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bát AgriEngineering
Những công bo liên quan của đề tài
Phenolic Profiles, Antioxidant, Antibacterial Activities and Nutritional Value of Vietnamese Honey from Different Botanical and Geographical Sources
Tri Nhut Pham !2*, Thanh Viet Nguyen 12, Dang Truong Le 13, Le Minh Nhat Diep 1, Kieu Ngoan Nguyen 3, Thi Huynh Nhu To 3, Tien Hung Le + and Quang Vinh Nguyen *
Citation: Pham, TN; Nguyen. TLV.
Nguyen, KN To, THIÊN: Le, TH:
Nguyen, QV. Phenolic Profiles, Antiovidant, Antibacterial Activities and Nutritional Value of Vietnamese Honey from Different Botanical and Geographical Sourees AgriEsgincering 2022.4, 116-1138 itpsi/doLorg/10.3990 gricnginevring4040069
‘Academic Editor:
Paulo Carteri Coradi
Received: 24 September 2022 Accepted: 20 October 2022 Published: 14 November 2022
Publisher's Note: MDPI stays neue
Copyright: © 2022 by the authors Submitted for possible open access publication under the terms and cone ditions of the Creative Commons At=
tribution (CC BY) license (hitps/fere=
aflvecommonsorg/lieense/by/4 0),
Institute of Applied Technology and Sustainable Development, Nguyen Tat Thanh University, Ho Chi Minh City 700000, Vietnam
Faculty of Food and Environmental Engineering, Nguyen Tat Thanh University, Ho Chi Minh City 700000, Vietnam
Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Food Technology, Nong Lam University, Ho Chi Minh City 700000, Vietnam
Department of Local Science and Technology Development, Ministry of Science and Technology Ha Noi 122000, Vietnam
Institute of Biotechnology and Environment, Tay Nguyen University, Buon Ma Thuot City 630000, Vietnam Correspondence: ptnhutentt.edu.vn; Tel: +84-0967-25-07-96
Abstract: Honey is a natural product made by honeybees, its composition depends on factors such as climate, soil and plant source. In this study, the nutritional parameters, phenolic composition, antioxidant activity and antibacterial ability of 30 different types of honey of different botanical and geographical origins in Vietnam were investigated. The study focused on the characterization and evaluation of the influence of plant origin and geographical location on physical-chemical proper- ties and biological activities (antioxidant and antibacterial). The obtained results show that all honey samples meet quality standards according to international standards and Vietnamese standards,
‘except for some exceptions recorded in moisture, 5-hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF) value and ash.
These samples were explored for the detection of 13 polyphenols by using high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). The classification of honey samples collected from different regions and botanical sources was performed by principal component analysis (PCA), and it was observed that certain phenolic compounds contributed to the identification of honey samples. In addition, the correlation between physicochemical properties, chemical composition and biological activity of most honeys was also first clarified in this study. Overall, our data provide an overview data set and essential results in creating a database on the world honey trait map.
Keywords: physicochemical properties; chemical composition; antioxidant activi properties; principal component analysis
z biological
Certificate of acceptance for the manuscript (agriengineering-1961239) titled:
Phenolic profiles, antioxidant, antibacterial activities and nutritional value of Vietnamese honey from different botanical and geographical sources
Authored by:
Tri Nhut Pham; Thanh Viet Nguyen; Truong Dang Le; Le Minh Nhat Diep; Kieu Ngoan iguyen; Thi Huynh Nhu To;
Tien Hung Le; Quang Vinh Nguyen
has been accepted in AgriEngineering (ISSN 2624-7402) on 20 October 2022
(mp1) kem
Basel, October 2022
1. Introduction
Honey isa natural food with a long history of use as a natural sweetener or functional food in many cultures worldwide to support health [1]. Honey is proven to be a good product capable of promoting many beneficially biological actions for human consump- tion, such as antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant acti and wound healing [2-4]. The biological effects of honey are mainly due to the variety of its chemical, physi- cal, and biological components, Accordingly, honey is a product produced by honeybees, and its main component is a complex of carbohydrate chains (accounting for 95% of the dry weight of honey) [5]. Alternatively, it can be considered a natural supersaturated sugar solution with primarily glucose and fructose (1.2: 1 ratio) and 1% of sucrose in total.
However, the fructose: glucose ratio is mainly dependent on the source of nectar. There- fore, the composition and properties of each honey show significant differences according,
AgriEngincering 2022, 4, 1116-1138. hitps//doi org/10.33%0/agriengineering 4040069 www.mdpi.convjournal/agriengineering
h /. Nguyễn Kiều Ngoan 2 Dai học Nguyễn Tat Thành
Thành phd Hỗ Chi Minh, ngày 26 thắng 3 năm 2022
Phát trên Khoa boc và Công ngàệ Trẻ.
s& Số GON: 16-QDGCN/KHCNT Giám đắc Trong:
Khối lượng glucose xác định dựa vào thể tích dung dịch KMnO,
hải Thể tích Thể tích Thể tích adi Thé tich
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Kết quả xử lý thống kê ANOVA
Phụ lục 1. Đánh giá màu sắc mật ong
Bảng 1.1. ANOVA màu sắc của mật ong
Sum of Mean
Source Df F-Ratio P-Value Squares Square
Between groups 65825.2 10 6582.52 296.59 0.0000
Within groups 488.261 22 22.1937 Total (Corr.) 66313.4 32
Bang 1.2. LSD mau sắc của mat ong
Method: 95.0 percent LSD
Matong Count Mean Homogeneous Groups BH4 3 17875 X
HN1 3 353303 X HDS 3 46.8433 X
CS6 3 49.443, X SV9 3 68.508 x MNKII 5 87.944 X
HK10 3 105.771 x CF2 3 112.579 Xx HV3 3 113.446 X CC8 3 150.462 X HT7 3 160.489 xX
Phụ lục 2. Đánh gia các chỉ tiêu hóa lý
Bảng 2.5. ANOVA về độ âm của mật ong
Sum of Mean
Source Df F-Ratio P-Value Squares Square
Between groups 600.178 10 60.0178 596.54 0.0000 Within groups 2.2134 22 0.100609
Total (Corr.) 602.391 32
Bang 2.6. LSD về độ ầm của mật ong
Method: 95.0 percent LSD
Matong Count Mean Homogeneous Groups HN1 3 10.78 X
MNKII 3 1279. X HDS 3 13.94 X BH4 3 14.15 xX HV3 3 15.45 xX
SV9 a 13.9 X HK10 3 16.63 Xx
CS6 3 16.86 Xx CF2 3 22.38 X CC8 3 23311 x HT7 3 23.96 X
Bảng 2.7. ANOVA về độ brix của mật ong
Sum of Mean
Source Df F-Ratio P-Value Squares Square
Between groups 452.574 10 45.2574 190.31 0.0000
Within groups 5.23187 22 0.237812 Total (Corr.) 457.806 32
Bang 2.8. LSD về độ brix của mật ong
Method: 95.0 percent LSD
Mat ong Count Mean Homogeneous Groups CC8 3
HT7 3 HDS 3 CF2 3 CS6 3 SV9 3 HK10 3 HN1 3 MNKII 3 HV53 3
BH4 3
70.99 X 7315 X 73.88 XX
74.6 x 76.82 x 78.58 x 19.22 XxX 79.22 XxX 79.84 X S1.0167 x
84.04 X
Bảng 2.9. ANOVA về độ tro của mật ong
Sum of Mean
Source Df k-Ratio P-Value Squares Square
Between groups 0.689564 10 0.0689564 255.68 0.0000 Within groups 0.00593333 22 0.000269697
Total(Cor) 0695497 32
Bảng 2.10. LSD về độ tro của mật ong
Method: 95.0 percent LSD
Mat ong Count Mean Homogeneous Groups CF2 3 0.18 X
MNKIL 3 0.22 X HDS 3 0.3 x HK10 3 0.35 x
BH4 3 0.38 X HT7 3 0.416667 Xx
CS6 3 0.46 X HN1 3 0.516667 X
CC8 3 0.56 X HV3 3 0.6 X
SV9 3 0.64 x
Bang 2.11. ANOVA về độ acid của mật ong
Sum of Mean
Source Df F-Ratio P-Value Squares Square
5383.12 10 538.312 2070.21 0.0000
Within groups 5.7206 22 0.260027 Total (Corr.) 5388.84 32
Bảng 2.12. LSD về độ acid của mật ong
Method: 95.0 percent LSD
Mat ong Count Mean Homogeneous Groups HN1 2 Dao 2
SV9 3 13.37 X BH4 3 1494 X
CS6 3 13.32 xX HDS 3 1736 xX MNKII 3 20.18 X
HV3 3 20.29 X CF2 3 35.85 Xx HK10 3 41.17 X
CC8 3 42.25 X HT7 3 46.21 X
Bảng 2.13. ANOVA về hoạt độ nước của mật ong
Sum of Mean
Source Df F-Ratio P-Value Squares Square
0.0365105 10 0.00365105 137.54 0.0000
0.000026545 Within groups 0.000584 22 :
Total (Corr.) 0.0370945 32
Bảng 2.14. LSD về hoạt độ nước của mật ong
Method: 95.0 percent LSD
Mat ong Count Mean Homogeneous Groups MNKII 3 0.595 X
BH4 3 0.5989 XX
SV9 3 0.6 XX HV3 3 0.601 xX CF2 3 0.618 xX CC8 3 0.622 Xx HK10 3 0.624 XX CS6 3 0.632 XX HT? 3 0.64 xX HDS 3 0.683 Xx HNI 3 0.7 xX