Definition 4.1. Viscosity sub/super/solution for the non-local eikonal equation)
4. PCLSM for multiphase motion problem
Usually, the multiphase motion problem involves curves meeting at a point with prescribed angles. Each interface Γij, separates regions Ωi and Ωj and moves with a normal velocity
vij=fijκij+ (ei−ej). (4.1) whereκij is the local curvature, fij is the constant surface tension of Γij, andei corresponds to the bulk energy. This model problem can be obtained by associating an energy functionalE to the motion, which involves the length of each interface and the area of each subregion, i.e.,
E = E1+E2
E1 =
fijLength(Γij) (4.2)
E2 =
By minimizing this energy functional, the internal interfaces are driven to equilibrium. Our method is especially inspired by [7] and [13].
In the following, the PCLSM will be used to solve the motion by mean cur- vature problem. For simplicity, let us consider problem (4.2) with
ei= 0, fij = 1. (4.3)
We want to emphasize that there is no problem to apply PCLSM for general setting for (4.2). Under condition (4.3), the problem (4.2) reduces to the model problem:
Length(Γij). (4.4)
There are different ways to find the curves that minimize the above energy func- tional. Under the condition that Γijis the interface between Ωiand Ωjand{Ωi}ni=1
are represented by (2.1), we see that n
|∇ψi|dx= 2
Thus, If we use our PCLSM for (4.4), then we need to find a functionφthat solves the following constrained minimization problem:
minF, F = n i=1
|∇ψi|dx, subject to K(φ) = 0 andφ|∂Ω=g. (4.5) Usually, the Neumann boundary condition is supposed. However, in this paper, we would like to try Dirichlet boundary conditions, which should produce a con- strained motion. By using the same penalization technique and gradient method, we found that the equation we need to solve is
∂φ +W(φ) = 0. (4.6)
Applying the operator-splitting scheme again, we need to solve the following two equations alternatively
∂φ(φ) = 0, (4.7)
φt+W(φ) = 0. (4.8)
The first equation is trying to minimize the energy functional and the second equation is trying to enforce that the minimizer is taking the values 1,2, . . . , n.
we have tried to solve the first equation is the Additive version of Operator Splitting (AOS) scheme of [5, 6, 12]. Note that
∇ψi=ψi(φ)∇φ. (4.9)
∂φ =− n
∇ ã ∇ψi
ψi=− n i=1
∇ ã
sign(ψi) ∇φ
ψi. (4.10) For two-dimensional problems, we have
∂φ =− n i=1
sign(ψi) φx
− n
sign(ψi) φy
. (4.11)
If we apply the AOS [5, 6] and do some standard linearization, we need to solve φ˜k+1/4−φk
τ −
n i=1
sign(ψi(φk)) φ˜k+1/4x
= 0, (4.12)
τ −
n i=1
sign(ψi(φk)) φ˜k+1/2y
= 0. (4.13)
Then, set
φk+1/2= 1
2( ˜φk+1/4+ ˜φk+1/2). (4.14) When the value ofφk+1/2is obtained, we solve (3.12) to getφk+1. The two equa- tions (4.12)–(4.13) can be solved efficiently on lines parallel to thexandy-axes.
4.1. Numerical experiments for multiphase motion problem
In all the experiments, we take Ω = (0,1)×(0,1) and use Dirichlet boundary conditions. The domain Ω is divided into square elements with uniform mesh size h=hx=hy= 1/64.
In this example, we test our algorithm on the well-known triple-junction problem which involves three phases. The boundary and initial values are:φ0|Ω= 1.0,g(0,[0,1/2]) =g([0,1],0) = 1,g(0,[1/2,1]) =g([0,1],1) = 3,g(1,[0,1]) = 2.
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(a) 10 iterations (b) 100 iterations
(c) 200 iterations (d) 300 iterations
(e) 1000 iterations (f) 2000 iterations
(g) 2100 iterations (h) The computed solution
Figure 3. Example 2: Computed solution for 3 phases.
For this test problem, the real triple junction point should be at (1−1/2√ 3,1/2) which is approximately (0.7118,0.5). The three interface curves should be straight lines and the three angles around the triple junction point should satisfy the clas- sical angle condition, i.e., (2π3, 2π3, 2π3 ) . We see that algorithm needs only about 2100 iteration steps to approximate the real solution accurately.
5. Conclusion
The purpose of this work is to show that the PCLSM of [4] can be used for interface problems coming from mean curvature motion and elliptic inverse problem. The experiments given here plus the tests done in [4, 3, 2] reveals the potential to use the PCLSM for a large class of interface problems. For more details about the PCLSM, we refer to [4, 3, 2].
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Hongwei Li
Center for Integrated Petroleum Research University of Bergen, Norway Xue-Cheng Tai
Department of Mathematics University of Bergen, Norway
Dynamics of a Moving Reaction Interface in a Concrete Wall
Adrian Muntean and Michael B¨ ohm
Abstract. We formulate a 1D partly dissipative moving-boundary reaction- diffusion system that describes the penetration of a reaction front into a con- crete wall. We state the well-posedness of the model and the existence of non-trivial upper and lower bounds for the concentrations, speed of the inter- face, and shut-down time of the process. A numerical example illustrates the typical behavior of concentrations and interface penetration in a real-world application.
Mathematics Subject Classification (2000).Primary 35R35; Secondary 35K57, 74F25, 35D05.
Keywords. Moving-boundary problem, reaction-diffusion system, corrosion, porous media, concrete carbonation.