Một phần của tài liệu The impact of consumer ethnocentrism, perceived quality and perceived price on willingness to buy local household products evide (Trang 52 - 62)



With the research result and the above assumption, we would like to suggest the following future researches which we think that it would bring more valuable information to investors:

- While this study investigated the impact of consumer ethnocentrism, perceived price and perceived quality on the willingness to buy of domestic household products in Ho Chi Minh City, it may also give rise to further research that is more product and city specific. For example, future research can test if these findings in this study are still correct in domestic clothing products, domestic pharmaceuticals and domestic fruits …And we can test if the impact of consumer ethnocentrism, perceived price and perceived quality on the willingness to buy domestic

household products will still correct in Hanoi City, DaNang City or even in other country.

- There are only two product categories (plastic and electric) that were investigated in this research. Therefore, in future research, other product categories, for example, luxury products, clothing products, agricultural products … should be examined.

- Due to the resource limitation, the sample collected in this research is not equally distributed and large enough for each group of consumers and this could affect the research result. Therefore, the next research can try to expand this research if it has enough resource to collect larger sample and distribute equally for each group of consumer.

- Finally, although this research addressed a variety of factors, there could be other factors which could have high impact on willingness to buy local household products of Vietnamese customer. So the future research should be motivated to include the effect of other important variables to current research model. For instance, in addition to perceived price, perceived quality and consumer ethnocentrism, other variables such as national brands, herd mentality, xenocentrism.. could be investigated.


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Một phần của tài liệu The impact of consumer ethnocentrism, perceived quality and perceived price on willingness to buy local household products evide (Trang 52 - 62)

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