Using communicative activities to check vocabulary

Một phần của tài liệu (LUẬN VĂN THẠC SĨ) Vocabulary checking technique as a way of improving 10th graders'''' vocabulary retension (Trang 32 - 38)

According to purposes of activities, vocabulary communicative activities are classified by Paul Nation (1994) as follows:

1.4.1. Present new vocabulary for the first time.

In the classroom, new vocabulary can be met in activities where the learners work individually, or in pairs or small groups to reach the outcome of a self-motivating. The common features of this kind of activities is that they relate the new word to previous knowledge, create a context for the word, draw on a range of clues to recall the word, appropriately relate the word to a variety of aspects, using the word in a goal directed activity like solving problems.


1.4.2. Establish previously met vocabulary

Obviously, after a word has been met for the first time, it should be recalled fairly soon after (within a few minutes), then a little later (an hour or two after), then a few days later, then a month later. Establishing vocabulary activities encourage repetition of what was previously learned. In the activities, repetition is achieved when the learners:

- perform an action - draw the term - choose synonyms - define terms

- produce the written form of a word - make a sentence containing the word 1.4.3. Enrich previously met vocabulary

One reason for which it is difficult to learn a word from one encounter is that there are many things to know about a word: As what part of speech can it function? What range of meaning can it have? What is its' core meaning? What prefixes and suffixes can it take? With what other words does it collocate? What grammatical pattern does it fit into? What particular positive and negative associations does it have? Is it a frequency used word or an infrequently used word?

The answer to these questions comes from meeting and having to use the word in a variety of new contexts. Paul Nation indicates: "Enriching activities involve learning new information about previously met words. This can occur through: gaining new input from the teacher; extending knowledge of the meaning of words through meeting new uses, new collocations, and new associations; placing the word in a new context" (Paul Nation, 1994:


1.4.4. Develop vocabulary strategies

In addition to learning new vocabulary, learners need to be able to use strategies to cope with unknown vocabulary met in listening or reading texts, to make up for gaps in productive vocabulary in speaking and writing, to gain fluency in using known vocabulary, and to learn new words in isolation.

It is true that the development of vocabulary learning strategies requires increasingly spaced practice over a period of time. It is of use to teach a strategy that is poorly understood


and as not reached the level of fluent use. Guessing from the context for example requires practice over several weeks so those learners are able to use it without causing a major interruption to their reading. The benefits from being able to use this strategy well are so great that time given to learning is well repaid.

1.4.5. Develop fluency with known vocabulary

Vocabulary learning is not and end in itself. A rich vocabulary makes the skills listening, speaking, reading and writing easier to perform. Learners' growth in vocabulary must be accompanied by opportunities to become fluent with that vocabulary.

Paul Nation (1994) pointed out: " The most suitable activities for fluency practice are ones in which a substantial part of the requirements of the task are already within the experience and capacity of the learner." (p.207)

In other words, the vocabulary and grammatical constructions required in the activity, the content matter of the activity, and the organization of the discourse and the activity itself are already known by learners.

1.4.6. Memory strategies in combination with communicative activities

Students can learn to communicate in many different ways and as a result of many used different techniques. In a communicative activity, teachers can use one of memory strategies, or the combination of several memory strategies to make learning process more plentiful and implement the purpose of teaching point.

The memory strategies proposed by Oxford (1990) that have been presented in section 1.2 (see 1.2.3) can be used as a framework for the discussion. For example, Oxford's fifth memory strategy (Semantic mapping) can be used to motivate and involve students in given activities. It enhances vocabulary development by helping students link new information with previous experience. Whereas, in communicative activities with the use "Using physical responses or sensation" strategy, teachers make use of the blackboard and gesture to reinforce the concept - teachers make the typical gesture with their hand as they say "Stand up", "Come here, or "Sit down"; mime writing as they say "Write the answers", mime distributing things as they, "Please give out these photocopies".

The above mentioned examples seem to offer the best answer to the matter of using memory strategies in combination with communicative activities. Memory strategies in


combination with communicative activities also require learners to analyze and process vocabulary more deeply, which should help them retain information in LRM

Một phần của tài liệu (LUẬN VĂN THẠC SĨ) Vocabulary checking technique as a way of improving 10th graders'''' vocabulary retension (Trang 32 - 38)

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