System PS No.8 Pump System PS No.8 Screen System PS No.8 Odor Control System Others Others PS No.4 Screen System Logic Odor Control System Electric Jib Hoist Overflow Chamber and Wet Well Inlet Penstock-Pump Station Inlet Lift Pump PS No.5 Pump System Logic Basket Screen Odor Control System Electric Jib Hoist Overflow Chamber and Wet Well Inlet Penstock-Pump Station Inlet Lift Pump PS No.6 Pump System Logic Basket Screen Odor Control System Electric Jib Hoist Overflow Chamber and Wet Well Inlet Penstock-Pump Station Inlet Lift Pump PS No.7 Pump System Logic Basket Screen Odor Control System Overflow Chamber and Wet Well Inlet Penstock-Pump Station Inlet Lift Pump PS No.8 Pump System Logic PS No.8 Pump System Logic / Level Control& Flow Control PS No.8 Penstock System Logic Mechanical Bar Screen Screen Conveyor PS No.8 Screen System Logic Odor Control System Electric Overhead Travelling Crane Electric Monorail Crane Panel Displayed Service INLET PENSTOCK LIFT PUMP BASKET SCREEN JIB HOIST INLET PENSTOCK LIFT PUMP BAR SCREEN SCREEN CNVR JIB HOIST INLET PENSTOCK LIFT PUMP BAR SCREEN SCREEN CNVR JIB HOIST INLET PENSTOCK LIFT PUMP BASKET SCREEN JIB HOIST INLET PENSTOCK LIFT PUMP BASKET SCREEN JIB HOIST INLET PENSTOCK LIFT PUMP BASKET SCREEN INLET PENSTOCK LIFT PUMP BAR SCREEN SCREEN CNVR ODOR CONTROL FAN TRAVELLING CRANE MONORAIL CRANE Project Equipment Item No HUS General (1/2) - System / Facility Quantity Inst No - Sheet Rev G00-001 D Objectives This Control Narrative is prepared to help understanding of control way for process equipment in this project based on Contract Documents with some complementary modifications Standard Control Mode a) REMOTE-AUTO The device is controlled by the control logic (or sequences) programmed into the PLC b) REMOTE-MANUAL The device is controlled by an operator from SCADA or from the particular OIT which is configured to control the process area in which the device belongs c) LOCAL The device is controlled by an operator using pushbuttons mounted on the MCC, LCP, LCS or using field-mounted local controls (where provided) (Note) Only MCC controlled motors, motorized valves, and some miscellaneous equipment items will have a LOCAL mode Pneumatically actuated valves, and solenoid valves not have a LOCAL mode Therefore, manual controls of those equipment items on OIT's will be provided for operator to perform local operation Mode Selection The normal mode of operation will be REMOTE AUTO, with REMOTE MANUAL selected only when required for testing or special purposes When a PLC first boots-up, all devices will be in REMOTE MANUAL Devices will be toggled to REMOTE MANUAL by the PLC logic, whenever a Drive Trip occurs This creates the requirement for a conscious operator action (switching back to REMOTE AUTO, or manually START) in order to restart a tripped device The device will maintain its status (running/stop or open/close) when switching from REMOTE AUTO to REMOTE MANUAL mode basically LOCAL mode selection will be made from the switch rooms (for motors) or from the field (motorized valves and other equipment) by changing the selector switch from REMOTE to LOCAL position Switching a device from REMOTE to LOCAL control will maintain motors behaviour The behaviour of packaged equipment may vary to LOCAL For motorized valves, switching from REMOTE will have no effect -on valve position unless a specific action has been specified in the control description Protection, Interlock and Automatic Conditions a) Hardwired Interlock A hardwired interlock is a condition that stops the device in LOCAL, REMOTE AUTO and REMOTE MANUAL modes because it operates in the electrical control circuit of the device e.g E/Stop, TRT, etc The interlock condition in REMOTE AUTO mode does not require the operator to reset the device If the interlock condition was a device specific condition (i.e E/Stop, TRT, over-temp or other hardwired interlock) then the operator must use the device RESET button on SCADA or OIT to reset the device before it can be operated in REMOTE AUTO or REMOTE MANUAL modes again Use of the device reset button on SCADA or OIT will also actuate the remote reset function within the motor starter (where fitted) Operation in LOCAL will be possible as soon as the interlock condition has cleared b) Drive Trip (Software Interlock) A drive trip (D.T.) is a condition that stops the device in both REMOTE AUTO and REMOTE MANUAL modes via PLC control logic e.g a pump high pressure switch The control system will also toggle the device mode to REMOTE MANUAL The D.T condition must itself have cleared, and the operator must switch the device mode back to REMOTE AUTO (or use the START button to restart in REMOTE MANUAL), in order to restart c) Start Permissive (Software Interlock) A start permissive (S.P.) is an interlock condition that prevents a device from starting in REMOTE AUTO mode but does not stop the device once the device is already running The S.P condition does not require the operator to reset the device The S.P condition has no impact upon the selected mode (i.e It does not toggle the mode) d) Automatic Condition (Process Interlocks and Run Permissive) An automatic condition (A.C.) determines when device is required to operate and applies in REMOTE AUTO mode only The automatic condition may be the combined result of a large amount of logic or sequences programmed into the PLC e) Display of Interlock status on SCADA For a given device, the status of the following will be visible by an operator from the SCADA: • Drive Trips • Start Permissive • Automatic Conditions (dependant on software function block standards) Sheet type: GN Project Equipment Item No HUS General (2/2) - System / Facility Quantity Inst No - Sheet Rev G00-002 D Control Sequences A control sequence is a series of programmed steps governing the control a cluster of devices Unless specified differently in specific instances, sequences in subsequent sheets are deemed to operate as described below All devices (or at least a sufficient number in the event of multiple duty-standby trains) in the cluster must be in their REMOTE AUTO mode in order for the sequence to be started Once the sequence is running, if any device in the cluster is switched to REMOTE MANUAL mode, it will be considered unavailable by the sequencer and the sequence will terminate immediately (unless there is still a sufficient number of those devices available, in the event of multiple duty-standby trains) Control sequences shall have a chattering protection function to prevent frequently repetitive behaviour for equipment and indication Abbreviations Abbreviations BS BTT COS CP CPS CS GTH HMI LCS MTU MPS OIT OOS PST RTU SHT SS SST TRT WWTP Description Pushbutton Switch Biological Treatment Tank Change Over Switch Control Panel Catchment Pump Station Control Switch Gravity Thickener Human Machine Interface Local Control Station Master Terminal Unit Main Pump Station Operator Interface Terminal Out of Service Primary Sedimentation Tank Remote Terminal Unit Sludge Holding Tank Selector Switch Secondary Sedimentation Tank Thermal Overload Relay Trip Wastewater Treatment Plant Sheet type: GN Project Equipment Item No HUS Overflow Chamber and Wet Well System / Facility Quantity Inst No Pump System / Pump Station No.1 = Duty + P 01 FIT 001 P 01 LSH 001 P 01 LIT 001 P 01 LIT 002 Standby Sheet Rev P01-001 D ( for main control) (for buck-up control) Outline a) Objectives To receive sewage from catchment system, then send to Main Pump Station b) Control Configuration (None) Operation Mode a) REMOTE-AUTO (None) b) REMOTE-MANUAL (None) c) LOCAL (None) RTU, MTU and SCADA display a) Inlet Flow (xx.xx m3/h) b) Wet Well Level (xx.xx m , %) Alarm and Status a) Flow instrument Failed alarm b) Level instrument Failed alarm c) Overflow Chamber Level H d) Wet Well Level HH e) Wet Well Level LL f) Building services and fire alarm (if required) Interlock (None) Special Conditions (None) Sheet type: TK Project Equipment Item No HUS Inlet Penstock P 01 PN System / Facility Quantity Inst No 002 Pump System / Pump Station No.1 = Duty + Standby Sheet Rev P01-002 D Outline a) Objectives To shut off influent sewage to wet well in emergency case b) Control Configuration MTU RTU COS MANUAL AUTO OPEN CS STOP CLOSE OPEN OPEN BS STOP x1 COS MANUAL AUTO COS LOCAL LOCAL OFF LOCAL = the penstock actuator MTU REMOTE CS STOP CLOSE CLOSE x1 x1 Operation Mode a) MTU-AUTO COS position: "AUTO" at MTU, "MTU" at RTU and "REMOTE" at LOCAL The equipment is controlled by the control logic programmed into the PLC as P01-006 b) MTU-MANUAL COS position: "MANUAL" at MTU, "MTU" at RTU and "REMOTE" at LOCAL The equipment is controlled by an operator on screen at MTU RTU, MTU and SCADA display a) Mode: MTU-AUTO / MTU-MANUAL / RTU-AUTO / RTU-MANUAL / LOCAL / OOS b) Status: OPENED / CLOSED / OPEN / CLOSE / STOP / FAIL Alarm and Status a) Failed alarm Interlock c) RTU-AUTO (None) COS position: "AUTO" at RTU and "REMOTE" at LOCAL The equipment is controlled by the control logic programmed into the PLC as P01-006 d) RTU-MANUAL COS position: "MANUAL" at RTU and "REMOTE" at LOCAL The equipment is controlled by an operator on screen at RTU Special Conditions a) PLC power up: To set to RTU-MANUAL mode b) Power failure: If power failure, it should be stopped If power restore, it should be resumed with the control mode established prior to the power failure e) LOCAL COS position: "LOCAL" at LOCAL The equipment is controlled by an operator on the actuator COS position: "OFF" at LOCAL Out of service (OOS) Sheet type: PN Project Equipment Item No HUS Lift Pump P 01 PU System / Facility Quantity Inst No 001-003 Pump System / Pump Station No.1 = Duty + P 01 PSH 001-003 Standby Sheet Rev P01-003 D Outline a) Objectives To transfer influent sewage from Catchment Pump Station to Main Pump Station b) Control Configuration MTU RTU MCC COS MANUAL AUTO CS START STOP x3 COS MANUAL MANUAL LOCAL LOCAL AUTO COS OFF COS OFF CS MTU START BS RTU START STOP BS REMOTE START STOP STOP BS RESET BS E-STOP x3 1st DUTY 2nd DUTY x1 x3 x3 LOCAL = LCS Operation Mode a) MTU-AUTO COS position: "AUTO" at MTU, "MTU" at RTU, "RTU" at MCC and "REMOTE" at LOCAL The equipment is controlled by the control logic programmed into the PLC as P01-005 b) MTU-MANUAL COS position: "MANUAL" at MTU, "MTU" at RTU, "RTU" at MCC and "REMOTE" at LOCAL The equipment is controlled by an operator on screen at MTU RTU-AUTO RTU, MTU and SCADA display a) Mode: MTU-AUTO / MTU-MANUAL / RTU-AUTO / RTU-MANUAL / MCC / LOCAL / OOS b) Status: RUN / STOP / FAIL Alarm and Status a) Failed alarm b) Discharge high pressure alarm Interlock COS position: "AUTO" at RTU, "RTU" at MCC and "REMOTE" at LOCAL The equipment is controlled by the control logic programmed into the PLC as P01-005 RTU-MANUAL COS position: "MANUAL" at RTU, "RTU" at MCC and "REMOTE" at LOCAL The equipment is controlled by an operator on screen at RTU c) MCC COS position: "MANUAL" at MCC and "REMOTE" at LOCAL The equipment is controlled by an operator at MCC The equipment shall stop on high discharge pressure in any case Special Conditions a) PLC power up: To set to RTU-MANUAL mode b) Power failure: If power failure, it should be stopped If power restore, it should be resumed with the control mode established prior to the power failure COS position: "OFF" at MCC Out of service (OOS) A "RESET" push button will clear all equipment faults on MCC panel d) LOCAL COS position: "LOCAL" at LOCAL The equipment is controlled by an operator at LCS COS position: "OFF" at LOCAL Out of service (OOS) Sheet type: PU Project Equipment Item No HUS PS No.1 Pump System Logic P 01 PN P 01 PU System / Facility Quantity Inst No 002 001-003 Control Configuration CS E-STOP MTU CS RESET RTU x1 CS E-STOP CS RESET Instrument: 1) Wet Well Level Instruments (P01LIT001) if PLC is available : Not failed 2) Wet Well Level Instruments (P01LIT002) if PLC or P01LIT001 is not available : Not failed 3) Lift Pump Discharge Pressure Instruments (P01PSH001-003) : Not failed and Not detect H < Main Control by LIT001 > START 3) RTU, MTU and SCADA display a) Status: RUN / ESTABLISHED b) Timer setting 4) Alarm and Status PLC failed alarm 5) Interlock x1 Automatic Conditions Mode: 1) Inlet Penstock : AUTO 2) Lift Pump : AUTO Pump System / Pump Station No.1 set P 01 LIT P 01 LIT P 01 PSH P01-005 D Sheet Rev 001 002 001-003 a) The equipment shall stop on high discharge pressure < Wet Well > < Back-up Control by LIT002 > : All Automatic Conditions have been established HH: Alarm : All Automatic Conditions have been established START H2: Odor Control STOP Wet Well Level Higher than M2 Wet Well Level Higher than M1 T1 T3 Wet Well Level Lower than L M1: 1st Duty Pump START and 2nd Duty Pump STOP L: 1st Duty Pump STOP T2 2nd Duty Pump START Wet Well Level Lower than M1 1st Duty Pump START Wet Well Level At PS08 Higher than H Wet Well Level Lower than L 2nd Duty Pump STOP 1st Duty Lift Pump STOP Wet Well Level Higher than M2 Wet Well Level Higher than M1 T1 1st Duty Pump START H: Inlet Penstock CLOSE Odor Control RESTART M2: 2nd Duty Pump START T3 T2 LL: Alarm P1 2nd Duty Pump START Wet Well Level Lower than M1 Wet Well Level At PS08 Higher than H 2nd Duty Pump STOP p3 p2 CONTROL BLOCK SELECT 2nd DUTY PUMP BY TIMER P1 DUTY Timer list No T1 T2 T3 Unit sec sec sec P2 DUTY Set 15 15 60 Range 0-999 0-999 0-999 1st Duty Lift Pump STOP Note: If PLC or P01LIT001 is failed, back-up control should be enabled automatically If one duty pump is failed, standby pump should be operate automatically If all pump is failed, Inlet Penstock should be close automatically If any other failure is occurred during auto sequence running, process for corresponding pump should be stopped If wet well water level is higher than H and Inlet Penstock is closed,Inlet Penstock should be opened again by manual operation with appropriate judgement for influent situation The pump and associated equipment motors shall stop automatically if there is a power failure at CPS causing a shut-down of the pump works and alarm annunciates If wet well water level at PS8 higher than H1 all pump shall stop and restart on water level at Pumping Station 08 below M2 Back-up control logic shall be prepared by hard wiring, not PLC Sheet type: LG Project Equipment Item No HUS PS No.1 Inlet Penstock System Logic P 01 PN System / Facility Quantity Inst No 002 Control Configuration MTU CS E-STOP CS RESET RTU x1 CS E-STOP CS RESET Instrument: 1) Wet Well Level Instruments (P01LIT001) if PLC is available : Not failed 2) Wet Well Level Instruments (P01LIT002) if PLC or P01LIT001 is not available : Not failed < Main Control by LIT001 > START 3) RTU, MTU and SCADA display a) Status: RUN / ESTABLISHED b) Timer setting 4) Alarm and Status PLC failed alarm 5) Interlock x1 Automatic Conditions Mode: 1) Inlet Penstock : AUTO 2) Lift Pump : AUTO Pump System / Pump Station No.1 set P 01 LIT P 01 LIT 001 002 < Wet Well > < Back-up Control by LIT002 > : All Automatic Conditions have been established START P01-006 D Sheet Rev HH: Alarm : All Automatic Conditions have been established H2: Odor Control STOP Wet Well Level Higher than H All Lift Pump Fault Wet Well Level Higher than H H: Inlet Penstock CLOSE Odor Control RESTART M2: 2nd Duty Pump START All Lift Pump Fault M1: 1st Duty Pump START and 2nd Duty Pump STOP L: 1st Duty Pump STOP T1 T1 LL: Alarm Penstock CLOSE Penstock CLOSE Penstock Open By Operator Penstock Open By Operator Timer list No T1 Unit sec Set 15 Range 0-999 Penstock OPEN Penstock OPEN Note: If PLC or P01LIT001 is failed, back-up control should be enabled automatically If all pump is failed, Inlet Penstock should be close automatically If any other failure is occurred during auto sequence running, process for corresponding pump should be stopped If wet well water level is higher than H and Inlet Penstock is closed, Inlet Penstock should be opened again by manual operation with appropriate judgement for influent situation The pump and associated equipment motors shall stop automatically if there is a power failure at CPS causing a shut-down of the pump works and alarm annunciates Back-up control logic shall be prepared by hard wiring, not PLC Sheet type: LG Project Equipment Item No HUS PS No.7 Pump System Logic P 07 PN P 07 PU System / Facility Quantity Inst No 002 001-003 Control Configuration MTU CS E-STOP CS RESET x1 RTU CS E-STOP CS RESET Instrument: 1) Wet Well Level Instruments (P07LIT001) if PLC is available : Not failed 2) Wet Well Level Instruments (P07LIT002) if PLC or P01LIT001 is not available : Not failed < Main Control by LIT001 > START 3) RTU, MTU and SCADA display a) Status: RUN / ESTABLISHED b) Timer setting 4) Alarm and Status PLC failed alarm 5) Interlock x1 Automatic Conditions Mode: 1) Inlet Penstock : AUTO 2) Lift Pump : AUTO Pump System / Pump Station No.7 set P 07 LIT P LIT 001 002 < Wet Well > < Back-up Control by LIT002 > : All Automatic Conditions have been established START P07-006 D Sheet Rev HH: Alarm : All Automatic Conditions have been established H2: Odor Control STOP Wet Well Level Higher than H All Lift Pump Fault Wet Well Level Higher than H H: Inlet Penstock CLOSE Odor Control RESTART M2: 2nd Duty Pump START All Lift Pump Fault M1: 1st Duty Pump START and 2nd Duty Pump STOP L: 1st Duty Pump STOP T1 T1 LL: Alarm Penstock CLOSE Penstock CLOSE Open By Operator Open By Operator Timer list No T1 Unit sec Set 15 Range 0-999 Penstock OPEN Penstock OPEN Note: If PLC or P07LIT001 is failed, back-up control should be enabled automatically If all pump is failed, Inlet Penstock should be close automatically If any other failure is occurred during auto sequence running, process for corresponding pump should be stopped If wet well water level is higher than H and Inlet Penstock is closed, Inlet Penstock should be opened again by manual operation with appropriate judgement for influent situation The pump and associated equipment motors shall stop automatically if there is a power failure at CPS causing a shut-down of the pump works and alarm annunciates Back-up control logic shall be prepared by hard wiring, not PLC Sheet type: LG Project Equipment Item No HUS Basket Screen P 07 SC System / Facility Quantity Inst No 001-003 Pump System / Pump Station No.7 = Duty + P 07 LDIT 010 - 030 Standby Sheet Rev P07-101 D Outline a) Objectives To remove solids from raw sewage to prevent fouling and blockage problems within the downstream process equipment b) Control Configuration LOCAL UP BS STOP DOWN x3 LOCAL = LCS Operation Mode a) REMOTE-AUTO (None) RTU, MTU and SCADA display a) Mode: (None) b) Status: Cleaning (or other by supplier) b) REMOTE-MANUAL (None) Alarm and Status a) Failed alarm b) Differential Level H c) LOCAL Interlock The equipment is controlled by an operator at LCS only (None) Special Conditions (None) Note: The basket screen No.1 and shall be duty and the basket screen No.2 shall be standby In case of duty screen failure, the standby basket screen shall be manually put in operation to replace the failed one by opening and closing the associated manual penstocks Cleaning process for basket screen shall be implemented manually The pump and associated equipment motors shall stop automatically if there is a power failure at CPS causing a shut-down of the pump works and alarm annunciates Sheet type: SC Project Equipment Item No HUS Odor Control System P 07 FN System / Facility Quantity Inst No 001 Pump System / Pump Station No.7 = Duty + Standby Sheet Rev P07-201 D Outline a) Objectives To collect odor from Pump Station No.1 area and to treat by Granular Activated Carbon Filter (GAC) b) Control Configuration RTU COS MANUAL COS LOCAL OFF LOCAL = LCP (by Vendor) LOCAL AUTO START CS STOP BS REMOTE START STOP x2 Operation Mode a) REMOTE - AUTO COS position : "AUTO" at RTU and "REMOTE" at LOCAL The equipment is controlled by the control logic programmed into the PLC as P07-005 RTU, MTU and SCADA display a) Mode: REMOTE AUTO / REMOTE MANUAL / LOCAL / OOS b) Status for Fun: RUN / STOP / FAIL c) (if any by Vendor) b) REMOTE -MANUAL COS position : "MANUAL" at RTU and "REMOTE" at LOCAL The equipment is controlled by an operator on screen at RTU c) LOCAL COS position: "AUTO" at LOCAL The equipment is controlled by own PLC (by Vendor) Alarm and Status a) Fun Failed alarm b) Carbon bed temperature High c) (if any by Vendor) COS position: "MANUAL" at LOCAL The equipment is controlled by an operator at LCP Interlock COS position: "OFF" at LOCAL Out of service (OOS) a) In the event of an excess temperature raise, power to the blower shall be cut-off b) If wet well water level is higher than H2, Odor Control Fan should be stopped After the water level down to below H1, the Fan is restarted automatically c) (if any by Vendor) Special Conditions (if any by Vendor) Note: This system shall be of 24 hrs continuous operation This sheet should be reviewed with reference to vendor information The pump and associated equipment motors shall stop automatically if there is a power failure at CPS causing a shut-down of the pump works and alarm annunciates If wet well water level is raised more than odor intake level, odor control system should be stopped Sheet type: GW Project Equipment Item No HUS Overflow Chamber and Wet Well System / Facility Quantity Inst No Pump System / Pump Station No.8 = Duty + P 08 LSH 001 P 08 LIT 001 P 08 LIT 002 Standby Sheet Rev P08-001 D ( for main control) (for buck-up control) Outline a) Objectives To receive sewage from all catchment pump stations, then send to WWTP b) Control Configuration (None) Operation Mode a) REMOTE-AUTO (None) b) REMOTE-MANUAL (None) c) LOCAL (None) MTU and SCADA display a) Wet Well Level (xx.xx m,%) Alarm and Status a) Level instrument Failed alarm b) Overflow Chamber Level H c) Wet Well Level HH d) Wet Well Level LL e) Building services and fire alarm (if required) Interlock (None) Special Conditions (None) Sheet type: TK Project Equipment Item No HUS Inlet Penstock-Pump Station Inlet P 08 PN System / Facility Quantity Inst No 002 Pump System / Pump Station No.8 = Duty + Standby Sheet Rev P08-002 D Outline a) Objectives To shut off influent sewage to wet well in emergency case b) Control Configuration MTU COS MANUAL AUTO COS LOCAL LOCAL OFF LOCAL = the penstock actuator REMOTE OPEN OPEN CS STOP BS STOP CLOSE x1 CLOSE x1 Operation Mode a) REMOTE-AUTO COS position: "AUTO" at MTU and "REMOTE" at LOCAL The equipment is controlled by the control logic programmed into the PLC as P08-006 b) REMOTE-MANUAL COS position: "MANUAL" at MTU and "REMOTE" at LOCAL The equipment is controlled by an operator on screen at MTU MTU and SCADA display a) Mode: REMOTE-AUTO / REMOTE-MANUAL / LOCAL / OOS b) Status: OPENED / CLOSED / OPEN / CLOSE / STOP / FAIL Alarm and Status a) Failed alarm Interlock c) LOCAL COS position: "LOCAL" at LOCAL The equipment is controlled by an operator on the actuator COS position: "OFF" at LOCAL Out of service (OOS) Special Conditions a) PLC power up: To set to REMOTE-MANUAL mode b) Power failure: If power failure, it should be stopped If power restore, it should be resumed with the control mode established prior to the power failure Sheet type: PN Project Equipment Item No HUS Lift Pump P 08 PU System / Facility Quantity Inst No 001-003 Pump System / Pump Station No.8 = Duty + P 08 PSH 001-003 P 08 FIT 001 P08-003 D Sheet Rev Standby Outline a) Objectives To transfer influent sewage from Main Pump Station to WWTP b) Control Configuration COS SCADA MANUAL AUTO COS MTU MANUAL AUTO COS VFD MANUAL OFF COS LOCAL LOCAL OFF LOCAL = LCS, VFD = VFD panel CS START CS STOP FLOW LEVEL CS SCADA MTU REMOTE START BS START BS START COS MANUAL for duty queue 1st DUTY AUTO 2nd DUTY x1 CS STOP FLOW LEVEL BS (Speed ADJ) STOP UP DOWN BS STOP E-STOP x BS RESET x3 Operation Mode COS position: "AUTO" at MTU, "MTU" at VFD and "REMOTE" at LOCAL MTU and SCADA display a) REMOTE-AUTO The equipment is controlled by the control logic programmed into the PLC as P08-004 and -005 a) Mode: REMOTE-AUTO / REMOTE-MANUAL / VFD / LOCAL / OOS b) Pump selection: DUTY / STANDBY c) Status: RUN / STOP / FAIL COS position: "MANUAL" at MTU, "MTU" at VFD and "REMOTE" at LOCAL d) Speed set-point (xx.xx Hz) b) REMOTE-MANUAL The equipment is controlled by an operator on screen at MTU e) Flow rate (xx.xx m3/h) f) Setpoint Flow rate c) VFD COS position: "MANUAL" at VFD and "REMOTE" at LOCAL The equipment is controlled by an operator at MCC COS position: "OFF" at VFD Out of service (OOS) A "RESET" push button will clear all equipment faults on VFD panel d) LOCAL Alarm and Status a) Failed alarm b) VFD Failed alarm c) Discharge high pressure alarm COS position: "LOCAL" at LOCAL The equipment is controlled by an operator at LCS Interlock COS position: "OFF" at LOCAL Out of service (OOS) The equipment shall stop on high discharge pressure in any case Special Conditions a) PLC power up: To set to REMOTE-MANUAL mode b) Power failure: If power failure, it should be stopped If power restore, it should be resumed with the control mode established prior to the power failure Sheet type: PU Project Equipment Item No HUS PS No.8 Pump System Logic P 08 PN P 08 PU System / Facility Quantity Inst No 002 001-003 Control Configuration MTU CS E-STOP MTU and SCADA display a) Status: RUN / ESTABLISHED b) Timer setting c) Flow setting Alarm and Status a) PLC failed alarm CS CS RESET LEVEL CONTROl Pump System / Pump Station No.8 set P 08 LIT P 08 LIT P 08 PSH FLOW CONTROL Automatic Conditions Mode: 1) Inlet Penstock : AUTO 2) Lift Pump : AUTO P08-004 D Sheet Rev 001 002 001-003 FLOW CONTROL START Water Level Higher than M1 Instrument: 1) Wet Well Level Instruments (P08LIT001) if PLC is available : Not failed 2) Wet Well Level Instruments (P08LIT002) if PLC or P08LIT001 is not available : Not failed 3) Lift Pump Discharge Pressure Instruments (P01PSH001-003) : Not failed and Not detect H < Main Control by LIT001> START Interlock The equipment shall stop on high discharge pressure 1st Duty Lift Pump START < Back-up Control by LIT002 > : All Automatic Conditions have been established Water Level Higher than M3 Water Level Higher than M1 ADJUST FLOW AUTO START : All Automatic Conditions have been established Water Level Higher than M3 Water Level Higher than M1 Freq 1st Duty > Maximum Freq P2 P1 P3 T3 T1 1st Duty Lift Pump START T5 T2 2st Duty Lift Pump START T1 T5 1st Duty Lift Pump START T2 CONTROL BLOCK SELECT 2nd DUTY PUMP BY TIMER 2nd Duty Lift Pump START 2st Duty Lift Pump START P1 DUTY P2 DUTY ADJUST FLOW AUTO WaterLevel Lower than L Water Level Lower than M2 Water Level Lower than L Freq 2nd Duty < Minimum Freq 2st Duty Lift Pump STOP 2st Duty Lift Pump STOP 1st Duty Lift Pump STOP Water Level Lower than M2 1st Duty Lift Pump STOP T4 2st Duty Lift Pump STOP Note: If PLC or P08LIT001is failed, back-up control should be enabled automatically If one duty pump or associated VFD is failed, standby pump should be operate automatically to replace the failed one If VFD is failed, associated pump shall be changed from AUTO mode to MANUAL mode automatically The manual pumps can only be switched back to AUTO mode when the alarm has been cleared and reset at the VFD are then made available If all pump can not be available by itself failure or VFD failure, Inlet Penstock should be closed automatically If any other failure is occurred during auto sequence running, process for corresponding pump should be stopped If wet well water level is higher than H and Inlet Penstock is closed, Inlet Penstock should be opened again by manual operation with appropriate judgement for influent situation The pump motor shall stop automatically if there is a power failure at MPS causing a shut-down of the pumping works and alarm annunciates The pump shall stop on high discharge pressure Back-up control logic shall be prepared by hard wiring, not PLC Timer list No Water Level Lower than L 1st Duty Lift Pump STOP T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 Unit sec sec Set 15 60 Range 0-999 0-999 sec sec sec 60 60 60 0-999 0-999 0-999 Sheet type: LG Project Equipment Item No HUS PS No.8 Pump System Logic / Level Control P 08 PN 002 P 08 PU 001-003 System / Facility Quantity Inst No Pump System / Pump Station No.8 set P 08 LIT P 08 LIT P 08 PSH Sheet Rev P08-005 D 001 002 001-003 < Wet Well > MOS: Minimum Operating Speed MES: Minimum Efficient Speed = Low Speed MaxS: Maximum Speed = Max Speed HH: Alarm H2: Odor Control STOP & Inlet Penstock CLOSE H1: Stop pump at sub pumping station Odor Control RESTART MaxS M4: 1st Duty Pump with MaxS 2nd Duty Pump with MaxS MaxS MES MaxS MES MES M3: 1st Duty Pump with same speed as 2nd Duty Pump 2nd Duty Pump START with MES to MaxS MaxS M2: 1st Duty Pump with MaxS 2nd Duty Pump STOP and Restart pump at sub pumping station MES M1: 1st Duty Pump START with MES to MaxS L: 1st Duty Pump STOP LL: Alarm 1st Duty Pump 2nd Duty Pump Note: Any pump should be started slowly which mean that pump start with MOS then increase to MES in a predetermined time period 1st duty pump should be stopped slowly which means that pump speed decrease MES to MOS in a predetermined time period Sheet type: LG Project Equipment Item No HUS PS No.8 Inlet Penstock System Logic P 08 PN System / Facility Quantity Inst No 002 Control Configuration MTU CS E-STOP CS RESET x1 RTU CS E-STOP CS RESET Instrument: 1) Wet Well Level Instruments (P02LIT001) if PLC is available : Not failed 2) Wet Well Level Instruments (P02LIT002) if PLC or P01LIT001 is not available : Not failed < Main Control by LIT001 > START 3) RTU, MTU and SCADA display a) Status: RUN / ESTABLISHED b) Timer setting 4) Alarm and Status PLC failed alarm 5) Interlock x1 Automatic Conditions Mode: 1) Inlet Penstock : AUTO 2) Lift Pump : AUTO Pump System / Pump Station No.8 set P 08 LIT P LIT START 001 002 < Wet Well > < Back-up Control by LIT002 > : All Automatic Conditions have been established P08-006 D Sheet Rev HH: Alarm & : All Automatic Conditions have been established H2: Odor Control STOP& Inlet penstock CLOSE All VFD Fault Wet Well Level Higher than H2 All Lift Pump Fault All VFD Fault Wet Well Level Higher than H2 H1: Stop pump at sub Pumping Station Odor Control RESTART All Lift Pump Fault M2: 2nd Duty Pump START Restart pump at sub pumping station M1: 1st Duty Pump START and 2nd Duty Pump STOP T1 T1 L: 1st Duty Pump STOP LL: Alarm Penstock CLOSE Penstock CLOSE Open By Operator Open By Operator Timer list No T1 Unit sec Set 15 Range 0-999 Penstock OPEN Penstock OPEN Note: If PLC or P02LIT001 is failed, back-up control should be enabled automatically If all pump is failed, Inlet Penstock should be close automatically If any other failure is occurred during auto sequence running, process for corresponding pump should be stopped If wet well water level is higher than H and Inlet Penstock is closed,Inlet Penstock should be opened again by manual operation with appropriate judgement for influent situation The pump and associated equipment motors shall stop automatically if there is a power failure at CPS causing a shut-down of the pump works and alarm annunciates Back-up control logic shall be prepared by hard wiring, not PLC Sheet type: LG Project Equipment Item No HUS Mechanical Bar Screen P 08 SC System / Facility Quantity Inst No 001-003 Pump System / Pump Station No.8 = Duty + Standby (1 Future included) P 08 LDIT 010 - 030 Sheet Rev P08-101 D Outline a) Objectives To remove solids from raw sewage to prevent fouling and blockage problems within the downstream process equipment b) Control Configuration COS MANUAL AUTO COS LOCAL LOCAL OFF LOCAL = LCP (by Vendor) REVERSE NOT HOLD ! MTU CS STOP REVERSE x CS REMOTE FORWARD STOP REVERSE FORWARD BS E-STOP x3 Operation Mode a) REMOTE-AUTO COS position: "AUTO" at MTU and "REMOTE" at LOCAL The equipment is controlled by the control logic programmed into the PLC as P08-103 b) REMOTE-MANUAL COS position: "MANUAL" at MTU and "REMOTE" at LOCAL The equipment is controlled by an operator on SCADA screen MTU and SCADA display a) Mode: REMOTE-AUTO / REMOTE-MANUAL / LOCAL / OOS b) Status: FORWARD / STOP / REVERSE / FAIL Alarm and Status a) Failed alarm b) Differential Level H c) Mechanical Overload Interlock c) LOCAL a) Except for LOCAL mode, the equipment shall not operate if associated Inlet Penstock is closed COS position: "LOCAL" at LOCAL The equipment is controlled by an operator at LCS COS position: "OFF" at LOCAL Out of service (OOS) Special Conditions a) PLC power up: To set to REMOTE-MANUAL mode b) Power failure: If power failure, it should be stopped If power restore, it should be resumed with the control mode established prior to the power failure Note: In case of duty screen failure, the standby bar screen shall be manually put in operation to replace the failed one by opening and closing the associated manual penstocks Sheet type: SC Project Equipment Item No HUS Screen Conveyor P 08 CS System / Facility Quantity Inst No 001 Pump System / Pump Station No.8 = Duty + Standby Sheet Rev P08-102 D Outline a) Objectives To convey and dewater screenings for disposal b) Control Configuration COS MANUAL AUTO COS LOCAL LOCAL OFF LOCAL = LCS REVERSE NOT HOLD MTU CS STOP REVERSE x CS REMOTE FORWARD STOP REVERSE FORWARD BS E-STOP x1 Operation Mode a) REMOTE-AUTO COS position: "AUTO" at MTU and "REMOTE" at LOCAL The equipment is controlled by the control logic programmed into the PLC as P08-103 b) REMOTE-MANUAL COS position: "MANUAL" at MTU and "REMOTE" at LOCAL The equipment is controlled by an operator on SCADA screen MTU and SCADA display a) Mode: REMOTE-AUTO / REMOTE-MANUAL / LOCAL / OOS b) Status: FORWARD / STOP / REVERSE / FAIL Alarm and Status a) Failed alarm Interlock (None) c) LOCAL COS position: "LOCAL" at LOCAL The equipment is controlled by an operator at LCS COS position: "OFF" at LOCAL Out of service (OOS) Special Conditions a) PLC power up: To set to REMOTE-MANUAL mode b) Power failure: If power failure, it should be stopped If power restore, it should be resumed with the control mode established prior to the power failure Sheet type: SC Project Equipment Item No HUS PS No.8 Screen System Logic P 08 SC P 08 CS Control Configuration MTU CS E-STOP CS RESET System / Facility Quantity Inst No 001-003 001 Pump System / Pump Station No.8 set P 08 LDIT 010 - 030 Automatic Conditions Mode: 1) Mechanical Bar Screen : Auto x1 P08-103 D Sheet Rev SCADA display a) Status: RUN / ESTABLISHED b) Timer setting 2) Screen Conveyor : Auto Instrument: 1) Level Ultrasonic System (P08LDIT010-030) for AUTO selected Mechanical Bar Screen : Not failed START (This sequence applies when Clock timer sequence is not run.) : All Automatic Conditions have been established START : All Automatic Conditions have been established Clock timer On Differential level "X" H Screen Conveyor Start MBS1 MBS2 MBS3 Screen Conveyor Start T1 Mechanical Bar Screen "Duty" Start CONTROL BLOCK SELECT DUTY AND STANDBY T1 Mechanical Bar Screen "X" Start Duty Standby T2 STOP Mechanical Bar Screen "Duty" Stop Differential level "X" L T4 or Mechanical Bar Screen "X" Stop Alarm Diferential level "X" T3 T3 Screen Conveyor Stop Note: "A" and "X" shows any available fine screen number If any failure is occurred during auto sequence running, the sequence should be stopped The pump motor shall stop automatically if there is a power failure at MPS causing a shut-down of the pumping works and alarm annunciates Screen Conveyor Stop Timer list No Unit Clock timer xx hr/yy T1 sec T2 T3 sec T4 Set Range TBD 24 hrs 10 10 10 10 0-999 0-999 0-999 0-999 Sheet type: LG Project Equipment Item No HUS Odor Control System P 08 FN System / Facility Quantity Inst No 001 Pump System / Pump Station No.8 = Duty + Standby Sheet Rev P08-201 D Outline a) Objectives To collect odor from Pump Station No.8 area and to treat by Granular Activated Carbon Filter (GAC) b) Control Configuration MTU COS MANUAL COS LOCAL OFF LOCAL = LCP (by Vendor) AUTO LOCAL REMOTE CS START STOP BS START STOP x2 Operation Mode a) REMOTE-AUTO COS position : "AUTO" at MTU and "REMOTE" at LCS The equipment is controlled by the control logic programmed into the PLC as P08 -005 MTU and SCADA display a) Mode: REMOTE AUTO / REMOTE MANUAL / LOCAL / OOS b) Status for Fun: RUN / STOP / FAIL c) (if any by Vendor) b) REMOTE-MANUAL COS position : "MANUAL " at MTU and " REMOTE" at LCS The equipment is controlled by an operator on screen at MTU c) LOCAL COS position: "AUTO" at LOCAL The equipment is controlled by own PLC (by Vendor) Alarm and Status a) Fun Failed alarm b) Carbon bed temperature High c) (if any by Vendor) COS position: "MANUAL" at LOCAL The equipment is controlled by an operator at LCP Interlock COS position: "OFF" at LOCAL Out of service (OOS) a) In the event of an excess temperature raise, power to the blower shall be cut-off b) If wet well water level is higher than H2, Odor Control Fan should be stopped After the water level down to below H1, the Fan is restarted automatically c) (if any by Vendor) Special Conditions (if any by Vendor) Note: This system shall be of 24 hrs continuous operation This sheet should be reviewed with reference to vendor information The pump motor shall stop automatically if there is a power failure at MPS causing a shut-down of the pumping works and alarm annunciates If wet well water level is raised more than odor intake level, odor control system should be stopped Sheet type: GW Project Equipment Item No HUS Electric Overhead Travelling Crane P 08 CR System / Facility Quantity Inst No 001 Pump System / Pump Station No.8 = Duty + Standby Sheet Rev P08-301 D Outline a) Objectives To lift and transfer the Lift Pumps or others for maintenance b) Control Configuration LOCAL BS BS BS UP DOWN FORWARD BACKWARD LEFT LOCAL = Control device as equipment accessories (by Vendor) Only power feed Operation Mode a) REMOTE-AUTO (None) b) REMOTE-MANUAL (None) c) LOCAL The equipment is controlled by an operator at site RIGHT x1 MTU and SCADA display (None) Alarm and Status (None) Interlock (None) Special Conditions (None) Sheet type: MC Project Equipment Item No HUS Electric Monorail Crane P 08 CR 002 System / Facility Quantity Inst No Pump System / Pump Station No.8 = Duty + Standby Sheet Rev P08-302 D Outline a) Objectives To lift and transfer the valves or others for maintenance b) Control Configuration LOCAL BS UP DOWN x LOCAL = Control device as equipment accessories (by Vendor) Only power feed Operation Mode a) REMOTE-AUTO (None) MTU and SCADA display (None) b) REMOTE-MANUAL (None) Alarm and Status (None) c) LOCAL Interlock The equipment is controlled by an operator at site (None) Special Conditions (None) Sheet type: MC ... General (1/2) - System / Facility Quantity Inst No - Sheet Rev G00-001 D Objectives This Control Narrative is prepared to help understanding of control way for process equipment in this project