Báo cáo khoa học: Structural flexibility of the methanogenic-type seryl-tRNA synthetase active site and its implication for specific substrate recognition pptx
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Structuralflexibilityofthemethanogenic-type seryl-tRNA
synthetase activesiteanditsimplicationfor specific
substrate recognition
Silvija Bilokapic
, Jasmina Rokov Plavec
, Nenad Ban
and Ivana Weygand-Durasevic
1 Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb, Croatia
2 Department of Biology, Institute of Molecular Biology and Biophysics, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zu
rich, Switzerland
The fidelity of protein synthesis depends on the correct
attachment of amino acids to the 3¢-ends of their cog-
nate tRNA species by aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases
(aaRS), a family of enzymes that bridges the informa-
tion gap between nucleic acids and proteins. Although
strategies forthespecificrecognitionof amino acid
and tRNA are unique to each enzyme, two reaction
steps in the esterification of amino acids to their cog-
nate tRNAs are conserved among all aaRS: (a) the
activation of amino acids with ATP by formation of
aminoacyl-adenylate, and (b) the transfer of the
aminoacyl-moiety from the aminoacyl-adenylate to the
cognate tRNA substrate [1].
Sequence alignment and later structural data showed
that aaRSs constitute a family of enzymes in which the
same catalytic reaction is performed at two topologi-
cally different structural domains. Class I aaRSs are
built around a canonical dinucleotide-binding fold
(Rossmann fold) with the consensus motifs HIGH and
KMSKS, which define two regions of sequence conser-
vation for all class I aaRSs. Class II synthetases share
an antiparallel b sheet partly enclosed by helices, thus
conformational flexibility; motif 2 loop; seryl-
tRNA synthetase; specificity of substrate
recognition; synthetase:tRNA model
I. Weygand-Durasevic, Department of
Chemistry, Faculty of Science, University of
Zagreb, Horvatovac 102a, 10000 Zagreb,
Fax: +385 1 460 6401
Tel: +385 1 460 6230
E-mail: weygand@chem.pmf.hr
(Received 20 February 2008, revised 21
March 2008, accepted 26 March 2008)
Seryl-tRNA synthetase (SerRS) is a class II aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase
that catalyzes serine activation andits transfer to cognate tRNA
. Previ-
ous biochemical andstructural studies have revealed that bacterial- and
methanogenic-type SerRSs employ different strategies ofsubstrate recogni-
tion. In addition to other idiosyncratic features, such as theactivesite zinc
ion andthe unique fold ofthe N-terminal tRNA-binding domain, metha-
nogenic-type SerRS is, in comparison with bacterial homologues, charac-
terized by a notable shortening ofthe motif 2 loop. Mutational analysis of
Methanosarcina barkeri SerRS (mMbSerRS) was undertaken to identify the
active site residues that ensure the specificity of amino acid and tRNA
3¢-end recognition. Residues predicted to contribute to the amino acid spec-
ificity were selected for mutation according to the crystal structure of
mMbSerRS complexed with its cognate aminoacyl-adenylate, whereas those
involved in binding ofthe tRNA 3¢-end were identified and mutagenized
on the basis of modeling the mMbSerRS:tRNA complex. Although
mMbSerRSs variants with an altered serine-binding pocket (W396A,
N435A, S437A) were more sensitive to inhibition by threonine and cyste-
ine, none ofthe mutants was able to activate noncognate amino acids to
greater extent than the wild-type enzyme. In vitro kinetics results also
suggest that conformational changes in the motif 2 loop are required for
efficient serylation.
aaRS, aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase; HTH, helix–turn–helix; mMbSerRS, archaeal (Methanosarcina barkeri) SerRS; Ni-NTA, nickel-nitrilotriacetic
acid; SerRS, seryl-tRNA synthetase; SOL, serine ordering loop.
FEBS Journal 275 (2008) 2831–2844 ª 2008 The Authors Journal compilation ª 2008 FEBS 2831
creating a fold found only in the class II synthetases
and in their paralogues. Three short conserved
sequence motifs (motifs 1, 2 and 3) are characteristic
of all class II synthetases [1].
The separation of aaRSs into two classes correlates
with the modes of tRNA binding: class I synthetases
approach the acceptor helix from the minor groove
side, whereas class II synthetases approach it from the
opposite, major groove side [2,3]. The functional differ-
ences between the two classes can also be seen in the
mode of ATP binding: the ATP molecule adopts an
extended structure in the class I active site, whereas
bound ATP in the class II catalytic core has a bent
conformation. Recent completion of representative
crystal structures for all 20 aaRSs has created a new
context to determine if synthetases ofthe same class
share kinetic features that parallel those based on struc-
ture [4,5]. Again, a distinct mechanistic signature has
been shown to divide the two classes ofsynthetase [6].
Seryl-tRNA synthetase (SerRS), which catalyzes
serylation ofthe corresponding set of isoaccepting
, belongs to the class II aaRSs [7]. The crys-
tal structure of Escherichia coli SerRS was the first
example of an aaRS that does not possess the Ross-
mann dinucleotide-binding fold [8]. The enzyme is
homodimeric, with motif 1 involved in dimer interface
contacts. As revealed by the crystal structures of two
prokaryotic seryl-tRNA synthetases from E. coli and
Thermus thermophilus, each subunit possesses a C-ter-
minal activesite domain typical for class II aaRSs,
whereas the first 100 N-terminal residues form an anti-
parallel a-helical coiled-coil crucial forthe selection
and binding of tRNA [7]. In the crystal structure of
T. thermophilus SerRS complexed with tRNA
, the
N-terminal helical arm is buried between the TwC arm
and the long extra arm of tRNA
[9,10]. The crystal
structure of mammalian mitochondrial SerRS from
Bos taurus has an N-terminal domain that also consists
of a long a-helical arm, and extensions in the N- and
C-termini ofthe enzyme ensure recognitionof two
unusual mitochondrial tRNAs
[11]. In general, the
active sites ofseryl-tRNA synthetases contain a very
long loop in motif 2 (the longest of all class II synthe-
tases), involved in binding ATP andthe acceptor end
of tRNA [8,10,12].
With the first sequence of archaeal genome (Methan-
ococcus jannaschii) [13], it became apparent that it
encodes an atypical SerRS, later found in all methano-
genic archaea, and thus named methanogenic-type
SerRS [14,15], to be distinguished from SerRSs found
in all other organisms (bacterial-type SerRSs). The
N-terminal region of this enzyme is significantly longer
than the corresponding domain ofits bacterial-type
counterparts. Accordingly, the crystal structure of
Methanosarcina barkeri SerRS (mMbSerRS) [12]
revealed two idiosyncratic features: a novel N-terminal
tRNA-binding domain and a zinc ion in theactive site.
Biochemical analysis confirmed and absolute require-
ment of zinc for enzymatic activity. In addition, meth-
anogenic-type SerRS is, in comparison with bacterial
homologues, characterized by a notable shortening of
the motif 2 loop, questioning the mode of tRNA bind-
ing. Evidently, bacterial- and methanogenic-type
SerRSs have diverse modes ofsubstrate recognition
[10,15–19]. Although the widely distributed bacterial-
type SerRS has been extensively characterized, the
unusual methanogenic-type still represents an intrigu-
ing puzzle in structure–functional and evolutionary
terms. Using mutational and kinetic analysis, we eva-
luated the importance of mMbSerRS active site
flexibility in the discriminating between substrates and
the proper positioning ofthe tRNA CCA-end.
Structure-based design of mMbSerRS variants
The positions of particular motifs along the
mMbSerRS polypeptide are shown in Fig. 1. Each
mMbSerRS subunit consists of two domains linked by
a short flexible oligopeptide (L). The N-terminus
(residues 1–165) is a mixed a ⁄ b domain composed of a
six-stranded antiparallel b sheet capped by a bundle of
four helices (H1, H2, H3, H4). This fold is distinct
from the coiled-coil ofthe tRNA-binding domain in
bacterial-type SerRS, but presumably also interacts
with the tRNA extra arm (see later). The catalytic
module (residues 174–502), built upon eight anti-
parallel strands surrounded by three a helices, repeats
the general structure ofthe catalytic core in the bacte-
rial enzyme. The catalytic domain contains three
class II signature motifs, designated M1, M2 and M3
in Fig. 1A. M1 motifs participate at the dimer inter-
face, whereas M2 and M3 contain residues involved in
serine, ATP and tRNA 3¢-end interactions. The tetra-
coordinated Zn
ion is bound to three conserved
protein ligands (Cys306, Glu355 and Cys461; marked
with asterisks in Fig. 1A) and a water molecule, which
dissociates from the zinc ion to allow coordination of
the amino group ofthe serine substrate (Fig. 1B).
Accordingly, biochemical analysis revealed a loss of
enzyme function as a consequence of alterations in
zinc-binding residues [12]. In this study, we aimed to
characterize the other activesite residues, which
according to the crystal structure may influence the
specificity ofsubstrate recognition. These are marked
mMbSerRS activesite mutants S. Bilokapic et al.
2832 FEBS Journal 275 (2008) 2831–2844 ª 2008 The Authors Journal compilation ª 2008 FEBS
with a black lozenge in Fig. 1A. The mutations were
generated using site-specific in vitro mutagenesis of the
mMbSerRS gene, and N-terminally His-tagged vari-
ants with alanines (or valine in one case) at the alter-
ation sites were expressed and purified from E. coli.
All mutated enzymes possessed a characteristic class II
dimeric nature, as confirmed by gel-filtration chroma-
tography (not shown). CD spectra ofthe wild-type
and all mutants were similar, confirming that the over-
all fold is maintained (Fig. 2). In addition, selected
mutants were crystallized andthe structures were
essentially identical to that ofthe wild-type enzyme
(not shown).
Kinetic analysis of amino acid activation
by mMbSerRS variants with an altered
serine-binding pocket
Serine binding in wild-type mMbSerRS is accompanied
by a significant localized conformational change in the
Fig. 1. Structuraland functional features of mMbSerRS. (A) Idiosyncratic and general structural–functional motifs along the polypeptide chain
of one subunit. H1–H4 represent four idiosyncratic helices in the N-terminal domain, L is a linker region, M1, M2 and M3 are class II signa-
ture motifs, HTH and SOL denote idiosyncratic oligopeptide insertions into the mMbSerRS catalytic core. Zinc-ion ligands are marked by
asterisks (*). A black lozenge denotes other activesite residues that are, according to a crystal or model structure, presumed to be impli-
cated in the specificity ofsubstrate recognition. These are changed to alanine (or valine) in this study. (B) View oftheactive site-bound
seryl-adenylate analogue. The characteristic extended conformation of seryl-adenylate in theactivesiteof mMbSerRS can be observed.
Residues that interact with the analogue are indicated. Theactivesite zinc ion is in cyan.
200 210 220 230 240 250 260
[Θ]X 10
· dmol
th (nm)
Fig. 2. CD spectra of wild-type mMbSerRS
(h) andits mutants: N435A (s), S437A (n),
W396A ⁄ N435A S437A (,), R267A (X),
E338A (e), R347A (+).
S. Bilokapic et al. mMbSerRS activesite mutants
FEBS Journal 275 (2008) 2831–2844 ª 2008 The Authors Journal compilation ª 2008 FEBS 2833
‘serine ordering loop’ (SOL, residues 394–410; Fig. 1),
which brings the loop into the proximity ofthe zinc ion
and enables direct contact between Gln400 and the
carbonyl oxygen ofthe serine substrate [12]. These
movements are required to position the carboxylate
oxygen for nucleophilic attack ofthe a-phosphate of
ATP. Thus, according to the crystal structure, the spec-
ificity of serine recognition depends on: (a) the zinc ion,
(b) the size oftheactivesiteand (c) the hydrophilic
nature ofthe serine-binding pocket. Despite precise
recognition ofthe cognate amino acid, functional
assays have shown slight, but notable, misactivation of
threonine by mMbSerRS, which does not seem to be
edited in vitro [12]. To obtain further insight into the
discrimination strategy, we designed several mMbS-
erRS mutants and tested their ability to activate serine
and misactivate noncognate amino acids. Because the
size oftheactivesite depends predominantly on
Trp396, which is located at the bottom ofthe serine-
binding subsite and packs above the amino group of
the serine substrate (Fig. 1B), by substituting alanine,
we expected to produce a variant with an enlarged
active site that was capable of accommodating a larger
noncognate amino acid. However, formation of a
hydrophilic environment around Asn435 and Ser437
(which coordinate a structurally conserved water mole-
cule) may reduce the binding of amino acids with
hydrophobic side chains (e.g. threonine). Accordingly,
the mMbSerRS triple-mutant (W396A ⁄ N435A ⁄ S437A)
was expected to combine important misactivating
features, namely a larger binding siteand increased
The kinetic parameters for serine activation were
determined using the pyrophosphate-exchange reaction
for the wild-type and five mMbSerRS variants with
alterations in the amino acid-binding pocket (W396A,
N435A, S437A, the double-mutant N435Al ⁄ S437A
and the triple-mutant W396A ⁄ N435A ⁄ S437A). All
mutants showed significant reductions in catalytic effi-
ciency (k
⁄ K
) for serine compared with wild-type
mMbSerRS (Table 1). In accordance with structural
data andthe sequence conservation of Trp396
(replacement by Phe in some methanogenic-type
SerRSs is presumably functionally equivalent), muta-
tion of this residue had deleterious effects on k
for serine in seryl-adenylate synthesis (Table 1).
Replacing Asn435 does not affect the affinity for serine
in the first step ofthe aminoacylation reaction as much
as mutation of Trp396. However, catalytic efficiency is
seriously hampered. The alteration S437A leads to the
value for serine being elevated by two orders of
magnitude. This residue is highly conserved in all
SerRSs, although its direct interaction with serine has
not been observed in bacterial- and methanogenic-type
SerRS structures [12,16]. CD spectrometry and X-ray
analysis showed that the observed kinetic effect
(Table 1) is not due protein misfolding (Fig. 2).
Having established the effect of alterations in
both Asn435 and Ser437 on serine recognition, we
investigated the catalytic properties ofthe enzyme
using double substitutions. The variant N435A ⁄ S437A
displayed kinetic parameters similar to those deter-
mined for S437A (Table 1), suggesting that the large
reduction in the affinity for serine was caused primar-
ily by the mutation S437A. Although mutations
N435A ⁄ S437A altered the chemical properties of the
amino acid binding pocket significantly, the substrate
specificity ofthe double mMbSerRS mutant was not
relaxed. Activation of noncognate amino acids in the
exchange reaction was not increased in com-
parison with wild-type enzyme (not shown). This
mutant showed decreased activation efficiency towards
both cognate and noncognate substrates (serine and
threonine, respectively). Although the triple-mutant
W396A ⁄ N435A ⁄ S437A showed a 10
-fold decrease in
serine affinity (Table 1) its k
value was only three
times lower than forthe wild-type enzyme, suggesting
a compensatory effect forthe mutations. It seems that
in an enlarged amino acid-binding subsite orientation
of the carboxylate group is preserved andthe attack
on ATP is presumably facilitated. An electron-density
map forthe mutated enzyme in complex with serine
Table 1. Kinetic parameters for serine in ATP–PP
exchange reaction.
mMbSerRS K
(lM) k
) k
⁄ K
) k
⁄ K
⁄ K
Wild-type 6.61 ± 1.325 2.06 ± 0.208 0.31143 311430.7 1
W396A 264.5 ± 12.55 0.287 ± 0.0631 0.00108 1083.932 287.32
N435A 70.28 ± 0.280 0.172 ± 0.0167 0.00245 2448.776 127.18
S437A 573.8 ± 69.50 0.729 ± 0.169 0.00127 1271.349 244.96
N435A S437A 689.5 ± 15.25 0.576 ± 0.0283 0.00084 835.388 372.79
N435A ⁄ S437A ⁄ W396A 2879 ± 303.5 1.32 ± 0.2421 0.00046 459.535 677.71
⁄ K
⁄ (k
⁄ K
mMbSerRS activesite mutants S. Bilokapic et al.
2834 FEBS Journal 275 (2008) 2831–2844 ª 2008 The Authors Journal compilation ª 2008 FEBS
(data not shown) revealed the ordering of 394–410
loop residues and interactions with Gln400, despite
replacing Trp396 with alanine.
The influence of mutations in the serine-binding
pocket on magnesium binding
The characteristic conformation of ATP in the class II
active site is usually stabilized by hydrogen bonds with
motif 2 and motif 3 conserved arginine residues and
three Mg
ions. In addition to phosphate groups,
acidic residues from theactivesiteand water molecules
coordinate Mg
ions. Interestingly, an exception has
been observed in the structure of HisRS: two magne-
sium cations are bound in theactivesiteand a HisRS-
specific arginine residue occupies the same position as
the third Mg
and takes over its role in binding the
a-phosphate ofthe ATP molecule [20].
Magnesium ions play a crucial role in the aminoa-
cylation reaction because they decrease and delocalize
the negative charge ofthe triphosphate moiety of
ATP, which is in close proximity to the negatively
charged carboxylate group ofthe amino acid sub-
strate [21]. The binding of ATP andthe amino acid
substrate in theactivesite are linked, and incorrect
binding of ATP can affect serine binding and vice
versa [22]. Asn435, together with Asp416 and Glu432,
contributes to binding ofthe Mg
ion between the
a- and b-phosphates of ATP. Indeed, a 10-fold
increase in the K
value for serine has been observed
for the N435A mutant compared with the wild-type
enzyme. Therefore, we assayed the activity depen-
dence of mMbSerRS variants comprising N435A
replacement on magnesium concentration in the
exchange reaction at saturating levels of
serine and ATP substrates. The double-mutant
N435A ⁄ S437A andthe triple-mutant N435A ⁄ S437A ⁄
W396A showed maximal reaction activity at magne-
sium concentrations that were higher than for the
wild-type enzyme or W396A mutant, supporting the
role of Asn435 in magnesium binding (Fig. 3).
Kinetic analysis of aminoacylation by mMbSerRS
variants with an altered serine-binding pocket
The catalytic parametars of W396A, N435A, S437A,
the double-mutant N435Al ⁄ S437A andthe triple-
mutant W396A ⁄ N435A ⁄ S437A were significantly dif-
ferent from those ofthe wild-type mMbSerRS in serine
activation. The kinetic properties oftheactive site
mutants were further investigated in the aminoacyla-
tion reaction. The production and characterization of
different tRNAs
substrates is described below. The
data reveal that alteration in the SOL (W396A) has a
more pronounced effect on adenylate synthesis than
on tRNA aminoacylation (Table 2). Also, mutations in
Asn435 and Ser437 have a less deleterious influence on
tRNA aminoacylation. This suggests that tRNA bind-
ing stabilizes theactivesite despite perturbations
caused by the mutations.
Although only four class I aaRSs, glutamyl-,
glutaminyl-, arginyl- and lysyl-tRNA synthetases (GluRS,
GlnRS, ArgRS and LysRS, respectively), are known to
require their cognate tRNA for amino acid activation,
a number of other synthetases (including several
class II representatives) [1], use tRNA to optimize the
amino acid binding pocket. Indeed, tRNA-mediated
amino acid recognition has been documented for yeast
SerRS [23,24]. Our results show that tRNA also con-
tributes to optimization oftheactivesite in methano-
genic-type SerRS, which can be detected when kinetic
parameters forthe mutated proteins are measured.
Selectivity oftheactivesite towards amino
acid substrates
Based on previous biochemical and crystallographic
studies [12], we assumed that ofthe 20 amino acids
alanine, glycine, threonine and cysteine may potentially
bind into theactivesiteofmethanogenic-type SerRS
and cause mischarging problems. The ability of these
noncognate amino acids to impair thespecific aminoa-
cylation of tRNA
with serine was measured for
wild-type and mutant mMbSerRS enzymes (Fig. 4).
Alanine and glycine were chosen because they are
smaller than serine; yet they do not have similar chem-
ical properties. Valine was used as a positive control
0 5 10 15 20 25
Relative reaction activity
Fig. 3. Comparison ofthe activity dependence of wild-type and
mMbSerRS mutants on magnesium concentration. Activity was
assayed in an ATP–PP
exchange reaction: wild-type (r), W396A
), N435A ⁄ S437A ( ), W396A ⁄ N435A ⁄ S437A (s).
S. Bilokapic et al. mMbSerRS activesite mutants
FEBS Journal 275 (2008) 2831–2844 ª 2008 The Authors Journal compilation ª 2008 FEBS 2835
because it is bigger and cannot form the H-bonds that
are characteristic of serine in theactive site. Threonine
and cysteine were used because of their chemical simi-
larity with serine. Binding of threonine may be particu-
larly likely because ofthe similarity between the
mMbSerRS and threonyl-tRNA synthetase (ThrRS)
catalytic domains, both of which contain a zinc ion.
Serylation activity ofthe wild-type protein was 10%
lower in the presence of cysteine, andthe inhibition of
N435A ⁄ S437A and W396A ⁄ N435A ⁄ S437A mutants
was 55% and 70%, respectively (Fig. 4). Interestingly,
the noncognate amino acid was not activated in the
assay, indicating that the inhibition of seryla-
tion was not caused by cysteinyl-tRNA
Cysteine may be a competitive inhibitor of aminoacy-
lation in the presence of tRNA or the –SH group
of cysteine may attack serylated-tRNA, resulting
in the formation of a serine–cysteine dipeptide and
deacylated tRNA, in accordance with the hypothesis
that aaRSs are capable of performing thioester-depen-
dent peptide synthesis [25,26]. It remains to be deter-
mined which of two proposed scenarios is actually
taking place in methanogenic-type SerRS.
In addition, inhibition of serylation with 6 mm
threonine was 10–20% higher with mutated mMbSerRS
variants than with wild-type enzyme. Again, the
mutants did not misactivate threonine (or other
noncognate amino acids) more efficiently than the wild-
type enzyme (data not shown). It seems that noncognate
substrates are not bound in the proper orientation,
which would allow their carboxyl group to attack the
a-phosphate of bound ATP and lead to the completion
of the first step ofthe aminoacylation reaction.
tRNA acceptor-stem binding by mMbSerRS
motif 2 loop residues andthe design of the
Multiple sequence alignments of members of two
distinct groups of SerRS showed that the motif 2
loop sequence, which according to crystal structures
participates in acceptor-stem contact, is highly con-
served within each type, but differs between them [12].
The crystal structure of T. thermophilus SerRS in com-
plex with cognate tRNA revealed that Phe262 from
this long loop interacts with the fifth base pair of the
acceptor stem [10]. In contrast to bacterial-type SerRS,
the discriminator base (G73) andthe first base pair
in the acceptor stem were shown to be important
determinants ofspecific tRNA
recognition in metha-
nogenic-type enzyme [15]. We assumed that the differ-
ences in acceptor-stem recognition between the two
SerRS types are due to differences in the motif 2 loop
sequence and that each motif 2 loop is capable
of performing different but specific interactions with
cognate tRNA.
Because the acceptor end of tRNA
in the T. ther-
mophilus SerRS:tRNA co-crystal structure is disor-
dered, we made a mMbSerRS:tRNA docking model
using the crystal structures of ThrRS in complex with
the cognate tRNA. Because ofthe similar size of the
motif 2 loop in methanogenic-type SerRS and ThrRS
and the involvement of zinc ions in therecognition of
amino acid substrates, the M. barkeri loop was homol-
Table 2. Kinetic parameters for serine in aminoacylation reaction. The tRNA used in these experiments was M. barkeri tRNA
duced in E. coli.
mMbSerRS K
(lM) k
) k
⁄ K
) k
⁄ K
⁄ K
Wild-type 11.13 ± 1.310 0.473 ± 0.0323 0.04247 42470.80 1
W396A 760.2 ± 92.74 0.239 ± 0.0320 0.00032 315.049 134.80
N435A 283.1 ± 14.91 0.435 ± 0.0322 0.00154 1535.853 27.65
S437A 412.9 ± 75.04 0.396 ± 0.0297 0.00096 958.828 44.29
N435A ⁄ S437A 509.9 ± 48.49 0.361 ± 0.0113 0.00071 707.394 60.038
N435A ⁄ S437A ⁄ W396A 1191 ± 299.2 0.175 ± 0.0348 0.00015 146.600 289.70
⁄ K
⁄ (k
⁄ K
Activity %
ly ala cys thr
Fig. 4. Inhibition of mMbSerRS with noncognate amino acids.
Activity of wild-type mMbSerRS (black bar) and different mutants
(W396A, dark gray; N435A ⁄ S437A, gray; W396A ⁄ N435A ⁄ S437A,
white) in the presence of other amino acids. The level of inhibition
was determined as a ratio of initial velocities of inhibited (6 m
noncognate amino acid) and uninhibited reactions.
mMbSerRS activesite mutants S. Bilokapic et al.
2836 FEBS Journal 275 (2008) 2831–2844 ª 2008 The Authors Journal compilation ª 2008 FEBS
ogy modeled based on the structure ofthe E. coli
ThrRS loop. We observed that the positioning of the
cognate tRNA in theactivesiteof mMbSerRS would
be facilitated upon the conformational change of the
motif 2 loop, which was the only proximal protein
region in the proposed mMbSerRS:tRNA complex
able to mediate the interactions with the tRNA accep-
tor stem. The model used to predict the amino acids
that might participate in the binding ofthe 3¢-end of
tRNA, which were therefore subjected to mutational
and kinetic analyses, is shown in Fig. 5.
Kinetic parameters for M. barkeri tRNA
acylation by wild-type and mutant mMbSerRS enzymes
are given in Table 3. The results are consistent with
the involvement of several motif 2 residues (Glu338,
Arg347, Gly340 and Gly341) in the serylation reaction.
Loss ofthe catalytic efficiency of mutant E338A is
essentially the consequence of a decreased k
(Table 3), and is in agreement with previous studies on
aspartyl-tRNA synthetase (AspRS) [27,28] and LysRS
[29]. Residue Glu338 in mMbSerRS is presumably
functionally equivalent to Glu258 in T. thermophilus
SerRS. The crystal structure of bacterial binary SerRS
complexes reveals an interaction between Glu258 and
N6 of ATP or Ser-AMS. Upon tRNA binding, this
residue forms a hydrogen bond with N2 of G73. How-
ever, the side chain of Glu338 may adopt a different
conformation, which would facilitate interactions with
the O2¢ of C74 ribose, analogous to those observed in
the structure ofthe E. coli AspRS:tRNA complex.
Because G73 is a discriminator base in mMbSerRS,
specific interactions, in addition to Glu338, must con-
tribute to the importance of G73. The class-invariant
Arg347 from the motif 2 loop in mMbSerRS is posi-
tioned to interact with N1 of G73. It cannot be
excluded, however, that upon tRNA binding the orien-
tation of Arg347 side chain changes, allowing recogni-
tion of C74 as in other class II synthetases. The crystal
structure of mMbSerRS shows that Arg347 and
Glu338 also form contacts with ATP (Fig. 1B). Our
kinetic results revealed that replacement of these two
residues with alanine affects tRNA aminoacylation
(Table 3), which is consistent with the involvement of
these two residues in both steps ofthe aminoacylation
reaction in all class II synthetases [30]. The R347A
variant shows a greater reduction in k
than the
E338A variant (8-fold for E338A vs. 175-fold for
R347A). Moreover, Arg347 also contributes slightly to
the binding of tRNA, as deduced from the twofold
decrease in K
(Table 3).
Strikingly, two glycines in succession, Gly340 and
Gly341, in the motif 2 loop are conserved among
methanogenic-type SerRSs. We analyzed the functional
significance of this apparent flexibilityfor tRNA
CCA-end binding andrecognitionofthe G1:C72 iden-
tity determinant. In agreement with our model, the
G340V ⁄ G341A mutant showed a 410-fold diminished
Fig. 5. Model ofthe acceptor end of tRNA
bound in the active
site of mMbSerRS. The view is focused on the acceptor part of
tRNA in theactivesiteof mMbSerRS. The tRNA is shown as an
orange tube with the CCA-end and G73 shown as sticks. The cata-
lytic domain of mMbSerRS in complex with Ser-AMS is shown in
blue. The structure of mMbSerRS with the proposed motif 2 loop
conformation upon tRNA binding is depicted in gray. Residues that
participate in the interaction with tRNA and that were tested are
shown as sticks. It can be seen that the side chain of Ile342 points
away from tRNA molecule. All molecular depictions were produced
PYMOL (http://pymol.sourceforge.net).
Table 3. Kinetic parameters for M. barkeri tRNA
aminoacylation with wild-type and mutant mMbSerRS enzymes. The tRNA used in these
experiments was M. barkeri tRNA
overproduced in E. coli.
mMbSerRS K
(lM) k
) k
⁄ K
) k
⁄ K
) k
cat ⁄
Wild-type 2.99 ± 0.31 0.454 ± 0.018 0.152076 152076.4 1
R267A 3.40 ± 0.39 0.032 ± 0.0020 0.009436 9435.79 16.12
E338A 2.17 ± 0.14 0.059 ± 0.0043 0.027221 27220.68 5.59
R347A 6.38 ± 1.12 0.0026 ± 0.00046 0.000403 403.13 377.23
G340V ⁄ G341A 6.76 ± 0.55 0.0011 ± 9.42 · 10
0.000171 171.28 887.9
S. Bilokapic et al. mMbSerRS activesite mutants
FEBS Journal 275 (2008) 2831–2844 ª 2008 The Authors Journal compilation ª 2008 FEBS 2837
catalytic efficiency and a twofold higher K
(Table 3).
Thus, theflexibilityof this region might be important
in avoiding steric clashes with tRNA and allowing
hydrogen bonding ofthe first base pair.
The crystal structure of mMbSerRS revealed that
the unique 30-residue insertion between motifs 1
and 2 in methanogenic-type SerRSs adopts a helix–
turn–helix (HTH) fold. The HTH fold of one mono-
mer is positioned above the catalytic core ofthe other.
Interestingly, Arg267 from the beginning of helix 9 in
the HTH fold of one monomer is positioned towards
the activesiteofthe other monomer and can contrib-
ute to interactions with the tRNA acceptor end. In
the proposed model, Arg267 coordinates the ribose
O2¢ of C74. Substitution of Arg267 with alanine
significantly decreased the k
value for tRNA
aminoacylation (Table 3). Amino acids subjected to
alterations in G340V ⁄ G341A and R267A mutants
presumably interact with tRNA in the transition state
and contribute to structural rearrangements that result
in new contacts between the acceptor end of tRNA
and theactivesiteof synthetase. Furthermore, Gly340
and Gly341 from the motif 2 loop also contribute to
the affinity for tRNA. Importantly, our kinetic data
indicate that Arg267 from the HTH-motif, belonging
to one monomer ofthe dimeric mMbSerRS, is essen-
tial for tRNA aminoacylation in theactivesiteof the
other monomer. The crystal structures of mMbSerRS
in complex with ATP or the seryl-adenylate analogue
do not reveal any interactions between this arginine
and small substrates. Therefore, detected changes in
the kinetic parameters for this mutant can only be due
to tRNA CCA-end binding (Table 3). Thus, Arg267
from the HTH-motif seems to be essential for the
second, but not the first, step in the aminoacylation
Wild-type enzyme and mutants were tested for their
ability to bind tRNA using a gel-shift assay. All pro-
teins were able to shift the cognate tRNA, although
some mutants form weaker complexes, especially
R347A, as shown in Fig. 6.
Variability of tRNA substrates for mMbSerRS
We encountered many difficulties in preparing suffi-
cient quantities of tRNA substrates to determine the
kinetic parameters with mMbSerRS variants. Because
of the very inefficient in vitro transcription of M. bark-
eri synthetic tRNA
genes we decided to attempt to
overproduce M. barkeri tRNAs
in E. coli. Both
and tRNA
isoacceptors were found to
be well expressed in vivo. K
values for serylation were
estimated forthe expressed tRNAs andfor in vitro
transcribed tRNA
as a reference. The K
and k
values for both isoacceptors were similar and compara-
ble with tRNA
obtained by in vitro transcription
(Table 4). It was thus evident that the M. barkeri
were processed correctly in the bacterial
acceptor made up 50–60% ofthe total
tRNA and was used for subsequent experiments because
it was better expressed than tRNA
, which contrib-
uted only 25–30%. Endogenous E. coli tRNA
, 3.5%
in the same preparation, was negligible in comparison
with the overexpressed M. barkeri tRNA
. Because
of the 25-fold higher k
value (Table 4), E. coli
was not expected to influence the kinetic results
obtained with in vivo produced M. barkeri tRNA
confirm this, in vivo expressed M. barkeri tRNA
was purified on urea PAGE. The kinetic parameters
obtained with pure M. barkeri tRNA
and mMbS-
erRS were the same as forthe ‘crude’ sample (data not
Methanococcus maripaludis tRNA
gene tran-
script was not efficiently recognized by wild-type
mMbSerRS (Table 4), which is consistent with struc-
tural differences between homologous and heter-
ologous serine-specific tRNAs in the D-loops.
Although M. barkeri, in contrast to Me. jannaschii
and Me. maripaludis, does not possess tRNA
our experiments revealed charging of Me. jannaschii
by mMbSerRS, comparable with the recogni-
tion of tRNA
in the human and bacterial systems
(Table 4).
Fig. 6. Native PAGE analysis of complex formation between over-
expressed tRNA
and mMbSerRS mutants. (Upper) Wild-type
mMbSerRS forms a more stable complex with overexpressed
in comparison with R347A mutant: lane 1, wild-type
mMbSerRS (1.6 l
M); lanes 2–6, wild-type and tRNA (lane 2,
0.12 l
M; lane 3, 0.3 lM; lane 4, 0.6 lM; lane 5, 1.2 lM, lane 6,
2.4 l
M); lanes 7–10, R347A and tRNA (lane 7, 0.12 lM; lane 8,
0.3 l
M; lane 9, 0.6 lM; lane 10, 1.2 lM). (Lower) Complex formation
between tRNA
(1.2 lM) and different mMbSerRS mutants
(1.6 l
M): lane 1, wild-type mMbSerRS; lane 2, N435A S437A; lane
3, W394A; lane 4, catalytic domain (does not make complex with
tRNA; unpublished results); lane 5, catalytic domain mutant; lane 6,
R347A; lane 7, G340V ⁄ G341A. The gel was stained with Coomas-
sie Brilliant Blue. Arrow denotes the position ofthe complex.
mMbSerRS activesite mutants S. Bilokapic et al.
2838 FEBS Journal 275 (2008) 2831–2844 ª 2008 The Authors Journal compilation ª 2008 FEBS
Switching the specificity for amino acid substrate
Although alteration ofthe three residues (W396A,
N435A and S437A) in the amino acid binding pocket
of mMbSerRS was expected to increase the level of
threonine misrecognition, no improvement in threonine
activation was observed with mutated enzymes. Thus,
it appears to be far easier to abolish cognate amino
acid acivation than to replace it with noncognate
activation, despite redesigning theactivesite in terms
of size, polarity and hydrogen-bonding capacity.
Specific amino acid recognition is therefore substan-
tially more resistant to mutation than structure-based
predictions would suggest, as observed previously for
other systems [32]. Our results suggest that engineering
methanogenic-type SerRS in an attempt to change its
substrate specificity is not straightforward and may
possibly be achieved only by multiple alterations of the
active site residues. Furthemore, contemporary metha-
nogenic-type SerRS and ThrRS may have diverged too
far to readily allow the switching ofsubstrate specifici-
ties between the two, as seen for tryptophanyl-tRNA
synthetase (TrpRS) and tyrosyl-tRNA synthetase
(TyrRS) [32]. By contrast, substrate-specificity
switching was possible for GlnRS ⁄ GluRS, a much
more closely related pair of aaRSs, which have only
relatively recently diverged from a common ancestor
Flexibility ofthe motif 2 loop is required for tRNA
The studies described here were undertaken to test the
role ofthe motif 2 loop in functional binding of cog-
nate tRNA. Sequence variability in this loop which
exists in different class II aaRSs clearly points to its
role in the selectivity of tRNA recognition. In order to
study binding ofthe tRNA acceptor end into the
active siteof mMbSerRS, we superimposed the ThrRS
in complex with cognate tRNA onto the catalytic core
of methanogenic-type SerRS. The most striking feature
of the obtained model is the severe steric clash between
the acceptor end of tRNA andthe motif 2 loop of
mMbSerRS, especially with residue Ile342 (Fig. 7). In
the co-crystal structures of AspRS:tRNA and
ThrRS:tRNA complexes, the conformation of motif 2
loop is closed, in comparison with the mMbSerRS
motif 2 loop. The clash seen in the mMbSerRS:tRNA
model, combined with the results of our mutational
and kinetic analyses, suggest that a conformational
change in this loop is required upon tRNA binding.
Recognition by methanogenic SerRS relies, in addi-
tion to the long extra arm, on G1:C72 in the cognate
tRNA, which is achieved by the motif 2 residues
(Figs 5 and 7). Two successive glycines in the motif 2
loop are conserved among all the methanogenic-type
SerRSs. Our biochemical experiments point to the
importance of these residues fortheflexibilityof the
tRNA 3¢-end binding region. The ability ofthe loop to
change its conformation upon tRNA binding is crucial
for correct positioning ofthe tRNA acceptor end in
the active site. However, whether these residues also
contribute to specific interactions with the tRNA
G1:C72 pair remains to be investigated.
Role of motif 2 andthe SOL in the two steps of
the aminoacylation reaction
Strucutural [12] and kinetic data (Table 3) showed that
the SOL has a crucial role in cognate amino acid
Table 4. Kinetic parameters for wild-type mMbSerRS enzyme with various tRNA substrates in aminoacylation reaction. Mb, Mm and Mj
denote M. barkeri, M. maripaludis and Me. jannaschii, respectively.
(lM) k
) k
⁄ K
) k
⁄ K
) k
⁄ K
In vivo
2.99 ± 0.31 0.454 ± 0.018 0.1518395 151839.5 1
In vivo
3.07 ± 0.52 0.467 ± 0.038 0.1521173 152117.3 0.998
In vitro transcript
10.10 ± 1.67 0.439 ± 0.111 0.0434653 43465.3 3.49
In vitro transcript
3.316 ± 0.129 0.079 ± 0.027 0.0238239 2382.39 63.73
total E. coli tRNA
2.34 ± 0.37 0.0175 ± 0.0015 0.0074786 7478.63 19.74
In vitro transcript
2.41 ± 0.04 0.005 ± 0.0006 0.0020746 2074.69 73.19
⁄ K
(in vivo Mb tRNA
) ⁄ k
⁄ K
S. Bilokapic et al. mMbSerRS activesite mutants
FEBS Journal 275 (2008) 2831–2844 ª 2008 The Authors Journal compilation ª 2008 FEBS 2839
binding to mMbSerRS. In addition, the motif 2 loop
participates in ATP binding andrecognitionof the
tRNA 3¢-end in all class II aaRSs. The motif 2 loop of
T. thermophilus SerRS is disordered in the absence of
substrate. It adopts two different conformations upon
substrate binding: an ‘A-conformation’ in the presence
of ATP or adenylate or a ‘T-conformation’ when
is bound. In mMbSerRS, the motif 2 loop is
fully ordered in an apo-enzyme structure. However, in
the presence of ATP or seryl-adenylate the motif 2
loop shifts (Fig. 8). In addition, the side chains of the
conserved arginine residues in the motif 2 loop show a
concerted movement following substrate binding in the
active site. In the apo-enzyme, the motif 2 Arg336
occupies the adenine-binding siteand upon binding of
ATP or Ser-AMS shifts to form interactions with the
a-phosphate group. Arg336 also interacts with the
carbonyl oxygen of Ser-AMS, but not with serine.
Therefore, this residue can sense the presence of both
substrates needed forthe first step ofthe amino-
acylation reaction.
Fig. 7. Proposed model ofthe mMbSerRS:tRNA complex. Overall
view with ThrRS:tRNA
complex (1qf6) shown as a ribbon repre-
sentation and colored in orange. The apo-structure mMbSerRS
(2cim) is shown as a blue transparent surface. For clarity, only the
tRNA CCA-end andthe first two base pairs are shown as sticks.
Two synthetases are superposed by means of their catalytic
domains. The view reveals steric clashes between the mMbSerRS
motif 2 loop andthe acceptor end of tRNA (circled). The gray arrow
indicates the likely movement ofthe mMbSerRS N-terminal domain
upon tRNA binding. (Inset) Comparison ofthe motif 2 loops in
AspRS:tRNA (1c0a; red). ThrRS:tRNA (1qf6; orange) and mMbS-
erRS (2cim; blue) structures, resulting from the superpositions of
their entire catalytic domains. The backbone ofthe tRNA
tor arm is shown (tRNA
has been omitted for clarity). The open
conformation of motif 2 loop in apo-structure of mMbSerRS causes
clashes with tRNA, especially Ile342.
Residues around
serine loop
Beginning of
motif 3
Motif 2
Helix 9
Fig. 8. Conformational changes in theactivesite upon binding of
the substrates. The r.m.s.d of C
atoms after superposition of the
catalytic domains in complex with different substrates andthe cata-
lytic domain ofthe apo-enzyme. The binding ofthe small substrates
in theactivesite leads to conformational changes in the motif 2
loop and SOL. The serine loop residues were excluded from calcu-
lation ofthe r.m.s.d. because they are not visible in the apo-struc-
ture or the structure ofthe enzyme in complex with ATP.
However, it can be seen that the residues that are enclosing this
loop are flexible and adopt a range of conformations.
mMbSerRS activesite mutants S. Bilokapic et al.
2840 FEBS Journal 275 (2008) 2831–2844 ª 2008 The Authors Journal compilation ª 2008 FEBS
[...]... binding, the SOL has to adopt a new conformation, different from the one with serine or Ser-AMS in theactivesiteThe side chain of Glu338 presumably forms interactions with the incoming tRNA substrate, as in bacterial-type SerRS, AspRS and phenyl-tRNA synthetase (PheRS) The conformational change may aid release ofthe by-product AMP after the second step ofthe aminoacylation reaction The new SOL conformation... breaking ofthe interactions between serine, Gln400 and Trp396, facilitating the release of charged tRNA Therefore, a conformational switch in the SOL in complexes with serine or tRNA bound to theactive site, as well as the changes in the motif 2 loop residues with the respect to ATP and tRNA binding, control the two steps ofthe aminoacylation reaction Experimental procedures Site- directed mutagenesis and. .. were used, the kinetic parameters were determined from two independent experiments Activesite titration To determine the amount ofactive enzyme in the preparation, activesite titration was performed Formation ofthe enzyme tightly bound intermediate seryl-AMP was followed in the presence of pyrophosphatase (PPiase) and saturating amounts of 14C-serine and ATP at 37 °C The reaction was performed in... Cusack S (1994) ˚ The 2.9 A crystal structure of T thermophilus seryltRNA synthetase complexed with tRNASer Science 263, 1404–1410 10 Cusack S, Yaremchuk A & Tukalo M (1996) The crystal structure ofthe ternary complex of T thermophilus seryl-tRNAsynthetase with tRNASer and a seryl-adenylate analogue reveals a conformational switch in theactivesite EMBO J, 15, 2834–2842 mMbSerRS activesite mutants 11... (2004) Mutation and evolution ofthe magnesium-binding siteof a class II aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase Biochemistry 43, 7028–7037 FEBS Journal 275 (2008) 2831–2844 ª 2008 The Authors Journal compilation ª 2008 FEBS 2843 mMbSerRS activesite mutants S Bilokapic et al 23 Lenhard B, Filipic S, Landeka I, Skrtic I, Soll D & ¨ Weygand-Durasevic I (1997) Defining theactivesiteof yeast seryl-tRNA synthetase: mutations... 7 Weygand-Durasevic I & Cusack S (2005) Structure, function and evolution ofseryl-tRNA synthetases In The Aminoacyl-tRNA Synthetases (Ibba M, Francklyn C & Cusack S, eds), pp 177–192 Landes Bioscience, Georgetown, TX 8 Cusack S, Berthet-Colominas C, Hartlein M, Nassar N ¨ & Leberman R (1990) A second class ofsynthetase structure revealed by X-ray analysis of Escherichia coli ˚ seryl-tRNA synthetase. .. interacts with the c-phosphate ofthe ATP molecule Thus, the pyrophosphate molecule can be released from theactive site, terminating the amino acid activation Unlike Arg336, Arg347 does not stabilize Ser-AMP in theactivesite Interestingly, successful completion ofthe serine activation step releases Arg347 for interaction with the CCA-end of bound tRNASer Our tRNA-binding model suggests that conformational... 5¢-ATACTTATCTCCATTGATGGCCACAGCCTGGAACTCAAGCCATTC Combination of primers for N435A ⁄ S437A and W396A FEBS Journal 275 (2008) 2831–2844 ª 2008 The Authors Journal compilation ª 2008 FEBS 2841 mMbSerRS activesite mutants S Bilokapic et al Synthetic genes for M barkeri tRNASerCGA and tRNASerGGA with the isopropyl thio-b-d-galactoside-inducible T7 promoter at their 5¢-end were constructed and cloned between the SalI and BamHI sites of pET3a transcription... Blue to analyze the components ofthe tRNASer:SerRS complex Crystalyzation of mMbSerRS mutants was performed as described previously [12] Acknowledgements This work was supported by grants from Scientific Co-operation between Eastern Europe and Switzerland (SCOPES) program ofthe Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF), the Ministry of Science, Education and Sports ofthe Republic of Croatia (project... Bilokapic et al mMbSerRS activesite mutants The conserved motif 2 loop arginine, Arg347, also contributes to ATP binding In the apo-structure, it interacts with Glu338 from the motif 2 loop Upon ATP binding, Arg347 swings toward the bound substrateand stabilizes its bend conformation by interacting with the c-phosphate Following the formation of seryl-adenylate, Arg347 moves from its previous position . Structural flexibility of the methanogenic-type seryl-tRNA
synthetase active site and its implication for specific
substrate recognition
Silvija. Model of the acceptor end of tRNA
bound in the active
site of mMbSerRS. The view is focused on the acceptor part of
tRNA in the active site of mMbSerRS.