Một phần của tài liệu (LUẬN văn THẠC sĩ) sàng lọc các chỉ thị phân tử SNP liên quan tới tính trạng tăng trưởng ở tôm sú (penaeus monodon) (Trang 56)

4.1 Kết luận:

- Đã giải mã đƣợc hệ phiên mã 4 mô: cơ, tim, gan tụy, gốc mắt.

- Lắp ráp đƣợc 69.089 unigene, trong đó 9068 unigene đƣợc chú giải dựa vào kết quả Blastx trên ngân hàng Nr-NCBI.Tìm đƣợc 302 unigene liên quan tới tính trạng trƣởng tôm sú.

- Sàng lọc đƣợc 484 marker SNP nằm trong những gen liên quan tới tính trạng tăng trƣởng tôm sú.

4.2 Kiến nghị:

Tiếp tục nghiên cứu sâu hơn các chỉ thị phân tử SNPliên quan đến tính tăng trƣởng, kháng bệnh, chịu mặn, sốc nhiệt, tính thành thục…của tôm sú ở những mô khác nhau ứng dụng cho công tác chọn giống, bảo tồn nguồn gen quý.

Tiếp tục nghiên cứu ứng dụng các marker SNP tìm đƣợc trong thiết kế chƣơng trình lai (genotyping) để tìm ra các tập hợp QTL (Quantitative trait locus) liên quan tới tính trạng tăng trƣởng, kháng bệnh,…để chọn ra giống tôm lý tƣởng.

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Phụ lục 1: Thống kê Unigene và tên geneliên quan tới tính trạng tăng trƣởng

STT Tên gen Tên unigene Tên chú giải


Alpha-amylase comp15623_c1_seq1 pancreatic alpha-amylase isoform x1

2 comp63628_c1_seq1 low quality protein: alpha-amylase 2b- like

3 comp96429_c1_seq1 alpha-amylase

4 comp176681_c1_seq1 alpha-amylase

5 Cyclophilin (Cyps) comp57402_c1_seq1 cyclophilin a

6 comp113178_c1_seq1 cyclophilin a

7 Cathepsin L comp114488_c1_seq1 calcitonin gene-related peptide type 1

receptor-like isoform x1 8 comp164633_c1_seq1 cathepsin l precursor

9 acid-binding comp73288_c1_seq1 fatty acid-binding liver

10 comp88152_c1_seq1 nuclear nucleic acid-binding protein c1d

11 Fibrillarin comp117040_c1_seq1 rrna 2 -o-methyltransferase fibrillarin-

like 12

Growth hormone and

insulin-like growth


comp118335_c3_seq1 growth hormone-inducible transmembrane protein

13 comp123509_c1_seq1 growth hormone-inducible

transmembrane protein

14 comp30688_c1_seq1 insulin-like growth factor-binding protein complex acid labile chain

15 comp32912_c1_seq1 insulin-like growth factor-binding protein complex acid labile subunit

16 comp109226_c1_seq2

sibd2_cupsa ame: full=single insulin-like growth factor-binding domain protein-2 short=sibd-2 flags: precursor

17 comp114545_c1_seq1 venom insulin-like growth factor binding protein-1

18 comp116546_c1_seq1 insulin-like growth factor-binding protein complex acid labile chain

19 Myostatin comp191706_c1_seq1 myostatin-like protein


Secreted protein acidic and rich in cysteine

comp120107_c1_seq1 secreted protein 21 comp121608_c1_seq1 secreted protein

22 comp33737_c1_seq1 cysteine-rich pdz-binding 23 comp45541_c1_seq1 cysteine-rich protein 2-binding 24 comp62937_c1_seq1 cysteine-rich secretory protein 2-like 25 comp71571_c1_seq1 cysteine-rich protein 2-binding protein 26 comp78289_c1_seq1 cysteine-rich motor neuron 1

27 comp97424_c1_seq1 cysteine-rich protein 1

28 comp98469_c1_seq1 glutaredoxin domain-containing cysteine-rich protein cg12206-like 29 comp111811_c1_seq1 cysteine-rich motor neuron 1


31 comp267296_c1_seq1 run domain beclin-1 interacting and cysteine-rich containing isoform x1

32 Translin-associated

factor X comp12731_c1_seq1 translin-associated protein x



comp32942_c1_seq1 actin ii

34 comp47973_c1_seq1 skeletal muscle actin 2

35 comp85513_c1_seq1 actin 1

36 comp116387_c1_seq1 actin binding protein 37 comp122266_c1_seq3 actin family protein

38 comp122558_c1_seq1 microtubule-actin cross-linking factor 1- like

39 comp241903_c1_seq1 adult-type muscle actin partial

40 Crustacean

hyperglycemic hormone

comp119900_c1_seq1 crustacean hyperglycemic hormone b 41 comp124035_c1_seq1 crustacean hyperglycemic hormone 2

precursor 42

Eyestalk factors comp118616_c1_seq1

cat eye syndrome critical region protein 5 homolog

43 comp123839_c1_seq7 eye-specific diacylglycerol kinase isoform x3

44 Moult inhibiting


comp28404_c1_seq1 molt-inhibiting hormone 45 comp80951_c1_seq1 molt-inhibiting hormone 46 comp122720_c2_seq1 molt-inhibiting hormone

47 Methyl farnesoate and

farneosoic acid O-


comp95412_c1_seq2 farnesoic acid o-methyltransferase 48 comp116095_c1_seq2 farnesoic acid o-methyltransferase

49 Heat shock proteins comp13967_c1_seq1 heat shock protein 70

50 comp20499_c1_seq1 heat shock protein 70 51 comp31807_c1_seq1 heat shock protein 70 52 comp36461_c1_seq1 heat shock protein 67b2

53 comp52806_c1_seq1 heat shock protein hsp 90-alpha 54 comp57723_c1_seq1 heat shock protein 21

55 comp61357_c1_seq2 heat shock protein

56 comp82744_c1_seq1 heat shock protein 75 mitochondrial 57 comp84125_c1_seq1 heat shock protein 70

58 comp85601_c1_seq1 chaperone heat shock protein 59 comp93335_c1_seq1 heat shock protein 70

60 comp95589_c1_seq1 heat shock protein 67b2 61 comp98543_c1_seq1 heat shock protein 90

62 comp107001_c2_seq1 activator of 90 kda heat shock protein atpase homolog 1-like

63 comp112243_c1_seq1 heat shock protein 67b2 64 comp114286_c1_seq1 heat shock protein 70 kda 65 comp114338_c1_seq1 heat shock protein

66 comp118194_c1_seq1 heat shock protein 70 67 comp118441_c1_seq2 heat shock protein 90 68 comp118594_c1_seq2 heat shock protein 70

69 comp119070_c1_seq1 heat shock protein family member 70 comp119175_c1_seq1 heat shock protein

71 comp120039_c1_seq1 heat shock protein 67b2 72 comp121200_c1_seq1 heat shock protein 40 73 comp121226_c1_seq3 heat shock protein 67b2

74 comp122797_c1_seq2 heat shock protein hsp 90-alpha 75 comp122797_c2_seq1 heat shock protein 90

76 comp122797_c3_seq1 heat shock protein 90 77 comp123439_c1_seq1 heat shock protein 60 78 comp123446_c1_seq1 heat shock protein homolog 79 comp123601_c1_seq1 heat shock protein 21 80 comp123747_c1_seq2 heat shock protein 21 81 comp123787_c1_seq1 heat shock protein 21 82 comp123862_c1_seq1 heat shock protein 70 83 comp123929_c2_seq1 heat shock protein 21

84 comp123950_c1_seq1 heat shock protein hsp20 domain containing protein

85 comp123966_c1_seq1 heat shock protein 21 86 comp123989_c1_seq2 heat shock protein 1 87 comp124002_c1_seq1 heat shock protein 21 88 comp260641_c1_seq1 heat shock protein partial

89 Myosin heavy chain comp715_c1_seq1 muscle myosin heavy chain

90 comp1506_c1_seq1 myosin heavy chain isoform 3 91 comp4676_c1_seq1 myosin heavy chain type 1

92 comp12416_c1_seq1 myosin heavy chain

93 comp15600_c1_seq1 myosin heavy chain

94 comp16529_c1_seq1 myosin heavy chain

95 comp16565_c1_seq1 muscle myosin heavy chain 96 comp21994_c1_seq1 myosin heavy chain type partial 97 comp34877_c1_seq1 myosin heavy chain type 1 98 comp37223_c1_seq1 myosin heavy chain type 1 99 comp47868_c1_seq1 myosin heavy chain type 1 100 comp57021_c1_seq1 myosin heavy chain type 2 101 comp62146_c1_seq1 myosin heavy chain 102 comp62146_c2_seq1 myosin heavy chain 103 comp63378_c1_seq1 myosin heavy chain 104 comp63378_c2_seq1 myosin heavy chain 105 comp63643_c1_seq1 myosin heavy chain type 2 106 comp66204_c1_seq1 myosin heavy chain type partial 107 comp90777_c1_seq1 myosin heavy chain type 1

108 comp90777_c2_seq1 muscle myosin heavy chain 109 comp101975_c1_seq1 myosin heavy chain

110 comp105956_c1_seq1 myosin heavy chain 111 comp107668_c1_seq1 myosin heavy chain 112 comp107668_c2_seq1 myosin heavy chain 113 comp107668_c3_seq1 myosin heavy chain 114 comp117625_c1_seq1 myosin heavy chain type 1 115 comp123891_c1_seq1 muscle myosin heavy chain 116 comp123891_c2_seq2 myosin heavy chain type 1 117 comp128085_c1_seq1 myosin heavy chain type 1 118 comp145379_c1_seq1 myosin heavy chain 119 comp175770_c1_seq1 myosin heavy chain 120 comp177521_c1_seq1 myosin heavy chain 121 comp203790_c1_seq1 myosin heavy chain type 2 122 comp204875_c1_seq1 myosin heavy chain type 2 123 comp232119_c1_seq1 myosin heavy chain 124 comp232896_c1_seq1 myosin heavy chain type 1 125 comp254509_c1_seq1 myosin heavy chain

126 comp254870_c1_seq1 muscle myosin heavy chain 127 comp257475_c1_seq1 myosin heavy chain

128 comp257492_c1_seq1 myosin heavy chain

129 comp258650_c1_seq1 muscle myosin heavy chain 130 comp270705_c1_seq1 myosin heavy chain type 1 131 comp271308_c1_seq1 myosin heavy chain type 1

132 Ubiquitin comp7014_c1_seq1 e3 ubiquitin-protein ligase rnf181-like

133 comp13726_c1_seq1 e3 ubiquitin-protein ligase ubr5 isoform x3

134 comp15567_c1_seq1 e3 ubiquitin-protein ligase huwe1

135 comp17358_c1_seq1 mitochondrial ubiquitin ligase activator of nfkb 1-like

136 comp23846_c1_seq1 ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme e2 w-like 137 comp26598_c1_seq1 small ubiquitin-related modifier-like 138 comp32018_c1_seq1 ubiquitin-like protein 5-like

139 comp32202_c1_seq1 ubiquitin ribosomal protein s30e fusion protein

140 comp33826_c1_seq1 ubiquitin fusion degradation protein 1 homolog

141 comp37685_c1_seq1 e3 ubiquitin-protein ligase ubr4-like 142 comp43134_c1_seq1 ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase 7 143 comp56890_c1_seq1 ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme e2q-like

protein cg4502-like

144 comp57708_c1_seq1 e3 ubiquitin-protein ligase shprh-like 145 comp57744_c1_seq1 e3 ubiquitin-protein ligase ccnb1ip1 146 comp58438_c1_seq1 ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase

147 comp59311_c1_seq1 ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase 10 148 comp60012_c1_seq1 ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme e2 c 149 comp60977_c1_seq1 e3 ubiquitin-protein ligase rnf13-like 150 comp61204_c1_seq2 ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme e2 g1 151 comp61654_c1_seq2 e3 ubiquitin-protein ligase trim37

152 comp62266_c1_seq1 ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase 31-like

153 comp62277_c1_seq1 e3 ubiquitin-protein ligase trim37-like isoform x2

154 comp62739_c1_seq1 low quality protein: polyubiquitin-b-like 155 comp65884_c1_seq1 ubiquitin-protein ligase e3c

156 comp75415_c1_seq1 ubiquitin-associated domain-containing protein 2

157 comp75939_c1_seq1 e3 ubiquitin-protein ligase huwe1 158 comp76400_c1_seq1 e3 ubiquitin-protein ligase rbnt6 159 comp80112_c1_seq1 e3 ubiquitin-protein ligase partial 160 comp80420_c1_seq1 ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase 7 161 comp80420_c2_seq1 ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase 7-


162 comp81298_c1_seq1 ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme e2 r2 163 comp81314_c1_seq1 ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase 2-

like isoform x2

164 comp81749_c1_seq1 ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase 24 165 comp81879_c1_seq1 e3 ubiquitin-protein ligase amfr-like 166 comp82601_c1_seq1 e3 ubiquitin-protein ligase bre1-like 167 comp85120_c1_seq1 e3 ubiquitin protein ligase

168 comp85631_c1_seq1

homocysteine-responsive endoplasmic reticulum-resident ubiquitin-like domain member 2 protein

169 comp88875_c1_seq2 e3 ubiquitin-protein ligase znrf1

170 comp88962_c1_seq1

homocysteine-responsive endoplasmic reticulum-resident ubiquitin-like domain member 2 protein

171 comp90050_c1_seq1 ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase 24 isoform x1

172 comp90354_c1_seq1 ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme e2 d2 173 comp90442_c1_seq1 e3 ubiquitin-protein ligase mib2 174 comp90555_c1_seq1 e3 ubiquitin-protein ligase sinat5-like 175 comp90785_c1_seq1 ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme e2 t 176 comp91221_c1_seq1 ubiquitin-40s ribosomal protein s27a 177 comp91275_c1_seq1 nedd4-like e3 ubiquitin-protein ligase


178 comp91859_c1_seq1 probable e3 ubiquitin-protein ligase herc4 isoform x2

179 comp92184_c1_seq1 mitochondrial ubiquitin ligase activator of nfkb 1

protein 2

181 comp94903_c1_seq1 ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme e2 l3 182 comp95238_c1_seq1 ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme e2-17 kda

isoform x1

183 comp95325_c1_seq1 e3 ubiquitin-protein ligase rnf123

184 comp95380_c1_seq1 probable e3 ubiquitin-protein ligase herc4 isoform x2

185 comp96069_c1_seq2 ubiquitin protein ligase

186 comp96200_c1_seq1 e3 ubiquitin-protein ligase huwe1

187 comp97626_c1_seq1 ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme e2 variant 2

188 comp97840_c1_seq1 ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase isozyme l5

189 comp99601_c1_seq1 e3 ubiquitin-protein ligase hectd1 190 comp99899_c1_seq1 e3 ubiquitin-protein ligase ubr7 191 comp99975_c1_seq1 ubiquitin-related modifier 1 homolog 192 comp100060_c1_seq2 low quality protein: e3 ubiquitin-protein

ligase ubr4

193 comp100766_c1_seq1 e3 ubiquitin-protein ligase trim32 194 comp102774_c1_seq1 proteasomal ubiquitin receptor adrm1 195 comp103258_c1_seq1 ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase


196 comp103345_c1_seq1 probable e3 ubiquitin-protein ligase rnf144a-like

197 comp104092_c1_seq1 probable e3 ubiquitin-protein ligase herc6 isoform x2

198 comp105689_c1_seq1 ubiquitin-like protein 7

199 comp106094_c2_seq1 ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase 32 200 comp106240_c1_seq2 goliath e3 ubiquitin ligase

201 comp106390_c1_seq1 e3 ubiquitin-protein ligase partial

202 comp107350_c1_seq1 ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme family protein

203 comp107660_c1_seq1 e3 ubiquitin-protein ligase partial 204 comp107807_c1_seq1 e3 ubiquitin-protein ligase su 205 comp107972_c1_seq4 e3 ubiquitin-protein ligase rnf185 206 comp107985_c1_seq1 ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme e2 d4 207 comp107985_c2_seq1 ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme e2 d2b-


208 comp108802_c1_seq1 e3 ubiquitin-protein ligase xiap 209 comp108818_c1_seq4 e3 ubiquitin-protein ligase huwe1 210 comp109693_c1_seq1 e3 ubiquitin-protein ligase partial 211 comp110472_c1_seq2 ubiquitin thioesterase otubain-like 212 comp111756_c1_seq1 ubiquitin-like-conjugating enzyme atg3 213 comp112927_c1_seq1 ubiquitin domain-containing protein 1 214 comp113006_c1_seq1 e3 ubiquitin-protein ligase rnf182-like 215 comp113207_c1_seq1 ubiquitin-associated protein 2 isoform x4

Một phần của tài liệu (LUẬN văn THẠC sĩ) sàng lọc các chỉ thị phân tử SNP liên quan tới tính trạng tăng trưởng ở tôm sú (penaeus monodon) (Trang 56)

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