Another common checking technique is "rote verbal rehearsal" - saying the word over and over again, usually in the exact language and format from which the definition originally came. More importantly, it is impossible to fit the above mentioned checking techniques into exclusively communicative activities.
Here are some checking vocabulary techniques the researcher often uses in combination with communicative activities.
1.5.1. Visual techniques
According Zebrowska (cited in Gairn and Redman (1999), visual techniques pertain to visual memory, which is considered especially helpful with vocabulary retention. Learners remember better the material that has been presented by means of visual aids such as flashcards, photographs, blackboard drawings, wall charts and relia (i.e. objects themselves) can stimulate students to speak the language. Regarding visual aids, students can benefit from communicative activities since they help to provide the situation which light up the meaning of the utterances used. Besides, mime and gesture are often used to supplement other ways of conveying meaning. Teachers can make use of the blackboard and gesture to reinforce the concept. For example, make the typical gesture with your hand as you say "Stand up", "come here", or "sit down"; mine writing as you say " Write the answers", or mime distributing things as you say, "Please give out these photocopies".
1.5.2. Verbal techniques
Vocabulary learning and checking communicative actives can be carried out by the means of verbal techniques as follows:
i) Use of illustrative situations (oral or written): To ensure that students understand, teachers often make use of more than one situation or context to check that learners have grasped the concept.
ii) Use of synonym and definition: Teachers often use synonymy, where inevitably they have to compromise and restrict the length and complexity of their explanations. Besides, definition alone is often inadequate as a means of conveying meaning, and clearly contextualized examples are generally required to clarify the limits of the item.
iii) Contrasts and opposites: As with synonymy, this is a technique which students themselves use, often asking "What's the opposite...?"
iv) Examples of the type: To illustrate the meaning of super ordinates such as 'furniture', 'vegetables', 'meat' and 'transport', it is a common procedure to exemplify them e.g.
table, chair, bed and sofa are all furniture. Some of these can of source also be dealt with through visual aids.
1.5.3. Using games
Games encourage, entertain teach, and promote fluency. There is also a large variety of word games that are "useful for practicing and revising vocabulary after it has been introduced" (Haycraft 1978: 50). Numerous puzzles, word squares, crosswords, jigsaw tasks, picture-describing, ect., are useful especially for pair or group work. More clearly, games provide a situation in which they provide a setting in which communication is essential and therefore will become stimulating and interesting way to help students acquire the target language with even realizing it.
1.5.4. Role-play
Role-play activities can involve a written text or oral production. However oral activities are more effective since they help to create the presence of a real-life situation in the classroom. Ladouse (1987: 5) also stresses: " When students assume a 'role', they play a part either own or somebody else's in a specific situation. 'play' means that the role is taken on in a safe environment in which students are as inventive and playful as possible. In the role is experimenting with their knowledge of the real world and developing their ability to interact with other people".
Furthermore, activities of this kind let students develop and practise vocabulary in combination with other language skills such as grammar and speaking, and create the
motivation and involvement necessary for learning to occur. Teachers can prepare a range of situation, for example, Airport Enquiries, Shop role-play, ect. The students should work in pair, improvise a suitable dialogue to teach situation. Thus students will have less pressure and more willingness to participate. Moreover, it has certainly been noticed that even some shy learners are more talkative when playing role.
In short, in a communicative activity, teachers can choose one of the above techniques to have students to retain vocabulary. It depends on the nature of a communicative activity the teacher decides to choose. For example, to revise vocabulary, teachers can use list of synonyms or antonyms to be matched, sentences to be paraphrased, or just some words or expression in context to be substituted by synonymous expression, multiple choice and gap filling exercises to activate the vocabulary while students select the appropriate response.
Visual aids such as picture; photograph can be of great help with revision and can facilitate the consolidation of individual words as well as idioms, phrases and structures. Besides, there is a large of variety of word games that are useful for practising and revising vocabulary after it has been introduced.