Period 26 Liờn t? (linking verb)

Một phần của tài liệu Bồi dưỡng Anh 8 (Trang 55 - 59)

III. Give the correct tenses of the verbs in brackets:

Period 26 Liờn t? (linking verb)

Cú m?t nhúm cỏc d?ng t? d?c bi?t cú ch?c nang n?i gi?a ch? ng? và v? ng? tớnh t?. Khụng gi?ng cỏc d?ng t? khỏc, chỳng khụng th? hi?n hành d?ng. Do v?y chỳng du?c b? nghia b?i tớnh t? ch? khụng ph?i phú t?. Ngu?i ta g?i chỳng là liờn t? (linking verb). éú là nh?ng d?ng t? ? b?ng sau:

be appear feel

become seem look

remain sound smell

stay taste

Mary feels bad about her test grade. Children become tired quite easily. Lucy looks radiant in her new dress. They were sorry to see us leave. The flower smell sweet.

Liờn t? cú cỏc tớnh ch?t:

• Khụng di?n d?t hành d?ng mà di?n d?t tr?ng thỏi ho?c b?n ch?t s? vi?c.

• é?ng sau chỳng ph?i là tớnh t? ch? khụng ph?i là phú t?.

• Khụng du?c chia ? th? ti?p di?n dự du?i b?t c? th?i nào.

Be, become, remain cũn cú th? d?ng tru?c m?t c?m danh t? ch? khụng ch? tớnh t?:

They remained sad even though I tried to cheer them up. (adjective) He remained chairman of the board despite the opposition. (noun) Children often become bored at the meetings. (adjective)

She become class president after a long campaign. (noun) Mary will be happy when she hears the good news. (adjective) Ted will be a bridegroom this year. (noun)

Feel, look, smelltaste cung cú th? là ngo?i d?ng t? khi nú cú tõn ng? tr? ti?p. Trong tru?ng h?p dú, nú tr? thành m?t d?ng t? mụ t? hành d?ng th?c s? ch?

khụng cũn là m?t linking verb và do dú nú du?c b? nghia b?i phú t? ch? khụng ph? i tớnh t?. Chỳng du?c phộp chia ? thỡ ti?p di?n. Nghiờn c?u cỏc vớ d? sau:

The doctor felt the leg carefully to see if there were any broken bones. object adverb

Mike felt happy after passing his law school exam. adjective

Professor Bob looked at the experiment happily. object adverb

You do not look happy today. adjective

The lady is smelling the flowers gingerly. object adverb

After being closed up for so long, the house smells musty. adjective

The chef tasted the meat cautiously before prenting it to the king. object adverb

The cake tastes delicious.


18. Cỏc d?ng so sỏnh c?a tớnh t? và phú t?

So sỏnh ngang b?ng

C?u trỳc s? d?ng là as .... as

S + V + as + {adj/ adv} + as + {noun/ pronoun} My book is as interesting as yours.

His car runs as fast as a race car. John sings as well as his sister. Their house is as big as that one. His job is not as difficult as mine. They are as lucky as we.

N?u là cõu ph? d?nh, as th? nh?t cú th? thay b?ng so. He is not as tall as his father.

He is not so tall as his father. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});

Sau as ph?i là m?t d?i t? nhõn xung ch? ng?, khụng du?c là m?t d?i t? tõn ng?. Peter is as tall as I. (éÚNG)

Peter is as tall as me. (SAI)

Danh t? cung cú th? du?c dựng d? so sỏnh, nhung nờn nh? tru?c khi so sỏnh ph?i d?m b?o r?ng danh t? dú ph?i cú cỏc tớnh t? tuong duong.

adjectives nouns

heavy, light weight wide, narrow width deep,


depth long, short length big, small size

S + V + the same + (noun) + as + {noun/ pronoun} My house is as high as his.

My house is the same height as his.

Chỳ ý r?ng ngu?c nghia v?i the same...asdifferent from... Khụng bao gi? dựng

different than. Sau dõy là m?t s? vớ d? khỏc v? so sỏnh b?ng danh t?. These trees are the same as those.

He speaks the same language as she. Her address is the same as Rita’s. Their teacher is different from ours.

She takes the same course as her husband.

So sỏnh hon kộm

Trong lo?i so sỏnh này ngu?i ta chia làm hai d?ng: tớnh t? và phú t? ng?n (ch? cú m?t ho?c hai õm ti?t khi phỏt õm) và tớnh t?, phú t? dài (3 õm ti?t tr? lờn). Khi so sỏnh khụng ngang b?ng:

• é?i v?i tớnh t? và phú t? ng?n ch? c?n c?ng duụi -er. (thick – thicker; cold- colder; quiet-quieter)

• é?i v?i tớnh t? ng?n cú m?t ph? õm t?n cựng (tr? w,x,z) và tru?c dú là m?t nguyờn õm, ph?i g?p dụi ph? õm cu?i. (big-bigger; red-redder; hot-hotter)

• é?i v?i tớnh t?, phú t? dài, thờm more ho?c less tru?c tớnh t? ho?c phú t? dú (more beautiful; more important; more believable).

• é?i v?i tớnh t? t?n cựng là ph? õm+y, ph?i d?i y thành -ier (happy→happier; dry→drier; pretty→prettier).

• é?i v?i cỏc tớnh t? cú h?u t? -ed, -ful, -ing, -ish, -ous cung bi?n d?i b?ng cỏch thờm more cho dự chỳng là tớnh t? dài hay ng?n (more useful, more boring, more cautious)

• Tru?ng h?p d?c bi?t: strong→stronger; friendly→friendlier than = more friendly than.

Chỳ ý khi dĩ dựng more thỡ khụng dựng h?u t? -er và ngu?c l?i. Cỏc vớ d? sau là SAI:

more prettier, more faster, more better

* Chỳ ý:

1. Ch? m?t s? phú t? là cú duụi –er, bao g?m: faster, quicker, sooner, latter. 2. Nh? dựng d?ng th?c ch? ng? c?a d?i t? sau than, khụng du?c dựng d?ng

tõn ng?.

Vớ d? v? so sỏnh khụng ngang b?ng:

John’s grades are higher than his sister’s. Today is hotter than yesterday.

This chair is more comfortable than the other.

He speaks Spanish more fluently than I. (khụng dựng than me) He visits his family less frequently than she does. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});

This year’s exhibit is less impressive than last year’s.

So sỏnh khụng ngang b?ng cú th? du?c nh?n m?nh b?ng cỏch thờm much ho?c far tru?c c?m t? so sỏnh.

A waterlemon is much sweeter than a a lemon. His car is far better than yours.

Henry’s watch is far more expensive than mine.

That movie we saw last night was much more interesting than the one on TV.

She dances much more artistically than her predecessor. He speaks English much more rapidly than he does Spanish.

Preparing date : Teaching date:

Một phần của tài liệu Bồi dưỡng Anh 8 (Trang 55 - 59)