Note 9). This should always be prepared fresh on the day of
27. Metabolite identification is based on the retention times closely matching and the ratios of a primary (quantifying) fragment
We gratefully acknowledge the financial support of UK BBSRC and TSB. We are also grateful to Dr. Chris Sellick from MedImmune, who was instrumental in developing the methodology for this GC–
MS-based technique.
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Daniel F. Gilbert and Oliver Friedrich (eds.), Cell Viability Assays: Methods and Protocols, Methods in Molecular Biology, vol. 1601, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4939-6960-9_13, © Springer Science+Business Media LLC 2017
Chapter 13
Assaying Spontaneous Network Activity and Cellular Viability Using Multi-well Microelectrode Arrays
Jasmine P. Brown, Brittany S. Lynch, Itaevia M. Curry-Chisolm, Timothy J. Shafer, and Jenna D. Strickland
Microelectrode array (MEA) technology is a neurophysiological method that allows for the spontaneous measure of activity in neural cultures and determination of drug and chemical effects thereon. Recent introduction of multi-well MEA (mwMEA) formats have dramatically increased the throughput of this technology, allowing more efficient compound screening. Rapid characterization of compounds for neu- roactivity or neurotoxicity hazard evaluation following acute, chronic, or developmental exposures ideally would also consider compound effects on cell health, and to do so in the same well requires a multiplexed approach. Procedures describing the multiplexed method to acute and developmental screening are described in this chapter.
Key words Microelectrode array (MEA), Neurophysiological method, mwMEA, Developmental screening
1 Introduction
Multi-well microelectrode array (mwMEA) systems have increased throughput of traditional MEAs, making them an effective in vitro screening tool to prioritize large sets of compounds. This pheno- typic approach can be applied to both drug discovery and drug safety screening, as well as acute [1, 2], chronic, and developmen- tal [3–5] screening for cardiac and neurotoxicity. For example, cur- rently, thousands of compounds lack sufficient toxicity data, espe cially as it relates to the nervous system and its development, and mwMEAs have been proposed as one approach to address this issue [6]. However, discrimination of compound effects on cell function versus cell health remains challenging as some formats of higher throughput mwMEA plates are opaque. Thus, determina- tion of cell health was often completed in “sister” cultures at dif- ferent densities. This method proved to be both suboptimal and inefficient, because it required the preparation of additional culture
materials and dosing solutions. The advancement of a multiplexed approach allowing for simple and rapid characterization of compound effects on both neurophysiological and cellular viability endpoints within the same network provides a method to differen- tiate between compound-induced changes in neural activity and overall reductions in cell health [7]. The ability to determine if endpoint specific effects of a compound (e.g., changes in network firing rates) and changes in viability occur simultaneously remains an important aspect of in vitro screening for neurotoxicity. The methods demonstrated in this chapter utilize a mixed primary cor- tical culture comprising both inhibitory and excitatory neurons and glial cells. However, these methods may be adapted for other MEA platforms (i.e., 96-well platforms) or cell types (i.e., cardiac cells).
Using a multiplexed screening approach we demonstrate a simple and rapid method for simultaneous determination of com- pound effects on both neural network function and cellular health.
Here we present comprehensive methods for assessment of compound effects on neural network function following acute or developmental exposure. These methods include culturing, record- ing, and viability assessment on mwMEA plates. Specifically, to assess changes in function, primary cortical cultures were grown on mwMEA plates (48 wells). Changes in spontaneous network activ- ity in response to treatment were monitored for both acute (~40 min on day in vitro 13) and developmental exposures (~15 mins on days in vitro 2, 5, 7, 9, and 12). Effects on cell health were assessed from the same well following recording by measur- ing both lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) release and metabolic activity (CellTiter Blue; CTB). Modifications to each of the viabil- ity assays were needed for both acute and developmental exposures (see Subheading 3.7 for details). While facilitating rapid determina- tion of both changes in neural network function and viability, these methods also serve to reduce cost, time, and animal use. These methods could easily be adapted to a variety of other cell types and exposure conditions.
2 Materials
The materials listed below are referenced in multiple procedures.
Those specific to a certain procedure are listed in their respective materials section. All procedures in this chapter use sterile tech- nique and are done in a laminar flow hood with the exception of the viability assays described later in this chapter.