An Equilibrium Model of Rare-Event Premia and Its Implication for Option Smirks potx
... Jackwerth and Rubinstein (1996) and Pan (2002). An Equilibrium Model of Rare-Event Premiums 149 An Equilibrium Model of Rare-Event Premia and Its Implication for Option Smirks Jun Liu Anderson ... and Pan (2003), Liu, Longstaff, and Pan (2003) and Das and Uppal (2001). Dufresne and Hugonnier (2001) study the impact of event risk on pricing an...
Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 10:20
... reconstructions of the surface, and estimates of normal and curvature information, are accurate for precise point clouds and robust in the presence of noise. As an application, our proposed model is ... 1 Department of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering Seoul National University, Seoul 151-744, Korea 2 Department of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineerin...
Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2014, 10:20
... wild-type and tRNA (lane 2, 0.12 l M; lane 3, 0.3 lM; lane 4, 0.6 lM; lane 5, 1.2 lM, lane 6, 2.4 l M); lanes 7–10, R347A and tRNA (lane 7, 0.12 lM; lane 8, 0.3 l M; lane 9, 0.6 lM; lane 10, 1.2 ... flexibility of the methanogenic-type seryl-tRNA synthetase active site and its implication for specific substrate recognition Silvija Bilokapic 1 , Jasmina Rokov Plavec 1 , Nenad Ban 2...
Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 06:20
Báo cáo khoa học: "An Ensemble Model that Combines Syntactic and Semantic Clustering for Discriminative Dependency Parsing" pptx
... baseline. The ensemble model outperforms all of the individ- ual models and does so very consistently across both first-order and second-order dependency models. Error Analysis To better understand the contri- bution ... Nivre and McDonald, 2008; Attardi and Dell’Orletta, 2009; Surdeanu and Manning, 2010). Essentially, all of these approaches combine dif- ferent dependency pars...
Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 00:20
Báo cáo khoa học: "A Comparative Study of Hypothesis Alignment and its Improvement for Machine Translation System Combination" pot
... Proceedings of the 47th Annual Meeting of the ACL and the 4th IJCNLP of the AFNLP, pages 941–948, Suntec, Singapore, 2-7 August 2009. c 2009 ACL and AFNLP A Comparative Study of Hypothesis Alignment and ... intersection of the two word alignments, and then continuously add new links between backbone and hypothesis if and only if both of the two words of the new l...
Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 01:20
Báo cáo khoa học: NMR and molecular dynamics studies of an autoimmune myelin basic protein peptide and its antagonist Structural implications for the MHC II (I-Au)–peptide complex from docking calculations ppt
... van Nuland 2 , Anastasios Troganis 3 , Theodore Tselios 4 , Spyros Deraos 4 , John Matsoukas 4 , Ioannis P. Gerothanassis 1 and Alexandre M. J. J. Bonvin 2 1 Department of Chemistry, Section of ... 3413 NMR and molecular dynamics studies of an autoimmune myelin basic protein peptide and its antagonist Structural implications for the MHC II (I-A u )–peptide complex from docki...
Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 16:20
Evolution of the Earth and its Atmosphere and its Atmosphere
... atmosphere, enabling plants and animals to leave the the atmosphere, enabling plants and animals to leave the oceans, and survive and evolve on land. oceans, and survive and evolve on land. ♦ Between ... years ago and 350 million years ago, Between 450 million years ago and 350 million years ago, land plants and amphibian animals began to appear, and land plants and...
Ngày tải lên: 04/04/2013, 10:51
River Water Quality Analysis of Hadano Basin and its Relationship with Nonpoint Sources of Pollution
... unit loads of pollution (Table 3) from paddy field and cultivated land for COD, TN and TP. For TDS, the area of paddy field and cultivated land were summed up. While selecting the explanatory ... quality and land use in a small river basin running through the urbanizing area of Central Japan, Limnology, 9, 19-26. Banadda E. N., Kansiime F., Kigobe M., Kizza M. and N...
Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 10:17
An experimental investigation of heat transfer and fluid flow in a rectangular duct with inclined discrete ribs
... ISHMT-ASME and 15th National Conference on Heat and Mass transfer conference, Jan12-14, Pune, 2000. [23] Zhang, Y. M., Gu, W. Z. and Han, J. C., “Heat transfer and friction in rectangular channels ... and the flow analysis results. References [1] Saini J.S. Use of artificial roughness for Enhancing Performance of Solar air heater Proceedings of XVII National and VI...
Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 16:10
A comparison on cohesive devices between the gift of the magi and its two vietnamese translation versions
... & &% B@ Vinh university Foreign languages department A comparison on cohesive devices between the gift of the magi and its two Vietnamese translation versions (So sánh các phép liên ... B#5!:‹8 $ @C# 5w7‹8 CC#5!C‹8 @!# 5!@!‹8 Table 7: Handling of lexical cohesion in the original text and 2 translation versions. '...
Ngày tải lên: 14/12/2013, 00:40