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Unit – English Teacher: Bùi Mến UNIT LIFE IN THE COUNTRYSIDE – CUỘC SỐNG Ở VÙNG QUÊ I Vocabulary: beehive /ˈbiːhaɪv/ (n) : tổ ong brave /breɪv/ (adj) : can đảm buffalo-drawn cart /ˈbʌfələʊ-drɔːn kɑːt/ (n) : xe trâu kéo cattle /ˈkætl/ (n) : gia súc collect /kəˈlekt/ (v) : thu gom, lấy convenient /kənˈviːniənt/ (adj) : thuận tiện disturb /dɪˈstɜːb/ (v) : làm phiền electrical appliance /ɪˈlektrɪkl əˈplaɪəns/ (n) : đồ điện generous /ˈdʒenərəs/ (adj) : hào phóng 10 ger /ger/ (n) : lều dân du mục Mông Cổ 11 Gobi Highlands /ˈgəʊbi ˈhaɪləndz/ : Cao nguyên Gobi 12 grassland /ˈɡrɑːslænd/ (n) : đồng cỏ 13 harvest time /ˈhɑːvɪst taɪm/ (n) : mùa gặt 14 herd /hɜːd/ (v) : chăn dắt 15 local /ˈləʊkl/ (adj, n) : địa phương, dân địa phương 16 Mongolia /mɒŋˈɡəʊliə/ (n) : Mơng cổ 17 nomad /ˈnəʊmỉd/ (n) : dân du mục 18 nomadic /nəʊˈmædɪk/ (adj) : thuộc du mục 19 paddy field /ˈpædi fiːld/ (n) : đồng lúa 20 pasture /ˈpɑːstʃə(r)/ (n) : đồng cỏ 21 pick /pɪk/ (v) : hái (hoa, quả…) 22 racing motorist /ˈreɪsɪŋ məʊtərɪst/ (n) : người lái ô tô đua 23 vast /vɑːst/ (adj) : rộng lớn, bát ngát II Exercises: Ex1 Choose the best answers She is singer I’ve ever met A worse B bad C the worst D badly Mary is responsible as Peter A more B the most C much D as It is in the city than it is in the country A noisily B more noisier C noisier D noisy She sings ……… among the singers I have known A the most beautiful B the more beautiful C the most beautifully D the more beautifully She is student in my class A most hard-working B more hard-working C the most hard-working D as hard-working The English test was than I thought it would be A the easier B more easy C easiest D easier English is thought to be than Math A harder B the more hard C hardest D the hardest Jupiter is planet in the solar system A the biggest B the bigger C bigger D biggest She runs …… in my class A the slowest B the most slow C the slowly D the most slowly 10 My house is hers A cheap than B cheaper C more cheap than D cheaper than Unit – English Teacher: Bùi Mến 11 Her office is away than mine A father B more far C farther D farer 12 Tom is than David A handsome B the more handsome C more handsome D the most handsome 13 He did the test ……… I did A as bad as B badder than C more badly than D worse than 14 A boat is than a plane A slower B slowest C more slow D more slower 15 My new sofa is than the old one A more comfortable B comfortably C more comfortabler D comfortable 16 My sister dances ……… than me A gooder B weller C better D more good 17 My bedroom is room in my house A tidier than B the tidiest C the most tidy D more tidier 18 This road is than that road A narrower B narrow C the most narrow D more narrower 19 He drives …… his brother A more careful than B more carefully C more carefully than D as careful as 20 It was day of the year A the colder B the coldest C coldest D colder 21 Teenagers enjoy to music and out with friends A listen – hang B to listen – to hang C listening – hang D listening – hanging 22 Don’t worry It is to travel to that village even at night A safe B unsafe C difficult D inconvenient 23 Life in a small town is than that in a big city A peaceful B much peaceful C less peaceful D much more peaceful 24 The boys often help their parents to water from the village well A gather B collect C absorb D give 25 month is the Hoa Ban festival of the Thai people held in? A When B Which C How many D How often 26 Vietnamese people have many customs and crafts A tradition B traditional C culture D cultural Ex2 Give the correct form of adjectives and adverbs in brackets He is (clever) ……………………………………………… student in my group She can’t stay (long) …………………………………………….than 30 minutes It’s (good) ……………………………………… … holiday I’ve had Well, the place looks (clean) …………………………………………….now The red shirt is better but it’s (expensive) ………………………………… than the white one I’ll try to finish the job (quick).………………………………………….… Being a firefighter is (dangerous) …………………………………….… than being a builder Lan sings (sweet) ……………………………………… than Hoa This is (exciting) ……………………………… ……… film I’ve ever seen 10 He runs (fast)………………………….……….of all 11 My Tam is one of (popular) …………………………………… singers in my country 12 Which planet is (close) ……………………………… ……… to the Sun? 13 Carol sings as (beautiful) …………… as Mary, but Cindy sings the (beautiful) …………… Unit – English Teacher: Bùi Mến 14 The weather this summer is even (hot) …………………………… …… than last summer 15 Your accent is (bad) ………………………….……… than mine 16 Hot dogs are (good) ………………………… ……….than hamburgers 17 They live in a (big) ……………………… house, but Fred lives in a (big) ……………… one 18 It’s the (large)……………………………… company in the country Ex3 Rewrite the following sentences using the give words or phrases Her old house is bigger than her new one -> Her new house…………………………………… No one in my class is taller than Peter -> Peter ……………………………………………… The black dress is more expensive than the white one -> The white dress …………………………………………… According to me, English is easier than Maths -> According to me, Maths ………………………………… No one in my group is more intelligent than Mary -> Mary ……………………………………………………… No river in the world is longer than the Nile -> The Nile ………………………………………………… Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the world -> No mountain …………………………………………… This is the first time I have ever met such a pretty girl -> She is …………………………………………………… This computer works better than that one -> That computer …………………………………………… 10 A horse can run 80km/h while a camel can only run 12km/h -> A camel can run …………………………………………… 11 Tim is older than Sarah -> Sarah 12 Our house is large than yours -> Your house is 13 Bill is not as tall as David -> Bill is 14 Jack’s marks are worse than mine -> My marks 15 Your bike is slower than mine -> My bike Unit – English Teacher: Bùi Mến Ex4 Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form or tense Bad driving (cause) ………………………… many accidents Nga and Hoa (see) ………………………….…… this movie for times Vietnamese (can /speak) …………………………… by Sue very well Mozart (compose) ……………………….…… more than 600 pieces of music How ………………you (learn) …………… to ride a bike? – My father (teach) ……………… me since I (be) ………………………… years old We usually (go) ……….to the library three times a week, but last week we (go) …… twice Alexander Graham Bell (introduce) …………….………… the telephone in 1876 Yesterday I (be) ……………… busy, so I (not have) ……………… time to phone you “What …………………… you (do) ……………… next summer vacation?” - “I (visit) …………………… my grandparents in Nha Trang.” 10 Would you like (come) ………………………… to dinner tomorrow? Ex5 Complete the sentences with the correct verb form John adores (play) badminton in the winter My father sometimes goes (hunt) in the forests He’d like to find some more food for our family The boy (pick) up a stone and threw it in to the river He (collect) stamps from many countries since he (be) eight Which sports you like (play)? Hoa’s teacher wants her (spend) more time on math I promise I (try) my best next semester Sandra needs (improve) her English writing You should (underline) the word you want (learn) 10 Can you help me (move) this table? 11 Nam always (get) grade A in Physics, but last semester he (get) B 12 They were proud of (be) so successful Ex6 Choose the word (A, B, c or D) which is pronounced differently from the others A fun B sun C surf D cut A leisure B eight C celebrate D penalty A populated B loaded C harvested D lived A fields B flowers C lemons D parks A neighbor B cough C although D drought A entertain B rain C air D strain A try B facility C typhoon D supply A supermarket B ruler C pollution D urban A nature B migrant C facility D away 10 A traffic B relative C tragedy D jam 11 A apartment B offer C prefer D another 12 A nature B pressure C urban D supply 13 A create B peaceful C increase D easily 14 A accessible B pressure C illness D success ... run 12km/h -> A camel can run …………………………………………… 11 Tim is older than Sarah -> Sarah 12 Our house is large than yours -> Your house is 13 Bill is not as tall as David -> Bill... bigger than her new one -> Her new house…………………………………… No one in my class is taller than Peter -> Peter ……………………………………………… The black dress is more expensive than the white one -> The white dress... easier than Maths -> According to me, Maths ………………………………… No one in my group is more intelligent than Mary -> Mary ……………………………………………………… No river in the world is longer than the Nile -> The Nile …………………………………………………

Ngày đăng: 06/02/2022, 17:00

