Electro bioleaching of spent hydroprocessing ni mo catalysts

Electro bioleaching of spent hydroprocessing ni mo catalysts

Electro bioleaching of spent hydroprocessing ni mo catalysts

... 2.1) Hydroprocessing catalysts 2.1.1) Spent hydroprocessing catalysts 2.1.2) Decoking of spent catalysts 2.2) Electrokinetics 10 2.2.1) Definition of electrokinetic ... technologies to treat spent Ni- Mo hydroprocessing catalysts and to develop a novel “electrobioleaching” technique to recover the heavy metals (Al, Ni and Mo) from the spent catalysts A syste...

Ngày tải lên: 05/10/2015, 19:03

110 149 0
Effect of cd and ni on soybean seed development

Effect of cd and ni on soybean seed development

... the impact of metal pollution on seed production, and in this study we examined the effect of Ni and Cd on soybean seed development Materials and methods Seeds were harvested from soybean plants ... Figure Effect of Cd and Ni on lipid content (mg /seed) of seeds harvested from plants grown in 0.05 mg/litre Cd or mg/litre Ni IP and YP values fo...

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 00:07

10 643 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Catalytic pyrolysis of Laminaria japonica over nanoporous catalysts using Py-GC/MS" pdf

Báo cáo hóa học: " Catalytic pyrolysis of Laminaria japonica over nanoporous catalysts using Py-GC/MS" pdf

... study, catalytic pyrolysis of L japonica was investigated over nanoporous catalysts such as MesoMFI and Al-MCM-48 for the first time Their catalytic activities were analyzed in terms of the catalytic ... Conclusions Nanoporous catalysts, Meso-MFI and Al-MCM-48, were used for the catalytic pyrolysis of L japonica using PyGC/MS Bio-oil was converted to valuable...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 01:20

7 365 0
Báo cáo y học: "T-cell senescence and contraction of T-cell repertoire diversity – catalysts of autoimmunity and chronic inflammation" pdf

Báo cáo y học: "T-cell senescence and contraction of T-cell repertoire diversity – catalysts of autoimmunity and chronic inflammation" pdf

... the T-cell repertoire is capable of responding to virtually any foreign organism In spite of its structural diversity, however, the repertoire of functional TCR is still greatly outnumbered by ... generation of ‘new’ naive T cells by autoproliferation is under selective pressure and ultimately leads to TCR diversity contraction Studies on the impact of age on the reper...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 01:23

10 412 0
Gold bioleaching of electronic scrap material by cyanogenic bacteria and its enhancement with biooxidation

Gold bioleaching of electronic scrap material by cyanogenic bacteria and its enhancement with biooxidation

... major types of deposits: gold- quartz lodes and fossil placers Contribution of other deposits is very small Gold usually exists in the form of native gold and electrum (alloy of gold and silver) ... applied in the bio-mining of precious metals from such wastes This project focused on the bioleaching of gold from ESM by cyanogenic bacteria and its enhanc...

Ngày tải lên: 07/10/2015, 10:09

200 188 0
Deactivation of cobalt based Fischer–Tropsch catalysts

Deactivation of cobalt based Fischer–Tropsch catalysts

... catalyst deactivation of FTS, suggest sintering of cobalt crystallites as one of the main deactivation mechanisms Bertole et al investigated the effect of water using a rhenium promoted unsupported cobalt ... diagram of bulk cobalt metal and various cobalt oxide phases as a function of temperature and ratio of partial pressure of water to partial pressure of hydr...

Ngày tải lên: 08/10/2015, 23:06

21 529 0
Study on kinetics of electro-optical and photoluminescent processes in nanostructured transition metal (W, Mo) oxide-based thin films

Study on kinetics of electro-optical and photoluminescent processes in nanostructured transition metal (W, Mo) oxide-based thin films

... means of additional indicators Indeed, the results of a number of recent physical investigations on ligand - stabilized transition metal clusters, which a metal nanoparticles consisting of a defined ... the doping case considered in the last section Recombination and binding energies of the excitons confined in silicon nanocrystallites are calculated within the effecti...

Ngày tải lên: 25/03/2015, 11:58

91 490 0
The effect of noble metals on catalytic methanation reaction over supported mn ni oxide based catalysts

The effect of noble metals on catalytic methanation reaction over supported mn ni oxide based catalysts

... for h The effect of noble metals on catalytic methanation reaction over supported Mn/ Ni oxide based catalysts 637 further studied on the next parameter; the effect of various calcination temperatures ... Isotherm plots of Ru /Mn/ Ni (5:35:60)/Al2O3 calcined at 1000 °C, fresh, (b) used1x, (c) used7x The effect of noble metals on cataly...

Ngày tải lên: 02/09/2015, 13:47

12 439 0
Exploring hybrid ni catalysts on doped ceria supports for the autothermal reforming of surrogate liquid fuel

Exploring hybrid ni catalysts on doped ceria supports for the autothermal reforming of surrogate liquid fuel

... deposition and sulphur poisoning The use of ceria or doped ceria as support of Ni has alleviated the deactivation trend due to the oxygen conducting trait of the doped ceria On the basis of this ... reforming of the hydrocarbon fuels The other is to carry out desulphurization of the hydrocarbon fuels prior to the reforming process The first me...

Ngày tải lên: 09/09/2015, 18:50

212 354 0
PHÂN TÍCH CHƯƠNG TRÌNH MÔ PHỎNG MỘTCHIỀU AMPS – 1D (Analysis of Microelectronic and Photonic Structures)

PHÂN TÍCH CHƯƠNG TRÌNH MÔ PHỎNG MỘTCHIỀU AMPS – 1D (Analysis of Microelectronic and Photonic Structures)

... tiếp dị thể n-Si/p-CIS 14 CHƯƠNG CHƯƠNG TRÌNH MÔ PHỎNG MỘTCHIỀU AMPS – 1D (Analysis of Microelectronic and Photonic Structures) Chương trình mô chiều AMPS – 1D chương trình đa để khảo sát ảnh ... động 25 (2.42) CHƯƠNG CÁC THÔNG SỐ ĐẦU VÀO CỦA CHƯƠNG TRÌNH MÔ PHỎNG MỘT CHIỀU AMPS – 1D Chúng ta thảo luận việc chọn thông số lớp ZnO/CdS/CIGS để đưa...

Ngày tải lên: 18/03/2013, 13:40

55 481 0
MÔ HìNH HOá QUá TRìNH TRAO ĐổI NHIệT ẩM TRONG MáY ấP TRứNG GIA CầM Modeling of heat and mass transfer in chicken egg incubators

MÔ HìNH HOá QUá TRìNH TRAO ĐổI NHIệT ẩM TRONG MáY ấP TRứNG GIA CầM Modeling of heat and mass transfer in chicken egg incubators

... 3.4 Mô hình toán học trình trao đổi nhiệt ẩm vùng chứa trứng Từ mô hình động học (6) phơng trình nhiệt độ độ ẩm dòng khí trứng (35), (36) (38) ta xác định đợc hệ phơng trình mô tả trạng thái nhiệt ... lợng trứng: 224 (1 ) drT h fT t = hcTa Av (Ta TT ) + (1 ) drT hP + (1 ) drT hD (TT ) X t (34) 3.3 Đơn giản hoá mô hình nhiệt ẩm vùng chứa trứng Mô...

Ngày tải lên: 28/08/2013, 08:31

9 1,5K 5
nam mô bổn sư thích ca mâu ni phật

nam mô bổn sư thích ca mâu ni phật

... NAM MÔ BỔN SƯ THÍCH CA MÂU NI PHẬT” Hình Phật More Photos

Ngày tải lên: 02/09/2013, 22:10

25 216 0
A mô ni ắc và muối amôni

A mô ni ắc và muối amôni

... ta cần yếu tố kỹ thuật nào? Các biện pháp kỹ thuật: + Tăng áp suất: 200-300 atm + Chất xúc tác: Fe/Al2O3, K2O + Nhiệt độ: 450-500oC B./ MUỐI AMONI: Muối amoni cấu tạo nào? Gồm cation NH4+ anion ... Người ta dùng phản ứng để làm gì? Điều chế NH3 PTN nhận biết muối amoni 2./ Phản ứng nhiệt phân: Các muối amoni dễ bị phân huỷ nhiệt a. / Muối tạo axit tính oxi hoá: (HCl, H2CO3 → NH3 + a...

Ngày tải lên: 22/10/2013, 15:11

13 1,7K 2