perfect passwords - selection, protection, authentication

perfect passwords - selection, protection, authentication

perfect passwords - selection, protection, authentication

... collected these passwords to gain a better understanding of how people select passwords. For five years I col- lected, researched, and stared at passwords thousands of QWERTYs, thou- sands of 12345s. The ... that consolidates all of the key points of this book into an easy-to-search web page, pro- viding you with the concise, easy-to-access data you need to perform your job. ■ A “From the...

Ngày tải lên: 25/03/2014, 11:57

200 124 0
Làm sao để hack passwords nguyên lý cơ bản

Làm sao để hack passwords nguyên lý cơ bản

... provide information control (passwords on documents); access control (passwords to web pages) and authentication (proving that you are who you say you are). 5 LESSON 11 - PASSWORDS 11.1 Types of Passwords There ... generated world; the keys he makes are passwords. Within the movie, he has general passwords, back door passwords and master keys – passwords to everywhere. Pas...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2012, 09:56

13 2,9K 12
Perfect Report.doc

Perfect Report.doc

... "Walnes"); joe.setPhone(new PhoneNumber(110, "11 1-1 1 1-1 111")); joe.setFax( new PhoneNumber(220, "22 2-2 2 1-2 222")); String xml = xstream.toXML(joe); System.out.println("xml ... <code>110</code> <number>11 1-1 1 1-1 111</number> </phone> <fax> <code>220</code> <number>22 2-2 2...

Ngày tải lên: 25/08/2012, 00:48

63 1,4K 0
Chapter 9: Working with Selections and Selection Layers

Chapter 9: Working with Selections and Selection Layers

... black. This produces a gray color on an 8-bit layer and a dithered effect on 1- and 2-bit layers. Using the Tool Options palette, shown in Figure 1 0-1 2, lets you fine-tune the Airbrush tool so you can ... tell in this black- and-white book, but in Figure 9-2 2, the character’s hair is that green blob.) The idea here is that you aren’t creating a selection so much as you’re block- ing...

Ngày tải lên: 27/08/2012, 14:31

39 755 0
Windows 2003 Authentication

Windows 2003 Authentication

... nhau để tạo nên mã băm. Hình 3-5 thể hiện quá trình này. Hình 3-5 Take 14-character, all-upper-case, split into 7-character MyPasswordIsLong MYPASSW ORDISLO 0x4B47532 - 140233245 DES Encryption ... chuyển thành mã băm 128 bit bằng thuật toán MD4 ( phát triển bởi Ron Rivest). Hình 3-6 thể hiện quá trình này. Hình 3-6 @S0L1dP@s5W0rD include Unicode password MD4 Hash 4f913083a9d...

Ngày tải lên: 14/09/2012, 09:55

8 799 2


... Org CUSTOM SECURITY TOKENS  May contain additional context information:  Access method (phương pháp truy cập)  wired, local terminal  wired remote terminal  wireless PDA  Authentication method (phương pháp chứng thực)  Password  e­Token  Fingerprint  Trust level (mức bảo mật) TRUST LEVEL EXTENSION  Different trust levels for devices with different  levels of implementation reliab...

Ngày tải lên: 17/09/2012, 10:44

38 631 0
Mô tả công việc của trưởng phòng nhân sự công ty cổ phần PERFECT NDT.doc

Mô tả công việc của trưởng phòng nhân sự công ty cổ phần PERFECT NDT.doc

... link: luc/Bi_quyet_quan_ly_hieu_qua_nguon_nhan_luc/ 5. Tài liệu nội bộ do TPNS công ty Perfect NDT cung cấp. 20 nhân sự thường bị lu ... TPNS. - Liên hệ thực tế công việc TPNS tại một công ty cụ thể để bổ sung phần lý thuyết. 4. Đối tượng, phạm vi nghiên cứu. - Đối tượng: mô tả công việc của TPNS. - Phạm vi: tại công t...

Ngày tải lên: 21/09/2012, 17:11

20 11,8K 39
Perfect Bound Press One-Letter Words A Dictionary

Perfect Bound Press One-Letter Words A Dictionary

... whose cross- section is I- shaped. Imagine that you and I are standing in a room at opposite ends of a 12 0- foot steel I- beam, the type that’s used in construction. I pull a hundred- dollar ... piece of music. 26. n. I bar: a steel beam whose cross- section is I- shaped. 27. n. I girder: a steel beam whose cross- section is I- shaped, used as a structural support in buildings or...

Ngày tải lên: 05/10/2012, 09:56

267 623 5
Perfect Bound Press Word Fugitives In Pursuit Of Wanted Words

Perfect Bound Press Word Fugitives In Pursuit Of Wanted Words

... something-ation or something-us interruptus is apt and oh- so-clever. Usually it is not. At all. A pun alludes to something apropos, but mostly these coinages are, instead, irrelevant allu - sions. ... the 90-percent-of-the-grade science project at home, dog had close encounter with porcupine, husband left wallet on kitchen counter I gave up, so now I make derangements instead. I ex...

Ngày tải lên: 05/10/2012, 09:56

207 577 4
Tài liệu CLUTCHES AND BRAKES Design and Selection

Tài liệu CLUTCHES AND BRAKES Design and Selection

... may require spring-loaded plates, plates of vary- ing thickness, or some other mechanism to ensure no pressure variation, rela- tions ( 3-7 ) and ( 3-8 ) may be restricted to single-plate brakes, where ... Ap max r i Z r o r i rdr Z u 0 df ð 1-7 Þ ¼ Ap max r i u 2 r 2 o À r 2 i ÀÁ From equation ( 1-7 ) we find that for the pressure distribution given by rela- tion ( 1-3 ) the torque...

Ngày tải lên: 20/10/2012, 09:58

351 456 1