duac xuàt ra mot file co tén xxxxxxxx.prọ Tén file do nguòi dùng dinh nghla, ò day ta lày tén là resultxx.pro, sau day là nói dung cùa file này
donlp2, v3, 05/29/98, copyright P. Spellucci
Fri Oct 10 21:30:22 2003 result
n= 4 nh= 0 ng= 8 epsx= 1.000e-005 sigsm= 1.490e-008 epsx= 1.000e-005 sigsm= 1.490e-008
1.0000000e+0 0 4 1.OOOOOOOe+004 5.00000 0 0e+0 02 1.OOOOOOOe+002
eps= 2.22e-016 tol= ỌOOe+OOO delO= 2.00e-001 delrp- 2.00e-007 tauO= l.OOe+OOO
tau= l.OOe-OOl sd= l.OOe-001 sw= 3.67e-011 rho= 1.00e-006 rhol= l.OOe-OlO
scfm= 1.00e+004 cld= 1.OOe-002 epdi= l.OOe-036 nre= 4 anal= 1
termination reason:
KT-conditions satisfied, no further correction computed
evaluations of f 27 e v a l u a t i o n s o f g r a d f 0 evaluations of constraints 0
evaluations of grads of constraints 0
final scaling of objective 1.OOOOOOe+004
norm of grad(f) 2.808415e-007 lagrangian violation 7.640362e-008
feasibility violation 0.OOOOOOe+OOO dual feasibility violation 0.OOOOOOe+OOO
optimizer runtime sec's 0.OOOOOOe+OOO optimal value of f = 1.54645551707303e-000
optimal solution x =
1.00000278100139e + 004 1. 00307163878319e-004 5.OOOOOOOOOOOOOOe + 002 5.0000000000000Oe+002
multipliers are relativ to scf=l
nr. constraint normgrad (or 1) multiplier 1 2.7810014e-002 1." -^^OOO 0 . OOOOOOOe-OGO 2 3.9999972e-0C4 1. :0e+000 0.OOOOQOOe+000 3 3.071638Se + :Cl 1- " " :Oe + COO 0.OOOOOOOe-OOO 4 3.99692846 + 004 1 . COOOOOOe-OCO 0.OQOOOOOe-OCO
Luàn ràn tòt nghiép 70
5 ỌOOOOOOOe+000 1. OOOOOOOe+000 2.7024884e-007 6 4.50000006+003 1.OOOOOOOe+000 0.OOOOOOOe+000 6 4.50000006+003 1.OOOOOOOe+000 0.OOOOOOOe+000 7 4.38042178+003 1.OOOOOOOe+000 0.OOOOOOOe+000 8 1.1957834e+002 1. OOOOOOOe + 000 0.OOOOOOOe + 000 evaluations of restrictions and their gradients
( 0, 0, 0, 0) 0) ( 0, 0 0, 0) ( ( 0, 0) ' 0, 0) ( 0, 0) last estimate of condition of active gradients l.OOOe+000 last estimate of condition of approx. hessian l.OOOe+000 iterative steps total 5
# of restarts 1 # of full regular updates 3
# of updates 3 # of full regularized SQP-steps 0
0, 0) (