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      • 2.6.1 Suistanability of microfinance institutions.

      • 2.6.2 Financial sustainability of MFIs

      • 2.6.3 Financial innovation in Microfinance Institutions for sustainable development.

      • 2.6.4 Conceptual Model of factors affect to MFIs’ financial performance


  • CHAPTER 3:







      • 3.3.0 Banking sector

      • 3.3.1 Non-banking sector



      • 3.5.0 History of Vietnam’s Microfinance

      • 3.5.1 The Role of Vietnamese Government in Microfinance

      • 3.5.2 The market main player







    • 4.3 CASE STUDIES

      • 4.3.1 Grameen Bank

      • 4.3.2 Case of Bank Rakyat, Indonesia (BRI bank)

      • 4.3.3 Case of Vietnam


    • 4.5 CONCLUSION











      • Interesting results appear in both significant and non-significant findings. Looking at the regression coefficients, we can see that: among the MFIs specific independent variables: operating expense management, loan delinquency rate>30 days, size, cap...

      • Loan Portfolio to asset and Operation Efficiency

      • In the empirical literature, the ratio of loan portfolio to asset is used both as a measure of credit risk and lending specialization. Loan are less liquid and more risky than other assets in a MFIs’ portfolio. MFI with a relatively high portfolio to ...

        • Portfolio quality






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UNIVERSITE PARIS 13 SORBONNE PARIS CITÉ ECOLE DOCTORALE ERASME, CEPN DOCTORAL SCIENCES ECONOMIQUES Thu Trang BUI FACTORS AFFECTING MICROFINANCE DEVELOPMENT IN VIETNAM Thesis director: M Dominique PLIHON, Professor emeritus at Université Paris 13 Sorbonne Paris Cité Date of thesis defense: November 2017 Jury: Patrick BOISSELIER, Rapporteur, Professeur, Conservatoire des Arts et Métiers Esther JEFFERS, Suffragant, Professeure, Université de Picardie Jules Verne Duc Khuong NGUYEN, Rapporteur, Professeur IPAG Business School de Paris Sandra RIGOT, Suffragant, Maitre de conférence, Université Paris 13 Sorbonne Paris Cité Factors affecting the microfinance development in Vietnam ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The completion of this work cannot go without acknowledgement the contributions made by some few special individuals who devoted their time, means and intellectual abilities to make my PhD studies at the Paris 13 University a success First and foremost, I would like to express my sincere thanks to Professor Dominique PLIHON, my thesis director who always encouraged and tirelessly supported me to accomplish this work to this end Words alone can’t express my gratitude to him because he has always been there when I needed help and guidance most, giving me his constructive comments and useful suggestions throughout my PhD studies Secondly, I recognized my indebtedness to Professor Gilles BROUGERE, Directeur de l’Ecole doctorale Erasm, Madame Anne PELLE, Vice-présidente de la Commission de la Recherche de l'Université Paris 13 Sorbonne Paris Cité (USPC).They accepted and permitted me to re-enroll in PhD program after my period of study interruption due to private troubles My PhD studies in France would have just remained a dream without obtaining sponsorship from the Government of Vietnam To this effect, I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere gratitude to the Director of the Board of Vietnam Social and Science Academy, Vietnam Economic Institution where I work as well as my colleagues there They were always besides me, gave me the encouragement and the most favorable working and studying conditions Finally, I owe my deepest gratitude to my beloved family and friends for their moral and spiritual support I received during all my studying period Factors affecting the microfinance development in Vietnam Factors affecting the microfinance development in Vietnam ABSTRACT The appearance of microfinance has been known as a remedy for many social ills rooted in poverty because of its efficacy in credit dispensation, social equality enhancement and reduction of poverty Millions of poor and non-bankable people in developing countries have been provided access to formal financial services through microfinance programs However, the development of microfinance is not a single model for all country and microfinance institutions (MFIs) have had various degree of sustainability Many MFIs still face major constraints in their pursuit of effectively delivering microfinance services profitably Expansion of microfinance programs remains a formidable challenge for the development of microfinance industry What would be reasons for that inefficiency? This thesis seeks to contribute to the current state of knowledge and research thoroughly on the development and the characteristics of microfinance industry by investigating strategic factors affecting microfinance development in Vietnam context It applies both qualitative and quantitative research methods We develop comparative analysis between financial innovation of Vietnam microfinance system and two other international benchmarks namely Grameen Bank in Bangladesh and the Bank Rakyat of Indonesia (BRI) to figure out what constraints limit the scale and scope of Vietnam microfinance activities; what types of microfinance models are suitable: whether for-profit commercial models or social microfinance ventures in Vietnam context Besides, empirical work is carried out using both OLS and GMM techniques to examine the impact of institutional environment as well as macroeconomic factors on MFIs’ profitability The results present evidence on a dynamic role of profitability and economies of scale in microfinance Loan quality seems to be a very important determinant of MFI’s profitability in Vietnam Our analysis also confirms the significant role of State level as well as the decisive role in self-innovation of microfinance institutions Keywords: Microfinance, microfinance institutions, financial performance, financial innovation, profitability, sustainability, Factors affecting the microfinance development in Vietnam RESUME EN FRANÇAIS L’émergence de la micro-finance a été vue comme un remède pour un grand nombre de problèmes sociaux issus de la pauvreté en vertu de son efficacité dans l’octroi de crédits, dans l’amélioration de l’équité sociale ainsi que dans la réduction du niveau de pauvreté Des millions de foyers en dessous du seuil de pauvreté n’ayant pas accès aux services bancaires ont ainsi pu accéder des services financiers au travers de programmes de micro-finance Cependant, le développement de la micro-finance ne suit pas un modèle identique pour tous les pays et les Institutions de Micro-finance (IMF) ont eu différents degrés de rentabilité Beaucoup d’entre elles doivent encore faire face des contraintes majeures pour fournir de manière efficace des services de micro-finance rentables L’expansion des programmes de micro-finance reste un grand défi qui fait barrière au développement du secteur de cette dernière Quelles pourraient être les raisons expliquant cette inefficience ? Cette thèse a pour but de contribuer l’état des connaissances actuelles ainsi qu’aux recherches sur le développement et les caractéristiques du secteur de la micro-finance en analysant les facteurs stratégiques pouvant avoir un effet sur son développement dans le contexte du Vietnam Pour ce faire, il sera appliqué la fois des méthodes de recherche qualitatives et quantitatives Nous effectuerons une analyse comparative entre l’innovation financière dans le système de micro-finance du Vietnam et deux modèles de référence internationaux : la Grameen Bank et la banque Rakyat d’Indonésie (BRI) afin de déterminer quelles contraintes limitent l’ampleur et la portée des activités de micro-finance au Vietnam ; quels types de modèles de microfinance sont adéquats : que cela soit pour des modèles commerciaux but lucratif ou pour des projets de micro-finance sociale Par ailleurs, des analyses empiriques seront portées par les techniques OLS et GMM afin d’examiner l’impact de l’environnement institutionnel ainsi que des facteurs macroéconomiques sur la rentabilité des IMF’s Les résultats donnent la preuve d’une persistance de la rentabilité et de l’existence d’économies d’échelle en micro-finance La qualité des prêts semble être un facteur déterminant concernant la rentabilité des IMF’s au Vietnam Notre analyse confirme également le rôle important de l'État ainsi que le rôle décisif dans l'autoinnovation des institutions de microfinance Factors affecting the microfinance development in Vietnam Factors affecting the microfinance development in Vietnam CONTENTS CHAPTER I 14 INTRODUCTION AND PROBLEM STATEMENT 14 1.0 GENERAL INTRODUCTION 14 1.1 BRIEF HISTORY OF MICROFINANCE 15 1.2 THE IMPORTANCE OF RESEARCH ON MICROFINANCE 26 1.2 RESEARCH QUESTIONS 31 1.4 GOALS OF THE THESIS 31 1.5 THESIS STRUCTURE 34 1.6 SIGNIFICANCE OF THE THESIS 35 CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW 36 2.0 INTRODUCTION 36 2.1 CONCEPT OF MICROFINANCE, MICROFINANCE INSTITUTIONS 36 2.2 THEORIES ON MICROFINANCE 40 2.3 MICROFINANCE APPROACH 44 2.4 MICROFINANCE LITERATURE REVIEW 47 2.5 VIETNAM’S RESEARCH ON MICROFINANCE 50 2.6 CONCEPTION FRAMEWORK 57 2.6.1 Suistanability of microfinance institutions 59 2.6.2 Financial sustainability of MFIs 61 2.6.3 Financial innovation in Microfinance Institutions for sustainable development 63 2.6.4 Conceptual Model of factors affect to MFIs’ financial performance 64 2.7 CHAPTER CONCLUSION 65 CHAPTER 3: 66 OVERVIEW ON FINANCIAL SYSTEM AND 66 MICROFINANCE ACTIVITIES IN VIETNAM 66 3.0 INTRODUCTION 66 3.1 THE COUNTRY OVERVIEW 66 Factors affecting the microfinance development in Vietnam 3.2 VIETNAM’S MACROECONOMIC CONDITIONS 70 3.3 OVERVIEWIEW OF VIETNAM’S FINANCIAL SECTOR 74 3.3.0 Banking sector 76 3.3.1 Non-banking sector 85 3.4 ACCESS TO THE FINANCE THROUGH THE BOTTOM OF THE PYRAMID 90 3.5 MICROFINANCE DEVELOPMENT IN VIETNAM 96 3.5.0 History of Vietnam’s Microfinance 96 3.5.1 The Role of Vietnamese Government in Microfinance 101 3.5.2 The market main player 104 CHAPTER 118 COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF FINANCIAL INNOVATION 118 BETWEEN VIETNAM MICROFINANCE AND SOME OTHER INTERNATIONAL BENCHMARKS 118 4.0 INTRODUCTION 118 4.1 BACKGROUND OF MICROFINANCE IN THE THREE COUNTRIES 120 4.2 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 122 4.3 CASE STUDIES 123 4.3.1 Grameen Bank 123 4.3.2 Case of Bank Rakyat, Indonesia (BRI bank) 139 4.3.3 Case of Vietnam 156 4.4 COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS 171 4.5 CONCLUSION 180 CHAPTER 182 DETERMINANTS OF FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE OF 182 MICROFINANCE INSTITUTIONS IN VIETNAM 182 5.0 INTRODUCTION 182 5.1 LITERATURE REVIEW 183 5.2 OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY 190 5.3 METHODOLOGY 199 5.4 DETERMINANTS OF FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE 200 Factors affecting the microfinance development in Vietnam 5.5 SOURCE OF DATA AND REGRESSION MODELS 210 5.6 DATA DESCRIPTION 215 CHAPTER 6: CONCLUSIONS AND IMPLICATIONS OF RESULTS 244 6.0 INTRODUCTION 244 6.1 MAIN FINDINGS 244 6.2 RECOMMENDATIONS 248 6.3 PROPOSALS FOR FURTHER RESEARCH 251 Factors affecting the microfinance development in Vietnam Lists of Tables Table 1: Different types of relationships between microfinance providers and their clients 18 Table : Goals and methodology of the thesis 32 Table 3: Types of MFI 39 Table : Classification of MFIs 39 Table 5: Vietnam data on population 2005-2012 67 Table 6: Vietnam’s key economic indicators: 73 Table : deposit/credit market share between banks 80 Table : Non-perform Loan of Financial Credit Institutions in Vietnam 84 Table 9: Percentage of poor households selected by localities borrowing 92 Table 10 : Access to Credit by Ethnicity in Vietnam 93 Table 11: Outstanding loans and savings of some semi-formal MFIs as of 2009 111 Table 12 : Grameen Bank’s Financial and Economic Viability 131 Table 13 : Trends in profits of the Grameen Bank, 1986-94 (million taka) 131 Table 14 :Trends in profits of the Grameen Bank, 2002-2011 (million taka) 132 Table 15 External funds available from different sources, 1985-94 (million taka) 136 Table 16 : BRI portfolio composition and NPL ratios, 2005-2008 154 Table 17 : Needs and expectations by each category 159 Table 18 : Loan structure by banks 161 Table 19 : Microfinance Loan in 2013 162 Table 20 : Estimated rural savers by major players in Viet Nam microfinance in 2012 167 Table 21 : Summary of comparison of Vietnamese microfinance institutions, 181 Table 22 : Literature Summary 191 Table 23 : Variable description 209 10 Factors affecting the microfinance development in Vietnam profitability Lending behavior is also a factor affecting to MFI’s profitability According to Muriu, the shift from joint liability to individual liability loans may accelerate as the microfinance stakeholders learn about some of the demerits of group lending mechanism Should MFIs pursue individual, group or a combination of both lending mechanisms in order to enhance profitability? 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Erasm, Madame Anne PELLE, Vice-présidente de la Commission de la Recherche de l'Université Paris 13 Sorbonne Paris Cité (USPC).They accepted and permitted me to re-enroll in PhD program after my period... Viability 131 Table 13 : Trends in profits of the Grameen Bank, 1986-94 (million taka) 131 Table 14 :Trends in profits of the Grameen Bank, 2002-2011 (million taka) 132 Table 15 External... individuals who devoted their time, means and intellectual abilities to make my PhD studies at the Paris 13 University a success First and foremost, I would like to express my sincere thanks to Professor

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