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Tiếng Anh
Milan Saga ,Vladimir Bulej , Nadezda Cubo nova , Ivan Kuric , Ivan Virgala and Manfred Eberth . Performance analysis and development of robotized screwing application with integrated vision sensing system for automotive industry International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems , (5-2020).
Sangchul Han , Myoung-Su Choi , Yong-Woo Shin , Ga-Ram Jang, Dong-Hyuk Lee , Jungsan Cho, Jae-Han Park and Ji-Hun Bae. Screwdriving Gripper That Mimics Human Two-Handed Assembly Tasks. Robotics 2022. (27-1- 2022).
Ngu khác
Automatic China .Thông số model Double Head Double Y Screwdriver Robot TD305.
[12] Hiwin Technologies Corp, Linear Guideway Catalog
Link: https://www.hiwin.tw/download/tech_doc/gw/Linear_Guideway-(E).pdf [13] Hiwin Technologies Corp, Ballscrews Catalog
Link:https://www.tausr|it/usermedia/file/pdf/HIWIN %20%20viti %20a%20ricircolo%20di
%20s[ere%20manuale%20tecnico.pdf [14] IDEC, Catalog-IDEC-YW-series.
Link: https://img.congnghieplanh.com/202 1/06/catalog-IDEC-Y W-series.pdf 166
[15IKeyence, Cảm biến sợi quang kỹ thuật số
Link : https://www.keyence.com.vn/products/sensor/fiber-optic/fs- n/ [16] LS, Catalog-thiet-bi-dien-ls-contactor-relay-ls
Link: https://dtech.vn/upload/file/catalog/catalog-thiet-bi-dien-ls-contactor-relay-ls.pdf Mayfuma .Hệ thống cấp vít toàn tự động robot 3 trục. (n.d.).
Link:http://mayfuma.com.vn/he-thong-cap-vit-toan-tu-dong-robot-3 -truc. html [18]Mitsubishi Electric, GX Works 2, (2022)
Link:https://dl mitsubishielectric.co.jp/dl/fa/document/catalog/plceng/108122e/108 1 22ef .pdf [19]Mitsubishi Electric, MR-J3 Family Catalog, (2022)
Link:https://www.mitsubishifa.co.th/files/d1/1030177ứg_ MELSERVO-J3.pdf [20]Misumi-ec.com. Couplings.
Link:https://de.misumi-ec.com/files/images/products/docs/flexibleshaftcouplings.pdf [21] Mitsubishi Electric, Thiết bị tự động hoá, (2022)
Link:https://www.mitsubishielectric.com/fa/vn_vi/products/cnt/plcq/items/index.html Mitsubishi Electric, MELSEC-Q QD75MH Positioning Module User's Manual (Details)
https://dl.mitsubishielectric.com/dl/fa/document/manual/ssc/ib03001 17/1b0300117b.pdf [23] Mitsubishi Electric, High-Speed Counter Module User's Manual
Link:https://dl mitsubishielectric.com/dl/fa/document/manual/plc/sh080036/sh080036q.pdf Mitsubishi Electric, I/O Module Type Building Block User's Manual
Link:https://dl mitsubishielectric.com/dl/fa/document/manual/plc/sh080042/sh080042ag. pdf [25] Omron Electronics, Ro-le céng nghiép
Link : https://www.mouser.vn/ProductDetail/Omron-Electronics/G6B- 4BND-DC24?qs=esLHqywZQshniRV UElaKPw %3D%3D
[26] Omron Electronics, CSM_EE-SX47_67
Link:https://www.ia.omron.com/data_pdf/cat/eesx47_67_ds_e_13_4 csm483.pdf?id=436 [27] SMC corporation Viet Nam,Cylinder SMC catalog.
Link:https://www.smc-vietnam.com.vn/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/2-X Y-LANH- KH%C3%8D-AIR-CY LINDER. pdf
Airtac International, Catalogue Airtac Cylinder
[29] THK Co., Ltd, Ballscrew Catalog, (2020)
Link:https://tech.thk.com/en/products/pdf_download.php?file=E_15_BallScrew.pdf THK Co., Ltd, Lead screw Catalog. (2020) Link:
https://www.thk.pl/dopobrania/bnf.pdf Weintek, EasyBuilder Pro User Manual
Link:https://dl.weintek.com/public/EBPro/UserManual/eng/EasyBuilderPro_V60802_User Manual_eng.pdf
Lesjofors, The Spring Catalogue Link:https://www.lesjoforsab.com/
[33] Misumi, Coil Springs
Link https://th.misumi-ec.com/th/pdf/press/PPP_O Part19.pdf [34] Mistubishi Electric, Servo Motor Instruction Manual (Vol.3)
Link: https://dl.mitsubishielectric.com/dl/fa/document/manual/servo/sh3 18 1/sh3 1811.pdf [35] Oriental Motor, General Catalogue
https://www.orientalmotor.com/products/pdfs/2018-2019/technical- reference/Technical_Reference_Overview.pdf
[36] Hiwin Technologies Corp, AC Servo Motor & D2 Drive
Link: https://www.letromec.com/pdf/HIWINACServoMotorDriveCatalog.pdf
[37] Thiết kế máy bắn vít tự động cho sản xuất bàn gỗ
Link: https://123 docz.net/document/122 10108-luan-van-thiet-ke-may-ban-vit-tu-dong- cho-san-xuat-ban-ứo.htm
PHU LUC Code PLC của toàn bộ máy Chương
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M501 Blow scr ewl
Y67 Blow scr ow
Blow ser ew2
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