Phương ỏn tổ chức lao động

Một phần của tài liệu DỰ án lò đốt rác PHÁT điện (Trang 97)

Bảng 4.2 Số cỏn bộ cụng nhõn viờn cần thiết trong nhà mỏy:

Vị trớ Số lượng Trỡnh độ

Giỏm đốc 1 Kỹ sư

Trợ lý giỏm đốc 2 Kỹ sư/NV kinh doanh

Trưởng ca 5 Cụng nhõn cú đào

tạo/quản đốc

Quản đốc phõn xưởng 5 Thợ đốt lũ

Thợ điều khiển cẩu trục 5 Cụng nhõn chưa đào tạo Cụng nhõn thỏo tro đỏy 10 Cụng nhõn chưa đào tạo Kiểm tra và điều khiển tại

chỗ 10 Cụng nhõn chưa đào tạo

Phụ trỏch tiếp nhận / cõn rỏc 10 Cụng nhõn cú đào tạo Phụ trỏch bể chứa rỏc 3 Cụng nhõn chưa đào tạo


Bảo vệ 6 -

Thợ điện 7 Cụng nhõn cú đào tạo

Thợ cơ khớ 8 Cụng nhõn cú đào tạo

Cỏn bộ phũng thớ nghiệm 2 Kỹ sư húa

Hành chớnh 4 Thư ký / Văn thư

Tổng cộng 80

Số lượng lao động trong nhà mỏy là tương đối ớt do nhà mỏy được tự động húa ở mức tối đa. Tuy vậy trừ vị trớ lao động đơn giản, cỏc lao động trong nhà mỏy phải cú trỡnh độ cơ bản và được đào tạo bài bản. Cỏc vị trớ quản lý yờu cầu phải cú trỡnh độ học vấn cao, cú khả năng ứng phú với những tỡnh huống bất ngờ cú thể xảy ra trong quỏ trỡnh hoạt động sản xuất.


CHAPTER 5 – PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION PROGRESS 5.1 Deploying progress of technology transfer contract

Technical technology contract shall specify the content of technology transfer between equipment suppliers and investors. Under this contract,

equipment supplier providing the technical technology document, drawings, the basic specifications of technology for investors to establish economic and

technical projects, conduct procedures to implement the project. When the project is evaluated and approved by the authorized levels, equipment supplier will be conducting the training for key engineers and provide the details of equipment used in the project.

Besides that, the technology transfer contract also shall specify the responsibilities and obligations of the parties in the implementation process of plant construction. According to the stipulated schedule in the signed contract between investors and equipment suppliers, investors have made of financial obligations for the payment of the contract value of technology transfer is 1.9 million Frank to supplier.

Plan for implementing technology transfer contract:

• Sign technical contract 15/12/2009

• Update entire equipment list 01/2010

• Evaluate waste composition and heat value


• Equipment quotation 03-06/2010

• Provide preliminary design drawings for the plant


• Finalizing the preliminary design drawings of factory


• Train investor’s engineers 09/2010

• Making design detail, technical requirement for:

o Turbine and generator 06-09/2010


o Other equipment 06-09/2010

Technology and equipment supplier, Von Roll Inova, will undertake the design and provide engineering drawings of the project which is incinerator to generate power and flue gas cleaning system. Other supporting works such as office buildings, warehouses, water treatment areas and the entire infrastructure will be made by consultants of Viet Nam in charge.

Stage design infrastructure will be deployed as soon as investors receive adequate design documents from Von Roll Inova. Infrastructure and support facilities design duration is expected to be 2 months.

Vietnam contractors consultants will also undertake additional repairs (if necessary) and implement working drawings from the structural design of Von Roll Inova. This work is expected to be conducted in parallel with receiving the design documents from foreign consultants. Design work will be conducted within four months after the equipment purchase contract is signed.

All package design and construction will be public tender to find a qualified contractor to ensure quality as well as progress of works.

5.2 The plan for equipment procurement and equipment supply contract

In order to save costs for the project and encourages the production of domestic mechanical industry, investors and Vinh Phuc People’s Committee agreed on the point of localization at the allowed maximum but still comply with stringent technical and quality requirements of the Switzerland. The number of structures and details of domestic production is expected to reach 30% for technological lines and 50% of the entire project. The localization rate with a specific list of equipment will be imported from abroad and a list of equipment localization can be defined in detail equipment supply contract to be signed with suppliers.

The items which is not able to localize is the high-tech equipment, requires a modern production line, high precision, high qualification manpower which Vietnam can not afford. These devices often play a pivotal role, is crucial in all treatment systems such as incinerator, boiler systems, heat exchangers, turbine generators, flu gas treatment systems, automatic control system and automatic control hydraulics.

The items do not require a high level of production, such as piping, mechanical equipment does not require high accurate production process and


durability of special materials, bracket frame and simple mechanical equipment will be produced in Vietnam relying on design of Von Roll Inova. To ensure product quality, these parts will be closely monitored by investors and foreign consulting units. Besides that, the structure of the work will be taken by the Vietnamese contractor under the supervision of consultants from Von Roll Inova.

With the selection of Vietnamese contractor to provide equipment following design of Von Roll Inova, the cost of the project can be reduced to 50% over plan of "turnkey" for imported machinery and equipment 100% from abroad. Despite, the quality of the work still ensure compliance with standards due to the strictly technical supervision of Von Roll Inova.

5.3 Project implementation progress:

Plan for implementing project:

- Sign equipment procurement contract

- Complete technical design

- Grading and selecting contractor

- Start of construction

- First delivery from equipment supplier

- Secon delivery - Final delivery - Inauguration of works 12/2010 04/2011 05/2011 06/2011 02/2012 10/2012 02/2013 06/2013



Consider the environmental impact of the plant in order to:

Properly recognize the impact on the environment in both positive and negative aspects on the basis of identifying, analyzing and forecasting the immediate and long term impact due to the operation of the project caused to natural resources and environmental quality of human life around the project area.

Devise solutions to prevent and limit negative impacts on the environment effectively on both technical and economic. This review is scientific data to support the development activities of the project later.

6.1 Environmental impact evaluation and solutions:6.1.1 The source of impact: 6.1.1 The source of impact: The source of dust and exhaust: The construction stage:

In the course of construction projects, the sources of pollution depends on the categories of construction and equipment installation including:

• Building works.

• Installation of all devices system.

• Develop infrastructure system: Airport road, transmission lines and transformer stations, water supply systems, wastewater treatment systems. Construction process will have the means and construction machinery involved. Also the number of vehicles transporting construction materials to plant increase density and traffic in the area. These devices, when operating will cause the impact on air environment.

• Environmental air pollution by dust, sand.

• Pollution caused by exhaust, noise or vibration from the vehicles out -in the project area.

• Pollution caused by exhaust, noise or vibrations caused by the construction of motor vehicles.

Characteristics of air pollution of construction means on the construction project including SOx, NOx, CO, CO2, HC, noise and vibration.


Traffic pollution levels depend on the quality of roads, vehicle density, vehicle traffic, and fuel used.

Project operation stage:

During project operation phase, the source of emissions causing air pollution arising mainly from the initial stage of waste handling and exhaust from incinerator systems.

This emission source with the elements of pollution such as dust, carbon monoxide, SO2, HCl, NOx, some substances produced during combustion of chlorine containing such as dioxin, furans ..., these emissions affect human health, crop yields and livestock.

Exhaust pollution levels depend on component of waste, waste combustion technologies and fuel. Pollutant loads were calculated based on material balance and heat balance of the into-out flow of incenerator.

Also have to mention the amount of dust due to transportation carry waste and fuel into the plant. The source of waste water: The construction stage:

During the construction phase of projects, waste water arises mainly from the process of cooling equipment, waste water of construction workers on site.

• Waste water from the construction process, cooling equipment, installation of machinery and equipment that contain more sediment, construction materials, oil ....

• Waste water of construction workers that contain various organic substances, suspended matter, sediment and microorganisms ...

Load of pollutants discharged into the environment (if no solutions) is presented in the following table:

Bảng 6.1: Loads of polluted substance in waste water

Order Substances Average coefficient


Average loads


1 BOD5 49,5 2,475

CHAPTER 6 – EVALUATION ON ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT AND SOLUTION FOR FIRE PREVENTION 3 SS 107,5 5,375 4 Vegetable oil 20 1 5 Total N 9 0,45 6 Total P 2,4 0,12 7 Amoni 3,6 0,18

For waste water from construction process such as washing water of raw materials, sanitation water for equipment… cause pollution of water environment in the project area.

Bảng 6.2: Concentration of polluted substances in construction waste water

Order Substance Unit Waste water Viet Nam’s standard 24:2009/BTNMT 1 pH - 6,99 5,5-9 2 TSS mg/l 663 100 3 BOD5 mg/l 640,9 80 4 COD mg/l 429.29 50 5 Ion amoni mg/l 9,6 10 6 Total N mg/l 49,27 30 7 Total P mg/l 4,25 6 8 Fe mg/l 0,72 5 9 Zn mg/l 0,004 3 10 Pb mg/l 0,055 0,5 11 As mg/l 0,305 0,1 12 Oil mg/l 0,02 5 13 coliform mg/l 53.104 5000


(Source: Trần Hiếu Nhuệ, Cấp thoỏt nước, NXB KHKT, 1996)

Analysis results from table above shows some indicators of waste water pollution in the construction phase of the project within the limit permitted under Viet Nam’s standard 24:2009 / BTNMT for industrial waste water discharged into the source of type B(irrigation canal). Only indicators such as suspended solids greater than 6.6 times the permitted limit, BOD5 was 8.6 times and coliform was 108 times.

Project operation stage:

The first polluted source of waste water when project came into operation as a source of waste water generated from the stage of collecting garbage before putting into the incinerator, in addition, there are other sources of waste water such as:

• Water waste from waste inorganic landfills and slag ash after burning; • Water of cleaning plant, cleaning equipment and machinery;

• Waste water of staff and workers of the factory;

• Boiler water, this water is recycled should not arise waste water;

• Water used for flue gas treatment process, this water is used with a small enough and evaporate off in the process should not produce waste water. The source of solid waste The construction stage

Solid waste generated during construction is the kind of brick and stone, cement, steel and wood in the process of construction and finishing works, installation of machinery, equipment and daily activities waste of workers on site. Average volume was 0.6 kg / person/day. Some of these waste can collect to be used for other purposes, while the useless solid waste is collected and transported for burial.

Activities solid waste of staffs and factory workers are mainly organic waste biodegradable.

Solid waste arising from construction activities mainly are concrete slabs, damage construction material. The waste is not causing the smell, can re-use or sell them,so the impact to the environment is negligible.


During this period also generated hazardous waste such as cloth, oil tanks in the process of repair and maintenance of machinery, construction equipment, if it is not collected, it will pollute water environment in the area.

Project operation stage:

Solid waste from activities of factory’s staff.

Production solid waste mainly consists of slag ash after burning waste and the large inorganic waste part were removed by workers before loading garbage into the incinerator, such as brick and stone, the items are large. There is also a quantity of sludge generated from waste water treatment systems and solid waste like CaCO3, CaSO4, activated carbon after adsorption saturation arising from flue gas treatment system. The source of noise and vibration:

In the course of project construction, noise caused mainly by construction machinery, the vehicles on site and the collision of the machinery, materials of metal, machine concrete piles pressure etc. The major source of vibration at this stage is the operation of construction machinery.

Bảng 6.3: Noise generated from construction machinery

Order Machinery - Equipment Noise at 15m away from, dBA

Regulation of American public service company,


1 Pile machine 90-104 95

2 Steam hammer and drill 76-99 75

3 Trucks 70-96 75

4 Crane machine 72-96 75

5 Roller 72-88 75

6 Tractors 73-96 75

7 Land leveling machine 77-95 75-80

8 Car cover asphalt 82-92 80


10 Generator 70-82 75

11 Vibrator 70-80 75

(Source: Federal Road Administration US) The source of heat pollution:

The operation of incinerators is generally caused high temperature due to the waste combustion technology. The total amount of heat is very large lead to the ambient temperature increases, affecting the respiration of human beings and adversely affect to health and labor productivity. High temperatures will cause physiological changes in the human body, such as loss of sweating as well as the loss of mineral salts.


6.1.2 Evaluation of environmental impact in construction stage:

Process of construction will increase the density of transport of construction materials, machinery, construction equipment, construction worker, installation of machinery and technological equipment. Without a scientific plan, then these activities will cause adverse impacts on the surrounding environment. Vehicle density will increase dust pollution, noise, heat and causes of occupational accidents. The main impacts during construction include:

• The impact of dust, sand during transportation and construction. • Impact of pollution caused by noise and vibration from construction machinery.

• Impact of pollution caused by waste water of construction workers. • Impact of rain water runoff from the project area. • Impact of pollution caused by solid wastes from construction activities. • Impact due to flooding in the project area.

Generally in the construction phase created many negative impacts on the environment, health of workers and residents around the project area, the largest impact are dust and noise pollution. The impact to air environment:

Sources of air pollution during the construction are dust, soil, rock, and slightly toxic gases such as CO, CO2, NOx, SO2, CxHy ... arising from operation of construction machines such as: pile machinery, bulldozer, compactor, excavator, cranes, concrete mixer trucks from other types. There are also welding smoke, metal vapor, steam and toxic gases arising from welding, cutting metal. The harmful effects of air pollutants as follows:


This stage, the soil and dust can be seen as the main factors. Dust arising from making base, making roads, building water supply, power supply system. Dust arising is fluctuations, changes in wind direction and wind speed, temperature and humidity.Generally, the amount of dust generated during this period is high on most aspects of the project, especially in the dry and windy days.

Durring construction, the sources of dust are following:

• Dust generated from land leveling process

• Dust generated from transportation and unload process

• Dust generated from construction material storage and assembly


In the course of construction, sources of air pollution are emissions from the welding processes, metal cutting, operation of construction machines and transportation vehicles:

• Emissions from motor vehicles: Stage of building infrastructure have to use trucks to transport sand and stone materials. When operating, the transport vehicle with fuel consumption mainly are petrol and diesel will emit a large amount of flue gases, containing waste making air pollution such as CxHy, NO2, CO, SO2. Levels emissions of pollutants depends on many factors such as air temperature, vehicle speed, a trip length etc.

• Flue gas with a little oil, solvents arising from petroleum storage areas, painted in the project area.

• Emissions from construction machines: Similar to other means of transportation, the construction machinery use also fuel (mainly diesel), so it arises substances of environmental contaminants such as: Dust, CxHy, NO2, CO, SO2. However, differentiation from the transportation, construction machines have narrower scope to move, so the gas is dispersed in narrower area.

• From welding stages: In the steel structures, chemical contain welding smoke and generate fires and containing hazardous substances (mostly CO, NOx) are likely to cause environmental pollution and affect to health workers.

• Emissions from the waste storage of workers: During construction stage, workers at construction sites generate large amounts of waste. Because waste contain large amounts of biodegradable organic, so in these parts, it can generate a large amount of gas such as H2S, CH4, metylmecaptan. Besides that, in the public toilets area is also generated gas.

Impact of noise and vibration:

During the construction phase of infrastructure, beside the air pollutants have listed above, also polluted by noise and vibration.Noise and vibration arise

Một phần của tài liệu DỰ án lò đốt rác PHÁT điện (Trang 97)

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