Cambridge - Face2Face Starter Workbook 2 ppt

Cambridge - Face2Face Starter Workbook 2 ppt

Cambridge - Face2Face Starter Workbook 2 ppt

... alphabet ffi ,& о Fillin йе gaps. Usе small lеttеrs. n _ _ q r _. _- -_ _- u w _ _-_ ____ .___ _-_ _ z b) Writе thе alphabеt. Usе сapitallеttеrs. ABС Classroom language G} рirr ... тEAсHЕR JOHANN тЕAсHER fia 5 ы ffi ffi ф-ry -) *# { G} *zгсд # b a 9 10 n u П П П П П u. 'hе answеr to quеstion 2? сAвRIЕLA O-R_Т_Е_G_A. Тhings in your bag (1...

Ngày tải lên: 08/07/2014, 22:20

6 731 14
Cambridge - Face2Face Starter Workbook 8 pptx

Cambridge - Face2Face Starter Workbook 8 pptx

... .l,l trainеrs 15 еggs 16 bikе 20 Т-shirt 21 burgеr 22 app|е 9A Amazing journeys | 2aboаt 3abus 4aplanе s a bikе 6 а train 7а motorЬikе 8 a tаxi 2 2wantеd 3аrrivеd 4visitеd 5 studiеd ... '' 76 Quee-n-ltreet ' Мa-n.с-hester ""*.od" М78 З/5 Lо ', n-mЬ"r 0161 28 49865 mоЬi]е numЬrr a7986 З4Z187 ' l. зJ l. I-uсу.smith@...

Ngày tải lên: 08/07/2014, 22:20

6 524 6
Cambridge - Face2Face Starter Workbook 11 ppt

Cambridge - Face2Face Starter Workbook 11 ppt

... HUсo ALEX do? ;;"; ;;; ;- .; ;;;.;-nutеr сou'sе. _ to stay? univеrsity. Shе has a And whаt aЬout you? do shе Rеally? 7 study? @ ul Mаkе quеstiоns with thеsе wоrds. Are -G-ina an-d- Daue gatng ... in !Р., quеstrons l_/. LUсY GINA LUсY GINA LUсY GINA ]Whаt ''a.r-e- Davе and l wееkеnd. ,Whете . you. go-ing to _do_ nехt wееkеnd? arе going to fly to...

Ngày tải lên: 08/07/2014, 22:20

5 447 5
Cambridge - Face2Face Starter Workbook 13 pptx

Cambridge - Face2Face Starter Workbook 13 pptx

... а great plaсе to ;. ,. ,.,. - " "., , ,. . , ,. , . HYDЕ PARK ]"'"'" ''''&apos ;-& apos;' i Thеre,s а[so thеre ... (London). is vеry popular with (touтists). 4 Camden Market Camdеn Markеt , is thе bes-t markеt in London and itЪ 2 young pеoplе. ItЪ з buv сlothеs and a ьuy гooс and things...

Ngày tải lên: 08/07/2014, 22:20

5 411 5
Cambridge - Face2Face Starter Workbook 15 pptx

Cambridge - Face2Face Starter Workbook 15 pptx

... greetings саrd (а Ьirthday сard, - a good [uсk сard, etс.). l- l L _-] ' сan undеrstand а simple thank-you emai[. ! t сan writе a simpte thank-you еmаilto a friend. a) Lоok at ... sеntenсes with алd and but. l- | | | саn wгitе a simple hotiday Postсard. i- ** *-& apos;ф* .t iI lILсlllutIUеl5Ldl|Ud5IlllPrr|I|Lr|l|еLPlUlltr. .l IlLdI| WlILеs|It|[ . - wo...

Ngày tải lên: 08/07/2014, 22:20

5 233 5
Cambridge - Face2Face Starter Workbook 1 docx

Cambridge - Face2Face Starter Workbook 1 docx

... 97 8-0 -5 2r-7 |27 4- Workbook with Key ISBN 97 8-0 -5 2I-7 127 -6 studеntЪ Book with СD-RoМ/Audio СD lsBN 97 8-0 - 52I-7 I27 5-0 ТёaсhеrЪ Book lsBN 97 8-0 - 52 |-7 L27 7-+ Clаss Audio СDs Саmbridgе Univеrsity ... publishеd 20 09 Printеd in thе Unitеd Kingdom at thе Univеrsity Prеss, Саmbridgе А саtаloguе record for this publicаtion is ауаilаblе from...

Ngày tải lên: 08/07/2014, 22:20

6 812 23
Cambridge - Face2Face Starter Workbook 3 ppsx

Cambridge - Face2Face Starter Workbook 3 ppsx

... and drink. Bc"@ 1anеsPr esso 6ac-f- - 2 a m-n-r-l w r 7 an.o ng- j__ - 3 an е s dw h 8 a с_ois-a-t ц a С-k- 9 а с-pp-сс-n- 5at- - .l0aсh__s-andt-m os dw h |n a сafё lip к"uа thеsе ... (2) ;fr} мark thе strеss (-) on thеsе nаtionаlitiеs. b) thirty-onе + forty-siх с) еighty-ninе _ sixty-thrее = d) twеnty-four + еightееn = e) ninеty-thrее _ fоr...

Ngày tải lên: 08/07/2014, 22:20

6 671 14
Cambridge - Face2Face Starter Workbook 4 potx

Cambridge - Face2Face Starter Workbook 4 potx

... nile Ю ю m W Ю m, W h Юl @ Ю 2 з 4 5 6 7 I W Т F S J| rll in thе sans With lhеsе words. v J€€ofids yeаr daуs months weeks hour minutеs а) thrее hundrеd seс_oо-d-s = livе Ь) thirty minutеs = half an с) forty-еight ... sеntеnсеs in 2a) that arе truе for you. Pronunсiation : syIlab|es @ ^l Look at thеsе words. Notiсе thе numbеr of syllablеs. big = 1 syllablе Bri...

Ngày tải lên: 08/07/2014, 22:20

6 658 13
Cambridge - Face2Face Starter Workbook 5 pot

Cambridge - Face2Face Starter Workbook 5 pot

... сorrесt : sеntеnсеs. 1 Mat livеs in London. Mat _doesn|t Iiуe in -Lo_ndan. - e. l iu е s j n "'С p- lф е*st е r, 2 Hе 8еts up at quartеr to sеvеn. 3 Mat and Sarah havе thrее ... in thе gaps rt,ith :-, lnеrсs o| Inеrе аrе. , l Therels a cafё nеar thе bus station. 2 two vеry niсе parks' з a сinеma in Rushlеy. 4 : " two four-star h...

Ngày tải lên: 08/07/2014, 22:20

6 639 7
Cambridge - Face2Face Starter Workbook 6 docx

Cambridge - Face2Face Starter Workbook 6 docx

... ('l) ,*. - lf LsJ Wе dоn't say еvеry lеttеr in somе wотds. Writе thе silеnt lеttеrs. 'lsuit zlisfеn з b ildinр 4 thеat - е 5 - ritе 6 ans- еr 7 san - wiсh в Wе - nеsday 9 ... p___ o a - - - ffi - ry BUY A-LoТ {r .!6;**;;1:{{t1.1.i.:.:|&1;lэiэ:i:Цэi%%qqq!i:!:!i;:616iф:Ф:ф!:e.!;.; ::Р;*::r:€:r:*:g:e Tourist information Тhi...

Ngày tải lên: 08/07/2014, 22:20

6 423 6