Before impalement of the single fiber with the microelectrode, the bridge circuit on the amplifier should be adjusted so the

Một phần của tài liệu Methods in molecular biology vol 1601 cell viability assays methods and protocols (Trang 196 - 201)

10) where R(pCa) represents the column of the measured ratios, and

13. Before impalement of the single fiber with the microelectrode, the bridge circuit on the amplifier should be adjusted so the

When this happens, one will see an immediate negative deflec- tion in the voltage recording to around –60 mV to –80 mV. The negative internal resting membrane potential is a sign that the fiber is healthy. During penetration, the fiber may twitch briefly due to the depolarizing effect of the penetration.


Supported by mobility funds through the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) to OF and the Universities Australia scheme to SIH.


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Quantitative Ratiometric Ca2+ Imaging to Assess Cell Viability


Chapter 15

Functional Viability: Measurement of Synaptic Vesicle Pool Sizes

Jana K. Wrosch and Teja W. Groemer


Neurons and their function of conveying information across a chemical synapse are highly regulated sys- tems. Impacts on their functional viability can occur independently from changes in morphology. Here we describe a method to assess the size of synaptic vesicle pools using live cell fluorescence imaging and a genetically encoded probe (pHluorin). Assessing functional parameters such as the size of synaptic vesicle pools can be a valuable addition to common assays of neuronal cell viability as they demonstrate that key cellular functions are intact.

Key words Electrical stimulation, Live cell fluorescence imaging, pHluorin, Synaptic vesicle pools, Synaptic vesicle recycling

1 Introduction

The measurement of synaptic vesicle pools sizes is a well- established tool to verify neurons’ functional viability.

The presynaptic bouton of a synapse contains synaptic vesicles.

Their function is to concentrate and transport neurotransmitter.

When an action potential reaches the synapse, synaptic vesicles are exocytosed and their content is released into the synaptic cleft [1].

The released neurotransmitter will then activate receptors on the postsynaptic side. To compensate for the lost vesicles and the dis- embogued membrane, new vesicles are formed through endocyto- sis and reacidification [2].

The synaptic vesicle recycling cycle is a carefully regulated mechanism and is playing a role in synaptic plasticity [3–5].

According to the activation intensity—action potential frequency and duration—different vesicle populations are released from the synapse: Vesicles that are docked to the membrane are released upon low intensity activation and form the readily releasable pool (RRP) [6]. Spontaneously fusing vesicles originate from this same pool of readily releasable vesicles [7]. Other vesicles are only

Daniel F. Gilbert and Oliver Friedrich (eds.), Cell Viability Assays: Methods and Protocols, Methods in Molecular Biology, vol. 1601, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4939-6960-9_15, © Springer Science+Business Media LLC 2017


released upon stronger activation. Both of these vesicle populations undergo synaptic vesicle recycling and form the recycling pool (RECP) [8]. A third population of vesicles, the resting pool (RESTP) cannot be exocytosed [3]. The total pool (TOTALP) of vesicles in a synapse is made up by the sum of these three vesicle pools.

The effect of pharmacological drugs on synaptic vesicle pool sizes can be a valuable indication of presynaptic drug targets and has been researched in context with, e.g., antidepressants [9], G-protein signaling [10], and synaptic plasticity [3–5].

To quantify synaptic vesicle pool sizes, the vesicles are labeled with an exocytosis-dependent fluorescent tag. Upon synaptic stim- ulation of controlled intensity the different vesicle pools are released. The intensities of the fluorescence responses can be recorded and represent the number of vesicles released from the different pools.

There are two common methods for exocytosis-dependent stain- ing of synaptic vesicles: FM-dyes and pH-dependent fluorophores.

When using FM-dyes, vesicles are first loaded with the fluoro- phores; upon exocytosis the fluorophores are released and fluores- cence intensity decreases with every vesicle exocytosed [1, 11–13].

On the one hand, this method is very robust and doesn’t require genetic modifications. On the other hand, it can only provide the absolute value of synapses’ vesicle pool sizes at a given time and cannot be normalized to account for varying synapse sizes across the recorded cells [3, 5, 14].

In the second approach, neurons express vesicular proteins, tagged with a pH-dependent GFP, called pHluorin [15].

Fluorescence is quenched in the acidic lumen of the vesicle and upon exocytosis and the exposure to the neural pH in the synaptic cleft the fluorophores light up [2, 16]. The total pool of all vesicles can be made visible by dequenching all fluorescence with freely diffusing ammonium ions. With that, the fluorescence response upon stimulation can be normalized to the total size of the syn- apse, which yields more reliable results than the first method [9].

Whenever it is feasible to use cells, expressing proteins tagged with pHluorins, this second method thus is the better choice.

Synapto-pHluorin (SpH) is the pH-dependent GFP pHluorin, fused to the vesicular protein Synaptobrevin2, also known as VAMP2 [17]. It is known that SpH overexpression does not per- turb presynaptic function and is therefore a suitable staining method to visualize synaptic transmission [18]. If the cells are expressing SpH, the total pool of vesicles can be made visible by adjusting extracellular pH levels [3]. This allows the measured vesicle pool sizes to be normalized to each synapse’s indivudal size and is a great advantage of using SpH over other methods. [3].

For the vesicle pool size measurement using pHluorin dyes, cells expressing the tagged proteins are imaged alive with a suitable Jana K. Wrosch and Teja W. Groemer

fluorescence microscope. During imaging, the cells will be electri- cally stimulated. As a response to the stimulation, synaptic vesicles will be released and the resulting fluorescence increase will be recorded. Stimulation with specific intensities can release specifi- cally the readily releasable pool or the recycling pool. To normalize the recorded fluorescence increase to the total number of vesicles in a specific synapse, fluorescence of all vesicles—also those of the resting pool—will be dequenched by perfusing the cells with ammonium ions.

For accurate results the vesicular ATPase inhibitor concanamy- cin A will be present in the imaging buffer throughout the record- ing time. When released membrane is recycled into new vesicles, the vesicular ATPase reacidifies these newly formed vesicles and quenches the fluorescence of pHluorin tagged membrane proteins taken up into the vesicle together with the recycled membrane.

This quenching of recycled proteins blurs the amplitude of fluores- cence increase upon an electrical stimulation and is prevented by inhibiting the vesicular ATPase from quenching the fluorophores.

2 Materials

Use newborn rat primary hippocampal neurons or any other estab- lished neuronal culture method. The culture can be pure neurons or mixed; it can be primary culture, stem cell derived, or any other type of cell line (see Note 1).

Cultivate the cells in Minimum Essential Medium (Thermo Fisher Scientific) supplemented with 1% B-27 (Thermo Fisher Scientific) or use a culture medium suitable for your specific cell type.

Cultivate the cells on glass coverslips of 18 mm diameter (or a diameter suitable for your imaging chamber) in 12-well cell culture plates (e.g., TPP).

Prior to cell seeding coat the glass coverslips with 2% Matrigel (Corning Inc.) or another coating suitable for your specific cell type (see Note 2).

Use the calcium-phosphate method to transfect the neurons with the Synapto-pHluorin-Plasmid (Plasmid factory) (see Note 3).

These experiments require no specialized imaging equipment.

The setup should resolve synapses (60× objective or higher) and should be able to record GFP wavelength (dichroic mirror with a cutoff wave length of 488 nm). The probe should be kept at 37°C and an imaging frame rate of 4–10 frames/s is recom- mended (see Note 4).

2.1 Neurons

2.2 Culture Medium

2.3 12-Well Culture Plates and Glass Cover Slips

2.4 Matrigel

2.5 Synapto- pHluorin

2.6 Fluorescence Microscope


Use a Series 20 heated imaging chamber (Warner Instruments) or another type that fits with your specific microscope.

During imaging, the synapses need to be perfused with imaging buffer. Also here there are no special requirements except deliver- ing the solution to the field of view at a given time (see Note 5).

During the recording the neurons need to be excited electrically.

The switching needs to be fast enough to deliver millisecond pulses (see Note 6).

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