Findings and implications for teaching

Một phần của tài liệu (LUẬN VĂN THẠC SĨ) Vocabulary checking technique as a way of improving 10th graders'''' vocabulary retension (Trang 80 - 86)


3.3. Findings and implications for teaching

The most plausible finding that can be seen clearly from the data analysis is the greater effect of checking vocabulary techniques that improves learners’ retention than the one which ask learners to write new words (vocabulary) many times. This answers the research question of “whether there is any significant relationship between vocabulary checking techniques and learners’ vocabulary retention” in a satisfactory and relevant way because it clearly shows that the difference between two means of 1 point is 95% due to factors than chance. The factors here mean the different vocabulary checking techniques.

The finding indicates that learners from the experimental class did get better results than those from the control one. Generally, both classes tend to have made progress in vocabulary learning because a big gap could be seen between the means of pre-test and post- test in both classes. This is suggested that both have good influence on the subjects. The means of both classes were summarized in the following table:


Control class Experimental class

Pre-test Post-test Pre-test Post-test

3,8 6,5 3,9 6,5

Table 3.9 Means of pre-test & post-test

One thing could be seen from the table was that the experimental class was a little bit higher in English proficiency than the control one at the beginning of the experiment. This was indicated by the difference of 0.1 point in means of both classes in pre-test. After the experiment process, the results of the experimental were more and more improved. They did significantly well in the post-test and got higher scores than did the other group. A possible explanation is that the checking vocabulary techniques which improves learners’ vocabulary retention and uses different techniques for checking vocabulary really gave learners in the experimental group a motivation to study. Learners were aware of that they had to take responsibility for their own learning. They had to devote more time to learn at home, learning new words by heart and reading lessons in advance. As a result, they achieved better in class


due to their good-preparation. In addition, activities provided by teacher after each lessons in order to check students’ vocabulary retention not only to help them to revise new words systematically but reinforce what they had leant on their own as well.

Moreover, it cannot be denied that different checking vocabulary techniques created more positive learning environment in the experimental class than in the other one. Learners were more motivated and actively taking part in each game or activity. They felt relaxed and enjoyable before each lesson, which made vocabulary learning process a willing and natural one. During checking stage, different activities made learners curious about the things they were going to do. At the same time, they were motivated to find the answers to the questions than the ones in control group. As a result, they were much more eager and attentive to take part in vocabulary consolidation than those in the other group.

On the contrary, in the control class, during checking stage, not all the students focused on their vocabulary revision. Only some of them were called BB had to try their best to remember as many new words as possible in order to get high marks, the rest just sat still, read books or turned round to talk and chat with their friends. Meanwhile, the learners in the experimental group were so concentrated on their groupware that they paid no attention to the other group in the class. They had to make an effort together to help their group become the winner in each game because the winner of each game would have a priority to have a nice present or to get an excellent mark for all members of that group. Apparently, the task attracted them more than that designed for the control one.

The good studying environment in the experimental class could also be proved by the way learners interacted with one other and reacted to the teacher. In the control group’s classroom, learners rarely communicated with another and if they did, they just wanted to chat and share some information about things unrelated to the lessons. Meanwhile, students in the experimental group frequently communicated with me another because they had reason to do so; they had to work together to complete the task. Thus, they were more cooperative with another while those in the control group just did the task individually.

In addition, the excitement of the students made the lessons more interesting and the classroom atmosphere more comfortable. In the control class, teacher could not control the learners’ behaviors because she was busy with correcting and giving feedback to the word list that students wrote on the board.


On the contrary, the experimental class was very attentive when the teacher provided them with different activities to recycle new words after each lesson. Thus, both teachers and learners would have a chance to share ideas and views, which made the learning environment more cheerful and joyful. This is the way to improve learners’ vocabulary. However, everything has to sides and the checking vocabulary techniques in this study also bring about some drawbacks. In fact, words games appear to be more difficult and confusing than traditional way of vocabulary revision. In some games, learners in experimental class seemed to have struggle to understand the rules as well as followed them closely to fulfill the task. A tentative interpretation for this is that the control group has got used to the traditional way of vocabulary revision; thus, they had no difficulty in completing their tasks on BB if required.

Anyway, it cannot be denied that games are more useful for learners' pronunciation and speaking skill, and these are really the things they needed to improve much.

Through observation, the teacher herself found that the weakest learners in the experimental class could hardly make any progress. A possible reason for this was that the games, especially those organized in the form of competition, required quickness and smartness, which was really hard for weak learners. After some time attempting, they realized that they could hardly keep pace with the better ones in the class. This discouraged them and caused bad results in the end.

All in all, the findings of the present study indicate that using checking vocabulary techniques is the interesting and motivating ways which can bring better results in improving 10th Graders' Vocabulary retention at Ha Huy Tap high school. However, they can also cause some disadvantages such as confusion, difficulty and discouragement for learners, especially the weak ones.



Concerning students’ problem in retaining vocabulary when learning a foreign language, this quasi-experiment research was carried out to check the hypothesis that “using vocabulary checking techniques has positive impact on increasing students’ retention of vocabulary”. In this last part of the thesis, the teacher-researcher would like to summarize her findings as well as discuss limitations of the research. Also, there are some suggestions for further study and classroom implications for teachers who want to apply vocabulary checking techniques as a way of improving the 10 th Graders’ vocabulary retention.

Một phần của tài liệu (LUẬN VĂN THẠC SĨ) Vocabulary checking technique as a way of improving 10th graders'''' vocabulary retension (Trang 80 - 86)

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