Estimate of the number of sets

Một phần của tài liệu Figueiredo i rodrigues j santos l (eds ) free boundary problems theory and applications (Trang 87 - 94)

In this section we give some estimates of the number n of sets minimizing the energyG. We will need some assumptions on the imagegin order to achieve the desired results.

Let A1, . . . , AN denote N sets of class C2(R2) such that for any i, j {1, . . . , N}, with i = j, the boundaries ∂Ai and ∂Aj intersect transversally at a finite number of points (see Figure 1). Moreover, let the sets be ordered accord- ing to the ordering relation (1.1):

A1< A2<ã ã ã< AN.

The functiong is assumed piecewise constant and it is defined by g=

N i=1


i, (4.1)

where theci are positive constants, so thatgis constant on the visible partsAiof the regions.

The visible portion of the boundary of the regionAi is defined by (∂A1) =∂A1, (∂Ai) =∂Ai\

i)1 j=1

Aj fori= 2, . . . , N.





2 3

Figure 1. The setsAi in the imageg.

By the assumptions on the setsAi, the visible portion of ∂Ai consists of a finite number ofC2arcs terminating in a finite setMi of endpoints. We set

Jg=∂A1 )N i=2

(∂Ai), M= )N i=2


We now study the relation between the numbern minimizing the functional G

and the numberN of the regions which are actually present in the imageg.

Let {E1, . . . , En} be a minimizer of G; then, using (2.1) and (3.1), there existnsystems of curves Γi,i= 1, . . . , n, such that

Jg )n i=1

i), infG= n i=1

Fi). (4.2)

We then define

Γ ={Γ1, . . . ,Γn}, so thatJg(Γ).

Let Σ denote the set of all finite familiesσ = 1, . . . , γm} of W2,p curves which connect pairwise all the endpoints inMin such a way that for any point p∈ Mi, the tangent vectors ofσand (∂Ai)inpare parallel, for anyi∈ {2, . . . , N}.

We have the following lemma.

Lemma 4.1. If Γ has a finite number of tangential self-intersections then there existsσ∈Σsuch that



[1 +|κ|p]dH1+F(σ). (4.3) The proof of the lemma is based on the following argument. It can be proved [2] that each system of curves Γi has not transversal self-intersections. Using this

Properties of the Nitzberg-Mumford Variational Model 81 fact, the propertyJg (Γ), the hypothesis of a finite number of tangential self- intersections of Γ, and the assumptions on the imageg, a proof by induction (based on the finiteness hypothesis) shows that Γ not only coversJg, but also connects pairwise the endpoints inM by means of additional W2,p curves. Hence, there exists a familyσ∈Σ such that



and the estimate (4.3) is then obtained by a covering argument.

We are now in a position to state the following energy estimate.

Theorem 4.2. [Energy estimate] If Jg +n

i=1∂Ei, with F(Ei) < + for any i∈ {1, . . . , n}, then



[1 +|κ|p]dH1+ inf

σΣF(σ). (4.4)

The proof of the estimate is based on the density result of Theorem 3.1, which permits us to remove from Lemma 4.1 the hypothesis of a finite number of tangential self-intersections of Γ. Then, using (4.2), Lemma 4.1 and taking the infimum over Σ, we have

G(n, E1, . . . , En) =F(Γ)


[1 +|κ|p]dH1+ inf

σΣF(σ), from which the estimate (4.4) follows.

Now we may constructN* setsE*1, . . . ,E*N*, withW2,pboundary, by connect- ing pairwise the endpoints inMby means of curves which minimize the energy

l(γ) 0

[1 +|κ|p]ds

with given tangent vectors inM(see Figure 2). In the casep= 2 the minimizing curves are called elastica because of their application to the theory of flexible inextensible rods [9].

Then we have Jg




∂E*i, infG




In particular, there exists a finite family of curves*σ∈Σ such that




∂E*i =Jg)

(σ),* and infG


[1 +|κ|p]dH1+F(*σ).

If*σminimizesF(σ) in Σ then, using Theorem 4.2, it follows infG=


[1 +|κ|p]dH1+F(*σ), so that the family of sets{E*1, . . . ,E*N*}minimizesG.





2 3

Figure 2. Endpoints inMconnected by elastica curves.

Hence, in this case the asymptotic functionalGis minimized by a family of sets with cardinalityn=N* and the number of regions that are actually present in the imagegis reconstructed. Note that the minimizer*σofF(σ) in Σ may be such thatN* =N. This may happen in the following case. Suppose that connecting the endpoints of the visible boundary (∂Ai) of the region Ai, a set E*i is obtained.

Analogously, a set E*j is obtained connecting the endpoints of (∂Aj) for some j =i. However, it may happen that the endpoints of (∂Ai) and (∂Aj) can be connected by forming a single setE*i,j such that

F(E*i,j)<F(E*i) +F(E*j).

This case corresponds to a family of curves*σ∈Σ such thatN < N* .

However, the assumption that there exists a family*σwith the above proper- ties and minimizingF(σ) in Σ, is not satisfied in general. We are able to improve such a result in the following way.

Let Σ0Σ be the subset of the familiesσsuch that there exists a finite family of sets{E1, . . . , EM}, withF(Ei)<+for anyi∈ {1, . . . , M}andJg⊆ ∪Mi=1∂Ei, such that

M i=1

F(Ei) =


[1 +|κ|p]dH1+F(σ). (4.5) The case considered so far corresponds to*σ∈Σ0 andM =N.*

We have the following lemma.

Lemma 4.3. Ifσ∈Σ\Σ0 andE1, . . . , EM are such that Jg)

(σ) )M i=1


Properties of the Nitzberg-Mumford Variational Model 83 then

M i=1



[1 +|κ|p]dH1+F(σ) +c0π, (4.6) wherec0= [(p/p)1/p+ (p/p)1/p], with 1/p+ 1/p= 1.

The proof of the lemma is based on the following argument. IfF(Ei)<+ for anyi, by using (3.1) there exists a system of curves Γ such that

)M i=1


M i=1

F(Ei) =F(Γ).

Assume first that Γ has a finite number of tangential self-intersections. Then, if σ /∈ Σ0, we prove by means of an inductive method (based on the finiteness assumption) that the set (Γ)\(Jg(σ)) contains at least a closed curve. Hence, by the H¨older inequality the energy of a closed curve is greater than or equal to the constantc0π, and the inequality (4.6) then follows by a covering argument. Then the hypothesis of a finite number of tangential self-intersections of Γ is removed by means of the density result of Theorem 3.1.

Then, using Theorem 4.2, Lemma 4.3 and (4.5), we obtain the following result.

Proposition 4.4. If the inequality inf

σΣ0F(σ) inf

σΣF(σ) +c0π (4.7)

holds, then there exist a family of curves σ Σ0 and sets E1, . . . , EM, with F(Ei)<+∞andJg⊆ ∪Mi=1∂Ei, such that

M i=1

F(Ei) = infG, and

M i=1

F(Ei) =


[1 +|κ|p]dH1+F(σ).

If the assumption (4.7) of Proposition 4.4 is satisfied, it follows that the numberM of regions is reconstructed from the imageg. Then, the family of sets {E1, . . . , EM} can be endowed with the ordering relation

E1< E2<ã ã ã< EM , as follows

∂E1⊆Jg, ∂Ei\

i)1 j=1

Ej⊆Jg fori= 2, . . . , M .

Remark 4.5. IfN = 2 in the definition (4.1) ofg andM consists of two points, then the assumption (4.7) is unnecessary,Gis minimized by n= 2 and the two endpoints ofMare connected by an elastica.


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Giovanni Bellettini

Dipartimento di Matematica Universit`a di Roma “Tor Vergata”

Via della Ricerca Scientifica I-00133 Roma, Italy Riccardo March

Istituto per le Applicazioni del Calcolo, CNR Viale del Policlinico 137

I-00161 Roma, Italy

International Series of Numerical Mathematics, Vol. 154, 85–94 c 2006 Birkh¨auser Verlag Basel/Switzerland

The -Laplacian First Eigenvalue Problem

Marino Belloni

Abstract. We review some results about the first eigenvalue of the infinity Laplacian operator and its first eigenfunctions in a general norm context.

Those results are obtained in collaboration with several authors: V. Ferone, P. Juutinen and B. Kawohl (see [BFK], [BK1], [BJK] and [BK2]). In Section 5 we make some remarks on the simplicity of the first eigenvalue of ∆: this will be the object of a joint work with A. Wagner (see [BW]).

Mathematics Subject Classification (2000).Primary 35P30; Secondary 35J70, 49L25, 49R50.

Keywords.Nonlinear eigenvalue problems, Degenerate elliptic equation, Vari- ational methods, Viscosity solutions.

1. Introduction

Imagine a nonlinear elastic membrane, fixed on a boundaryΩ of a plane domain Ω. Ifu(x) denotes its vertical displacement, and if its deformation energy is given by

|∇u|pdx, then a minimizer of the Rayleigh quotient

|∇u|p dx,

|u|p dx onW01,p(Ω) satisfies the Euler-Lagrange equation

pu=λp |u|p2u in Ω, (1.1) where ∆pu= div(|∇u|p2∇u) is the well-knownp-Laplace operator. This eigen- value problem has been extensively studied in the literature, see [L3]. A somewhat strange recent result is that (asp→ ∞) the limit equation reads

min{ |∇u| −Λu, u}= 0. (1.2) Here ∆u=

i,juxiuxjuxixj is the-Laplacian, Λ= limp→∞Λp where Λp= λ1/pp (see [JLM1, FIN]).

Now suppose that the membrane is not isotropic. It is for instance woven out of elastic strings like a piece of material. Then the deformation energy can

This work was completed with the support of the research project Calcolo delle Variazioni e Teoria Geometrica della Misura.

be anisotropic, see [BK2, BJK]. We are mainly interested in generalizing the result on eigenfunctions for the p-Laplacian to the situation, where Ω Rn is no longer equipped with the Euclidean norm, but instead with a general norm

| ã |, for instance with |x| = (n

i=1|xi|q)1/q and q (1,∞). In that case a Lip- schitz continuous function u : Ω R (in a convex domain Ω) has Lipschitz constantL= supz|∇u(z)|, where| ã | denotes the dual norm to| ã |, because

|u(x)−u(y)| ≤L|x−y|with thisL. Then we study the asymptotic behavior of the first eigenvalue (eigenfunctions) whenp→ ∞. The case whenp→1 and the corre- sponding limiting problem for the first eigenvalue is not considered, see [KF, KLR].

It is well known, that the infinite-Laplacian operator ∆ is closely related to finding a minimal Lipschitz extension of a given functionφ∈C0,1(Ω) into Ω:

see Section 2. In [BFK] the eigenvalue problem was carried over to a general norm and studied for finite p, while in [BK2] the eigenvalue problem was investigated first for finitepand the special non-Euclidean norm|x|= (n

i=1|xi|p)1/p withp conjugate top, and then for the limitp→ ∞. In [BJK] the eigenvalue problem was investigated for general strictly convex norm|x|, and then for the limitp→ ∞.

This paper is organized as follows.

In Section 2 we introduce the-Laplacian operator and we survey some old and recent results.

In Section 3 we introduce the first eigenvalue of the operator ∆, and we survey some results obtained in [BJK, BFK, BK1] and [BK2].

In Section 4 we expose some examples related to the results quoted in Section 3 (see [BJK, BK2]).

In Section 5 we expose some unpublished material on the simplicity of the first eigenvalue obtained in [BW], a joint work in preparation with A. Wagner.

Một phần của tài liệu Figueiredo i rodrigues j santos l (eds ) free boundary problems theory and applications (Trang 87 - 94)

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