Một phần của tài liệu Thiết kế tối ưu kết cấu khung bê tông cốt thép chịu tác dụng của động đất sử dụng thuật giải di truyền (Trang 75 - 82)




 Khảo sát bài toán với các thông số nhƣ sau:

Kích thước quần thể: 300

Số cá thể tinh chọn: 50

Tỷ lệ lai tạo: 0.6

Số thế hệ: 500

Hàm tỷ lệ tương thích: fitscalingrank

Hàm chọn lọc: selectiontournament

rp = 103

rp = 104

HVTH: Nguyễn Bá Khanh Page 72 MSHV: 12214060 rp = 105

rp = 106

HVTH: Nguyễn Bá Khanh Page 73 MSHV: 12214060

>> threebaysixstoryframeoptimization

Optimization terminated: average change in the fitness value less than options.TolFun.

The number of generations was : 362

The number of function evaluations was : 108900 The best function value found was : 18927.9 The best variation value found was : 0.301055 The best variation value found was : 0.451752 The best variation value found was : 0.300104 The best variation value found was : 0.451686 The best variation value found was : 0.300168 The best variation value found was : 0.453769 The best variation value found was : 0.300978 The best variation value found was : 0.300886 The best variation value found was : 0.300452 The best variation value found was : 0.304805 The best variation value found was : 0.300207 The best variation value found was : 0.300067 The best variation value found was : 0.300314 The best variation value found was : 0.300991 The best variation value found was : 0.00123455 The best variation value found was : 0.000780341 The best variation value found was : 0.00122153 The best variation value found was : 0.000777792 The best variation value found was : 0.00123728 The best variation value found was : 0.000765109 The best variation value found was : 0.00200035 The best variation value found was : 0.00201786 The best variation value found was : 0.00203667 The best variation value found was : 0.0019928

rp = 103

HVTH: Nguyễn Bá Khanh Page 74 MSHV: 12214060

>> threebaysixstoryframeoptimization

Optimization terminated: average change in the fitness value less than options.TolFun.

The number of generations was : 306

The number of function evaluations was : 92100 The best function value found was : 19021.2 The best variation value found was : 0.300519 The best variation value found was : 0.450432 The best variation value found was : 0.300323 The best variation value found was : 0.450031 The best variation value found was : 0.302511 The best variation value found was : 0.45033 The best variation value found was : 0.303761 The best variation value found was : 0.315456 The best variation value found was : 0.303849 The best variation value found was : 0.308146 The best variation value found was : 0.302204 The best variation value found was : 0.320214 The best variation value found was : 0.300194 The best variation value found was : 0.301008 The best variation value found was : 0.00129567 The best variation value found was : 0.000770252 The best variation value found was : 0.00127223 The best variation value found was : 0.000763253 The best variation value found was : 0.00130293 The best variation value found was : 0.000798912 The best variation value found was : 0.00198959 The best variation value found was : 0.00202445 The best variation value found was : 0.00203568 The best variation value found was : 0.00197825

rp = 104

HVTH: Nguyễn Bá Khanh Page 75 MSHV: 12214060

>> threebaysixstoryframeoptimization

Optimization terminated: average change in the fitness value less than options.TolFun.

The number of generations was : 375

The number of function evaluations was : 112800 The best function value found was : 19045.5 The best variation value found was : 0.300118 The best variation value found was : 0.450012 The best variation value found was : 0.300638 The best variation value found was : 0.450093 The best variation value found was : 0.300517 The best variation value found was : 0.45098 The best variation value found was : 0.307498 The best variation value found was : 0.324108 The best variation value found was : 0.300153 The best variation value found was : 0.303614 The best variation value found was : 0.307116 The best variation value found was : 0.319609 The best variation value found was : 0.301167 The best variation value found was : 0.300841 The best variation value found was : 0.00129365 The best variation value found was : 0.000761769 The best variation value found was : 0.00126607 The best variation value found was : 0.00076975 The best variation value found was : 0.00132626 The best variation value found was : 0.000770605 The best variation value found was : 0.00217932 The best variation value found was : 0.0020024 The best variation value found was : 0.00210891 The best variation value found was : 0.00199908

rp = 105

HVTH: Nguyễn Bá Khanh Page 76 MSHV: 12214060

>> threebaysixstoryframeoptimization

Optimization terminated: average change in the fitness value less than options.TolFun.

The number of generations was : 374

The number of function evaluations was : 112500 The best function value found was : 19229.1 The best variation value found was : 0.301535 The best variation value found was : 0.452881 The best variation value found was : 0.300269 The best variation value found was : 0.47363 The best variation value found was : 0.300474 The best variation value found was : 0.450967 The best variation value found was : 0.300713 The best variation value found was : 0.341903 The best variation value found was : 0.310516 The best variation value found was : 0.300444 The best variation value found was : 0.300714 The best variation value found was : 0.315233 The best variation value found was : 0.301153 The best variation value found was : 0.300705 The best variation value found was : 0.00127248 The best variation value found was : 0.000761112 The best variation value found was : 0.00119501 The best variation value found was : 0.000767766 The best variation value found was : 0.00133477 The best variation value found was : 0.000760292 The best variation value found was : 0.0022195 The best variation value found was : 0.0021299 The best variation value found was : 0.00213021 The best variation value found was : 0.00199512

rp = 106

HVTH: Nguyễn Bá Khanh Page 77 MSHV: 12214060

→ Qua khảo sát cho thấy ứng với từng bài toán cụ thể mà thông số phạt áp đặt đối với hàm phạt là khác nhau. Để tìm ra đƣợc thông số phạt phù hợp cho bài toán ta cần tiến hành thử nghiệm. Ta có thể tăng hoặc giảm thông số phạt để thu đƣợc lời giải tốt hơn với các ràng buộc đƣợc thỏa mãn.

Với bài toán nêu trên, chi phí tối ƣu nhất đƣợc tìm thấy ứng với thông số phạt rp = 104.

Một phần của tài liệu Thiết kế tối ưu kết cấu khung bê tông cốt thép chịu tác dụng của động đất sử dụng thuật giải di truyền (Trang 75 - 82)

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