10) where R(pCa) represents the column of the measured ratios, and
20. Do not repeat the recording in a different field of view in the same culture even after a washout of concanamycin A and a
To account for systematic errors such as variance in cultures, choice of field of view, pipetting errors, and temperature, the results should be trusted only if based on a sufficient sample size of at least ten different coverslips per experimental condition.
Be sure to double-check statistical power of your results [29].
This work was supported by Else-Krửner- Fresenius Stiftung grant 2012_A35.
Supplementary Files
Exemplary MATLAB code for processing a vesicle pool size record- ing can be found in the GitHub repository available at https://
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Jana K. Wrosch and Teja W. Groemer
Chapter 16
Phenotyping Cellular Viability by Functional Analysis of Ion Channels: GlyR-Targeted Screening in NT2-N Cells
Katharina Kuenzel*, Sepideh Abolpour Mofrad*, and Daniel F. Gilbert
Glycine receptor chloride channels (GlyRs) are attractive drug targets for therapeutic intervention and are also more and more recognized in the context of in vitro neurotoxicity and developmental neurotoxicity testing. Assaying the functional properties of GlyR can serve as an indicator of cellular viability and the integrity of the developing and mature central nervous system. Human pluripotent NTERA-2 (NT2) stem cells undergo neuronal differentiation upon stimulation with retinoic acid and express a large variety of neuronal proteins—including GlyR. YFP-I152L, a halide-sensitive variant of yellow fluorescent protein, allows high-throughput fluorescence-based functional analysis of GlyRs in NT2 cells. Here we describe a protocol for phenotyping of cellular viability by functional analysis of GlyR in neuronally differentiated NT2 (NT2-N) cells using YFP-I152L as a reporter of functional integrity of GlyRs. The protocol describes neuronal differentiation of NT2 stem cells, transient transfection of NT2-N cells with YFP-I152L as well as functional imaging and analysis of data from high-content imaging.
Key words Human pluripotent embryonal teratocarcinoma stem cells, NT2 cells, NT2-N cells, Glycine receptor chloride channel (GlyR), YFP-I152L, Cell viability, Toxicological screening
1 Introduction
Glycine receptors (GlyRs) are ligand-gated ion channels which mediate inhibitory neurotransmission in the central nervous system (CNS). In mature neurons, upon activation by the amino acid and neurotransmitter glycine, GlyRs conduct a hyperpolarizing inward- directed anion current into the cells [1–3]. Impaired channel func- tion, by, e.g., genetic or molecular perturbation, can lead to severe neurological disorders including epilepsy [4–6], neuropathic pain [7], chronic pain sensitization [2, 8, 9], and hyperekplexia [10, 11]
and has also been associated with neurotoxicity [12–15]. Due to their important role in inhibitory neurotransmission, these channels are considered attractive drug targets for therapeutic intervention
*Katharina Kuenzel and Sepideh Abolpour Mofrad contributed equally to this work.
Daniel F. Gilbert and Oliver Friedrich (eds.), Cell Viability Assays: Methods and Protocols, Methods in Molecular Biology, vol. 1601, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4939-6960-9_16, © Springer Science+Business Media LLC 2017
[16] and are also increasingly recognized in the context of in vitro neurotoxicity (NT) [12, 13, 17–19] and developmental neurotox- icity (DNT) testing [14, 15]. Assaying the functional properties of GlyR can serve as an indicator of cellular viability and the integrity of the developing and mature central nervous system.
Human pluripotent NTERA-2 (NT2 or TERA2.cl.SP12) stem cells undergo neuronal differentiation upon exposure to retinoic acid and mimic the process of differentiation in the developing brain including developmental stages ranging from nondifferenti- ated stem cells, committed neural progenitors to differentiated neuronal—so-called NT2-N cells—and glial cells [20–25].
Electrophysiological studies with NT2-N cells have demonstrated voltage-activated calcium, TTX-sensitive sodium and potassium currents, spontaneous synaptic currents as well as glutamate, N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA), GABA and strychnine-sensitive glycine-induced currents [14, 21, 25–29], indicating that these cells exhibit properties similar to those described in native human neurons.
YFP-I152L, a variant of yellow fluorescent protein (YFP) with strongly enhanced anion sensitivity, is quenched by small anions and is thus suitable to reporting anionic influx into cells [30]. Figure 1 shows the principle of cellular viability phenotyp- ing by functional analysis of GlyRs using the fluorescence reporter YFP- I152L. The fluorescent protein has been success- fully and repeatedly applied for compound screening and struc- ture-function analysis with many different chloride channel types [14, 15, 31–39].
Here we describe a protocol for phenotyping of cellular viabil- ity by functional analysis of GlyRs in NT2 cells using recombi- nantly expressed YFP-I152L as a reporter of GlyR activation.
Fig. 1 Principle of cell viability phenotyping by functional analysis of GlyRs using the fluorescence reporter YFP-I152L. (a) Fluorescence intensity of YFP-I152L is strong in resting cells. (b) Upon activation by its ligand, GlyRs conduct an inward-directed anion current, leading to fluorescence quenching of YFP-I152L
Katharina Kuenzel et al.
YFP-I152L is expressed under the control of the human ubiquitin promoter C. The promoter has been reported to drive selective protein expression in principal neurons in the mammalian brain [40]. NT2 cells have previously been reported to provide a suitable system for expressing exogenous proteins in terminally differenti- ated neurons [21]. A timeline of neuronal differentiation of NT2 cells in monolayer cultures previously developed in our laboratory [41] and the experimental workflow are shown in Fig. 2.
2 Materials
1. Human pluripotent teratocarcinoma cells (NTERA-2.cl.D1, CRL-1973™, ATCC).