ECOTOXICOLOGY: A Comprehensive Treatment - Chapter 20 ppt
... Ecotoxicology: A Comprehensive Treatment Nakano, S., Miyasaka, H., and Kuhara, N., Terrestrial-aquatic linkages: Riparian arthropod inputs alter trophic cascades in a stream food web, Ecology, 80, 2435–2441, ... likely influence contaminant bioavailability, uptake, and depuration in complex and often unpredictable ways. The photoactivation of certain contaminants after exposure to UV...
Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 16:20
... United States of America on acid-free paper 10987654321 International Standard Book Number-13:97 8-0 -8 49 3-3 35 7-6 (Hardcover) This book contains information obtained from authentic and highly regarded ... understand its parts and also how that level functions as part of a larger whole. This can only be done by simultaneous and thoughtful application of microexplana- tion, holism,...
Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 16:20
... in adults in that particular part of the estuary. particular habitat can sustain. As an example, phosphorus might limit the standing crop of a nuisance blue-green algalspecies ina freshwaterlake ... well-established autecological approach and, in this case, produced a reasonable conclusion. They also adopted, with minimal adaptation, a technological paradigm from mammaliam toxicology—th...
Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 16:20
ECOTOXICOLOGY: A Comprehensive Treatment - Chapter 3 ppt
... chemotherapy agents. The P-gp acts as a bar- rier to xenobiotic absorption and accelerates their removal if they gained entry into the cell (Abou-Donia et al. 200 2). The mammalian P-gp is expressed at ... two ways. Antioxidant molecules are produced that react with oxyradicals and enzymes are synthesized that consume oxyradicals or oxyradical-generating chem- icals.Antioxidantsinclude cat...
Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 16:20
ECOTOXICOLOGY: A Comprehensive Treatment - Chapter 7 ppt
... such as lead can be excreted via the mammalian liver by an active transport mechanism (Rozman and Klaassen 1996). Abou-Donia et al. (200 2) also make the generalization that a molecular weight greater ... gill ATPases. The basolateral membrane of gill cells, which have high Na + /K + -ATPase activity (Evans et al. 1999), is the site ofATPase-mediated transport of many metals such as silver...
Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 16:20
ECOTOXICOLOGY: A Comprehensive Treatment - Chapter 13 pptx
... hazard of a reference group or type is used as a baseline hazard and the hazard of another group is scaled (made proportional) to that baseline hazard. For example, the hazard of contracting a ... on ln time-to-fatal cancer might be estimated with an accelerated failure model. The median time-to-fatal cancer appearance might be 230 days earlier than that of the reference population. Bot...
Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 16:20
ECOTOXICOLOGY: A Comprehensive Treatment - Chapter 18 pptx
... genetic variation (including additive-, epistatic- and dominance-associated variance), environmental variation and, perhaps, the interaction between genetic and environmental factors. • Narrow sense ... toxicant can result in cross-resistance or co-tolerance. This co-tolerance can result in very rapid accommodation to a novel toxicant. For example, plants tolerant to a particular s-triazi...
Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 16:20
ECOTOXICOLOGY: A Comprehensive Treatment - Chapter 21 ppt
... Reduced capture success Wallace et al. (200 0) Cape galaxias Baetis mayflies Fenvalerate Increased predation Pesticide-induced drift behavior Schulz and Dabrowski (200 1) © 200 8 by Taylor & Francis ... with and without a particular species, are practical alternatives to actual manipulation and will play an important role in identifying keystone species. Well-designed studies that take...
Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 16:20
ECOTOXICOLOGY: A Comprehensive Treatment - Chapter 23 pptx
... statisticalnull hypothesistesting paradigmhas becomeso catholicand ritualizedas toseemingly impede clear thinking and alternative analysis approaches. (Anderson et al. 200 1) Statistical approaches ... comparison of beak sizes among allopatric and sympatric pop- ulations of Galapagos finches. Assuming that beak size is an appropriate surrogate for resource use, the greater separation of beak...
Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 16:20
ECOTOXICOLOGY: A Comprehensive Treatment - Chapter 26 ppt
... natural and enhanced UV-B treatments for ciliates, flagellates, bacteria, and diatoms in mesocosms. The decrease in biomass of predatory ciliates resulted in an increase in biomass of flagellates ... variety of plants and animals have shown effects of UV-B at all levels of biological organization. • Because phytoplankton are a major component of marine food webs in Antarctica and other areas...
Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 16:20