Phan Minh Giang, Van Ngpc Huong, Phan Tong Son, 1997, Dong gop vao vi^c

Một phần của tài liệu Nghiên cứu các hợp chất có hoạt tính sinh học từ các cây thuốc của Việt Nam (Trang 51)

- ; khdng cd tdc dung kluing vi sinh vdt kiem dinh

1. Phan Minh Giang, Van Ngpc Huong, Phan Tong Son, 1997, Dong gop vao vi^c

nghien cuu cac sesquitecpenoit trong than rl Nghp den (Curcuma zedoaria (Berg.)Rosc.), Tgp chi Hod hoc va Cong nghiep hoa chdt, 4, 9-11, 26.

Tom tat: Thdnh phdn hod hoc cua phdn chiit petroleum ete tir thdn ri cita Nghe

den (Curcuma zedoaria (Berg) Rose, Zingiberaceae) moc a Viet Nam da dugc nghien cim bdng phucmg phdp GC-MS. Phdn chiit chira chu yiu cdc sesquiterpenoid: caryophyllen, humulen, caryophyllen epoxid, humulen epoxid I. humulen epoxid II, humulen epoxid III, fi-eudesmoi vd zerumbon (thdnh phdn chinh). Zerumbon dugc phdn lap tic phdn chiit bdng sdc ky cot silica gel vd dugc xdc dinh bdng cdc du- lieu pho (ms, ir, ^H- vd ^^C-nmr). Cho din cong trinh ndy zerumbon chua dugc tim thdy trong thdn re cita Curcuma zedoaria. Cdc kit qud nhdn dugc cho thdy su khdc biei ddng ke ve thdnh phdn sesquiterpenoid giiea ioai C. zedoaria mgc a Viet Nam vai cdc vung khdc tren the giin.

2. Van Ngpc Huong, Phan Minh Giang, Phan Tong Scm, 1997, Dong g6p vao vi?c nghien cuu cac chat co ho^t tinh chong vi khuan tu than re Ngh^ xanh (var. B),

Tgp ch[ Hod hoc, 35 (2), 52-56, 74. ^

Tom tat: Cdc phdn chiet tic thdn re Nghe xanh (Curcuma aff. aeruginosa Roxb.,

Zingiberaceae) mgc a Hd Ngi, Viet Nam, dd dugc thir hogt tinh khdng vi smh vdt doi v&i tdm vi sinh vdt gdy benh. Tir phdn chiet petroleum ete curdion da dugc phdn lap vd xdc dinh cdu triic bdng cdc dir lieu pho (ms, ir, ^H- vd ^^C-nmr). Cho

den cong trinh ndy xeton ndy chua dugc tim thdy trong thdn re cua Curcuma aeruginosa. Curdion the hien hogt tinh uc che Escherichia coli, Salmonella typhi, Klebsiella pneumoniae vd Staphylococcus aureus.

3. Phan Minh Giang, Van Ngpc Huong, Phan Tong Son, 1998, Sesquiterpenoid tu

than rl Ngh^ xanh ("Var. B") (Curcuma aff. aeruginosa Roxb.) cua Vi^t Nam,

Tgp chi Hod hgc, 36 (3), 62-72.

Tom t^t: Phdn chiit ete ddu hod tir thdn re Nghe xanh (Curcuma aff. aeruginosa

Roxb., Zingiberaceae) moc a Hd Ngi, Viet Nam, dd dugc phdn tdch sdc ky vd nghien cuu bdng cdc phuomg phdp vgt ly. Mu&i sesquiterpen hidrocarbon (fi- elemen, y-elemen, a-humulen, a-atrcumen, P-guaien, (E)-P-famesen, virdifloren, S-cadinen, guaiazulen, P-chamigren) vd tdm sesquiterpenoid chua oxi (humulen epoxid II, furanodien, (E,E)-germacron, furanodienon, curdion, curzerenon, curcumol, curcumenol) dd dugc tim thdy. Trong so cdc hgp chdt nay cdc sesquiterpen hidrocarbon vd humulen epoxid II da dugc phdi hien bdng GC vd GC- MS iren ca sa so sdnh cdc pho MS v&i pho cua cdc mdu chudn vd cdc chi so thai gian luu tuang ddi (IUU). Bay se.scpaterpenoid con lgi da dugc phdn lap vd xdc dinh bdng cdc phmrfig phdp phd (MS, ^H-NMR ^^C-NMR, DEPT). Cdc kii qud phdn tich GC-MS ciia todn bo phdn chiit ete ddu hod ding dugc dira ra.

4. Phan Minh Giang, Van Ngpc Huong, Phan Tong Scm, 1998, Sesquiterpenoid tu

Tom tat: Cdc phdn ehiii petroleum ete vd etyl axetat tir ihdn ri Nghe den

(Curcuma zedoaria (Berg.) Roscoe) cua Viet Nam da dugc khdo sdt bdng GC vd GC-MS. Phdn tdch sdc ky cgi nhiiu ldn phdn chiit petroleum ete cho a-humulen, zerumbon, zerumbon-2,3-epoxid vd mgi sesquiterpenoid m&i dugc ggi ten la humulen-8-hidroperoxid. Cdu trite cua cdc hgp chdt phdn lap dugc xdc dinh iren ca sa cdc dir lifu phd (MS, IR, ID-NMR, 2D-NMR) vd phdn tich nguyen td. Cdc kit qud cho thdy su khdc nhau hodn todn vi thdnh phdn cdc sesquiterpenoid giira Curcuma zedoaria mgc a Viet Nam vd cdc vung khdc.

Phan J o n g Son, Phan Minh Giang, Nguyen Bich Van, Nguyen Quyet Chien, Nguyen Quoc Dung, 1998, Nghien cuu cac thanh phan boa hpc tinh dau Ch6i

(Baeckeafrutescens L.) cua Viet Nam, Tgp chi Dugc hgc, 38 (12), 7-8.

Tom tat: Thdnh phdn hod hgc ciia tinh ddu Chdi (Baeckeafrutescens L.) mgc a

Qudng Binh, Viet Nam, ldn ddu tien dd dugc khdo sdi bdng GC. GC-MS, IR, 'H- NMR. 33 thdnh phdn terpenoid ciia iinh ddu dd dugc xdc dinh. Dd xdc dinh dugc

15 thdnh phdn chinh hgp thdnh 93,4% lugng tinh ddu trong s6 do cdc monoierpenoid chiem 90,78% cdn cdc sesquiterpenoid chi chiim co 2,62%; vd 18 terpenoid CO hdm lirgng thdp phdn l&n ihugc vdo nhom sesquiterpenoid. a-Thujen (5,96%), a-pinen (14,79%), p-pinen (25,17%), p-cymen + limonen (11,09%), 1,8-cineol (10,I2%>), y-terpinen (12,26%), linalool + ierpinolen (5,12%) Id cdc thdnh phdn chinh cua iinh ddu choi.

Phan Minh Giang, Van Ngoc Huong, Phan Tong Son, 1998, Sesquiterpenoids

and antibacterial activity of some Curcuma species of Vietnam, 7^he Ninth

Asian Symposium on Medicinal Plants, Spices and Other Natural Products (ASOMPS IX), Hanoi, Vietnam, 24-28/9/1998, Oral presentation,

Symposiimi paper, 92-93.

Summary: Curcuma aff aeruginosa Roxb. and Curcuma zedoaria (Berg.) Rose,

Zingiberaceae, have been used in Vietnamese folk medicine. The petroleum ether and the benzene extracts from the rhizomes of C. aff. aeruginosa inhibited the growth of ihe pathogenic microorganisms Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Salmonella typhi, Serratia mascenscen, Enterobacter cloaceae, Klebsiella pneumoniae, and Staphyllococcus aureus. Fourteen sesquiterpene hydrocarbons and eight oxygenated sesquiterpenoids were identified in the extract among which furanodiene, (E,E)-germacrone, furanodienone. curdione, curzerenone, curcumol and curcumenol. Curdione was effective against E. coli, S. typhi, K. pneumoniae and S. aureus, ne petroleum ether extract from the rhizomes of C. zedoaria was active against B. cereus and S. lutea whereas the eihyl acetate extract inhibited the growth of B. cereus, S. lutea, S. aureus and S. typhi. Ten sesquiterpetioids were found in the petroleum ether extract among which humulene, zerumbone, zerumbone'2,3-epoxide and new humulene-8- hydroperoxide were isolated.

Phan Tong Son, Phan Minh Giang, Nguyen Bich Van, Nguyen Quyet Chien, Nguyen Quoc Dimg, 1998, Chemical constituents of the essential

oil of Baeckea frutescens L. growing in Vietnam, The Ninth Asian

Symposium on Medicinal Plants, Spices and Other Natural Products (ASOMPS DO, Hanoi, Vietnam, 24-28/9/1998, Poster presentation,

Symposium paper, 177.

essential oil from B. frutescens exhibits antibacterial and antifungal activities. The essential oil from fresh leaves and small twigs of B. frutescens collected in Quang Binh (yellowish oil, 0.94% yield; d25^^ 0.8782; no^ 1.4701; ao^ - 16 °) was analyzed by means ofGC. GC-MS, IR and ^H-NMR. The major components of Baeckea oil are a-thujene (5.9%), a-pinene (14.8%), fi-pinene (25.2%), p- cymene + limonene (11.1%), 1,8-cineole (10.i%>), y-ierpinene (12.3%), linalool ^ ierpinolene (5.1%).

Phan Minh Giang, Van Ngpc Huong, Phan Tong Son, D6ng gop vao vi^c nghien

cuu hoa hpc va ho^t tmh sinh hpc cua phan chiet than re Ngh$ trang (Curcuma

aromatica Salisb.) Vi$t Nam, Tuyen tap bdo cdo Hgi nghi Hod hgc todn quoc ldn ihuba,\0n99S, HaNpi, Vi?tNam, 106-108.

Tom tat: Cdc sesquiterpenoid v&i khung germacran vd guaian nhu furanodien.

furanodienon, curzerenon, curdion, curcumenon, zederon da dugc phdn lap vd xdc dinh trong cdc phdn chiet petroleum ete vd etyl axetat tir thdn re Curcuma aromatica Salisb. mgc a Bdc Viei Nam bdng cdc phucmg phdp GC, GC-MS, ^H- NMR vd ^^C-NMR Nhiiu chdi trong s6 ndy trir&c kia chua dugc iim thdy trong thdn re C. aromatica. Cdc thir nghiem sdng lgc hogt iinh khdng khudn vd khdng ndm cho thdy phdn chiet etyl axetat the hien mgt pho khdng rgng cdc vi sinh vgt Sarcina lutea. Staphylococcus aureus, Proteus mirabilis. Bacillus cereus. Bacillus pumillus, Salmonella typhi vd Candida albicans, trong khi do phdn chiet petroleum ete co hoai tinh doi v&i S. typhi vd C. albicans & nong do 4 mg/mL.

Phan Minh Giang, Van Ngpc Huong, Phan Tong Son, 1999, Nghien curu cac

sesquiterpenoid tu cac phan chiet than re Ngh$ trang (Curcuma aromatica Salisb.) cua Vi$t Nam, Tgp chi Hod hgc, 37 (1), 57-59.

Tom tat: Ldn ddu tien cdc phdn chiet petroleum ete vd etyl axetat tir thdn re Nghe

trdng (Curcuma aromatica Salisb., Zingiberaceae) mgc & Bdc Viet Nam dirge nghien ciru bdng GC, GC-MS, ^H-NMR vd ^^C-NMR. Tdng cong 23 sesquiterpenoid da dugc phdi hien trong phdn chiei petroleum ete. Ket qud cho thdy cdc phdn chiet ndy chua chu yeu la cdc sesquiterpenoid. Trong cdc phdn chiei petroleum ete vd etyl axetat, cdc sesquiterpenoid v&i khung germacran vd eleman nhu hon hgp cua furanodienon vd curzerenon (tucmg ung 30,7% vd 20,7%), (E,E)-germacron (8,2% vd 4,2%>), zederon (6,2%> vd 14,9%) la cdc thdnh phdn chinh cua cd hai phdn chiei.

Phan Minh Giang, Phan Tong Son, Nghien cuu thanh phan hoa hpc va boat tinh

khang khuan, khang nam cua cac sesquiterpenoid cua tinh dau Pomu (Fokienia

hodginsii (Dunn) Henry et Thomas), Tgp chi Dugc hoc, 39 (6), 9-11 (1999).

Tom tat: Bang cdc phuang phdp phdn tich hien dgi (GC, GC-MS, ^H-NMR vd

^^C-NMR) 31 ihanh phdn (chu yeu Id cdc sesquiterpenoid) chiim 96% hdm lugng iinh ddu da dugc xdc dinh. trans-Nerolidol (35% hdm lugng) vdfokienol (25,2%) la hai ihanh phdn chinh cua iinh ddu. Mot sesquiterpenoid m&i, farnesa-1,8,10- irien-3,7-oxii, dd dirge phdn lap tir tinh ddu. Hogt iinh khdng khudn vd khdng ndm cua tinh ddu go Pamu, trans-nerolidol, fokienol vd a-cadinol doi v&i 15 vi sinh vdt da dugc khdo sdt. Kit qud Id trans-nerolidol, fokienol vd a-cadinol co tdc dimg irc chi cdc vi khudn Bacillus s-ubtilis, Sarcina lutea. Bacillus cereus, Siaphylococcus aureus vd vi ndm Candida albicans. Trir a-cadinol, trans- nerolidol vdfokienol co tdc dung irc che vi khudn Bacillus pumilus.

Phan Minh Giang, Phan Tong Son, Sesquiterpenoid tu tinh dau Pomu (Fokienia

hodginsii (Dunn) A. Henry et Thomas, Cupressaceae), Tuyin tap cdc cong trinh Hgi nghi Khoa hgc vd Cong nghe Hod hiru ca, Hgi nghi todn quoc ldn thir nhdt.

Qui Nhan, 9-11/9/1999, 161-164(1999).

Tom tat: Dd thong bdo cdc kei qud phdn lap vd khdo sdi thdnh phdn cita iinh ddu

PoTnu (Fokienia hodginsii (Dunn) A. Henry et Thomas, Cupressaceae) bdng cdc phuxmg phdp GC, GC-MS vd NMR Dd xdc dinh dirge 31 hgp chdt (96% hdm

lumig tinh ddu) irong so do 11 hgp chdt dugc phdi hien ldn ddu tien. Trir 4,7- dimetyl tetralon (0,2%) vd 4-isopropyl-6-metyl tetralon (0,1%), cdc chdt cdn lgi deu la cdc sesquitecpenoid. Cdc sesquiterpenoid chira oxi chiem t&i 84,4%, trong so do hai sesquiiecpen ancol co khung farnesan la (E)-nerolidol (35%) vd fokienol (25,2%) la cdc thdnh phdn chinh cua tinh ddu. Trong so cdc

sesquiterpenoid nay, (E)-nerolidol, fokienol vd a-cadinol the hien hogt tinh khdng vi sinh vgt doi v&i Bacillus subtilis, Sarcina lutea, Bacillus cereus, Staphylococcus aureus vd Candida albicans, ngodi ra (E)-nerolidol vdfokienol cdn co hogt iinh doi v&i Bacillus pumilus.

Peter Weyerstahl, Helga Marschall, Phan Tong Son, Phan Minh Giang, 1999,

Constituents of the flower essential oil of Aglaia odoraia Lour, from Vietnam,

Flavour and Fragrance Journal, 14, 219-224.

Summary: The very pleasant (flowery, hay- and tea-like, woody) smelling

essential oil of the flowers of Aglaia odoraia Lour. (Meliaceae) consists mainly of cadinane derivatives (ca. 48%, including 27% of S-cadinene). A main constituent is muurola-4,10(14)-dien-lj3-ol (4%), accompanied by the new epimeric la- alcohol. Methyl jasmonates (4%) obviously make an important odour contribution.

Peter Weyerstahl, Helga Marschall, Ute Splittgerber, Phan Tong Son, Phan Minh Giang, V. K. Kaul, 1999, Constituents of the essential oil from the fruits of

Zanthoxylum rhetsoides Drake from Vietnam and from the aerial parts of Zanthoxylum alatum Roxb. from India, Flavour and Fragrance Journal^ 14, 225-


Summary: The essential oil from the fruits of Zanthoxylum rhetsoides Drake

(syn. Z. myriacanthum Wall, ex Hook, f) of north-west Vietnamese origin consists of 78% of monoterpene hydrocarbons, 19% of oxygenated monoterpenes, 1% of n-aicohols and only 1% of sesquiterpenes. The essential oil from aerial parts of Zanthoxylum alatum Roxb. (syn. Z. armaium DC, Z platiispinium Sieb. et Zucc.) collected in north-west India contains 33% of monoterpene hydrocarbons. The main constituents are 1,8-cineole (15.7%), linalol (18.8%) and undecan-2-one (17.0%).

Peter Weyerstahl, Helga Marschall, Phan Tong Son, Phan Minh Giang, 1999,

Constituents of Vietnamese pemou oil - A reinvestigation, Flavour and

Fragrance Journal, 14, 409-410.

Summary: The Vietnamese wood oil of Fokienia hodginsii L (Cupressaceae)

was analysed about 30 years ago. The reinvestigation gave nearly the same composition and percentages as reported in 1971. The oil contains exclusively sesquiterpenes with (E)-nerolidol (35%) and fokienol (26%)) as main constituents and dauca-8(14), 1 l-dien-9-ol (3%) as a biogenetic key compound.

11. Phan Minh Giang, Phan Tong Son, Sesquiterpenoid tu tinh dau Pomu (Fokienia

hodginsii (Dunn) A. Henry et Thomas, Cupressaceae), Tuyin tap cdc cong trinh Hgi nghi Khoa hgc vd Cong nghe Hod hiru ca. Hoi nghi todn qudc ldn ihir nhdt,

QuiNhon, 9-11/9/1999, 161-164(1999).

Tom tat: Dd thong bdo cdc kit qud phdn lap vd khdo sdt thdnh phdn cita tinh ddu

Pormu (Fokienia hodginsii (Dunn) A. Henry ei Thomas, Cupressaceae) bdng cdc phucmg phdp GC, GC-MS vd NMR Dd xdc dinh dugc 31 hgp chdi (96% hdm

lugng iinh ddu) irong sd do 11 hgp chdi dugc phdt hien ldn ddu tien. Tru 4,7- dimetyl tetralon (0,2%) vd 4-isopropyl-6-meiyl tetralon (0,1%), cdc chdt con lgi deu la cdc sesquitecpenoid Cdc sesquiterpenoid chua oxi chiim t&i 84.4%, trong sd do hai sesquiiecpen ancol cd khung farnesan Id (E)-nerolidol (35%) vd fokienol (25,2%) Id cdc thdnh phdn chinh cua iinh ddu. Trong s6 cdc

sesquiterpenoid ndy, (E)-nerolidol, fokienol vd a-cadinol thi hien hogt tinh khdng vi sinh vai ddi v&i Bacillus subtilis, Sarcina lutea. Bacillus cereus, Staphylococcus aureus vd Candida albicans, ngodi ra (E)-nerolidol vdfokienol cdn cd hogt iinh doi v&i Bacillus pumilus.

12. Peter Weyerstahl, Helga Marschall, Phan Tong Son, Phan Minh Giang, 1999,

Constituents of the flower essential oil of Aglaia odoraia Lour, from Vietnam,

Flavour and Fragrance Journal, 14, 219-224.

Summary: The very pleasant (flowery, hay- and tea-like, woody) smelling

essential oil of ihe flowers of Aglaia odoraia Lour. (Meliaceae) consists mainly of cadinane derivatives (ca. 48%, including 27% of S-cadinene). A main constituent is muurola-4,10(14)-dien-i/}-ol (4%i), accompanied by ihe new epimeric la- alcohol. Methyl jasmonates (4%) obviously make an important odour contribution.

13. Peter Weyerstahl, Helga Marschall, Ute Splittgerber, Phan Tong Son, Phan Minh Giang, V. K. Kaul, 1999, Constituents of the essential oil from the fruits of

Zanthoxylum rhetsoides Drake from Vietnam and from the aerial parts of Zanthoxylum alatum Roxb. from India, Flavour and Fragrance Journal^ 14, 225-


Summary: The essential oil from ihe fruits of Zanthoxylum rhetsoides Drake

(syn. Z. myriacanthum Wall, ex Hook, f) of north-west Vietnamese origin consists of 78% of monoterpene hydrocarbons, 19%) of oxygenated monoterpenes, 1% of n-alcohols and only 1% of sesquiterpenes. The essential oil from aerial parts of Zanthoxylum alatum Roxb. (syn. Z armaium DC, Z. planispinium Sieb. et Zucc.) collected in north-west India contains 33% of monoterpene hydrocarbons The main constituents are 1,8-cineole (15.7%), linalol (18.8%) and undecan-2-one (17.0%).

14. Peter Weyerstahl, Helga Marschall, Phan Tong Son, Phan Minh Giang, 1999,

Constituents of Vietnamese pemou oil - A reinvestigation. Flavour and

Fragrance Journal, 14, 409-410.

Summary: The Vietnamese wood od of Fokienia hodginsii L (Cupres.saceae)

was analysed about 30 years ago. The reinvestigation gave nearly the same composition and percentages as reported in 1971. Ihe oil contains exclusively sesquiterpenes with (E)-nerolidol (35%) and fokienol (26%)) as main constituents anddauca-8(14),Il-dien-9-ol (3%) as a biogenetic key compound.

Một phần của tài liệu Nghiên cứu các hợp chất có hoạt tính sinh học từ các cây thuốc của Việt Nam (Trang 51)

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