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1. Kết quả TGA của CaO từ vỏ trứng ga.
tv . Kết qua TGA của xúc tác ZnO/CaO.
. Kết quả XRD của xúc tác CaO từ vỏ trứng ga.
. Kết quả XRD của xúc tác ZnO/CaO.
. Kết quả FT-IR của CaO từ vỏ trứng gà.
. Kết quả FT-IR của xúc tác ZnO/CaO.
. Kết quả SEM-EDX của CaO từ vỏ trứng gà.
. Kết quả SEM-EDX của xúc tác ZnO/CaO.
S2“ jọjọH CỔ 2A Cể G2. Kết qua GC-MS của một số sản phẩm thớ nghiệm transesterification sử dụng xỳc
tác ZnO/CaO.
PL 1
l&CaCO3(vo trung) Sample Weight
CaCO3(vo trung), 13.7420 mg
&CaCO3(vo trung) Heat Flow
CaCO3(vo trung), 13.7420 mg
PL2 noeownwnsn ©
Rel. peak maximum: 489.7 °C , -72.3 mW
200 300 400 500 600 800
Temperature (°C)
IMG1(1st) IMG1 C-K
O-K Mg-K Ca-K
CK wO-K WNMg-K mCa-K
16,.82+0,09 56.58+0.31
Map_005 lespectrum Fitting ratio 0.0911
PL 4
IMG1(1st) IMG1 C-K
O-K Mg-K Ca-K
CK wO-K WMg-K mCa-K
Map 001_wholespectrum Fitting ratio 0.08
PL 5
IMG1(1st) IMG1 C-K
O-K Mg-K Ca-K
=€©- wO-K ỉMasg-K mCa-K M2n-L
7,96+0,04 1454+0.08.
44.17+0.21 60.59 +0.28
0.54+0.03 0.406+0.08.
40.19+0.31 21.98+0.17 7.19+0.12 241+004.
100.00 100.00 Map 022 wholespectrum Fitting ratio 0.0592.
IMG1(1st) IMG1 C-K
O-K Mg-K Ca-K
=€©- wO-K ỉMasg-K mCa-K M2n-L
Date: 9/22/2023 Time: 4:03:19 PM File: CaO - 900 - TRUNG User: HP Z2-G4
10000 -
Position [*28] (Copper (Cu))
Page: 1 of 1
PL 5
Date: 9/22/2023 Time: 4:03:30 PM File: CaO - 900 - TRUNG User: HP Z2-G4
CaO - 900 - TRUNG
10000 -
1.69831 [A]
-2.77206 [A]
1.38719 [A]
—T5.66262 [A] 3.87043 [A] 3.42959 [Á] 79 Toes È —2.62200 [A] 2.10359 [A] 1.92280 [A] 1.54926 [A] —1.47985 [A] > (A)
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Position [*28] (Copper (Cu))
Page: 1 of 1
PL 5
Date: 9/22/2023 Time: 4:04:12 PM File: CaO - 900 - TRUNG User: HP Z2-G4
CaO - 900 - TRUNG
04-007-5231; Ca ( O H)2; Portlandite, syn; Calcium Hydroxide 01-090-0828; Ca O; Calcium Oxide
10000 —
5000 -
Page: 1 of 1
Date: 2/2/2024 Time: 10:55:54 AM File: ZnO-CaO DA NUNG User: HP Z2-G4
4000 -
3000 ~
Peak List
Page: 1 of 1
User: HP Z2-G4 File: 2nO-CaO DA NUNG
Date: 2/2/2024 Time: 10:56:05 AM
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Position [*28] (Copper (Cu))
Peak List
Page: 1 of 1
Date: 2/2/2024 Time: 10:56:31 AM File: ZnO-CaO DA NUNG User: HP Z2-G4
4000 "Ì 04-007-5231; Ca ( O H)2; Portlandite, syn; Calcium Hydroxide
mm 601-085-1109; Ca ( C O3 ); Calcite; Calcium Earbonate ll 04-023-7335; Zn O; Zincite, syn; Zinc Oxid¿
2000 =
Peak List |
04-007- 5231; Ca (O H }2: Porilandite, syn; Calum Hydroxide
Page: 1 of 1
Search results for: CaO 900 ( NHUNG)
Date: Mon Sep 25 12:14:21 2023 (GMT+07:00)
Search algorithm: Correlation PL?
Regions searched: 3494.44-680.76
%T %T
Search results list of matches
Index Match Compound Name Library Name
1 332 78.63 HYDROXIDE; CALCIUM, Licenced to L'oreal France HR Inorganics Ill.
2 1519 74.64 — Calcium oxide Georgia State Forensic Drugs
3 1519 74.45 Calcium oxide HR Georgia Stale Forensic Drugs
4 50 72.65 — Travertine #1, 0.064 wt % Commercial Materials Painter Minerals
5 620 71.59 GROUND CALCIUM CARBONATE #2 Polymer Additives and Plasticizers
6 17 70.88 Calcite U.S. Geological Survey Minerals
7 273 69.92 KAYOCEL 10-NC-50 industrial Coatings
8 620 69.51 GROUND CALCIUM CARBONATE #2 HR Polymer Additives and Plasticizers
9 3 68.91 Ankerite #1, 0.078 wa % Commercial Materials Painter Minerals 10 107 68.75 Chalk - calclum carbonate 90% brightness Paper Materials Library
4000 3500 3000
Number of sample scans: 20 Region:
Number of background scans: 32 Resolution: 4.000
Sample gain: 1.0
Mirror velocity: 0.4747 Aperture: 150.00
Hit List:
Index 332
1519 1519
50 620
273 620
3 107
Search type:
CaO 900 ( NHUNG)
Mon Sep 25 12:14:32 2023 (
2500 2000 1500 1000 500
Wavenumbers (cm-1)
CaO 900 ( NHUNG) 3494 .44-680.76
Match Compound name Library 78.63
France 74.64 74.45 72.65 71.59 70.88 69.92 69.51 68.91 68.75
HYDROXIDE; CALCIUM, Licenced to L’oreal Calcium oxide
Calcium oxide
Travertine #1, 0,064 wt %
GROUND CALCIUM CARBONATE #2 Ankerite #1, 0.079 wt %
Chalk - calcium carbonate 90% brightness
HR Inorganics Ill.
Georgia State Forensic Drugs
HR Georgia State Forensic Drugs
Commercial Materials Painter Minerals Polymer Additives and Plasticizers
U.S, Geological Survey Minerals Industrial Coatings
HR Polymer Additives and Plasticizers Commercial Materials Painter Minerals
Paper Materials Library
Search results for: THANH ZnO-CaO DA NUNG Date: Fri Feb 02 16:42:49 2024 (GMT+07:00)
Search algorithm: Correlation
Regions searched: 3494.44-680.76
3500 3000
Search results list of matches
Index Match Compound Name
1 107 95.04 Chalk - calcium carbonate 90% brightness
2 17 94.41 Calcite
3 3 93.56 Ankerile #1, 0,079 vA %
4 50 93.35 Travertine #1, 0.064 wt %
5 275 92.93 Calcium carbonate 6 1266 91.80 Hubercarb Q-4
8 149 89.89 CYANOX 53
9 273 89.88 KAYOCEL 10-NC-50 I0 602 8927 MULTIFEX MM
1500 1000
Library Name
Paper Materials Library
U.S. Geological Survey Minerals
Commercial Materials Painter Minerals Commercial Materials Painter Minerals
Paper Materials Library
Coatings Technology
Polymer Additives and Plasticizers Rubber Compounding Materials
Industrial Coatings industrial Coatings
PL8 Fri Feb 02 16:42:58 2024 (G
3000 2500 2000
Wavenumbers (cm-1) Spectrum: THANH ZnO-CaO DA NUNG
. Region: 3494.44-680.76
Number of sample scans: 20 Search type: Correlation Number of background scans: 32 Hit List:
Resolution: 4.000 Index Match Compound name Library
Sample gain: 1.0 107 95.04 Chalk - calcium carbonate 90% brightness Paper Materials Library
Mirror velocity: 0.4747 17 94.41 Calcite U.S. Geological Survey Minerals
Aperture: 150.00 3 93.56 Ankerite #1, 0.079 wt % Commercial Materials Painter Minerals
‘ , 50 93.35 Travertine #1, 0.064 wt % Commercial Materials Painter Minerals 275 92.93 Calcium carbonate Paper Materials Library
1266 91.80 Hubercarb Q-4 Coatings Technology
620 90.11 GROUND CALCIUM CARBONATE #2 Polymer Additives and Plasticizers
149 89.89 CYANOX 53 Rubber Compounding Materials
273 89.88 KAYOCEL 10-NC-50 Industrial Coatings
602 8927 MULTIFEX MM Industrial Coatings
Area Percent Report py. 1g y:\Nga-DHSP1301 12023\
! 30 Nov 2023 14:04
Integration Parameters: autoint1.e Integrator: ChemStation
Method :C:imsdchem\1\METHODS'\Biodiesel NGA1.M
Tile :
Signal : TIC: KT_R15.Didata.ms
peak R.T. first maxlast PK peak cor. corr. % of
# min scan scan scan TY height area %max. total
1 4.026 180 203 230BB2 66389 1618418 0.14% 0.060%
2 4.782 325 365 388BB6 57121 1789824 0.16% 0.066%
3 5.385 467 495 517BV 866524 16786806 1.49% 0.623%
4 6882 708 816 827BV 81886 8398671 0.74% 0.312%
5 6.967 827 835 842 VV 10 79261 2571884 0.23% 0.096%
7.053 842 853 896 VB 2128663 46346300 4.11% 1.721%
8.028 1045 1062 1085 BB 3 120252 2787773 0.25% 0.104%
8.917 1176 1253 1269 BV 3 665325 22319128 1.98% 0.829%
9.191 1269 1312 1389 VB 2 16665456 839058387 74.39% 31.162%
10 10.042 1482 1495 1520BB5 71456 2023668 0.18% 0.075%