21st Century Manufacturing Episode 7 pot

21st Century Manufacturing Episode 7 pot

21st Century Manufacturing Episode 7 pot

... permission of Prentice-Hall, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ) 178 Semiconductor Manufacturing Chap. 5 the factory-floor robotics revolution of the late 1 970 8 (see Figure 1.2). For the robotics industry, the microcorurolter was ... tu O~1 10,000 1.000 100 10 1 350,000 35,000 3,500 350 35 "Class" of clean '96 Semiconductor Manufacturing Chap. 5 t Ef3 \ ~ ~7 r \ ~ ~7 M:ls...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 04:23

30 221 0
21st Century Manufacturing Episode 14 pot

21st Century Manufacturing Episode 14 pot

... opportunities for people inter- ested in manufacturing engineering. It can be seen that the issues range from 10 .7 Layer II: Compressing Time-to-Market 413 10 .7 LAYER II: COMPRESSING TIME·TO·MARKET For ... 1996). Outsourcing of manufacturing to specialists increases, rather than decreases, the need for simultaneous design of product and process. As recommended in Koenig (19 97) , Borr...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 05:20

30 109 0
21st Century Manufacturing Episode 2 Part 10 pot

21st Century Manufacturing Episode 2 Part 10 pot

... biotechnology and specifically genetic engineering and manufacturing can now be considered in more detail. 9 .7 GENETIC ENGINEERING I: OVERVIEW 9 .7. 1 Motivation and Goals The most common type of genetic ... as a "complex structure that essentially acts as a 'iig'-{e.g., see Chapter 7, Figures 7. 17 to 1.19}-which holds the mRNA in place 50 that the correct amino acid ca...

Ngày tải lên: 21/07/2014, 17:20

20 264 0
21st Century Manufacturing Episode 2 Part 7 ppsx

21st Century Manufacturing Episode 2 Part 7 ppsx

... out Original strip thickness FIgure 7. 38 The roll bile: the top edge (E) is shown meeting tbe roll. 7. 7 Glossary 321 7. 7.25 Roll Gap The area between the rolls where plastic deformation of the strip is occurring. 7. 7.28 Roll ... device in a lathe. 7. 7.5 Cup The test part shape in methods that assess the stretching (Erichsen) and drawing (Swift) characteristics of sheets of metal. 7...

Ngày tải lên: 21/07/2014, 17:20

20 358 0
21st Century Manufacturing Episode 2 Part 4 pot

21st Century Manufacturing Episode 2 Part 4 pot

... than 3-D tools) for ICs and PCBs. Figure 6. 27 shows the internal layout of the bottom casing. The maximum computer Manufacturing Chap. 6 272 .84 Computer Manufacturing Chap. 6 6.6.15 Printed Circuit ... decades. lE+8 1E-t -7 1E+6 Transistors per chip 1E+5 80286 8086 lE+4 lE+3 1 970 1 975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 Yo ar Flpre 6.21 The transistor count in the central processing uni...

Ngày tải lên: 21/07/2014, 17:20

20 264 0
21st Century Manufacturing Episode 1 Part 9 potx

21st Century Manufacturing Episode 1 Part 9 potx

... and Manufacturing. Greenfeld, I., F. B. Hansen,and P. K. Wright. 1989. Self-sustaining, open-system machine tools. In Proceedings of the i7th North American Manufacturing Research institution 17: 281-292. Groover, ... References '66 4 .7. 16 Shape Deposition Manufacturing ISDM) Rapid prototyping with alternative deposition runs followed by machining runs across an object to build u...

Ngày tải lên: 21/07/2014, 17:20

20 339 0
21st Century Manufacturing Episode 1 Part 7 pdf

21st Century Manufacturing Episode 1 Part 7 pdf

... 66 -70 . Regli, W. C, S. K. Gupta, and D. S. Nau. 1995. Extracting alternative machining features: An algorithmic approach. Research in Engineering Design 7: 173 -192. Requicha, A. A. G. 1 977 . Mathematical ... Proceedings of the 17th North American Manufacturing Research Institution 17: 281-292. Hauser, 1. R., and D. Clausing. 1988. The house of quality. Harvard Business Review (May-June...

Ngày tải lên: 21/07/2014, 17:20

20 272 0
21st Century Manufacturing Episode 1 Part 1 pot

21st Century Manufacturing Episode 1 Part 1 pot

... What Is " ;Manufacturing& quot;? I 1.2 The Art of Manufacturing (from 20,000 n.c. to 177 0 A.D.) 2 13 The Technology of Manufacturing: From the 177 0s to the 1 970 s 5 1.4 A Science of Manufacturing: ... 171 1.3 The Technology of Manufacturing: From the 177 0s to the 1 970 s 1.3 THE TECHNOLOGY OF MANUFACTURING: FROM THE 177 0s TO THE 1 970 s The first watershed that changed manuf...

Ngày tải lên: 21/07/2014, 17:20

20 211 0
21st Century Manufacturing Episode 2 Part 13 pdf

21st Century Manufacturing Episode 2 Part 13 pdf

... book: CAD/CAM Rapid prototyping and SFF Semiconductor manufacturing Computer manufacturing Metal-products manufacturing Plastic-products manufacturing Biotechnology manufacturing These can be analyzed in two-week ... the plants. A visit to any kind of tab is an impressive demonstration of pre- cision manufacturing. Computer manufacturing covers the whole endeavor from chips to b...

Ngày tải lên: 21/07/2014, 17:20

9 291 0
21st Century Manufacturing Episode 2 Part 12 doc

21st Century Manufacturing Episode 2 Part 12 doc

... Transactions on Industry Applications 32 (2): 371 - 379 Waldo, J. 1999. The Jini architecture for network-centric computing. Communication of the ACM 42 (7) : 76 -82. Wang, F-C, B. Richards, and P. K. ... (1): 59-82 Koenig, D. T. 19 97. Introducing new products. Mechanical Engineering Magazine. August, 70 -72 . Leachman, R. C, and D.A. Hodges. 19%. Benchmarking semiconductor manufacturing...

Ngày tải lên: 21/07/2014, 17:20

20 291 0
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