Phase field equations with given convection

Một phần của tài liệu Figueiredo i rodrigues j santos l (eds ) free boundary problems theory and applications (Trang 178 - 186)

Definition 4.1. Viscosity sub/super/solution for the non-local eikonal equation)

3. Phase field equations with given convection

In this section we discuss about the solvability of the phase field equations with given convection, and recall the known result for the Navier-Stokes equation in the non-cylindrical domain. Finally we shall note the key of the proof. Firstly, we assume that the convective vector ˜v := (˜v1,v˜2,˜v3) is given. Now for each s0, s∈[0, T] with 0≤s0< s≤T, we use the following notations:

Q(s0, s) := (s0, s)×, Qm(s0, s) := )


{t} ×m(t).

Moreover we consider the following auxiliary system:






∇θã ∇ηdxdt (3.1)



f ηdxdt+








∇χã ∇ηdxdt+


(χ3−χ)ηdxdt (3.2)






for allη∈H1(Qm(s0, s)) withη(s,ã) = 0 a.e. on Ωm(s), where ˜Dtε:=Dεtv). As- sume thatθs0 ∈H1(Ωm(s0)), χs0 ∈H2(Ωm(s0)). Moreover ˜vvD∈L2(0, T;V) L(0, T;H) and ˜vsatisfies the following compatibility condition

v˜ãn=vn on Σm. (3.3)

Then there exists uniquely{θ,˜χ˜} ∈H1(Qm(s0, s))×H1(Qm(s0, s)) such that sup


(t|H1(Ωm(t))<+∞, s


(t|2H2(Ωm(t))dt <+∞,



(t|H1(Ωm(t))<+∞, s


(t|2H2(Ωm(t))dt <+∞,

and {θ,˜χ˜} satisfy the weak formulations (3.1) and (3.2). See Fukao [5], or more general approach by Schimperna [13]. Here we recall an important result of the

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embedding theorem for spaces L2(0, T;H1(Ω))∩L(0, T;L2(Ω)). For example, Chapter 3, Section 2 in the book of Ladyˇzenskaja, Solonnikov and Ural’ceva [9]

|u|Lr(0,T;Lq(Ω))≤c1|∇u|1L2(0,T;L2/r 2(Ω))|u|2/rL(0,T;L2(Ω)), whereqandrare arbitrary positive numbers satisfying the condition

1 r+ 3

2q =3

4 withq∈[2,6], r∈[2,+], (3.4) and c1 is a positive constant. We have the following estimate especially the key point is the independence of ˜v.

Lemma 3.1. For any s0, s∈[0, T]with0≤s0< s≤T, there exists a positive con- stantM1depend on|θs0|L2(Ωm(s0)),|χs0|L2(Ωm(s0)) and|f|L2(Qm(s0,s)), independent ofv˜ such that



(t|L2(Ωm(t))+ s


(t|2H1(Ωm(t))dt≤M1. (3.5)



(t|L2(Ωm(t))+ s


(t|2H1(Ωm(t))dt+˜|L4(Qm(s0,s)) ≤M1. (3.6) Proof. Using Green-Stokes’ formula with the help of the divergence freeness, the compatibility condition (3.3) and Gronwall’s inequality we get the conclusion.

Using the same method of Theorem 7.1 in Chapter 3, Section 7 of the book by Ladyˇzenskaja, Solonnikov and Ural’ceva [9], we obtain the following global boundedness:

Lemma 3.2. For any s0, s∈ [0, T] with 0 s0 < s ≤T, there exists a positive constant M2 depend on s0|L2(Ωm(s0)) and s0|L2(Ωm(s0)) independent of v˜ such that

˜|L(Qm(s0,s))≤M2. (3.7) Proof.From the independence of ˜vin the estimate of Lemma 3.1, we takeη= [ ˜χ− M]+in (3.2) with some large positive constantM. And then ˜χ−χ˜3= ˜χ(1−χ˜2)≤χ˜ on{(t, x)∈Qm(s0, s); ˜χ(t, x)≥M}. So thanks to the result of [9], it is enough to show that ˜θ is bounded with respect to the norm of Lr(s0, s) as theLq(Ωm(t)) valued function, where q and r are arbitrary positive numbers satisfying the condition

1 r + 3

2q = 1−κ, (3.8)


q 3


, r 1


, 0< κ <1.

By virtue of (3.4) and Lemma 3.1 withκ= 1/4 we get the conclusion.

Lemma 3.3. For any s0, s [0, T] with 0 s0 < s T, there exists a pos- itive constant M3 depend on s0|L2(Ωm(s0)), s0|L2(Ωm(s0)), |f|L(Qm(s0,s)) and

|v˜|L2(s0,s;V) such that s


(t|2H2(Ωm(t))dt+ sup


(t|H1(Ωm(t)) ≤M3. (3.9) Proof. Consider the strong formulation of (3.2). For any τ [s0, s], multiplying the function∆ ˜χand integrating overQm(s0, τ) with respect tot andx. Recall the Gagliardo-Nirenberg inequality


wherec2is a positive constant. Then by using Lemma 3.2 and Young’s inequality forσ1>0 the following estimate holds

|∇χ(τ|2L2(Ωm(τ))+ 2(12σ1) τ





+M12+ M1 4σ1

+ 2M1+s0|2H1(Ωm(s0)),

for allτ [s0, s]. Thus we get the conclusion.

Lemma 3.4. For any s0, s∈ [0, T] with 0 s0 < s ≤T, there exists a positive constantM4 depend on|θs0|H1(Ωm(s0)),|χs0|H2(Ωm(s0)) and|v˜|L2(s0,s;V)such that



(t|H2(Ωm(t))≤M4. (3.10) Proof.We consider the following auxiliary equation withU =∂χ/∂t

D˜εtU + 3χ2UưU =G in Qm(s0, s),


n = 0 on Γm(s0, s), U(s0) =Us0 :=−Dεtv(s0))χ(s0) + ∆χs0−χ3s

0+χs0+θs0 on Ωm(s0),

whereG:=∂θ/∂t˜ ((ρεv)/∂tã∇χ). Now˜ θs0∈H1(Ωm(s0)),χs0 ∈H2(Ωm(s0)) andvDC2(Q), so the above equation of the initial and boundary value problem with given coefficient can be solved. ThenU satisfies



|U(t)|L2(Ωm(t))+ s


|U(t)|2H1(Ωm(t))dt≤M4, (3.11) where M4 is a positive constant depend on s0|L2(Ωm(s0)), s0|H2(Ωm(s0)) and

|v˜|L2(s0,s;V). Finally thanks to Lemma 3.1, 3.2, 3.3 and 3.4 with the equation

∆ ˜χ= ˜Dεtχ˜−χ˜3+ ˜χ+ ˜θ we get the conclusion.

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Lemma 3.5. For any s0, s [0, T] with 0 s0 < s T, there exists a posi- tive constant M5 depend on s0|H1(Ωm(s0)), s0|H2(Ωm(s0)), |f|L(Qm(s0,s)) and

|v˜|L2(s0,s;V) such that

˜|L(Qm(s0,s))+ s


(t|2H2(Ωm(t))dt+ sup


|∇θ(t|L2(Ωm(t))≤M5. (3.12) Proof. Thanks to the estimate (3.10), the same argument of Lemma 3.2 and 3.3

works to the equation (3.1) of ˜θ.

In order to show the main theorem, especially to obtain the uniformly con- vergence of approximation forχ, we prepare the compactness theorem of Aubin’s type, see the paper of Simon [14]. Let ˜Dtu := ∂u/∂t+vã ∇u and ˜vvD L2(0, T;V)∩L(0, T;H) and it satisfies (3.3) then the following proposition holds:

Proposition 3.6. Let F¯ be a bounded set in L(0, T;H2(Ωm0))and T


|D˜tu(t)|2L2(Ωm(t))dt < M6 for all u(t, x) := ¯u(t,y(t, x)) with u¯∈F ,¯ whereM6 is a positive constant. ThenF¯ is relatively compact inC([0, T]×m0).

Proof. In our setting the domain is time dependent, but we have the enough estimate for ˜v. So the boundedness of the time derivative is coming from the one of ˜Dtu. Thus we get the conclusion.

We can find the related topics in Fukao [5].

Proof of Theorem 2.1. The proof is the same way in Fukao and Kenmochi [6]

with Proposition 3.6. The essential idea is due to Fujita and Sauer [4]. We denote by ((PF); ˜v, θs0, χs0) on [s0, s] the variational problem associated with the phase field equations on Qm(s0, s) with given convection ˜v. And any functions {θ,˜χ˜} satisfying the above lemmas are called solutions of ((PF); ˜v, θs0, χs0) on [s0, s]. On the other hand the solvability for the Navier-Stokes equations in non-cylindrical domain was discussed by many authors, for example Fujita and Sauer [4]. Here we apply the result of Kenmochi [7, 8]. In the existence proofs of [7, 8], one of main points is an extensive use of a compactness theorem of Aubin’s type and its extension. We denote ((NS)δ; ˜θ,χ,˜ vs0) on [s0, s] the following variational problem associated with the penalized Navier-Stokes equations onQm(s0, s):



(η,wH + s


a( ˜w,η)+ s


b(τ; ˜w,w,˜ η) +

s s0

c(τ; ˜w,η)+1 δ

s s0

(PL([ ˜χ]w),˜ η)H = s


(gLθ),η)H+ (ws0,η(0))H for allηW0(s0, s),

where [ ˜χ] is the negative part of ˜χ,ws0 :=vs0vD(s0) and

W0(s0, s) := η∈L4(s0, s;X); η∈L2(s0, s;H), η(s) = 0 a.e.on Ω, η= 0 a.e.onQ(s0, s)\Qm(s0, s)


We know from the result of [7] there exist functions ˜wδ∈L(s0, s;H)∩L2(s0, s;V) with ˜w= 0 a.e. onQ(s0, s)\Qm(s0, s) and ˜wδis weakly continuous from [s0, s] into Hsuch that ˜wδ satisfies the above variational formulation. Moreover the following inequality holds:


2|w˜δ(t)|2H+ t


|w˜δ(τ)|2V+1 δ


[ ˜χ]|w˜δ|2dxdτ


2|w˜s0|2H+ t


(gLθ),w˜δ)H for allt∈[s0, s].

Any functions ˜vδ := ˜wδ+vD satisfying the above estimate are called solutions of ((NS)δ; ˜θ,χ,˜ vs0) on [s0, s]. Let 0 = tN0 < tN1 < tN2 < ã ã ã < tNN = T, be the partition of [0, T] given bytNk =khN fork= 0,1, . . . , N withhN =T /N. We are now going to construct a sequence of approximate solutions. For eachs, t∈[0, T], Θt,s(ã) be theC3-diffeomorphism in Ω given by Θt,s(x) =x(s,y(t, x)) for allx∈Ω, note that Θt,smaps Ωm(t) onto Ωm(s) for eachs, t∈[0, T]. Now, for fixed positive parametersδ∈(0,1], let us define a set of functionsθδN, χNδ onQmandvNδ onQby

θNδ (t, x) :=θNδ,k(t, x), if t∈[tNk1, tNk) andx∈m(t), χNδ (t, x) :=χNδ,k(t, x), if t∈[tNk1, tNk) andx∈m(t),

vNδ (t, x) :=vNδ,k(t, x) if t∈[tNk1, tNk) andx∈,

whereθNδ,k, χNδ,kandvδ,kN are solutions of the Navier-Stokes equations ((NS)δ; ˜θ,χ,˜ vNδ,k1(tk1)) and phase field equations ((PF);vNδ,k, θNδ,k1(tk1), χNδ,k1(tk1)) on [tNk1, tNk] where

θ(t, x) =˜ θδ,kN 1(t−hN,Θt,thN(x)) for (t, x)∈Qm(tNk1, tNk),


χ(t, x) =χNδ,k1(t−hN,Θt,thN(x)) for (t, x)∈Qm(tNk1, tNk).

By virtue of the Proposition 3.6 with Lemma 3.4, the compact embedding Nδ } toC(Qm) is ensured. Thus in order to discuss convergences asN 0 andδ→0 we can use the standard compactness argument. Finally in order to show that the convective vector coincides with vD in the solid region, the idea of the compact cylinder by Fujita and Sauer [4] can be applied, because our solid region is exact

open set.


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Takesi Fukao General Education

Gifu National College of Technology 2236-2 Kamimakuwa, Motosu-shi, Gifu 501-0495 Japan

A Dynamic Boundary Value Problem Arising in the Ecology of Mangroves

Gonzalo Galiano and Juli´ an Velasco

Abstract. We consider an evolution model describing the vertical movement of water and salt in a domain split in two parts: a water reservoir and a saturated porous medium below it, in which a continuous extraction of fresh water takes place (by the roots of mangroves). The problem is formulated in terms of a coupled system of partial differential equations for the salt concentration and the water flow in the porous medium, with a dynamic boundary condition which connects both subdomains.

We study the existence and uniqueness of solutions, the stability of the trivial steady state solution, and the conditions for the root zone to reach, in finite time, the threshold value of salt concentration under which mangroves may live.

Keywords.Dynamic boundary condition, system of partial differential equa- tions, existence, uniqueness, stability, dead core.

1. Introduction

Mangrove forests or swamps can be found on low, muddy, tropical coastal areas around the world. Mangroves are woody plants that form the dominant vegetation of mangrove forests. They are characterized by their ability to tolerate regular in- undation by tidal water with salt concentrationcwclose to that of sea water (see, for example, [19]). The mangrove roots take up fresh water from the saline soil and leave behind most of the salt, resulting in a net flow of water downward from the soil surface, which carries salt with it. As pointed out by Passiouraet al.[26], in the absence of lateral flow, the steady state salinity profile in the root zone must be such that the salinity around the roots is higher thancw, and that the concentration gradient is large enough so that the advective downward flow of salt is balanced by the diffusive flow of salt back up to the surface. In [26] the authors presented steady state equations governing the flow of salt and uptake of water in

Supported by the Spanish DGI Project MTM2004-05417 and by the European RTN Contract HPRN-CT-2002-00274.

180 G. Galiano and J. Velasco

the root zone, assuming that there is an upper limitccto the salt concentration at which roots can take up water, and that the rate of uptake of water is proportional to the difference between the local concentrationc and the assumed upper limit cc. They also assumed that the root zone is unbounded, and that the constant of proportionality for root water uptake is independent of depth through the soil. In [12], the model was extended in two important ways. First, considering more gen- eral root water uptake functions and second, limiting the root zone to a bounded domain. The authors proved mathematical properties such as the existence and uniqueness of solutions of the evolution and steady state problems, the conditions under which the threshold level of salt concentration is attained, and others. In [12], it is assumed that tides, or other sources of fresh or not too saline water, renew the water on the soil-water interface allowing to prescribe the salt concentration at this boundary (Dirichlet boundary data). Although this is the usual situation in which mangroves live, in this article we shall focus in the situation in which the inflow of fresh or sea water is impeded. In this situation, the continuous extraction of fresh water by the roots of mangroves drives the ecosystem to a complete salinization and, henceforth, to death. This work is motivated by the occurrences observed at Ci´enaga Grande de Santa Marta, Colombia. As reported by Botero [8] (see also [29]), the construction of a highway along the shore in the 1950s obstructed the natural circulation of water between both parts of the road (Caribbean sea and lagoon). In addition, in the 1970s, inflow of fresh water from the river Magdalena was reduced due to the construction of smaller roads and flooding control dikes.

These changes caused a hypersalinization of water and soil, which resulted in ap- proximately 70% mangrove mortality (about 360 Km2 of mangrove forests), see [8], [18]. Although other causes, like evaporation or sedimentation, may have had an important contribution to the salinization of the Ci´enaga, we shall keep our attention in the mechanisms of mangroves and their influence in this process.

The main mathematical difficulty of this model when compared with that studied in [12] is that the closure of the natural system, the lagoon, implies a new type of boundary condition in the water-soil interface, which is no longer of Dirichlet type. Balance equations for salt and water content lead to adynamical boundary condition at such interface, i.e., a boundary condition involving the time derivative of the solution. Although not too widely considered in the literature, dynamic boundary conditions date back at least to 1901 in the context of heat transfer [27]. Since then, they have been studied in many applied investigations in several disciplines like Stefan problems [30, 33], fluid dynamics [16], diffusion in porous medium [28, 15], mathematical biology [14] or semiconductor devices [31]. From a more abstract point of view the reader is referenced to, among others, [10, 24, 20, 11, 13, 1, 2, 7].

Apart from the mathematical technical details, one of the main features of the dynamic boundary condition when compared to the Dirichlet boundary condition is the elimination of the boundary layer the latter creates in a neighborhood of the water-soil interface, layer in which the salt concentration keeps well below the threshold salinity level. Thus, this new model allows us to describe the situation

in which a continuous increase of fresh water uptake by the roots of mangroves drives the ecosystem to a complete salinization.

The outline of the paper is the following: in Section 2 we formulate the math- ematical model. We assume that mangroves roots are situated in a porous medium in the top of which a water reservoir keeps the soil saturated. As in [12], coupled partial differential equations for salt concentration and water discharge are con- sidered in the porous medium. Above it, in the water reservoir, balance laws for salt and water are formulated. The assumption of homogeneous salt concentration in the water reservoir leads to a dynamic boundary condition in the water-soil interface. In Section 3 we state our hypothesis and formulate our main results on existence and uniqueness of solutions of the evolution problem, as well as the con- vergence of this solution to the steady state solution. We also study the conditions under which the complete salinization of the root zone is attained in finite time (dead core). The proofs of these results will appear elsewhere [17].

Một phần của tài liệu Figueiredo i rodrigues j santos l (eds ) free boundary problems theory and applications (Trang 178 - 186)

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